I Have 48 Hours a Day

v4 Chapter 121 - Sparring

The man in the flower shirt did not lie, and life at sea is indeed boring most of the time.

After leaving the sea, the mobile phone loses its signal, so the whole ship becomes a small closed world. The time on the ship is lengthened indefinitely, and each day does not seem to be much different from the previous day. Days are simply meaningless repetitions.

The man in the flower shirt originally thought that Shen Xixi was just talking, but he did not expect that she really did not find any entertainment. Not to mention knocking on his door, after such a long time, even the fish hadn’t even been caught once. Many people on the boat looked unpleasant to her, but Shen Xixi didn’t seem to care about it either.

She rarely communicates with people. Every day, she goes to the training room on time for various training. The man in the flower shirt has visited several times and has to admit that this woman is definitely not a vase. She is cruel to herself, whether it is strength training or strength training. Her training volume for explosive power and speed training is two to three times that of others, and she spends several hours in the training room every day to perfect her swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship teacher on the ship was beaten up by her, and she had even been psychologically abused. She had to take three days of leave to train her body and restore her spirit.

And Shen Xixi did not give up the practice, but no one to accompany her to practice. She can only repeat the slashing movements in the mirror by herself, constantly correcting her posture, which is obviously very boring, but her expression is always the same, and she does not seem to feel bored at all. .

But just after she had just completed a set of exercises, the door of the training room was pushed open from the outside.

Shen Xixi was a little surprised. Normally, there is no one in the swordsmanship training room after nine o’clock in the evening, so she usually also comes to train at this time, so the province and other people want to watch.

The next moment, a set of protective gear was thrown in front of her.

Then the guy on the opposite side who had put on a full set of protective gear and wrapped himself up said, “I will practice with you.”

Shen Xixi heard the voice coming from under the helmet from the man in the flower shirt.

But she didn’t pick up the protective gear by her feet, just wiped the sweat from her forehead, “I thought I was clear enough before.”

“I’m not soaking you,” the man in the flower shirt interrupted Shen Xixi, “I know that my previous frivolous behavior may have left you with some bad impressions, but I am not a person who only thinks with the lower body. Animals, otherwise they won’t be on the boat without disturbing you for so long.”

Shen Xixi put away the bamboo sword in his hand and waited for the man in the flower shirt to follow.

“I just like to have fun from time to time. This is what you want. Even if you are my mother, you can’t control my private life.” The man in the flower shirt shrugged.

“Then why don’t you continue to have fun, but come to practice swords with me.” Shen Xixi asked.

“Please, do you think I really forgot what this voyage was for? Of course, I also hope that at a critical time, I have reliable teammates by my side. Although this trip is a life of nine deaths, we can increase our survival. The odds are always good, otherwise, why should I accept your application to let you board the ship? You don’t really think that I am jealous of the guy who has died, stop talking nonsense, and get started!” Hua Shirt The man issued an invitation to fight.

Shen Xixi didn’t hesitate anymore, picked up the armor on the ground and put it on. He held the bamboo sword in his hand again, and his temperament changed. “Please advise!”

The man in the flower shirt only felt that a huge pressure enveloped him from afar. He understood why the swordsmanship trainer on the ship had asked for leave, but instead of being afraid, he became even more excited. He licked his lips and said, Come here, horse!”

After two full weeks, the two have been practicing for each other.

The happiest person is the swordsmanship trainer on the ship, because he was surprised to find that his vacation had been extended, and he had escaped from the sparring **** before. At the same time, he also silently mourned the man in the flower shirt because he did not believe in the truth in this world There are men who can withstand Shen Xixi’s torture.

But it turns out that the man in the flower shirt is also a lunatic who is cruel enough to himself.

Shen Xixi’s perception of the man in the flower shirt has indeed improved a lot. In a sense, the volatility of the latter is more like a disguise. If you are confused by his appearance, you really despise it because of it. He, that also caught his heart, and was bound to pay a painful price.

In the training room, two figures are maintaining high-speed movement, while blocking the opponent’s attack, while looking for the flaws in the opponent’s moves!

The intensity of the battle has been great since the very beginning. The training clothes had been wet with sweat, but the two of them were still engrossed, and the crackling sound of the bamboo sword impact echoed in the training room.

Shen Xixi’s eyes stayed on the shoulders of the man in the flower shirt.

Are you going to attack the left hand side? No, this is just a feint! The real goal should be his own throat, but after seeing through the opponent’s movement, Shen Xixi did not stop the sword, but made the tip of the sword swing slightly to the left, acting as if he was prepared to defend the left hand side, but in fact he was preparing to stop. After blocking the blow of the man in the flower shirt, he quickly pierced the opponent’s right wrist holding the sword.

Combat is never a simple competition of speed and strength, but also a mental contest.

However, the two of them have fought thousands of times in this period of time, but they have won each other’s victory or defeat, and no one can solve it, but the next moment Shen Xixijue’s eyes suddenly turn black, and the whole person can’t avoid the blossom. A thorn in the throat of the shirt man.

However, the man in the flower shirt obviously also noticed the abnormality of Shen Xixi at the moment, and at a critical moment, he abruptly stopped his movements, and then said with concern, “Are you okay.”

After this period of competition and competition, the two have already become friends. Of course, this kind of friend is not a friend of the kind of relationship between men and women, but simply appreciates each other, plus a willingness to believe in each other’s strength.

Although the man in the flower shirt released a small decoy before the move, he did not think that with Shen Xixi’s strength, he would completely lose sight of his inductive actions, not to mention that Shen Xixi had no defense at all just now, as if he was lost. .

“I’m fine, but I may be a little tired. Come here today. Can I be alone for a while?” Shen Xixi rubbed his forehead.

“Okay~www.mtlnovel.com~ The man in the flower shirt doesn’t talk nonsense, and stood up and said, “You have been working hard recently. You can rest a bit. You can come to me whenever you want to practice sword. “

“Thank you.” Shen Xixi managed to squeeze a smile.

However, when the man in the flower shirt left, Shen Xixi couldn’t help it anymore, holding the trash can in the training room and threw up, because just now she looked at the head of the man in the flower shirt wearing a helmet, but only saw a huge His octopus head is actually not just a man in a flower shirt. Shen Xixi is now alone in the training room. Seeing the ceiling above his head, he only feels that the ceiling has also changed. It is covered with shells and something is constantly creeping. .

Shen Xixi knew that there was something wrong with her spirit. More precisely, after a month and a half of tracking and cleaning up those mysterious societies, she had a spirit problem.

It’s just that she has stayed until now without telling anyone.

Shen Xixi now only hopes that this last battle will come a little earlier, before her mental breakdown is complete.


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