I Have 48 Hours a Day

v4 Chapter 141 - The most original game

   The expression on the face of the Hobbit housekeeper became a little strange.

And this time, she did not agree to Zhang Heng’s request for the first time. She just said, “I will help you send the invitation to the housekeeper of Consel, but I can’t help you if he will come to see you. Guarantee.”

   As a result, before she finished her words, Zhang Heng’s gaze had changed and she moved away from her to focus on a place behind her.

   There, the housekeeper of Consel in a tuxedo is walking slowly from the other end of the lawn. The setting sun has plated a layer of afterglow on his body, making him look a little sacred.

   He waved his hand to the Hobbit housekeeper, “Thank you, Bella Donna, just leave it to me here.”

   The Hobbit housekeeper bowed and left when she heard the words, then Consel looked up and smiled at Zhang Heng, “We meet again.”

   “Yes, almost a year has passed since we first met.” Zhang Heng said.

“A copy of the deductive method, from “Holmes”, one of my favorite novels. “Consell said, “Although I always think that guy is not very suitable for roommates, but it seems that you get along with him. Happy.”

   “You gave me that pen when we first met, because at that time you already knew what would happen to me afterwards?” Zhang Heng looked straight into Consel’s eyes.

“I’mnottheGod.” Konsell said, “I mean, I am a god, but not the omnipotent being. I can’t predict the future, but I can really lay some groundwork at the beginning of the story. , As for whether these foreshadowings can be used, I honestly don’t know, so you don’t think I’m so strong. I just know your identity ahead of others. On the contrary, it’s you. I’m very curious. How to deal with the current dilemma.”

   “Are there feelings in the story?” Zhang Heng said.

   “That’s right. Since you told Bella Donna to find me, you must have found a solution to the problem. Do you have a way to restore your feelings?”

   “No, but I know where the feelings I lost are.” Zhang Heng said lightly.

  Consell’s eyes were originally full of doubts, but after a while, he grinned as if he had thought of something, and finally showed a daze.

   “What are your experiences?”

“Yes,” Zhang Heng did not conceal anymore, and directly stated his request, “I want to see those old people goodbye. They have the feelings I have left behind. I will collect these feelings again and write Enter my story to complete the final creation.”

“It turned out to be like this?” Consell gave a slightly surprised smile when he heard the words. “So is this your final answer? Do you believe that it will leave traces when it exists? No, wait, the new one you are going to write The story also has the same theme. Could it be that you have made a plan, ready to accept that guy’s coming and let your soul be destroyed?”

“This was originally part of my plan.” Zhang Heng’s expression is still as calm as before, as if the trouble he is encountering now is not essentially different from the trouble he encountered in different dungeons before. Same, it will be resolved soon.

   “I asked Isis and Sai Ji, they both said that the soul cannot be recovered after being destroyed.”

   “They didn’t lie to you.” Konsell nodded.

“But I studied your birth, growth, and decline, and realized that there are no absolute rules for your gods. What is impossible at this stage does not mean that it is really impossible to happen. Just let as much as possible If the public accepts it, new rules will naturally follow.”

“So you want to use novels to create a new rule to help you fight against the existence of that ice city,” Konsell nodded, “I knew this when you stepped into this copy, but I think What I don’t understand is why you have to take the risk to accept the advent? Is it because there is not enough time.”

“Time is one aspect. With the copy of this time, I can calmly finish the creation in it, but even if I publish the copy, I can publish it immediately. I need to leave enough time for readers to read and spread my novel. Time, in addition, the most important point, if my soul cannot be completely destroyed, then I will always be a mortal, and it turns out that a mortal cannot be affected by a novel, no matter how popular the novel is.”

   Zhang Heng paused when he said that, and continued, “Besides, there are some creative reasons. I need an ending that is full of drama.”

“I’m pretty sure, when other people read the end of this novel, they will be sighed at the final turning point.” Konsell said, but his words suddenly changed, “I probably understand what you think. What did you do, but your request is a little beyond my ability. I can only create the illusion of the author and the character of their novel in the copy that belongs to me. I can’t transfer the characters of other copies that you have experienced. Bring it in. Fortunately, I know someone can do it.”


“Yes, but as far as I know, the compensation he owed you before has been paid. Although I know that guy likes you, he is an old-fashioned man who pays special attention to the rules. He can’t break himself. We will provide you with any help unconditionally based on the rules set by ourselves.”

   “It doesn’t matter, then I’ll play another game with him.” Zhang Heng said.

   “What game?” Konsell was curious.

   “The oldest and most enduring game in human history.”

   “Do you want him to gamble with you?” Konsell frowned, “I already know your request, but where is your bargaining chip?”

   “I try to help him solve the trouble caused by the guy in the city under the ice. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

Consel frowned slightly when he was about to say something, so he listened to Zhang Heng continuing, “Also, I know what his true purpose is for creating this game, and I know that he has been exploring to make the gods The way to get rid of the shackles of fate, I may be able to help a little bit with this matter.”

   “How can you help?”

“We humans have always had an old saying that crises are also opportunities. Gaim is unwilling to use violent means, so he can’t really send the gods into his game world, but what he can’t do, I can, or more accurately It is said that the guy who intends to occupy my body can.”

   “Do you mean it?” Consel was really moved this time, his mouth wide open.

“Yes, if I’m not wrong, Gaim suddenly disappeared because he was disappointed that the new gods and the old gods restarted the war. At the same time, he hoped that his departure would make the gods of the two camps under the threat of the owner of the city under the ice. Unite together again, if this is the case, why not take it one step closer? As long as Gaim comes on stage later, I can let all the gods willingly enter the game world he created to take refuge. The so-called proxy war was originally just him. Isn’t it the pre-excessive plan? He created that incomparable game. The real goal is to create a new home for the gods, so that they can get rid of the shackles of fate and live in peace with mankind.”


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