I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 246: source of misfortune

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Fugal ordered the city gates to be closed tightly, refusing Cú Chulainn to enter. But Cú Chulainn challenged him across the city gate and killed him.

On his way home with Emmel, Fogar's men came to hunt him down, but they were all killed by him.

Cú Chulainn, who returned to his homeland, was respected by the people and married Emmel.

With Kuroy:

There is another saying about Cuchulainn's marriage to Emmel:

After returning from school, Cuchulain formally proposed to Emmel, but at the same time two other Irish warriors, the warrior Laegaire Buadach and Cuchulain's half-brother Conall Cearnach, proposed to Emmel. They are all famous heroes.

Fogar asked Emmel to choose, and Emmel chose Cuchulain.

The two refused to accept it, and they asked CuRoi, the king of Munster, to rule, and CuRoi transformed into a giant Uath to challenge the three, wielding a giant axe and claiming to cut off their heads.

The two were afraid to fight, and only Cuchulain received the axe, because Cuchulain's body was protected by his father, the sun **** Luge.

Kuroi praised his courage when he recovered his true body, and the other two were convinced.

In the follow-up story "Cú Chulainn and Curoi of Munster", which is not mentioned in "The Long March for the Bull", it tells that Cu Chulainn was killed by Curro in the process of robbing a girl named Brasnat. Yi defeated, and then how treacherously killed Kuroi.

Cuchulainn and Kuroi sacked the rich merchant Inis te Falgar together. When killing the wealthy merchant's family, Cuchulain and Kuroi found that Inis' daughter, Brasnat, was young and beautiful. Everyone wanted to take her for themselves.

On the way back, the two fought for the girl, but Cú Chulainn lost to his opponent, and Kuroi took Brasnat and drove away.

Later, Cú Chulainn broke the oath he had made with Kuroi not to invade each other's territory and invaded Kuroi's country, Munster.

When attacking the castle where Kuroi was located, Branafast betrayed the people of Munster and quietly led the way for Cu Chulainn. She poured the milk into the creek, and Cuchulainn soon found Kuroi's place.

In the castle, Kuroi hopes to be reconciled with his former friend Cu Chulainn, because the two have sworn that they will never kill each other (this is the reason why Kuroi did not kill Cu Chulainn in the past). Chulin agreed.

When Kuroi turned around, Cu Chulainn betrayed him and killed him, and Kuroi fell in a pool of blood (there is also a saying that Kuroi faced the final plot against him).

After that, the castle was sacked by Cú Chulainn, and the poet around Curoi was also taken away.

When they passed a cliff, the poet jumped off the cliff with Brasnat in his arms while the crowd was revelling. The two fell into the abyss and finally avenged Kuroi.

Death of Kenrak:

This story takes place very early, before the cattle raid.

When Cu Chulainn was in the Land of Shadows, he and the female warrior Uyef gave birth to a son Ken Lak (namely Conlai).

Cuchulain told Uyef that when the child grew up, let him go to Ireland to find him, and gave Uyef a gold ring.

Cú Chulainn asked his son to do the following: "Not to be recognized by others, not to make concessions to anyone, and never to not participate in any duel."

This is the unfortunate source of this tragedy.

One day, the heroes of Ulster saw a golden ship coming from afar, with a boy on board.

He used all kinds of strange spells, someone predicted that this foreign boy would rule them sooner or later, so the warriors decided to drive him away.

First of all, he met Conall Cearnach, Conall asked him about his origin and background, but because of geis, Ken Lak could not answer, Conall thought it was an insult, so he challenged Conall Cearnach, but was defeated by Ken Lak. The king sent other warriors who were either killed or **** and thrown into the sea.


Chapter 247 Announcement that the Super Eagle is fighting

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