I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 179: Turn defeat into victory

“Captain, what shall we do?” The sailor on Yan Dong nervously looked.

Hutchison’s look was also very tangled at the moment. The Vinda not far away took three waves of bombardment before turning around and charging. The hull was severely damaged, and it was obviously already at the end of the crossbow. However, the opposite side was not trimmed. Instead, after turning around, he rushed to this side and put on a jade-burning posture.

On the other side, Jackdaw also solved the invaders who climbed up from the side of the ship, and prepared to come to assist Vinda, so Hutchison hesitated and finally issued an order to retreat.

The Falcon Crow chased for a while, trying to use the bow gun to attack the Yan Dong, but they were avoided by Hutchinson’s coquettish operations.

Annie still wanted to chase down the Yan Dong to settle accounts, but was stopped by Difraina. Although the Jackdaw’s firepower had an advantage, there were too few crew members on the ship, leaving only more than 20 people. The gunners were incomplete, and they couldn’t fully exert their own firepower advantages.

Further chasing is likely to attract the counterattack of Yan Dong, so Jackdaw turned after a while and turned the bow. Hutchison watched the returning Jackdaw heart bleeding, this time they suffered too much. Originally, I wanted to use the advantages of the two ships to swallow the loot on the Veda and the Spear of the Goddess, and became famous in this battle and entered the ranks of top pirates.

But I did not expect that stealing chickens would not counter-etch the rice. Not only did I not get anything, but I lost a boat and lost half of my manpower.

Perhaps the only thing worth consoling is that his Harsh Winter was not much damaged in the previous battle, so he did move the idea of ​​taking Jackdaw down to make up for the loss, but the other party did not continue to follow up, so Yan Winter also Can only leave ashamed.

战斗 This battle is coming and going fast. Although the process in the middle is thrilling and tortuous, it only took less than twenty minutes from the start of the severe winter to the Vida to escape from the former.

The situation of the Veida was a little more serious than Hutchison’s judgment. The water leakage in the bottom cabin was very serious. Although the carpenter had been repairing it, the seawater had spread to the knees of the paddling pirates. The black helmsman’s U-turn had only been done. In fact, with the current status of the Veida, it is impossible to conduct a second round of combat.

The Frost Winter had organized repairs before it left Vida completely, including the black helmsman Eric, all mobilized, and found everything on hand to block the hole in the ship, while others were Pumped up the stagnant water on the bottom of the ship with a water pump. After working for a long time, I finally controlled the situation so that the drainage speed exceeded the water inlet speed.

这 At this time, the black prince Sam on the Spear of the Goddess also took stock of the goods. The anti-water of the Yan Dong made the distribution easier, and now the two sides need to divide equally.

With a little apology on his face, he said, “Thank you for your help this time. It stands to reason that I should give you some loot for you, but this time the Vinda was severely damaged, and I am afraid that it will cost me a complete repair. Less expenses, this time I owe you a favor. ”

Zhang Heng had no objection to this distribution plan, and said, “Captain Sam is very polite. If there is no Vinda, it will be us who are pinched. In that case, we can complete the counterattack and sink the opposite ship. Probably the only thief can do in this area. ”

The black prince Sam shrugged. It was not easy to win the situation of the Veda at the time. He did not regret his praise. “Eric commanded the battle very well, but he was completely He can be the captain himself. I told him many times, but he didn’t seem interested in this. ”

The two finished the distribution of goods while chatting. The black prince Sam is probably the best talker among all the top captains in Nassau. His body has an indescribable charm that makes him unable to bear to be close, although he himself He has always been humble, and attributed the strength of the pirate regiment to his powerful people.

But if anyone really thinks that way, it would be a big mistake. Everyone in the righteous thief can find a substitute. The captain Sam, the black prince, is unique. Without his strong personal charm, it would not be possible. Unite this pirate group,

Most capable people have great tempers, which is the same principle that has remained unchanged forever. The entire pirate regiment went up and down, and everyone who was convinced was the black prince Sam, who seemed to be a very ordinary captain in all aspects.

Uh …

Jackdaw sailed back from a distance, and Annie also caught several pirates falling into the water. They belonged to the pirate ship that had been sunk by Vinda. After some torture, they finally understood the group. Human origin.

The pirate regiment led by Hutchison has only recently emerged. They were not originally pirates, but armed privateers, but encountered a merchant ship halfway, the latter flying the British flag, which is logically impossible. The target was plundered, but when it was found that a large amount of silk was carried on it, Yan Dong could not resist the temptation to launch the merchant ship. Then, in order to prevent the wind from showing, the crew was killed, but it was not expected that he was eventually killed by himself. People offered to sell.

Hutchison got the news ahead of time and fled the port with the rest of the crew. However, they had no clue about the prey. They turned around at sea for two weeks and found nothing. At this moment, they encountered two groups of pirates fighting for a booty. Qisen helped one of the pirates destroy his opponents. Not only was he awarded the loot, but he was also thanked by another pirate ship. However, Hutchison turned his head and attacked the latter suddenly, killing the unsuspecting pirate ship. Then, swallowed the booty alone.

Hutchison, who tasted the sweetness, thought that eating black is also a good deal ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, so he decided to split his hands on the newly captured ship, and recruited a group of new people on the shore to guard the pirates. The most frequent area, while robbing past merchant ships, was also attacking the pirate ships returning full.

He is very cunning. The two ships split their actions and would not be too far apart. The message was transmitted through the reflection of the mirror. One ship entangled the other and the other pretended to be passing by. It would help the attacked pirates at first. Ha’s own pirate ship, then turned his face at a critical moment, and finally won the opponent without much effort.

Hutchison’s maneuver to hide cannonballs was also practiced at that time. Many pirates who were stronger than them had suffered in their hands. This time, Hutchison only changed the routine slightly, but the core His thinking hasn’t changed, but he didn’t deal with Vinda for the sake of the spoils.

During this time, Hutchison’s pirate career went well, his ambitions began to swell, and earning money was no longer enough to satisfy him. He also wanted to spread his name throughout the sea. If he could win the famous Victoria No., then he can also replace the Black Prince as a famous pirate from far and near.

It’s a pity that this time he kicked the iron plate. Captain Sam had clearly disembarked with a part of it. He deceived everyone with superb acting skills and successfully completed a pinch on the Veda. However, he was eventually forced into despair. Vida killed one of her own ships.

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