I Have 48 Hours a Day

v4 Chapter 92 - 10 word cut

As the exclusive weapon of Poseidon, the trident can definitely be regarded as the top batch even if it is placed in a group of artifacts, and its role is far more than powerful destructive power.

   In fact, with the wave of the seahorse, not only was the water wave split apart, but more importantly, Zhang Heng found that his control over the surrounding water flow was also declining, and this is where the trident is truly powerful.

This weapon from Poseidon can turn the entire area of ​​water into the owner’s home field. Zhang Heng tried to create a two-sided water shield to withstand the slashing of the seahorse. However, the water shield made was reduced by half before being cut. The size was large and the water above it was still escaping frantically. In the end, the water shield was easily cut off, and Zhang Heng had to raise the [hidden sheath] in his hand and force the next blow.

   As a result, his body flew straight back, like a torpedo!

   Zhang Heng flew ten meters away, and stopped until his back was about to hit the stone wall on the side of the pool, but the next moment he saw the seahorse’s figure appearing in front of him again.

The previous one was Zhang Heng bullying others with speed, but this time he finally met an opponent who was faster than himself when he was underwater. After the seahorse swung the trident, he did not appreciate his victory, but immediately followed. He started later than Zhang Heng and was still ten meters away from Zhang Heng. However, when Zhang Heng stopped, he found that the distance between Haima and him was only less than five meters.

At the same time, Seahorse waved the trident in his hand again, and waved it twice in a row, forming a cross slash, sealing Zhang Heng’s movement space up and down, left and right, and what’s more terrible is that this time Zhang Heng no longer retreated. Space.

   But even if he was driven to a desperate situation, Zhang Heng didn’t have any panic in his eyes.

Due to the existence of the Trident, his current control over the water flow has been weakened a lot. Zhang Heng knew that he couldn’t escape this blow by manipulating the water flow alone, but now he has been forced to the stone wall of the water pool. Heng stepped on a raised point on the stone wall, bent his knees, and then slammed straight. Under the action of [Earth Scales], Zhang Heng’s stepping also exploded with three times the strength, and his whole body quickly went up. Sprang up.

  , coupled with the effect of the surrounding water, made him escape the attack range of this cross slash without any risk.

Haima couldn’t help but secretly praised when he saw it. Zhang Heng’s combat literacy was the strongest among all the players he encountered. Even if he was under the wind, he could always remain calm. This requires not only a strong psychological quality, but also countless others. A keen sense of smell polished by combat experience.

Of course, Seahorse himself is not bad. Although he was just the owner of a mariculture farm before joining the game, in the following two years he also experienced dozens of battles in the dungeon. Besides, he played against other players. After returning to daily life, his life is different. For these years, he has been wandering around the world, hunting monsters, and is a true deep-sea hunter.

   Seahorse’s sense of fighting smell is also very good. When Zhang Heng moved, he immediately followed. The trident waved out again and again, and the small water pool was suddenly upset.

  The people on the shore didn’t even know what was happening below. They only saw that the originally calm water suddenly became choppy, an unlucky ghost who was closer to the shore, and one inadvertently was even swept into the pool by the huge waves. I saw him struggling a second ago, trying to swim back to the shore, but the next second he was shot into the water by another huge wave, life and death unknown.

   And this is not over yet, as the huge waves surging, players on the shore even felt the ground under their feet tremble slightly, as if someone was hitting the ground with a sledgehammer.

The man in sunglasses who was still waiting for the wetsuit to be delivered also turned ugly when he saw this scene. He already understood why the seahorse had to go into the water alone. It is true that such a number of combatants has no meaning at all, but may affect it. When it comes to his battle, he has extra scruples when he shoots.

Of course, Zhang Heng on the other side also made his scalp numb. Although he couldn’t see the underwater situation, it was obvious that the two were still fighting. At this moment, he remembered the comments on the seahorse from the siege of February, if not Seeing him with his own eyes, he couldn’t believe that someone could fight back and forth with Poseidon’s agent underwater.

   Now that the man in sunglasses can only pray that the seahorse can solve Zhang Heng underwater.

Haima didn’t know if he heard the prayer of the man with sunglasses, but now he is indeed getting into a fighting state, and even in order to force Zhang Heng to accept his attack, he got closer and waved his hands tirelessly. In the trident.

With this artifact, he has gained the upper hand in the battle. Zhang Heng does not have B-level props on his body, but whether it is [Tibetan Sheath] or [Plague Bone Bow] underwater, it is indeed inferior to the trident in the hands of Shanghai Horse. Halberd, the only versatile [infinite building block], UU reading www.uukahnshu.com has not yet reached the time for action.

And now Zhang Heng is also very difficult to free up his hands to put the Lego in his backpack into what he wants, so now his main focus is on avoiding seahorse attacks. Of course, Zhang Heng has not tried to fight back. Especially Seahorse is not far away from him now, but whenever Zhang Heng tries to get close, Seahorse will receive the trident in front of his chest.

And the water around him will immediately converge into a blister and wrap him in it. Zhang Heng tried to cut the blister with [Hidden Sheath], but the split part would soon be refilled by the surrounding water. At the same time, Zhang Heng would feel a huge squeezing force as soon as he approached a position about one meter from the hippocampus.

Under the action of this squeezing force, Zhang Heng’s movements will be slowed down, or even deformed. At this time, Zhang Heng also has no good way to take the hippocampus. After several attempts without success, he can only retreat quickly and pull the distance again. , And when Haima saw this, he immediately turned back on defense, not giving Zhang Heng any chance to breathe.

   He has regarded Zhang Heng as the most vicious and cunning sea monster.

   You can’t make a sound underwater, but this silent battle is far more dangerous than the previous battle on the land with loud gunfire. Both sides seemed very patient, waiting for the other to make mistakes while doing their own things.

Zhang Heng also has to admit that the seahorse is one of the most difficult opponents he has encountered so far. Of course it is limited to underwater. In fact, the easiest way to deal with the seahorse is to put the battle on the land, regardless of the seahorse now. With the initiative, Zhang Heng can still do it to leave this pool, but now the danger on the shore will only be greater than in the water. This is the trouble of being surrounded.

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