I Have 48 Hours a Day

v4 Chapter 45 - Confrontation

As soon as the carpet was illuminated by the red light, he immediately raised his head and turned into a soft wall, blocking Ann’s body.

Thor’s hammer hits the carpet, like it hits a thin sheet of paper, passing through it easily, but this soft wall is not only one layer, and Mulnier hits a layer immediately Encountered another layer, and after breaking through this layer, there is another layer…

Rao is that this sacred hammer is extraordinary, coupled with being thrown by Thor with terrifying power, it still gradually loses its strength under the barriers of layer after layer, and finally the speed becomes slower and slower.

Seeing this, Thor did not hesitate, and waved again, summoning Miaolnir, who seemed to be in the mud.

The first encounter between the two ended in Thor’s futility.

But Ann was not relaxed either, the look on his face became more solemn. He used the carpet under his feet as a wall to block Thor’s blow, leaving no more power, but he did not expect that he would still be flew by the hammer. There is less than a step in front of him.

If it weren’t for Thor’s fear of being entangled when Mulnier was exhausted, Ann would have been hit by this hammer, so Ann would not dare to stand still and wait for Thor’s second blow. The triple crown would be the best. The top one is also lit up at this time,

However, Ann still underestimated Thor. Although the latter now has large and small wounds all over his body, and has a broken arm, he is exhausted physically and mentally, but he is still courageous, and he rushed up with Maulnir directly. .

If Ann had the scepter in his hand at this time, he might still be able to block it, but unfortunately his scepter had been cut off by Zhang Heng in the previous battle, and he could only retreat when he saw it. Count on the carpet underfoot to stop Thor again.

It’s a pity that when Milner was held in the hands of his master, it was not comparable to when he was thrown before. Thor is the **** of thunder and strength, and the divine power in his body is almost endless. The hand turned into a silver lightning, and the carpet wherever he passed by was turned into ashes before it was touched.

As a result, Ann was unable to release his hand to urge the third crown, and as Thor stepped forward, the distance between the two was getting closer, and Ann’s forehead was faintly oozing sweat. Come.

In fact, if it weren’t for Thor because he didn’t want to reveal his whereabouts anymore, he might have been defeated.

In just one night, An was cut off the scepter first, and then he was about to lose to Thor, who was seriously injured. No matter how good his temper, he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

However, the next moment Thor was about to succeed, he suddenly retracted Maulnir from his hand, and then shook his back vigorously, but this time he failed to smash the person behind him as before.

And then, a knife avoided Miao’ernier’s sharp edge and cut to his waist!

At this point, Thor, who has been moving forward since his appearance, finally had to take a small step to his side.

Looking at the figure behind Thor, his eyes were filled with consternation. He did not expect that the ordinary human who was hit by Thor with a hammer would get up again so quickly, and it seemed that he was also injured a little. , But it does not seem to affect the battle.

And Thor also shifted his gaze from An to Zhang Heng, and then swept through Sete lying on the floor of the convenience store. Seeing the **** bullet hole on Sete’s body, he seemed to think of something, his eyes gradually cold. Come down.

Zhang Heng also felt Thor’s hostility towards him. He didn’t know where the opponent’s hostility came from. It stands to reason that the relationship between Thor and Set is not good enough to wear a pair of pants. To the extent, even if he was here to kill Seth, Thor had no reason to give him such a strong killing intent.

However, Zhang Heng did not panic when he saw this. If it was Thor in his heyday, he might only choose to run away if he missed a hit. But after seeing the battle between Thor and Ann just now, Zhang Heng felt that he was not There is no chance at all, let alone a hole card on his body.

Because of Zhang Heng’s joining, the three were temporarily caught in a temporary confrontation.

In terms of strength alone, even the severely injured Thor is still the strongest of the three, but if Ann and Zhang Heng join forces, it will be Thor who will fall behind with one enemy and two.

But after a while, Thor spoke first, “Make a price.”

“What’s the price?” Ann asked.

What he didn’t expect was that Thor turned to Zhang Heng after saying this, and Zhang Heng was also a little surprised, but his reaction was quick. An is the presiding judge of the organizing committee and has always been known for his selflessness. Since he wants to bring Sete back to the organizing committee, there is no room for maneuvering. On the contrary, he, whose origin is unknown, has become the only possible partner for temporary cooperation. Therefore, Thor has forcibly suppressed him. Killing intent.

An also became nervous when he saw this, but then he listened to Zhang Heng’s answer, “I promised someone else, I must kill Seth.”

Thor frowned when he heard this, but didn’t say anything. UU read www.uukanshu.com instead and held Maulnir in his hand again. It seemed that he was about to grab someone from the hands of the two. When the atmosphere became more and more tense, he heard Zhang Heng continue, “However, that person did not agree with me when he would kill Seth. I just heard you say that you want to Especially want to get your wife’s whereabouts from him?”

“Not bad.” Thor warned.

Zhang Heng glanced at the starfish in his hand, “From now on, I can give you 7 minutes to ask you to ask questions. I will do it after 7 minutes, but I don’t guarantee that he is still alive. I was shot in the heart and head with a knife.”

“One of the Egyptian nine pillar gods is not so easy to die.” Thor said coldly, but after he hesitated a little, he realized that this might be the only acceptable solution for him now. , So he nodded to Zhang Heng, “Deal.”

After speaking, he didn’t drag his feet, turned his head and walked toward the convenience store, without even looking at An in front of him.

Ann, who was ignored by the two, also seemed a little speechless. He opened his mouth to say something, but seeing Zhang Heng’s words, the two in front of him actually formed an alliance temporarily, even if he still had the heart to stop him, he was helpless. .

Ann finally looked at Zhang Heng, “You are so sure that he will keep his oath?”

“Tor’s name is worth a bit of credit, besides,” Zhang Heng paused, “Aren’t you still here? If he didn’t hand Set to me in seven minutes, it would be the three of us who returned It’s just the previous confrontation.”


An Youxin wanted to refute, but she was speechless. He could only say that sometimes the strongest position is not a good thing. He asked himself if Thor really wanted to take Seth, he still had to pinch his nose. Team up with Zhang Heng to stop Thor.

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