I Have a Crush I Want to Talk to You

Chapter 6

: Chapter 4 Peacock Randomly Opens The Screen

Since we drank coffee together at Starbucks that day, Xu Jingjing seemed to be visible wherever Gao Zhan could be seen. Even after school, Xu Jingjing was often seen entering and leaving the basketball court to deliver things to Gao Zhan.

Wang Jiayao, a gossip and sensitive little thing, can’t help but wonder if the two are secretly together. Lu Xiaobai thought it was unlikely. After all, a piece of fifty cents had already made three orders and five applications, and it was forbidden to fall in love before high school graduation, unless two people had eaten bear heart and leopard gall. I don’t think so. The basketball court was originally an open venue, and anyone could go there. Even if Xu Jingjing went to the basketball court after school, it wouldn’t bother anyone.

Wang Jiayao and Lu Xiaobai were so bored they even made a bet that no matter who lost, I would treat me to dinner…

“Why do you two lose the bet, and I want to invite you to dinner?” Regardless of whether Xu Jingjing and Gao Zhan are together or not, I don’t want to take part in this bet. Seeing the two of them walking together is already uncomfortable, but Lu Xiaobai The two fairies and Wang Jiayao are still torturing me like this.

“Because we both bet on you.”

“Oh, according to you two, those gamblers who lose in the casino should pay the bill. I’ve never seen someone as shameless as you two.” “With a sound, something fell out of my drawer, a beautifully packaged gift box.

I wasn’t startled, and before I could react, Lu Xiaobai had already picked up the gift box one step ahead, held me down, and said excitedly as if he had been beaten with chicken blood: “I’m going!

The west side is out, this Christmas has not come yet, and someone secretly gave you a gift? Tell me honestly, are you secretly hiding someone? ”

“I’m with you two goblins every day. It’s a little troublesome. The whole class knows, who can I hide? Give me back!” I was also curious about who gave me the gift.

Wang Jiayao snatched the gift from Lu Xiaobai’s hand, shook it, and said, “It’s so big and heavy, it doesn’t look like chocolate, what could it be?”

I reached out and took back the gift box, and the two urged me to open it quickly. In addition to receiving gifts for my birthday, it was the first time I received such a beautifully packaged gift, and I was actually very excited. I carefully unpacked, opened the box, and when I saw the gift inside, I quickly closed it with a bang.

Lu Xiaobai and Wang Jiayao didn’t see it clearly, and they said, “There must be something wrong! Show us.”

I kept the gift on my chest, so I wouldn’t show them both, but I was outnumbered, and the gift was ripped off by two goblins.

As soon as the two opened the box, they said, “Huh? Isn’t it just a book? Why are you covering it so tightly?”

“Drink! “Three Words and Two Beats”!” At this time, Xiong Shuai, who was just passing by, saw the cover of the book, and immediately took it from Lu Xiaobai’s hand and flipped it over, and soon exclaimed again, “Ouch! Not bad! It’s still the unabridged version. Whose book is it? I’ve been looking for it for a long time, lend me a look.”

Zhou Dapeng also gathered around and said, “What unabridged version? Show me. I’ll go! “Three Words and Two Beats”! Good stuff!”

I gritted my teeth and clearly felt the blue veins jumping on both sides of my forehead. Look at the whole school

, will give me “Three Words and Two Beats”, and there will be no one else except that **** chunky Kang Jiawei.

“Bring it!” I took the book back from Xiong Shuai’s hands in a fit of anger.

Xiong Shuai chased after him and said, “Hey, Carmen Jingjing, I can’t see that you still have an unabridged version, don’t be stingy, lend me a look.”

“Carmen, you are tall! Look at your tallness! Go away!” I put the book in the gift box.

Lu Xiaobai and Wang Jiayao asked Xiong Shuai puzzled: “Hey, “San Yan Er Pai” is sold in the bookstore, why are you so rare?”

Xiong Shuai laughed and said, “Have you heard of “Jin Ping Mei”?”

Lu Xiaobai and Wang Jiayao showed contempt one after another, “Be serious!”

Xiong Shuai said: “I’m very serious. The status of “Three Words and Two Pai” in the literary world is comparable to that of “Jin Ping Mei”, because some chapters are curious in content, plus key plot descriptions… You know, so they have been in power for a long time. Listed as a banned book. The ones sold in bookstores are all abridged versions, and the one in Jingjing’s hands is the unabridged version.”

Lu Xiaobai and Wang Jiayao looked at me in disbelief.

“I don’t know anything!” I know, the two of them wondered who sent me this book.

Lu Xiaobai and Wang Jiayao could see that I was very angry, and they knew that when I was very angry, I could never make a joke, so the two of them tacitly closed their mouths and didn’t ask any further questions.

In the classroom, more than half of the classmates have left, and the short and fat ones are not in their seats. It is estimated that they have left the school. I picked up my schoolbag, and without saying hello to Xiaobai and Jiayao, I rushed out of the classroom with the gift box in my arms. I ran all the way, my eyes kept looking around, and sure enough, at the station across the road, let me see

To that **** chunky one.

At this time, a bus happened to come, and seeing that the short and fat were about to get on the bus, I rushed over without hesitation. Because it was rush hour, the bus stop was crowded with people, and I couldn’t rush over to hold him across the crowd, so I had to shout, “Perverted instant noodles!”

Everyone looked at me. He seemed to sense that it was him who was screaming, Xunsheng turned his head, and was slightly startled when he saw Zhang Yawu crawling.

I finally squeezed in front of him following the flow of people and grabbed him, “Come here for me!”

I dragged him to the back of the platform and held him against the platform sign with the gift box in my hand.

Dumpty looked at me blankly, and there was a hint of incredulousness in his stunned expression. In such a picture, if Lu Xiaobai or Wang Jiayao were present, they would definitely think that I am short and fat, but this is definitely not a wall. If the gift box in my hand is replaced with a knife, then the knife will stand on the short side. fat neck. But what I was holding in my hand was not a knife, but a gift box. So no matter if it is Chunky, or pedestrians coming and going, they look at me and look at me as if I force Chunky to accept this gift box.

“You… what are you doing?” Chunky stuttered nervously.

I gave up this domineering posture, let go of him, and smashed the gift box on his chest, “Give it back to you!”

Chunky didn’t catch the gift box, the gift box just fell to the ground and scattered, and the simple packaging of the “Three Words Two Beats” collection also fell out.

He stared at the book on the ground for a few seconds, then he understood, and squatted down to pick it up.

Without giving him a chance to speak, I angrily said, “Are you a pervert?

Second, if you dare to stuff things into my drawer, I will definitely hack you! Did you hear? ! ”

The chubby eyebrows were deeply frowned, and a trace of confusion and injury flashed in the dark eyes. He pursed his lips and said, “I sent the book because I wanted to break your foot on the day of the basketball game and cause you to get stuck in the door frame. I apologize to you for the three things that happened, and pressing you in the bookstore.”

“Apologize for compensation? Apologize for compensation. What are you giving me? This book is not abridged! What do you mean by that?” With Xiong Shuai’s big mouth, the whole class will definitely be tomorrow, no, the whole school will be tomorrow. Everyone should know that I have an uncensored version of “Three Words and Two Beats”. What should people who don’t know the truth do to me?

Chunky said with a serious face: “I thought you held this book in the bookstore that day because you liked it.”

I spat: “I also took Tagore’s “Life as Summer Flowers” that day? I told you, I want to buy “Life as Summer Flowers”.”

Chunky looked at me silently for a while, and then laboriously took out another book from the gift box, which was the bilingual version of Life Like Summer Flowers that he recommended me to read that day.

Looking at “Life Like Summer Flowers” in his hand, my brain suddenly freezes and I don’t know what to say.

“If you think this unabridged version of “San Yan Er Pai” has destroyed the three views, then some stories and even ancient myths in the original “Strange Tales from a Liaozhai”, “Yuewei Caotang Notes” and “Hundred Schools Gongan” are the same. Destroying three views. The reason why Feng Menglong and Ling Mengchu wrote these short stories is to exhort, warn and remind the world to do more good deeds. The highest achievement of short stories in ancient Chinese vernacular is “Three Words and Two Pai”. very

Often, it is not the book itself that is dirty, but the heart of the reader. ”

My face turned red and white at what he said. What he said was right, I would want to read this book to make it a curious little yellow book.

Seeing that I was silent, he handed me “Life as Summer Flowers” and said, “This version of “Life as Summer Flowers” is better than the one you took the other day. Just accept it, or I don’t know what to do with it. how do you apologize…”

His voice was soft and shallow, and it didn’t sound annoying.

Although he looks round and has chubby cheeks, he has a pair of particularly beautiful eyes, dark and shiny, bright and clear, and his eyelashes are particularly long. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and his beautiful and clean eyes make him look particularly wise, but in these bright black pupils, I see my own figure reflected, so narrow and self-righteous…

My cheeks were hot again, ashamed of my thoughts. I quickly took two books from his hand and said stubbornly: “I have accepted both books, and I have accepted both my apology and my heart. You don’t have to feel guilty anymore.”

“Thank you.” He sighed in relief.

“You are not allowed to tell anyone that you gave me books, especially this “Three Words and Two Beats”. You know?”

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t tell you.”

“Also, in the future, you’d better stay away from me. You are all fat. Last time I was in the bookstore, I was almost crushed to death by you. From now on, you should keep at least three meters away from me. Did you hear me? ?”

His expression darkened, and he said in a low voice, “I see. I’m sorry.”

I snorted

, I quickly turned around and walked to the platform, and a bus just happened to come. I didn’t even look at it, I rushed up, as if something terrible was chasing me behind me.

The car started slowly, through the glass window, I looked at the fat figure standing on the platform, my heart beat fast, not because I was afraid that he would chase after me and beat me, but an inexplicable feeling of guilt and self-blame rising.

The car drove forward for a long time, and suddenly changed lanes from a straight line and turned to the right. I was shocked to realize that I was in the wrong car to go home…

I got off the bus in a hurry, changed to another bus, got off the bus, and walked a long way to finally reach the gate of the community.

It was late autumn, it was getting dark quickly, and the street lights on the street didn’t know when to light up. The community we live in is an old community in the 1990s. In the community, the camphor wood, Yi Yang and other trees have been planted in the early years. After more than ten years, most of the originally bright street lights were blocked by the branches and leaves, and the lights passed through the dense The dense branches and leaves have become very weak, and even the small bamboos planted by the wall have grown all over the path in the community, and they have to sweep my hair every time I walk by. Although the greenery is beautiful, the dim sight at night is always creepy.

I tightened the strap of my schoolbag, and I accelerated the horsepower of my legs, but I didn’t want someone to suddenly jump out of the dense bamboo forest. what-”

The other party was also taken aback by my screams, so he calmed down for a while and apologized, “Xu Jingjing, I’m sorry!”

Hearing the familiar voice, I suddenly raised my head and looked at the wall of flesh in front of me.

His face was half-bright and half-dark under the dim streetlights. I ran through ten thousand grass and mud horses in my heart, and said angrily: “Why are you again?!”

Chunky blushed and said awkwardly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You’re following me? You perverted instant noodle! I told you just an hour ago, stay away from me, you immediately forget about it, and you dare to follow me home? Do you want to die?!” Indiscriminately, I punched Chunky with my fist. Said to beat him up, but in fact, it was just a show of prestige. I only scratched twice with my fist on his thick shoulder, and couldn’t help but withdraw. Ouch! This one is tough. Who said that fat on a fat man is soft as cotton? I’m in a hurry with him!

“I’m not instant noodles, and I’m not a pervert!” Chubby’s blushing face made a cowardly defense.

“You’re not a pervert, why are you following me? You live here? How many buildings are there?”

“My family doesn’t live here, I’m here…”

“You don’t live here? You said you’re not following me?! If you don’t live here, why do you appear here so well? And you say you’re not a pervert?”

“Xu Jingjing asked me to buy a book published by Midland and asked me to send it over. I’m not called instant noodles, and I’m not a pervert. My name is Kang Jiawei.” Chunky straightened his chest and answered me again with a serious face.

“What?” I didn’t fully understand what he said.

At this moment, a clear and familiar voice sounded behind him: “Is it Xu Jingjing and Kang Jiawei?”

I turned around abruptly, Xu Jingjing was standing ten meters behind me, limping on one foot. And beside her, a tall figure supported her with one hand

arm, one hand on her waist. I widened my eyes, trying to see the figure clearly. When he helped Xu Jingjing to walk to me, I suddenly felt my facial muscles stiff, like eating crayfish and suffering from rhabdomyolysis…

Gao Zhan looked at me and seemed a little surprised and said, “Hi, Xu Jingjing, does your family live here too?”

It was as if a piece of lead was stuck in my throat and I couldn’t make a sound, but Xu Jingjing took the lead: “Yes. Our two families used to live in the same compound before, but after the old house was demolished, our two families lived together in the same compound. She lives in the front and back buildings of a community. My family lives in this one.” Xu Jingjing’s eyes suddenly fell on the chubby body beside me who had been invisible for a long time, “Kang Jiawei, I’m sorry. Trouble. You help me buy books, and I have to trouble you to deliver them to me. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not…it’s okay!” Kang Jiawei shook his head quickly, looked at Xu Jingjing’s injured leg and asked with concern, “You…Are you okay?” I don’t know if it was because he saw Xu Jingjing nervous or something, Kang Jiawei stuttered a little.

Xu Jingjing took the book that Chunky had bought, and said, “Alas, I went to school today to watch their boys play, but I was injured on the basketball court. I was hit by one of their passes and fell to the ground. , twisted his foot. Gao Zhan was embarrassed. Seeing that I couldn’t walk, he accompanied me to the clinic, so he came back so late. But it’s alright, I’ve put on some medicinal wine and it’s better, and it should be fine tomorrow. ”

“You’ll be fine.” Kang Jiawei’s serious expression finally loosened and he laughed.

Looking at Kang Jiawei’s smiling face, I was embarrassed to realize

How unreasonable I was to accuse him of being a stalker. He didn’t follow me back at all, but stayed here waiting for Xu Jingjing to come back. From his shy eyes and careful movements, I could see that he should have a crush on Xu Jingjing, not Xu Jingjing, a self-righteous “Li Gui” who followed me. Just now, when I accused him like that, he must have kept despising me in his heart for being an amorous peacock.

Kang Jiawei, why is it always you? It’s okay, but three? This is the fourth time. Are you specially sent by monkeys to humiliate me?

Gao Zhan, who was silent for a while, suddenly stared at the schoolbag behind me and said, “Xu Jingjing, did you just go home?”

“Ah?” I can’t say that I took the wrong bus because I was too angry, “Oh, my mother asked me to pick up something, so I came back late. Oh, I’m going home for dinner, you guys can talk slowly. ”

“Well. I’m going home for dinner too.” Xu Jingjing nodded and motioned for Gao Zhan to help her to the next stairs.

Gao Zhan passed by my side, smiled lightly, “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” I waved my hand and looked at the two figures disappearing in the stairway, feeling extremely depressed.

If you see with your own eyes that the person you have a crush on falls in love with the child next door to you, it will be a blow, then seeing the person you have a crush on sending the child of your next door neighbor home from school will be a devastating blow… Don’t ask me if I’m abusive or not , I never want to say how great it is to have a crush on someone without asking for anything in return!

When I came back to my senses, I suddenly found that Kang Jiawei, who was standing beside me, did not leave.

One person’s hallway.

“Oh, so you like Xu Jingjing, right?”

Kang Jiawei seemed to be intimidated, the whole person was startled, paused for two seconds, and immediately denied, “I didn’t.”

“You obviously have it. You looked straight at her just now.”

He straightened his chest and said, “Do you look at people with a twisted look?”

Ouch! I was actually speechless by his words, “If you don’t like her, why are you standing here looking at the corridor of her house for so long and haven’t left? Duplicity!”

Kang Jiawei didn’t say a word, turned around and walked past me, but before he took two steps, he suddenly turned his head again and said softly, “Please don’t tell Xu Jingjing what happened just now.” He lowered his eyes, embarrassed staring at the concrete floor.

“Pfft!” I thought he was arrogant, but after a few seconds he bowed his head and conceded defeat. I couldn’t help teasing him, “Ouch! Who just said confidently that he looked at people without turning a corner?”

He was silent.

I continued: “Did you just ask me not to say anything to others?”

He remained silent.

“Don’t ask me to say anything? Say it again, I didn’t hear it just now.” I put my hand to my ear.

“Xu Jingjing, that’s enough!” Fatty was anxious.

“Hahaha…” I just laughed arrogantly and unkindly.

“Jingjing, is that you?” I laughed complacently when a familiar voice came from the depths of the darkness. It’s my beloved mother-in-law, Miss Wang Jiaren.

“Mom?!” I squinted and looked at the dark figure behind me.

The next second, Miss Beauty stood in front of me, “Why did you come back until now? You won’t return when you call your phone. You guys are out of school today.

Are you late? ”


Before I could say that I was in the wrong car, Miss Beauty’s sharp eyes were already fixed on Kang Jiawei, “Who is he? Your classmate?”

“Hello Auntie. My name is Kang Jiawei, and I’m Xu Jingjing’s classmate.” Kang Jiawei bowed and saluted at Miss Beauty very politely, and introduced himself incidentally.

However, I saw an unusual taste in Miss Beauty’s fiery gaze. OMG! Didn’t she think I fell in love with this fat paper early, that’s why she got home so late…

I winked desperately at Kang Jiawei and told him to leave quickly, but he stared at me innocently for a long time, but didn’t move. What the hell! This fat paper is not only poor in action, but also in comprehension. I clutched the strap of the schoolbag tightly in both hands, and almost took off the schoolbag and pulled him away.

“Xu Jingjing, are your eyes cramping?” Miss Beauty bluffed me.

“Instant noodles, go home quickly.” Maybe my eyes were really cramping, and Fatty didn’t necessarily understand what I meant, so I just explained it to him directly.

He finally reacted, bowed to my mother again, and said very politely, “Goodbye Auntie.”

Good tutoring!

Miss Beauty stared at Kang Jiawei’s back for a long time, until the fat figure disappeared into the darkness. Before she could speak, I hurriedly hugged her arm and acted coquettishly, “Mom, I’m so hungry, let’s go home for dinner.”

Unexpectedly, Miss Beauty immediately asked: “Xu Jingjing, tell me honestly, did you secretly fall in love at school?”

It was exactly as I expected.

“Mom, you

Are you all right? How can I fall in love early? I’m only a sophomore in high school. “Below college is not allowed to fall in love”, I almost engraved this warning on my forehead. ”

“What’s the matter with that little fat man? How can I send you back?”

“Mom, that little fat paper didn’t send me back, but Xu Jingjing asked him to buy an English book, and then Xu Jingjing sprained her foot at school today and went to the hospital, so I asked him to bring it home, we just happened to be I just met downstairs. Why am I secretly dating? Even if I like people, at least I have to find a tall, handsome, good-looking guy who plays basketball very well. How could I like a dead fat man who can’t exercise? What?” Even if he likes people, he is at the level of Gao Zhan, okay?

“Oh, you’re so embarrassed to think that people are dead fat paper? Dead fat paper sends books to Xu Jingjing to deliver to the door, and you don’t even have a dead fat paper suitor, okay? You’re tall and handsome. Well, you can also play basketball very well? Oh, don’t think that you are like a fairy all day long and do daydreams. You can eat more rice and do less daydreaming.” Miss Beauty gave me a contemptuous look, Go past me and walk straight to the door.

I stared at Miss Beauty’s back in amazement, wait a minute! As a parent, shouldn’t you be afraid of your child’s puppy love? Why is my mother different from other women? Why does she despise me so much because I don’t even have a dead fat suitor?

Blue sky daydream? The sun is clearly setting now, okay?

“Miss Wang Jiaren, are you really my mother? Are you sure that you were in the Women’s and Children’s Clinic?

Didn’t the hospital hold the child in the wrong bed next door? “Being so humiliated, I seriously doubt that I was brought here.

“Oh, I’m sorry. When I saw that you looked like an alien, I asked the nurse if she was holding the wrong child for me, but the nurse showed me your little chicken claw, and it was indeed me who tied it. The bracelet with Wang Jiaren’s name. However, I still have a little doubt that the nurse had attached the bracelet wrongly in the first place.”


This conversation can’t be communicated well, even with my own mother.

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