I Have 48 Hours a Day

Chapter 18 - Desert Island Survival (12)

Zhang Heng wasn’t too surprised, mainly because he knew it was just a game, so theoretically he wouldn’t be too surprised to find Winnie the Pooh in the deep forest.

But for now, Zhang Heng also has to admit that everything around him is extremely real. If it was n’t for the extra 24 hours on him that caused a major problem in game length, I am afraid he would not find any bugs.

In addition to those houses and stone tools, the two also found a small lake next to them, about one hectare. Bell picked up the water from the inside and tasted it. Then he said, “You can drink. This is a freshwater lake. No wonder they will The village is built nearby. “

Zhang Zhangheng was attracted by the half of the thing found out in the mud by the lake.

“This tribe … do they already have the skills to smelt metal?”

Zhang Heng pulled out the piece and found that it was a very rusty piece of iron. It originally seemed to be installed on a piece of wood, but the piece of wood was bad.

Zhang Heng researched and found that he couldn’t see exactly what this thing was used for.

Bell Bell is not omnipotent. He is also unclear about the purpose of this thing, but analyzes, “From the level of skill, they should still be in the Stone Age, so this ironware is probably not theirs.”

It was very late, and the two didn’t move forward, they simply found a place near the fire to cook.

The distance from the end of the journey is getting closer and closer, but Zhang Heng’s mood is a bit complicated.

For more than a year, he has supported his hard-working arrows every day and kept exercising by the idea of ​​going to the center of the island. This has almost become a physical instinct, but to say how much he really cares about what is there, in fact, Not really.

From this point of view, sometimes Zhang Heng is very envious of Ed, Bell and others. They can comfort themselves that maybe there will be a boat docking tomorrow or there will be something in the center of the island that can help me go home, but Zhang Heng, as a player, is very Clearly, I ca n’t go anywhere without time.

As soon as I thought about the mystery tomorrow, he was excited and excited. After all, he remembered a year of things, but he was more at a loss.

以后 After this thing is over, what will he live on?

Fortunately, four-fifths of the time has passed, and the remaining more than a hundred days should be able to survive even if no new target can be found.

On the third morning, Zhang Heng woke up very early, but when he opened his eyes, he found that Bell got up earlier.

早 “Early, Zhang.” The explorer greeted him cheerfully, “I just walked around the lake again, guess what I found?”

呃 “Uh … new breakfast?”

“This is true, I did catch a catfish and planned to change the taste, but in addition, I found something else.” Bell put two rusty **** into Zhang Heng’s palm.

“What is this? Pinball?”

“This is a bullet,” Bell said.

“How to fire a solid bullet?” Zhang Heng froze. He is not a weapon enthusiast, but the basic knowledge is still known. Modern weapons rely on the gunpowder in the bullet to ignite the launch. Nothing can be hit without gunpowder. .

“Remember what you found from the lake, I know what it is,” the explorer said excitedly. “The rifle, 15th and 16th century Europe used this weapon on a large scale, this weapon gunpowder and bullets It was filled separately and ignited with a fire rope … At that time, when the slave trade was booming, the indigenous people who lived here were probably attacked by slave traps and all were captured and sold to those farmers. Now. “

This speculation is reasonable and consistent with the situation they are seeing. Zhang Heng already intends to accept this statement. However, half a day later, when the two came to the center of the island and saw the building suspected of an altar and the white bones piled on it, Zhang Heng asked The explorer on the side, “Are all your slave hunters in Europe fierce in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?”

“… This was not done by the slave hunters. It was a **** and dark age. As far as I know, slave merchants do kill those who dare to resist when they arrest the slaves, and deter others. Some It will also kill all those who are too old and too young to transport. “

He Bell walked to the altar and picked up a skull. “But … it’s not like their style.”

“If it wasn’t for the slave hunters who killed the indigenous people on the island, who killed them? Wouldn’t it be themselves?” Zhang Heng casually said, but both of them stopped.

细 The architectural style of this altar is similar to those of the ruins they encountered before by the lake.

“Well, the slave hunting team killed the island. These indigenous people can’t see the enemy. Then they ran to this altar and ended their lives … it’s a bit unbelievable.”

Bell went to the pile of white bones in the middle of the altar, and squatted and wiped the dust on the slate with his hands. “There is something else here, a totem. It depicts a creature whose upper body is a snake, and it looks like Those gods worshiped by the indigenous people. “

Zhang Henglue was a little disappointed. Although he didn’t care much about what was in the middle of the island, he still felt frustrated when he found that there was an indigenous relic that was useless.

After all, it was a whole year of preparations for him. It was also very thrilling when he came all the way. He was almost swallowed by the python, only to find a pile of bones and altars.

However, he looked that Bell seemed interested in the pile of things, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not urge the other party.

Both had plenty of food and water. They had less than half of what they brought before. Bell hunted a lot of “games” along the way, although most of them seemed a bit confusing. But the taste was unexpected and okay.

Zhang Heng is considering whether to go straight through this forest to the other side of the island and walk back to the place where he lives along the coastline.

Suddenly, a dark shadow emerged from behind the altar and flew towards the explorer above.

Zhang Heng was taken aback. This time he didn’t need Bell to popularize the science, he already recognized what it was.

——Puma, the king of the rainforest, looks and looks like a tiger, has sharp teeth and pointed claws, can easily kill caiman, and is a large predator at the top of the food chain.

However, Bell’s response was also very quick. The explorer rolled on the spot, dodging the thunder beast of the beast, and then pulled out the knife on his waist.

Zhang Heng also quickly took off the bow and arrow behind him, but then another leopard came out.

一次 Bell’s face also changed this time.

Hey, right? !! Zhang Heng was shocked. It is reasonable to say that there are still four days before the killing of the explorer’s plot. Will these jaguars come out so early, will they get the wrong script?

But now there is no time for him to think about it. Bell is in a very dangerous situation. He can’t deal with two pumas by himself. Zhang Heng bends his bow and shoots an arrow. He is an arrow at the second puma.

The latter quickly jumped away with a vertical jump, and Zhang Heng was not too surprised. The two sides are now about 27.80 meters apart. Usually, he shoots Mickey Mouse at a 50% to 60% hit rate. I’m better than the Dodo and I don’t know where to go.

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