I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 2 Chapter 71: the door of reappearance

The chemical composition of barite is BaSO4, and the crystal is a sulfate mineral of orthorhombic (rhombic) crystal system. Often thick plate or columnar crystals, mostly dense block or plate, granular aggregates.

When pure, it is colorless and transparent. When it contains impurities, it is dyed into various colors, with white streaks, vitreous luster, and transparent to translucent.

Three groups of cleavage are complete, and the included angle is equal to or close to 90°. Mohs hardness is 3-3.5, specific gravity is 4.0-4.6. Identification features: plate-like crystal, small hardness, complete cleavage at near right angles, high density, no foaming in the presence of hydrochloric acid, and distinguishes it from similar calcite.

Barite is a non-metallic mineral product with barium sulfate (BaSO4) as the main component. Pure barite is white and shiny. Due to the influence of impurities and mixed substances, it is often gray, light red, light yellow, etc. The crystallization condition Fairly good barites can also appear as transparent crystals. Barite is a mixture.

The crystals of barite are large tubes, and the crystals sometimes come together to form rosette-shaped or forked clumps, which are called crested barites. Pure barite is colorless and transparent, generally white or light yellow, with vitreous luster.

Barite can be used as a white pigment, as a filler in chemicals, paper, textiles, and in glass production, it acts as a flux and increases the brightness of glass. But it is mainly used as a weighting agent in the drilling industry and in the extraction of barium.


Under the control of several scientists who were transferred from various places, according to the method given by Zhou Wenwen, 150 grams of barium sulfate was poured on a 9 by 9 temperature-resistant glass plate, and the poured out should be uniform and the center was vacant. Barium sulfate should also be round.

This is not over yet, they also have to prepare a cup of 100 ml of aluminum aqueous solution containing copper, silver and gold powder, the proportions of which are 6 copper, 3 silver and 1 gold respectively, and the amount of aluminum water is arbitrary.

Of course, this step is also very simple. Soon, a measuring cup containing 100 ml of aluminum aqueous solution was prepared by a number of chemists, and it was urgently transported and placed in the middle of the barium sulfate powder circle.

And when the measuring cup was finished, another item was also finished by a number of people who were specialized in carving, inlaying, and polishing. That was digging from the head of the F/A-1-A combat-type magic puppet. red square crystals and rubies.

Under the "refining" of these people, the huge red square column crystals turned into hundreds of 6 cubic centimeter cubes in the blink of an eye, and were piled up around the measuring cup, and because the cubes were polished into a smooth shape, these cubes Just so a "mirror wall" is formed.

And this is exactly what Zhou Wenwen wants. He wants to do an experiment. If he can hit the "mirror wall" with the ashes beam emitted from the electronic cycle conversion device, it will refract the beam to the ruby ​​and emit radiation. The properties of barium sulfate to determine the exact coordinates of the space-time cracks again.

That is, the correct location for the enemy to appear in the mission.

And the reason why Zhou Wenwen wanted to do this had to be when Zhou Wenwen shot down the last F/A-1-A combat magic puppet.

When Zhou Wenwen shot down the last F/A-1-A combat-type magic puppet with the ash beam shot from the electronic cycle conversion device, he felt a sense of panic and anxiety in his heart.

This panic and unease is not the kind of horror that Iron Man feels about the number of enemies, but an intuition about dangerous things.

To be more precise, Zhou Wenwen felt that it was not right, everything was too smooth and too loose.

Although the United States and the Soviet Union have suffered losses, they are basically within an acceptable range. Well, the fact that the United States has lost nearly one billion US dollars is a bit "painful".

Holding this unease, Zhou Wenwen instructed the stalkers, fighters, strikers, supporters, and destroyers to enter the sea, and put the two F/A-1-A combat models that had not sunk yet and whose bodies and minds were relatively well preserved. The magic golem was salvaged and placed on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

After cleaning with high-pressure water and refreshing the dirt and bullet marks on the F/A-1-A combat magic puppets, Zhou Wenwen discovered that these F/A-1-A combat magic puppets had magic similar to a circuit. array diagram.

And the magic circle map found on the F/A-1-A combat-type magic puppet, UU reading www.uukanshu.com actually has half of the magic circle map in Joe's Notes!

After discovering this, Zhou Wenwen immediately decided to conduct the first test, and the first test was to determine the exact coordinates of the space-time crack!

"Everyone, get ready-"

When Zhou Wenwen's voice sounded, the black electronic cycle conversion device on his chest just now turned on a white light at the moment when the crackling electronic sparks sounded.

At the same time, a data screen that only Zhou Wenwen could read clearly was projected, and it was written in Chinese and English:

English: AEES0.1 (Ashenergy; 0.1system).

英文: ?Ash energy launch 0.1 system.

Full name: Alpha beta electron absorption cycle conversion emission? Ash energy 0.1 system.

Chapter 72 Announcement of the Second Formula

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