I Have A Martial Dao World

Chapter 18: 18. Investigate and handle according to regulations

Chapter 18: 18. Investigate and handle according to regulations

The three exchanged glances and quickly went outside, only to find that the people who had come were a squad of patrol officers! This is the law enforcement agency of the Otherworld, whose primary responsibility is to chase after criminals and catch thieves.

These patrol officers were strong and sturdy, each carrying an old-fashioned bolt-action rifle resembling the 98K, complete with bayonets attached.

As soon as they arrived, the crowd watching the commotion scattered, and those who remained looked fearful.

The man at the forefront, dressed in a green official robe, stepped forward and said solemnly:

"Master Liao, you have openly violated the Great Shun Warrior Code. Today, I am here to seal off the Liao Family Fist school. I am merely carrying out my duties, and I hope you will not make this difficult."

Liao Ya clasped his fists in response, "Inspector Wang, it was the Golden Tiger Martial Arts School that challenged us first, my response was reasonable and within the rules, I did not break any laws!"

Inspector Wang cleared his throat, "Martial artists must sign a life-and-death contract before dueling, otherwise killing is strictly forbidden. Your duel was private, and Zhu Jiaxiu of the Golden Tiger School is dead."

Liao Ya frowned, "Dead... so quickly..."

"Indeed, he passed away on the way. And... a young man named Han Fang from a respectable family has also died. His family is now at the Patrol Bureau, crying and accusing you of being lawless and killing in the streets."

Liao Ya said in surprise, "Impossible! I merely crushed his shoulder as a punishment, it wasn't fatal!"

Inspector Wang bowed slightly and said, "The situation is what it is, further discussion is pointless. Master Liao, you are a martial master registered with the Imperial Court, I do not have the authority to deal with you. However, we need to investigate the martial arts school according to the regulations."


While the two were negotiating, Liao Qe leaned over to whisper in Lu Yao's ear:

"This man is Inspector Wang Dezhi from the Patrol Bureau, a minor officer of Ninth Grade. The government usually doesn't like to meddle in and as my sister is a registered martial master of the Imperial Court enjoying certain privileges, the Patrol Bureau is even less willing to cause trouble. For them to show up so quickly, there must be something wrong!"

Lu Yao remained calm, his hand quietly clutching a piece of silver.

At this moment, Wang Dezhi waved his hand and commanded, "Come, seal it!"

Two patrol officers, holding white seals, stepped forward and were about to affix them to the main entrance.

"Hold on!" Lu Yao stepped forward, holding the dazzling silver and making a handshake gesture, "I am Lu Yao, returned from overseas, now a formal disciple of the Liao Family Fist. I wish you well, sir!"

Ever since foreign gunboats forced open the nation's doors, the Western handshake had become commonplace, especially in Yunzhou with its many foreign concessions.

Inspector Wang's eyes twinkled, and he grandly shook hands with Lu Yao. As he felt the hard object in his hand, his expression softened significantly.

With his years of experience as an official, he could tell from a slight weigh that it was half a taels of silver - equivalent to half a year's salary for him!

He thought to himself in surprise: This young man is generous!

Concealing the silver in a blink, he asked with a smile, "Young Master Lu is certainly a fine figure, no wonder you've studied abroad. May I know what you have to teach us?"

Seeing that the man had accepted the silver, Lu Yao relaxed somewhat and spoke aloud:

"Inspector Wang, the Liao Family is also blessed with ancestral grace, perhaps your team could take a break? There will be an explanation before sunset."

Inspector Wang quickly pondered. The head of the previous generation of the Liao Family, Liao Qigong, had once followed Governor-general Lin in the opium suppression efforts, so knowing a few connections in the official circles was only normal, and indeed he should afford them some courtesy.

Therefore, he chuckled and nodded, "Then let's wait until sunset. I hope Young Master Lu will not make our job difficult."


The three quickly returned inside the martial arts school to discuss their strategy.

Lu Yao opened the discussion, "This man is merely performing his official duties without causing deliberate difficulty."

Liao Ya's delicate brows were furrowed, her pretty face frosty, "Despicable! To frame and entrap, using the government to cause trouble! The martial arts school is the Liao Family's face; it cannot be sealed off!"

Liao Qe said anxiously, "Sister, we must go see Mr. Du immediately for his help."

Liao Ya hesitated, "Mr. Du is busy with matters of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau and might not be willing to get involved in local affairs; for us to approach him rashly... might be inappropriate."

Gripping her sister's hand and with tears welling up in her eyes, Liao Qe said, "Then what do we do..."

Lu Yao called out, "Don't rush, you two wait a moment~"

He had met this Du Wenlan once before and had prepared something just in case, never expecting it would come in handy so soon.

Lu Yao quickly ran back to his room, grabbed a book, and showed it to the two sisters, "Just go! With this, there won't be a problem!"

It was the "Steel Refining Process and Procedure" he had brought from Blue Star.

Lu Yao had been keeping it, and had even meticulously bound it on the side to resemble a book for easier reading.


Qingyun Street, Du Residence. freёwebnoѵel.com

In the side hall, the porter brought in some tea and then left, his attitude indifferent.

Lu Yao sat there composedly, looking at the two nervous young ladies, "Why are you two so tense?"

Liao Qe gave him a glare and whispered, "This isn't like Inspector Wang, that Ninth Grade minor official! Du Wenlan is a fourth-grade high-ranking official of the Imperial Court, in charge of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau, on par with the Prefectural Governor. Do you understand?"

Liao Ya was anxious, "The Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau appears to be a government office studying Western techniques, but in reality, it's a military factory established by the Imperial Court. Du Wenlan is in charge of this place, holding significant power. Our families share some old ties... but he may not give us the time of day..."

After all, they were just teenage girls who could get restless over such matters, to which Lu Yao chuckled, "Relax, if Du Wenlan can be the Director-General of the Manufacturing Bureau, he must be a core member of the Western Affairs Faction. After seeing my book, he will definitely meet us. And even if he doesn't help, so what if the martial arts school closes? I'll support you two—I'll make sure you're well-fed and healthy."

Liao Qe's face flushed red, she clenched her fists and hit him as if massaging, "Who needs your support? We still have to carry on and honor the Liao Family Fist~"

Liao Ya let out a sigh of relief, her face slightly relaxing. Her brother's diversion had considerably lightened her mood.


At the highest point of the Du Residence courtyard, Du Wenlan and his aides were sitting in a pavilion. Not only could they enjoy the view and relax their minds here, but they could also clearly see incoming guests.

He knew why the Liao sisters were here, but he did not want to see them.

As a fourth-grade official of the Imperial Court, he already had enough serious matters on his hands, not wishing to get entangled in local affairs and attract censure.

His aide, Mr. Gan, observed his master's expression and immediately had an idea, saying,

"Our dynasty treats martial artists well, expecting them to kill enemies and serve the country. Unfortunately, once on the battlefield, their skills are reduced to fleeing for their lives, of little use in critical moments."

Drinking a sip of tea, Du Wenlan spoke indifferently, "For all time, death is the ultimate trial. After decades of arduous cultivation, who would willingly let their life be taken by a bullet? However, there are still loyal and devoted warriors."

He thought of the figure who, armed only with a spear, charged alone into the enemy's camp. "The Liao Family..."

At that moment, an attendant came holding a snow-white "book" and respectfully reported, "Sir, this book is extraordinary, please have a look at it!"

All his confidants knew that their master yearned for Western technology, even going so far as to post a notice himself to show his eagerness. Thus, seeing the exceptionally fine Blue Star paper, they immediately presented it to him.

Du Wenlan picked it up and instantly his expression grew solemn. He felt the snowy white and smooth paper between his fingers, surpassing any ordinary material!

He hastily flipped through a few pages, and his expression drastically changed! With a clatter, he accidentally knocked his teacup to the ground, shattering it.

This is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

Mr. Gan noticed this and asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Flushed with excitement, Du Wenlan's hands trembled slightly, "What one has sought for so long has been found effortlessly!"

Fortunate that his experience as an official had taught him self-composure, he quickly regained his calm and asked, "This Young Master Lu who presented the book, is said to be from overseas?"

Mr. Gan pondered for a moment and confirmed, "Indeed, he does not seem like someone from our dynasty."

Du Wenlan took a deep breath and ordered, "Invite them to the main hall, I will meet them in person."

Mr. Gan glanced at the book held tightly in his hand and realized, "The master must have gained something valuable."

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