I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

Vol 9 Chapter 285: Decepticons, attack

At the beginning, the armed elements of the Ten Rings Gang thought that these Transformers were the control weapons of the U.S. military, such as drones, so when they did not see the infantry following the U.S. military, the armed elements of the Ten Rings Gang were very relieved and prepared unhurriedly Anti-armor rocket launchers and anti-tank missiles.

But when the pioneer who discovered this, sneered and quickly changed his plan, and issued an order in the communication video, "Decepticons, attack!"

", attack!"

Although the other Transformers who received the order were a little upset and were robbed of the limelight, they still shouted, "Decepticons, attack!"

"Decepticons, charge!"

"Decepticons, attack!"

Hearing these two words from his companions, Geek, the Autobot in this group of Decepticons Transformers, was suddenly embarrassed, but he quickly reacted, shouting at the same time, rushing to fire before the Destroyer .

"Autobots, attack!"

I saw the 90mm shelled energy cannons on Geek's left and right hands. Under hydraulic propulsion, the 90mm energy shells were ejected at a speed of 10 to 60 meters per second.

After the 90mm energy projectile flew out of the bullet port, the rocket propulsion engine installed at the end of the projectile found that eligible targets were automatically ignited. In an instant, the 90mm energy projectile hit the Shijie Gang at a speed of Mach 2 per second. 12.7mm machine gun mounts at the door to defend against the enemy.



The violent explosion of energy shells immediately devoured all the armed men who were on guard at the gate of the Ten Rings Gang. Seeing this, the destroyer who had just raised his right hand and transformed into a gun barrel had no choice but to give up the attack and move on.

But before the Destroyer could move further, the Ten Rings Gang fired a lot of rockets and missiles from the other side. The Destroyer had to give up the way of moving forward, open the Cross Energy Barrier Generator, and try to isolate the vibration generated by the attack. Wave.

At this time, the thing that made the Destroyer mad happened. The six Decepticons Transformers, the fighter, the striker, the supporter, the jaguar, the cougar, and the jaguar, who were originally behind the Destroyer, suddenly joined forces from Slip through the Destroyer energy barrier.

The rockets and missiles launched by the Ten Rings Gang against the six Decepticon Transformers naturally hit the Destroyer's energy barrier. Although these attacks did not cause damage, they greatly and effectively dragged the Destroyer.

In the end, even the Hunter, Forerunner, Geek, and Stalker entered the Ten Rings Gang through the Destroyer's energy barrier and began to rescue Tony.

Recalling the order issued by the master on the communication channel not long ago, the Destroyer could not help but regret it, thinking, since it is a rescue operation, why did he come here on the front line, eat cannonballs?

According to Tony's photo, the Decepticon Transformers who entered the Ten Rings Gang were interrogated by the armed men who surrendered to the Ten Rings Gang, and soon knew Tony's location and ran quickly, while Geck didn't go in, but stood at the intersection to replace the bully. The Tianhu Transformers suppressed the attack of the Ten Rings Gang.

Because of the sudden incident, Tony and Ethan in the cave had just finished uploading the data on the cloud, and were going to find a time to test Tony's armor.

The Decepticon Transformers broke through the cave and aimed their weapons at Ethan.

Tony silently counted the number of gun barrels aimed at him (Ethan), swallowed hard, and said to the robots.

"who are you?"

The unarmed Tony tried to "convince" the robot with words.

But what Tony didn't expect was that these robots actually responded to his question. It was just a robot that made a sound, not these big robots with gun barrels, but a robot the size of a palm.

"We are the Heavenly Punishment Walkers, the subordinates of the world's oldest guardian named Skywalker."

The hunter is serious and nonsense. Normally, this sentence of the hunter may be regarded as a joke by Tony and Ethan, but now, Tony and Ethan believe this sentence, of course, there are doubts and doubts.

But Tony and Ethan are not stupid, because the number of each other is too large. In this case, doubts and doubts may lead to their own murder. Now that Tony and Ethan have just escaped from the secret, they can I don't want to go to **** again.

"I'm Tony Staney, this is Ethan, my assistant, without his help, I couldn't have done this surgery and the armor on me."

When Tony saw these robots turn their eyes to Ethan, Tony was shocked and said quickly, and the hunter who heard the words turned his head and explained to Tony why he came.

"The previous generation of Skywalkers had a relationship with your father, so this generation of Skywalkers, after learning that you were missing, immediately came out with us and looked for you."

"But when Skywalker came here, he was entangled by the enemy. Skywalker was afraid that you might have an accident, so he sent us, Skywalker, to break through and take the lead."

"On the one hand, it can detect the terrain. If Skywalker defeats the enemy, it can quickly advance based on the terrain detected by our Skywalkers."

"On the other hand, Skywalker believes that with us, the Skywalkers, it is enough to rescue you, and there is still time to come back to rescue."

"And if we are lucky these days, we can cooperate with Skywalker to form a situation of siege when we come back to rescue you after we rescue you."

"So the daywalker thought that no matter what the situation, sending us out would have a high probability of revitalizing the rigid situation on the field, so he sent us out."

According to Zhou Wenwen's instructions, the hunter continued to talk nonsense in a serious manner~www.NovelMTL.com~ and the Transformers who were on the same channel as the hunter heard the hunter's words, although the expressions on their faces were strange, but Because it was a cold mechanical surface, even Tony and Ethan, who were close at hand, didn't notice anything wrong.

Tony suddenly moved in his heart, and after looking at Ethan for three seconds, he summoned the courage to ask, "Then, does Lord Skywalker know me?"

The hunter shook his head, but replied decisively with nonsense: "No, Lord Skywalker doesn't know you, even your identity is on the news on the base's intranet, and I only know you when I see the news of your disappearance. The presence."

Seeing that Tony wanted to continue talking, the smart hunter saw what Tony wanted to say at a glance, and stretched out the index finger of his right hand, shook it for Tony to pause, and continued his serious nonsense.

"Although this Lord Skywalker knew of your existence, he still searched your name in the Tianwen database established by Skywalkers of all dynasties out of curiosity, and only knew you according to the page that popped up."

Saying that, the hunter will project the webpage about Tony that he just created in the air.

Chapter 0286 Trailer "Infinite Pursuit 1 Life and Death Pursuit"

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