I Have a Sword

Chapter 774: Humble Beginnings

Dai Zong swept his gaze across Ye Guan and the man in black.

"Where are you guys from?" Dai Zong asked.

The man in black frowned, remaining silent.

Civilizations were typically cautious and would never reveal the coordinates of their universe.

The consequences could be catastrophic if that were to happen, so most civilizations were extremely wary of strangers from other civilizations.

Noticing the man in black's wariness, Dai Zong laughed heartily and added, "I come from the Junlin Civilization. Have you heard of it?"

The man in black shook his head, frowning.

Ye Guan also shook his head. He had never heard of the Junlin Civilization.

Yi Nian silently memorized the name "Junlin Civilization," but at the same time, she was confused. She had been finding civilizations every day, so how come there were still too many of them out there? What was going on?

"The Junlin Civilization is a Tier Four civilization!'' Dai Zong added.

The man in black's face changed, and a hint of apprehension appeared in his eyes.

Ye Guan was shocked as well. The Forest Civilization was a Tier Three civilization, as they had an elite who had opened up his own unique path, but Dai Zong was from a Tier Four civilization. It was no wonder he was so confident!

Dai Zong blinked and asked, "Don't tell me you two are from Tier Three civilizations..."

The man in black stared wordlessly at Dai Zong.

Dai Zong then looked at Ye Guan and Yi Nian, sizing them up before shaking his head. "Tsk tsk, you have just stepped into the Divine Dao Realm. Your cultivation base is too low, but you two actually dared to explore the outside world despite knowing that. I must say, your courage is commendable!"

Ye Guan cupped his fist and replied, "I come from humble beginnings, and I was born into a family with low status. I can only hope to compare to you.”

Dai Zong stared at Ye Guan and asked. "Are you from a Tier Three civilization?"

Ye Guan hesitated before shaking his head.

Dai Zong frowned, "Tier Two?"

Ye Guan shook his head once more.

Dai Zong stared deeply at Ye Guan and asked, "Tier One?"

Ye Guan nodded, chuckling awkwardly. "Barely Tier One."

He wasn't lying. The Guanxuan Civilization could indeed only be considered barely Tier One. They had no supreme elite with ninety percent accumulated divinity.

As for Erya, his father, and his aunt, they didn't seem to be cultivating a cultivation base, so Ye Guan excluded them from the count.

The man in black and Dai Zong were both stunned.

Dai Zong blurted out, "Really? Barely Tier One?"

Ye Guan nodded. "Yes."

The man in black and Dai Zong stared at Ye Guan as if he was weird.

Dai Zong remarked, "No wonder your cultivation base is so low... But why are you even here? Wait, do you even know where we are?"

"I've heard that this place houses a civilization's ruins," Ye Guan replied honestly, "I came here to try my luck."

Dai Zong gave him a thumbs-up, saying, "You’re quite brave."

The man in black glanced at Ye Guan but said nothing.

Ye Guan cupped his fists and said, "Please take care of us."

The man in black remained expressionless and silent.

However, Dai Zong laughed boisterously and replied, "Your cultivation base is e low, but you've got brains. In a place like this, brains are just as important as strength. I like you, haha!"

Ye Guan smiled but didn't respond.

Just then, everyone turned and saw a lady in black armor with a sword hanging from her waist.

The lady in black armor exuded a powerful aura as she approached the group.

Ye Guan's smile faded as soon as he saw her, as she was an army commander of the Asura Civilization.

He truly didn't expect to see her here.

Dai Zong frowned upon seeing the lady in black armor and muttered, "Asura Civilization..."

The lady in black armor scanned the group. Then, she ignored them and walked straight toward the stone door.

The man in black glanced at her with a solemn face.

Dai Zong was smiling, but he said nothing.

The Asura Civilization could be considered a Tier Four civilization, as it was one of the best Tier Three civilizations.

However, the Junlin Civilization was not afraid of the Asura Civilization. The two reasons they had yet to start fighting were that they had no idea where the other party was located, and they were also wary of each other.

The lady in black armor walked up to the stone door. She stared at it briefly before drawing her sword and slashing out.


A cold light flashed, and silence enveloped everyone.

Moments later, a terrifying force erupted from the gate.


The lady in black armor was forced back a few hundred meters away.

Ye Guan's face darkened at the sight. He stared deeply at the stone door. The lady in black armor's attack seemed to have provoked something as the mysterious inscriptions on the door seemed to have come alive, emitting a dreadful power.

Ye Guan's expression became solemn.

Dai Zong also frowned and was transfixed on the mysterious inscriptions, studying them cautiously.

The lady in black armor retreated, but instead of attacking once again, she examined the mysterious inscriptions on the door.

Ye Guan glanced at the others, and then he stood quietly next to Yi Nian.

It wouldn't be difficult for him to shatter the stone door. He had the Qingxuan Sword, after all. However, there was no way he was going to reveal it. The Qingxuan Sword was just too precious to be exposed to greedy eyes.

The Qingxuan Sword would only bring him trouble if it were exposed to the world.

He wasn’t afraid of trouble, but it was only because of his father and his other relatives' support.

By myself, what am I in this vast expanse? Ye Guan thought. He wasn't mocking himself; he simply had a clear understanding of his current strength. It's better to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Dai Zong suddenly said, "These inscriptions are runes that form a certain array. If we want to open the door, then we have to unseal the array."

Dai Zong stared at the lady in black armor and said, "Lady, we need to work together."

The lady in black armor stared at the runes for a long time before nodding slightly.

Dai Zong smiled and crushed a token in his hand while the armored lady did the same with a mysterious stone.

Before Ye Guan could even ask what was happening, the spacetime above them trembled violently.

The next moment, two spacetime rifts appeared, and two groups of people walked out of the rift.

A lady in a white robe with her long hair draping over her shoulder and a white silk scarf around her forehead. A thick ancient-looking book was in her right hand, and she was followed by a dozen elders dressed in black robes.

When the lady in white appeared, the lady in black armor's face was astonished. Clearly, she hadn't expected to see the lady in white here.

Regardless, she still bowed deeply without any hesitation and said, "Greetings to the Supreme Scholar!"

The lady in white nodded slightly and said, "No need for formalities."

With that, she led her group toward the stone door.

Meanwhile, the second and last group of people were being led by an elder with a head full of white hair.

Dai Zong didn't bow toward him, but he nodded slightly as a sign of respect.

Ye Guan swept his gaze across the newcomers, realizing that they had high positions in the Junlin Civilization and Asura Civilization.

They were most likely scholars or researchers. Ye Guan reached that conclusion as some of them had very low cultivation bases, even lower than his cultivation base.

Despite their low cultivation base, their statuses seemed to be high, but it made sense, as any wise civilization would value its scientists and researchers.

The lady in white approached the stone door and began to study the inscription. After a while, she conjured a light screen in the air, and it was also covered with a myriad of mysterious runes.

She raised her hand and manipulated the runes, arranging them swiftly in a certain order.

Meanwhile, the white-haired elder's gaze was transfixed on the stone door, and his hands were moving rapidly as if he was in the middle of calculating something with the abacus.

A deafening silence blanketed the area.

After a while, both the white-haired elder and the lady in white exclaimed at the same time, "A Tier Four Civilization!"

A mysterious polygonal symbol appeared on the stone door. It was emitting a mystical energy as it rotated slowly.

The white-haired elder's eyes revealed complex emotions. He shook his head and said, "This is beyond our understanding."

With that, he turned around and left.

It was exceedingly difficult for low-level civilizations to study the technology of high-level civilizations.

The polygonal symbol in front of them had already exceeded the Junlin Civilization's level of knowledge.

However, the lady in white didn't leave.

The white-haired elder noticed this and stopped, looking at the lady in white.

He wanted to ask something, but he thought better of it upon remembering that they were from different civilizations.

Moreover, the Asura Civilization was known for being aggressive.

The lady in white stared at the polygonal symbol for a long time. Finally, she opened her palm and manipulated the runes on the stone door with her jade-like fingers.

The runes rearranged themselves into a polygonal symbol. Then, the stone door trembled and cracked open.

It opened!

The white-haired elder was stunned, and disbelief was written all over his face.

The lady in white opened her palm, revealing an illusory polygonal symbol.

As soon as she put it away, she sensed something and turned to look at Ye Guan. "Do you have some sort of treasure on you?"

Ye Guan was taken aback.

The lady in black armor reached out with her right hand, and a terrifying force instantly immobilized Ye Guan.

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