I Have a Sword

Chapter 759: Capture Your Grandfather

Call my aunt? Ye Guan smiled and said, "I'll consider it."

The current Guanxuan Civilization was definitely not a match for the Forest Civilization. It would be foolish for them to take on the entire Forest Civilization.

If his opponents weren't too strong, Ye Guan would handle them by himself. If it was the contrary, then he wouldn't do anything rash.

Ye Guan suddenly asked, "Can you tell me more about the Tianxing Civilization?"

The Daogu Tree shook her head slightly. "I don't know much about them. I only know that they send people to search for other civilizations throughout the vast expanse. Upon discovering a civilization, they'll plunder and destroy it."

"Young Master Ye," Shen Qi chimed in just then, "As far as I know, isn't your mother building a space station to communicate with other civilizations?"

"Yea—" Ye Guan started.

"You are asking for trouble!" the Daogu Tree exclaimed, cutting off Ye Guan.

Ye Guan looked at the Daogu Tree.

The Daogu Tree solemnly explained, "Back then, we had the same idea of finding other civilizations using our own technology, but it was the reason behind our downfall. The Tianxing Civilization discovered us, and we were ultimately destroyed by them."

The Daogu Tree stared deeply at Ye Guan and added, "Whenever two civilizations meet, a war would happen ninety percent of the time. Unless the two civilizations are even in strength, the weaker one will most likely be plundered and destroyed by the stronger one."

"Master Pagoda, am I underestimating my mother?" Ye Guan transmitted, "I have a feeling her plans go beyond merely establishing order..."

Little Pagoda responded, "I think so too."

Ye Guan fell silent, realizing that he needed to have a serious conversation with his mother.

The Daogu Tree spoke again, "A weak civilization should never contact other civilizations. Of course, there were some civilizations that thought they were strong and wanted to show that off, but they all met horrible fates.

"Our Gui Yan Civilization was like them, but the Tianxing Civilization wiped the floor with us completely."

Ye Guan looked at the Daogu Tree and asked, "What do you mean?"

The Daogu Tree shook her head slightly, "I don't want to talk about it."

Ye Guan was dumbfounded.

"Just then," Daogu Tree looked at Little White and asked, "Is she for sale?"

Little White blinked and frantically waved her tiny paws.

Ye Guan smiled and asked, "What's your offer?"

"It's an offer that will definitely satisfy you."

"Really?" Ye Guan chuckled. Then, he took out the Qingxuan Sword and handed it to the Daogu Tree. "How strong do you think this sword is in your civilization back then?"

The Daogu Tree's expression immediately became solemn as soon as she clapped her eyes on the Qingxuan Sword.

"This..." the Daogu Tree muttered in astonishment.

Shen Qi's expression grew incredibly solemn as well upon noticing the extraordinary nature of the Qingxuan Sword.

After a long pause, the Daogu Tree finally said, "It seems that I underestimated both you and your Guanxuan Civilization."

The Daogu Tree glanced at Little White with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. The young man had shown her the Qingxuan Sword to say that unless she could offer something more valuable than the Qingxuan Sword, he would never consider her offer. Unfortunately, the Daogu Tree would find it incredibly difficult to recover without the help of Little White.

"Miss Daogu, I believe we can work together."

Daogu Tree looked at Ye Guan. "Work together?"

Ye Guan nodded. "Because we have a common enemy."

"How do we do that?"

"I can help you heal. In return, we can join forces to fight the Forest Civilization. Furthermore, we can also engage in cultural and technological exchanges."

Cultural and technological exchanges? The Daogu Tree wanted to refuse at first, as such exchanges only happened between civilizations that were friendly to each other and were equally matched in strength. However, the Daogu Tree froze upon being reminded of the extraordinary nature of the sword she had just seen. In addition, if the owner of the sword that had stopped her earlier was truly part of the Guanxuan Civilization, then the Guanxuan Civilization was indeed more advanced and powerful than the Gui Yan Civilization.

The Daogu Tree nodded slightly. "Alright."

Ye Guan asked, "Can you tell us more about the Forest Civilization? I'm still quite unfamiliar with it."

The Daogu Tree responded, "They plundered our martial arts and technology, but they can barely be considered a Tier Three civilization. Their ancestral leaders were at the peak of the Divine Dao Realm with a hundred percent divinity. And I have no idea whether they have improved since then or not."

Ye Guan was intrigued. "Miss Daogu, did your Gui Yan Civilization have any cultivators beyond a hundred percent divinity?"

"No," the Daogu Tree shook her head and said, "No, but we had nine supreme elites with a hundred percent divinity."

Nine cultivators at a hundred percent divinity?! Ye Guan and Shen Qi exchanged shocked looks. It was a formidable lineup indeed.

"We had many divine artifacts as well, and some of them were as powerful as a cultivator with a hundred percent divinity," the Daogu Tree added.

"How about the Tianxing Civilization?" Shen Qi asked, "Do they have cultivators beyond a hundred percent divinity?"

The Daogu Tree shook her head. "I don't know."

Ye Guan was taken aback. "You don't know? Didn't you fight them?"

The Daogu Tree paused before replying, "There was no real battle; it was only a one-sided massacre. They never even showed themselves."

Ye Guan was astonished. "They never even showed themselves?"

The Daogu Tree nodded. "Yes."

"Then how were you guys defeated?"

"We were defeated by a lick of flame," the Daogu Tree replied gravely."

Ye Guan's eyes narrowed. "A lick of flame?"

The Daogu Tree nodded, and her eyes showed a trace of fear as she recalled that fateful day, "We call it the Tianxing Flame. Our fate was sealed when that lick of flame appeared before us. Our top-tier supreme elites couldn't resist it and were obliterated by the flame."

Ye Guan was silent for a moment before muttering, "They really are dangerous, then..."

The Daogu Tree nodded slightly, "It was only at the last moment that we understood how insignificant our Gui Yan Civilization was, but it was already too late.

"If you have any ambitions of exploring what's out there, then I advise against it. Encountering a stronger civilization can spell disaster for you."

Ye Guan nodded. "I understand. I'll talk to my mother and tell her that she should take my father with her whenever she's out there exploring new civilizations."

The Daogu Tree asked, "Is your father strong?"

Ye Guan smiled and replied, "Well, he's a bit stronger than me!"

The Daogu Tree shook her head. "Then, he's as good as dead."

Ye Guan was dumbfounded.

Shen Qi smiled at that and remarked, "Young Master Ye isn't really weak, you know?"

The Daogu Tree glanced at Ye Guan and asked, "Sure, he's not weak here, but if we compare him to the Forest Civilization and the other civilizations out there, would you still say that he's not weak? In my opinion, he's as weak as a chicken."

Shen Qi giggled and asked, "Miss Daogu, are you always this straightforward?"

The Daogu Tree calmly replied, "Yes."

Shen Qi shook her head with a smile, "You’re a pretty straightforward person."

The Daogu Tree frowned slightly; her intuition was telling her that Shen Qi's words weren't a compliment.

Just then, Ye Guan suddenly said, "Miss Daogu, you mentioned Tier Three and Tier Four civilizations earlier. How many tiers are there? Are every single civilization ranked in tiers?"

"That's right," the Daogu Tree said, nodding. "As far as I know, the highest civilization in the highest tier is the Tianxing Civilization; they're a Tier Five civilization."

Ye Guan nodded slightly, then smiled, "Daogu, you should enter the pagoda to heal. It's better there."

The Daogu Tree was about to speak, but Ye Guan brought her into the tiny pagoda.

Once inside, the Daogu Tree was immediately stunned. "This place..."

Ye Guan smiled but did not explain. "You can heal here."

With that, he left the tiny pagoda.

Outside, Shen Qi shook her head and said, "She's quite hostile to outsiders."

"It's understandable," Ye Guan nodded and said, "She's been betrayed before, after all."

Shen Qi asked, "Do you really intend to cooperate with her?"

Ye Guan nodded slightly. "We have no conflict of interest. On the contrary, we share a common enemy, and I'm also very interested in the Gui Yan Civilization."

The Guanzhuan civilization was developing rapidly, and it was only natural for them to learn and draw from other civilizations rather than building everything behind closed doors.

Just then, Ye Guan looked at Shen Qi with a smile. "Miss Shen Qi, what about you?"

Shen Qi blinked. "What about me?"

"If you don’t want to speak directly, it’s fine. I believe we won’t become enemies, right?"

Shen Qi nodded. "We won’t become enemies."

"That’s good."

After all, the woman before him was the First God's daughter, and he truly didn’t want to become enemies with her, as the First God was indeed a good person.

Shen Qi suddenly opened her palm, revealing a scroll. She looked at Ye Guan, "Young Master Ye, this scroll was hidden in my father’s journal. It contains detailed cultivation methods, including those for achieving a hundred percent divinity. I'm sure this scroll is going to be helpful to your cultivation."

"Thank you," said Ye Guan with a smile as he readily accepted the scroll.

"No need for thanks," Shen Qi said, shaking her head slightly. "That is yours, anyway."

Ye Guan was about to reply when the spacetime in front of him abruptly trembled.

Shen Qi asked, "What’s going on?"

"Let’s go!" Ye Guan exclaimed.

With that, he and Shen Qi vanished into thin air.

They reappeared before the massive teleportation array and saw that it was activated.

Little Ai appeared next to Ye Guan.

Ye Guan asked, "Was it activated from the other side?"

Little Ai nodded slightly. "Someone is coming."

"They’re probably here to capture you and your grandfather," Shen Qi said in a low voice.

Ye Guan was silent.

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