I Have 48 Hours a Day

v4 Chapter 43 - desire

When Ann held the scepter, a triple crown also faintly appeared above his head.

The upper, middle and lower layers of the triple crown are made of different materials, inlaid with precious stones, gold and silver, and look full of majesty. At the same time, a red carpet under An’s feet is facing where Zhang Heng is. Extended.

Of course, Zhang Heng would not be so naive to think that this carpet was welcoming himself. He moved again in the first place, avoiding the carpet that was laid on the face, and then rushed directly to Ann, without waiting for the triple on the other side’s head. The crown was completely changed from virtual to solid, and it had been cut up with a sharp cut.

Seeing this, An also raised the scepter in his hand to greet him, but this time [Hidden Sheath] failed to cut off the weapon in the opponent’s hand. The scepters intersected, and a clear golden sound was heard.

The scepter in Ann’s hand is obviously also a game item, and the quality should not be low, so it can block the [hidden sheath].

But this was only Zhang Heng’s first knife. Since he had already seized the offensive, Zhang Heng naturally gave it a hand with just one blow. When Ann was waving his scepter and preparing to fight back, he did not expect Zhang Heng’s second knife to be It has already arrived, so Ann can only choose to put the scepter across his chest and take the knife again, but then before he can make other moves, Zhang Heng’s third knife actually comes again…

Upon seeing this, An had to fight for twelve points to resolve Zhang Heng’s offense first.

Although he tried to counterattack several times afterwards, he was unsuccessful, but his face didn’t show much anxiety.

It is true that he was crushed and beaten by a human for his identity and position in the Sumerian gods, and it was inevitably a little discounted, but Ann had not seen an outstanding person among mortals before, such as the one named Gilgamesh. the man.

In order to deal with him, the goddess Aluru created a savage warrior named Enkidu, but in the end Gilgamesh was still better, not only defeated Enkidu, but what the gods did not expect was The two actually became friends after this battle, and together they made the country better.

Gilgamesh rejected the marriage proposal of the goddess Ishtar, and killed the bull of heaven sent by Ann to punish him. After Enkidu died, he had to find a way to live forever. A thrilling legendary adventure.

Even in the gods, the story of the hero Gilgamesh is widely circulated.

But Ann has no time to cherish the memory of a human being more than 4,000 years ago, because the opponent in front of him is obviously more difficult. This is not to say that Zhang Heng’s true strength has surpassed Gilgamesh. The most important thing is The reason is that the Sumerian gods headed by Ann have long lost their courage.

But Ann now also has advantages that he did not have back then. Although his power speed and response have become weaker, his combat experience has become richer and he is more patient.

What Ann didn’t expect was that the young man on the opposite side actually made a stab like a stab, and as he increased the speed of the sword, his movements did not reveal any flaws as he initially expected.

Ann’s expression changed slightly. Now that he coped with the opponent’s attack, he began to feel a little bit of pressure. Looking back at the opponent, he was still comfortable, and An didn’t know if it was his own illusion. He felt that as the battle progressed. It has been completely integrated with the knife, and there is no gap between the two. As far as the blade can reach, its edge is still getting stronger.

Before Ann had time to think about how to accept Zhang Heng’s attack, the next moment when his gaze swept over the scepter in his hand, he became more horrified because he discovered that the right symbolizes his status and rights. I don’t even know when the stick has become riddled with holes. The places where the long knives of the opponent hit before are covered with dense gaps and cracks!

Ann finally couldn’t help but blurted out, “What kind of weapon are you holding?!”

“Hidden scabbard.” Zhang Heng replied, but the offensive continued.

A hint of thought appeared on Ann’s face, but then she was at a loss, “Tibetan sheath, which god’s weapon is this, why have I never heard of this name?”

“Because this knife does not belong to any god, it was just my weapon at the beginning of its birth.”

Holding the long knife in his hand, Zhang Heng felt the desire of [Tibetan Sheath] for the first time, yes, yes, it was desire. The most pious knifesmiths in Kyoto have always believed that there is a unique soul hidden in each knife.

When he first encountered [Tibetan Sheath], Zhang Heng had felt the viciousness hidden in this knife, but the essence of it was a subjective intuition, more like a certain kind of the swordsmith at the time. This kind of emotional mapping, or always accompanied by the weak breath left by the assimilation around the previous master.

However, this time, this longing emotion is so strong that Zhang Heng can clearly feel [Tibetan Sheath] wanting to cut off the scepter in An’s hand, and Zhang Heng is not surprised when he comes into contact with this idea~www .mtlnovel.com~ He seemed to have thought of something. He did not suppress this sudden desire as the owner, but listened carefully to the heart of the blade in his hand, and then tried to incorporate this desire into his own knife skills.

That is to say, now his sword skill can reach lv4 to achieve this, and using this desire to hide the sheath, Zhang Heng has also raised the power of the sword again by a notch.

Ann’s previous feelings were not an illusion. At this moment, Zhang Heng and [Tibetan Sheath] were indeed united with a human sword. He even forgot about Seth, who knew nothing about life and death. There was only one thing left in his eyes, which was to cut An. The scepter in hand!

Faced with this simple oncoming stab, Ann found that she had no other choice but to continue to resist with the already riddled scepter in her hand.

As a result, the scepter, which was already the end of the crossbow, was so completely shattered after the first collision with [Tibetan Sheath].

An held the remaining small half-cut rod in his hand, and stood there blankly.

However, Zhang Heng changed his previous domineering attitude, so he took the knife and paid a salute.

Zhang Heng could feel the changes in [Tibetan Sheath] after cutting that scepter. In fact, when he felt the strong desire transmitted by [Tibetan Sheath] at the beginning, he had already thought of the previous appraisal results of [Tibetan Sheath]. At the end, there is a sentence “The caster has left room for upgrading this knife.”

In other words, this B-quality game props may actually be upgraded, but Zhang Heng has not been able to find a way for such a long time. At first, he thought he was going to kill some supernatural creatures, but in the following battles , Even after killing Loki, [Tibetan Sheath] still did not move, until this time, after cutting off the scepter in An’s hand, [Tibetan Sheath] finally changed.

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