I Have a Monster Farm

Chapter 726 Mutant Underground Organization

Lorna took Zhang Ziyu to an abandoned factory. The rusty barbed wire fence surrounded the entire factory, and the chain locked the gate.

Behind the wall is a dilapidated and dark factory. The walls are mottled. I don’t know how long it has been abandoned. In some gaps, weeds can still be seen growing.


Lorna skillfully broke the chain, then pushed open the rusty door, and walked in with Zhang Ziyu.

The two walked inside, and in the factory, they saw a tall man standing there.

"Lorna, you overturned two police cars in the short time you've been out. Our underground mutant organization hasn't been fully established yet."

"But I found a new member."

Lorna didn't care about the man across from her, she raised her mouth and pointed at Zhang Ziyu.

"Thunderbird, John Aoxing, one of the members of our underground organization, Zhang Ziyu, a friend we just met."

After a brief introduction, Thunderbird reached out and shook Zhang Ziyu's hand, with a strong palm and a kind smile on his face: "Welcome."

Thunderbird is a very charismatic guy. He is tall, has a kind face, and always maintains a straight figure. It is not difficult to detect that he used to be a soldier.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. Lorna has made a lot of noise. We have to stay in the old place these days."

Thunderbird led the two to the back of the factory, where a pickup truck with a fake license plate was parked.

"It's a little far from where we are."

The three got into the car, Zhang Ziyu was in the back seat, Thunderbird was driving, Polaris Lorna was in the co-pilot position.

Theoretically speaking, the first meeting usually wouldn't bring people back to their base easily, but the two leaders of the underground organization in the Atlanta area were just in their infancy and urgently needed new forces to join.

And there is another important point, it is difficult for Zhang Ziyu to make people feel bad.

Even if he hides his identity, he still makes people feel close.

The vehicle was still speeding, and Lorna used her own ability to play with the metal beads in her hand, making them suspend at her fingertips.

Passing through the secluded path all the way, after a long time, the vehicle came to the road near the woods, and Zhang Ziyu suddenly felt a spiritual force permeating the surroundings.

Thunderbird John said: "Relax, we have a companion who will use his ability to scare people away from this place. It's usually a bit uncomfortable, but it's okay."

"Quite an interesting ability."

Zhang Ziyu's answer stunned Thunderbird for a moment, but he remembered his own perception. In his perception, he could vaguely feel that Zhang Ziyu was not weak.

The vehicle passed through an illusion, and soon came to a dilapidated villa manor, drove into the manor along the road, and saw the abandoned villa and a strange-looking person.

"Thank you, Perode."

Thunderbird patted Perode's shoulder on the shoulder, and the other party nodded slightly in response, but subconsciously glanced at Zhang Ziyu.

Entering from the main entrance of the villa, the gate is actually half broken and has not been fully repaired, and the inside is also a little messy, with other things placed there.

"There are rooms available on the first and second floors, but the furniture is old and doesn't look very nice."

"John, come over and have a look at some situations."

Just as John was about to introduce Zhang Ziyu about the shelter, a woman poked her head out on the second floor and called him back.

"Sorry, I'll go over there, Lorna, take Zhang to settle down first."

John strode up to the second floor, and Lorna said to Zhang Ziyu: "Come with me, there are people living on the first floor, but most of them are temporary residents. When the time is right, we will help them smuggle to Mexico, where mutants will be a little better."

She paused and remained silent for a while: "Although there is not much difference."

Coming to the second floor, the division of the second floor of the old villa is obviously more obvious. Not far away, there is a room full of computers and monitors, and further inside is the living room, and there is a living room in the middle of the overall structure.

"That's the communication room. It's where we collect information. Sage is in charge of that place. That's the one just now."

Lorna led Zhang Ziyu forward, pointed to the hallway on the left: "This is where our official members live, and the housekeeper is Meimeng Sonia."

"Lorna, who is he?"

A woman with blond hair and a plump figure walked towards her, with a smile on her face, and a pair of eyes that made people look intently.

"Zhang Ziyu should be our new member."

Lorna looked at Zhang Ziyu with a look of questioning in her eyes, obviously she was also asking him.

Zhang Ziyu smiled: "Help me find a room on the second floor."

Lorna smiled brightly and said, "There's an empty room next to me."

Meimeng Sonia looked between the two of them, she smiled but said nothing, although Zhang Ziyu is a newcomer, but she is really handsome, who doesn't want the neighbor to be more eye-catching?

The room is not too big or small, with a bed and a small table. The bedding on the bed is brown and looks a bit dull, but there is no other smell.

"The quilt has been washed, but there is no occupant in this room for the time being. If you don't have a change of clothes, you can ask John for one or two for the time being. He is about the same size as you. Do you want me to help you get it?"

It was rare for Lorna to talk so much, and her eyes fell on Zhang Ziyu.

Zhang Ziyu shook his head: "Go out for a while, just grab some clothes."

Lorna Dai frowned slightly: "Your ability is teleportation?"

She wanted to say that Zhang Ziyu was very courageous, after all, he had just been wanted, but when she thought of it, he seemed to appear on the street suddenly, like a teleportation.

If it is this type of ability, going out is not particularly dangerous, at least if you can master the ability well.


Hearing Zhang Ziyu's answer, Lorna said: "Then it's best to wait a few days before going out, the limelight is very tight now, you should rest first."

Lorna went out and helped Zhang Ziyu close the door. She was a neat woman.

Zhang Ziyu casually swept the whole room with the magic cleaner that had not been used for a long time, but nothing was changed, except that the dust was cleaned up.

I met Lorna when I first arrived. Although I was a little surprised, it was not incomprehensible.

Every world has people who belong to the zodiac. If there is no accident, the snakes selected by the snake of the dimension are the most suitable people.

As the spokespersons of the snake, their influence and fusion efficiency on the entire world and even the universe will be faster than that of inconspicuous people.

Obviously, in this mutant parallel universe, Lorna is such a person.

"It's quite interesting, but there's no rush. Let's take a look first. And if this bubble is the world of "The Gifted", then the closer bubble should be the mainstream world of mutants. You can study it."

Zhang Ziyu has a lot of time to test his new abilities. For him, now he realizes that every difference in the world is actually a process of perfecting his own universe.

Lorna went out for a while, and around evening, there was a knock on his door.

"Zhang, it's time for dinner."

The door opened, and there was Thunderbird John outside.

"Let's go, I'll take you there. Usually, everyone eats on the second floor. Of course, if you're not used to it, you can take it back to your room to eat."

"Let me go there together, just to meet everyone."

Hearing Zhang Ziyu's kind answer, John smiled more clearly, and he said, "That's just right, everyone in our team is here today."

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