I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Chapter 15: Necromancer

"So after I filmed and confirmed that the actions of the necromancer were a violation and anti-humanity."

"At the first time, we contacted the superEaglepilotofthef117aNighthawkattackaircraftoftheU.S.Army.Withour,thesuperEaglepilotofthef117aNighthawkattackaircraftagreedtohelpustouseweaponstoeliminatethenecromancer."

"We contacted the pilot of the U.S. F117A Nighthawk Super Eagle at the first time, and under our persuasion, the F117A Nighthawk Super Eagle pilot agreed to help us and use weapons to destroy the Necromancer. "


"So the driver of the Super Eagle, with a 36mm caliber electromagnetic railgun mounted on the Super Eagle, fired round steel shot continuously at a height of more than 2,000 meters through laser guidance to destroy the Necromancer."

(The screen is followed by the battle scene)

"But eventhen, the magic array was activated. Fortunately, only six undead creations named ghoulswokeup from thegraveyard and wereeasily solved byme, but—"

"But it was like this, the magic circle was still activated. Fortunately, there were only 6 undead creatures named ghouls that were awakened from the cemetery and were easily resolved by me, but—"

(The screen is transferred from the ending clip)

Zhou Wenwen was wearing overclocked armor, holding a discharge metal spear in his hand, and continued in a low voice:

"Butweallknowthatthisisjustthebeginning.Moreandmorenecromancerswillappeartowakeupthedead.Wedon'tknowwheretheNecromancersareorevenwheretheNecromancerscomefrom, but—"

"But we all know that this is just the beginning. More and more necromancers will appear to wake up the dead, and we don't know where the necromancers are, or even where they come from, but—"

Speaking of this, Zhou Wenwen said in a louder voice:

"But wehumans, willnotyield, wewillcontinuetorepresenthumanity,andfightagainsttheundead,thisisCrusadeJihad,thisisthegloryoftheLord,Amen."

"But we humans will not yield. We will continue to represent humans and fight the undead. This is the Crusades. This is the glory of the Lord, Amen."

Speaking of the end, the black and white body of the "Overclocking Warrior" under the camera was suddenly wrapped in a flash of light, and disappeared after 3 seconds under the camera.


Zhou Wenwen's last few sentences, UU reading www. uukanshu.com "This is the crusade jihad, this is the glory of the Lord, Amen", Zhou Wenwen decided to add it on a temporary basis, the reason is, in order to gain the popularity of God and Christianity.

As for why we didn't talk about Lulu and Buddhism, apart from the major reason why there were too few elites who believed in Lulu and Buddhism, the most direct reason was that Zhou Wenwen only thought of the Crusades at that time.

And when you think of the Crusaders, you will think of jihad, and when you think of jihad, you will write the 2012 prophecy of this world, and human beings will fail and perish in 2012.

Although according to the timeline of Transformers and Marvel movies, 2012 is indeed very dangerous.

After the chat was over, the forerunners had already made videos and uploaded them to major websites. The bored Zhou Wenwen turned his perspective to the victim, the Chinese girl.

While Zhou Wenwen was observing the Chinese girls, at the moment of 9:12, the second video shot by Zhou Wenwen was uploaded under the account under the name of "Overclocking Warrior" under the major video websites of various countries. The name of the video is For "Holy War, this is just the beginning", and use Chinese, English, Japanese and other languages.

And because of the shock caused by the first video "I am an Overclocking Warrior", major netizens have paid attention to the account of "Overclocking Warrior", although because of the first video "I am an Overclocking Warrior" on the Youtu Turtle website, because of S.H.I.E.L.D. As a result, the website of Youtu Turtle deleted the account "Overclocking Warrior".

But other websites, on the video website that S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot relate to, this video is still there, and the number of users is increasing.

So after Pioneer uploaded "Holy War, this is just the beginning", all the netizens who followed the account "Overclock Warrior" quickly clicked to watch it.

Chapter 16 The teaser video affects fluctuations, and countries are shocked

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