I Have a Crush I Want to Talk to You

Chapter 8

: Chapter 6 No League Of Legends

The next day, I found out that I was dead wrong. Xu Jingjing is a liar! It’s not a tutorial at all! Starbucks, KFC, bookstores, supermarkets, squares where aunts and aunts dance… Any place where young couples can go, these two people can be seen, and I have always had to be a foil. My bowels are sore! I’m just a moving Philip light bulb that never covers my client’s head!

When I was buying a Coke at KFC, someone suddenly reminded me: “Hey, your money is gone.”

I looked down, and sure enough, a piece of RMB with a denomination of fifty was lying on the ground in a ball. The color was really green, green and green. I accidentally dropped the change when I was buying Coke just now. I just wanted to thank the person who reminded me, but when I turned around and saw the familiar figure of Tuanchuan, I suddenly didn’t want to speak. At most half a meter away from me.

I couldn’t help pulling the chunky aside and said, “Hey, instant noodles, do you know you’re so perverted?”

Kang Jiawei replied sternly: “I don’t call it instant noodles.”

I pointed to his black and somewhat curly hair and said, “A head full of instant noodles.”

“I’m born, please don’t discriminate against natural rolls.”

“Okay. I don’t discriminate against you. But you know what? I follow two of them every day. It’s already very hard and troublesome to move Philip like a man. Please don’t show up in front of me again. You will make me work harder and harder. Troubled. Got it?” I took a deep breath.

He wrinkled a pair of thick eyebrows, with a pair of “Boundless seas,

It’s time to turn around.” Purdue sentient beings’ tone of voice persuaded me: “You’re a pervert if you follow them both for three days. ”

I rolled my eyes and said, “Who the **** told you that I was following the two of them? My family and Xu Jingjing’s are neighbors. Whichever way she goes home, of course I will go.”

“Oh, I also take that road every day. You have to go back and forth every day when you get home, and I happened to turn to KFC today.”

“…” I was speechless, he saw through the facts at a glance.

“Are you helping them cover just now?”

“You see it? So you can see it?” I quickly covered my mouth.

“As long as you’re not blind, you can see it. I’ve seen you following them a couple of times in the vicinity, and the two of them don’t seem to avoid or hate you, and occasionally greet you with a smile.” He was clear-headed and reasonable. There is evidence.

I’m hooked! Forehead! I am in awe of his observational and analytical skills. The only thing that can understand me now is the instant noodles in front of me. For a moment, I seemed to have forgotten the grievances and entanglements between me and him, and finally couldn’t help but find a table, face to face, and tell everything about Xu Jingjing’s request for my help. I never imagined that I would be like the hairstylist who cut the king’s hair and couldn’t wait to complain to him.

Women really can’t keep secrets! I can’t help but despise myself a thousand times in my heart.

Instant Noodles raised his eyebrows in disbelief, staring at me as if he had seen a ghost.

“Don’t look at me like that! I know I’m a little **** on the outside, but I’m actually a Virgin Mary, I’m the Virgin Mary, oh no, please call me Lei Feng

…” I said and couldn’t go on.

Instant Noodles smiled lightly.

I sighed faintly and said, “Thank you, though. It’s very comfortable to be able to speak out about such a depressing thing. If you have any opinions to express, you can listen to them now.”

Instant Noodles looked at me with sympathy, and persuaded me amiably like a veteran cadre: “Xu Jingjing, don’t help them. ,very bad.”

“Of course I knew it was bad, but I didn’t know how to refuse at the time.” I secretly added that it wasn’t that I didn’t know how to refuse, but that I didn’t want to refuse at all.

But this little thought was immediately pierced by Kang Jiawei, “It’s not that you don’t know how to refuse, but the drunkard’s intention is not in the bar…”

I threw Coke on the table with a slap, and told the truth.

“No! I’m going to make it clear to Xu Jingjing face to face, and I will refuse to help any more.”

I got up, and when I turned around, I happened to see Xu Jingjing at the cashier at the front desk, asking the waiter for a glass of plain water. Before I could call her, she saw the instant noodles sitting behind me sharply.

“Huh? Jiawei, are you here too?” Her surprised eyes wandered back and forth between me and the instant noodles, and after a few seconds, she turned into a clear look, and the smile on her face was extremely bright, “Jingjing, you and my family Classmate Wei seems to have a special… destiny. We met at a coffee shop last time, and this time we met at KFC again.”

Haha in my heart, no one in this world can compare to you, Xu Jing

Jing, right? Not only have they been neighbors for 17 years, but also the same kindergarten, the same primary school, the same middle school, the same high school, the same class, and the same boy I like…

As soon as the instant noodles saw Xu Jingjing, she was incomparably excited and nervous, her chubby body suddenly stood up from the chair, very smooth and without pressure. I guess instant noodles can only move so smoothly in front of Xu Jingjing.

“Good… what a coincidence.”

I just finished complimenting him in my heart that he is a flexible fat man. Who would have thought that he could stutter just by saying two words. He clearly talked to me so smoothly before.

Xu Jingjing smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you for the last time. I bought the book for me, and I’m sorry to bother you to send it to my house again.”

The instant noodle stammered: “You…you have already thanked you last time, don’t be so…so polite, anyway…I’ll drop by the way home anyway.”

Xu Jingjing said: “Fortunately, I went on the way, otherwise I would be really embarrassed to ask you to help me deliver to my house. Thank you.”

All of a sudden, I was like a sculpture, standing stupidly watching the two of you saying something to me, and analyzing the relationship between the two seems to be more complicated than I thought.

“I won’t disturb you. I still have a lot of homework to complete, and the ‘teacher’ is a bit fierce.” Xu Jingjing told me and instant noodles with her eyes that Gao Zhan was a strict tutor. “Jingjing, come on! Jiawei is not only good at English, but also good at math, physics and chemistry.” She made a fighting gesture with her fists and left with boiled water.

Once again I am speechless… Does it have a lot to do with me whether the instant noodle study is good? why

So her tutor can be Gao Zhan, and I have to find instant noodles? Wait a moment! It was clear that I was going to reject her sternly, but after hearing her talk a lot of nonsense, I actually forgot.

I sat down in my seat, drank the cola in front of me in one go, and looked at the instant noodles, I couldn’t help but ask, “Are you familiar with Xu Jingjing?”

“…Not too familiar.” Instant noodles’ face was a little red.

“Not too familiar? Not only did you help to buy English books, but also sent them to her house. This is not too familiar? Why didn’t you buy me books and help me deliver them to my house? Anyway, we still got hurt and fell together. Carmen’s friendship.” My tone was inexplicably sour, which made the friendship between the two of us “Carmen” so profound.

A mouthful of Coke spewed out of the instant noodles. Fortunately, I hid quickly, but it was a pity that the book was splashed with so many drops.

He wiped his mouth embarrassedly, said yes, and carefully wiped the table and my book with a napkin.

“Oh, forget it.” I waved my hand indifferently.

“Oh, then do you want Midland’s book? If you want, I can bring it to you tomorrow.”

“…Isn’t that the point?” Why did I ask him what original English book he wanted? I don’t understand it when I take it back, okay? This nerd! He hasn’t been here for a long time. If it wasn’t for me having three bad relationships with him, I guess I still don’t know his name. However, Xu Jingjing not only knew the name of the family and the status of his studies, but also knew that his house was not far from our community, so I asked him to help buy and deliver books by the way… Well, I admit that I am a little bit skeptical and cautious, but when I know Xu Jing

Jing knew so many things about Kang Jiawei, and I vaguely felt that something was wrong. It is said that women’s sixth sense is very strong, but I don’t know where I am inexplicably strong. Alas, forget it, I’m too lazy to care about their affairs.

“Oh, yes, the point is that you didn’t seem to have mentioned to her about not covering up.”

“…” His words were not straight-forward, but a sword to seal the throat.

“Actually, you don’t want to talk about it in your heart, because you can’t bear it.” However, instant noodles saw through my mind at a glance.

“It makes you seem so willing. If it were you, if you were willing to give up, you wouldn’t be stammering when you saw Xu Jingjing just now. Look at the Doriso you said when you were talking to me. Humph!”

“…” Instant noodles immediately turned red when I said that.

I looked back at the deck not far away, Gao Zhan looked serious, and his eyebrows were furrowed, pointing to the page, guiding Xu Jingjing, Xiong Shuai, and Zhou Dapeng. It seems that Dapeng has an objection, and Gao Zhan makes Dapeng shut up obediently. Gosh! It turned out that Gao Zhan was so handsome and eye-catching even when he was angry, he was so sparkling and beeping.

When the **** was over, I looked back at the algebra textbook I opened in front of me. It seemed that there were a few questions in today’s homework that I wouldn’t be able to do. I should be able to ask Gao Zhan too…

My body had already moved halfway, when the instant noodles suddenly snorted twice and said, “Don’t say it if you don’t want to.”

If he didn’t speak, I might have stood up.

“Really? Then I won’t change like this?” If a person keeps seeking other people’s opinions, sometimes it’s not that he has an undecided idea, but he already has an idea.

I wish more people would agree with my point of view.

“It’s okay, it’s not too perverted…” He said insincerely, he didn’t dare to look at me, took a deep breath of Coca-Cola, took my book, and tried his best to cover up: “Which question can’t you do?”

“How do you know I won’t do it?”

“Your body language has told me.”

“Yo, it’s like you can read minds with the FBI.”

“Oh, I bought the book and read it, but I haven’t studied it in depth yet.”


“If you don’t dislike it, I’ll teach you.” Before I answered, he added, “If you ask for advice in the past, some people should be unhappy.”

“You really have the potential to be a spy.” I sat down and pointed to the question in the book with my pen.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and said incredulously, “You don’t know such a simple question? If you ask him this question in the past, maybe people will think you’re trying to find fault.”

“Hey, can you speak human words? If you can’t speak human words, just shut up and don’t make trouble.” Who knows if it’s simple or not. If I can, do you still want to ask someone for advice?

“The previous math teacher should have taught you formulas, right?”

“Odd changes and even doesn’t change, the symbols look at the quadrants. This is probably the most sentimental verse I have learned after so many years of study.” I don’t know why I need to learn this? It’s always confusing to remember so many items. In the future, when I become an aunt and go to the vegetable market to buy food, the primary school’s nine-nine multiplication table will be enough for me to sweep the vegetable market.”

Instant noodles couldn’t help laughing, there were two deep dimples on the round face, which was really cute.


The previous math teacher had a strong accent, but he taught us a very simple method, which is to memorize formulas in Chinese. For example, sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinB, can you record it as kill? Killable! sin(A-B)=sinAcosB-sinBcosA, can you record it as kill? Kill can! ”

I burst out laughing.

He smiled and took out a pen from his pen bag, and easily wrote a few lines of derivation formulas on the scratch pad, and he solved the problem easily.

When I looked at the problem-solving method, it was as simple as he said… Looking at the derivation formulas in these lines, I suddenly had a deep understanding that was insulting my IQ. As he said, if I go to Gao Zhan, he will definitely think that I am looking for trouble. I pointed to another question and said, “There is another question, please help me by the way.”

He eloquently wrote down the solution. Whether it is Chinese characters or English characters, or numbers, from my side, they are all very neat. When he turned around, the word was vigorous and powerful, and it was very beautiful. Ordinary people say: words are like people. But this sentence is not suitable for instant noodles, maybe he is a little thinner.

“Starting today, the three-meter ban will be lifted, and I approve that you can move within half a meter of me.”

Instant Noodle smiled and reached out and took a few fries. When I saw it, I patted the back of his hand, knocked down the fries, and said, “You are so fat, eat less junk food.”

His eyes dimmed suddenly, as if Bambi was injured, he hummed timidly, and withdrew his hand obediently.

i scratched

Head, suddenly proposed: “Instant noodles, you can join my team.”

“Huh?” He raised his head and stared at me inexplicably, his brown pupils shining with infinite brilliance.

“I see you every three days, and I think you are quite free. You are doing your homework when you go home, and you are doing homework here. Well, if you have nothing to do, you can come with me, so that I don’t seem to be alone. So perverted. You should save someone’s life, like building a seven-level Buddha.” In fact, I want to say, let’s have a crush together, we just have a partner on the road of crush, and we won’t be empty and lonely. Anyway, I like Gao Zhan, and you like Xu Jingjing. Fat and water do not flow to outsiders, good things are shared together, what a good proposal, I am almost moved by my own good idea.

I looked at him expectantly, but he glared at me with that ‘see the ghost” expression, then shook his fat head desperately, and replied firmly: “No!”

The corners of my mouth twitched, thinking it was a sure thing, but this guy actually said no.

“Hey, I sincerely invite you to join the team, not just for me, I can help you chase Xu Jingjing.”

He stared at me, his expression changed and changed, and he was silent for a long time before saying, “If I catch up with Xu Jingjing, will you go after Gao Zhan?”

“NO, if I wanted to chase Gao Zhan, I would have already said it, so I don’t need to be so troublesome, it’s purely to help you.” I was a little mean.

He suddenly laughed and said, “You don’t want to help me, you hate Xu Jingjing. Even if you want to help me chase Xu Jingjing, it’s just to break up the two of them successfully.”

My wretched mind was immediately guessed by him, and I found that I

It’s really hard to hide a bit of bad thinking in front of him. I was a little embarrassed and angry, and said: “Yes! I’m a mean villain, I’m wretched! I have a crush on someone, but at least I’m paying in an open and honest way. You don’t want to chase after someone with a secret crush, and you often pretend to meet by chance. What kind of mentality do you have? Hurry up. Write it in your Lei Feng diary, you are a good person! Let me, a pervert, carry out the pervert to the end alone. Humph!”

I reach for the fries on his plate, filling my mouth.

He simply put the whole plate in front of me and let me ravage it, “Slow down, don’t choke.”

“Humph!” Eat poor this fat paper.

“Thank you for borrowing my clothes last time. I didn’t even have time to thank you. I’m so sorry that you caught a cold.”

“If you want to thank you, thank the school uniforms all look the same.” I proudly expressed the attitude that “the school uniforms don’t look the same, my sister is too lazy to borrow you to cover my shame”, “and don’t put a note in my pocket next time, I will Mom would think it was a love letter.”

He smiled naively.

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