I Have a Sword

Chapter 787: A Spark of Inspiration

The Supreme Scholar stared intently at Ye Guan, making it clear that she wasn’t joking at all.

Ye Guan pondered briefly over it before asking, "Is it because of my bloodline?"

"That's right." The Supreme Scholar nodded. "I studied the drop of blood you gave me and found that the power within that mere drop of blood was far beyond my expectations...

"I couldn't perceive even the limit of your bloodline; it's simply incredible."

"How did you study it?"

The Supreme Scholar grinned. "I used a secret technique to do so."

"I see," Ye Guan said, chuckling. "That drop of blood came from the Mad Demon Bloodline, which is exclusive to the Yang Family. It reached its peak in my grandfather's generation. As for how powerful my grandfather is, I honestly don't know because I've never seen him go mad."

Actually, he was also curious about his grandfather's strength. Neither Ye Guan nor Ye Xuan had a Mad Demon Bloodline as pure as Yang Ye, so Ye Guan couldn't help but feel curious about just how powerful Yang Ye was upon descending into madness.

The Supreme Scholar pondered for a moment before asking, "Don't you have two other special bloodlines in addition to this Mad Demon Bloodline?"

"I do."

"Can you give me a droplet of blood from those two other bloodlines?"


Ye Guan stuck two fingers out, and two drops of his own blood floated over to the Supreme Scholar.

The two drops of blood each contained the power of the Mortal Bloodline and the Phoenix Emperor Bloodline.

The Supreme Scholar's eyes lit up. She took out two white jade bottles and carefully stored the two drops of blood into each one of the bottles.

Ye Guan suddenly asked, "Supreme Scholar, can you tell me more about the Asura Civilization? I'm really curious about this place."

"My name is Xin Yu; you can just call me Xin Yu."

Ye Guan nodded slightly. "Okay."

"Our Asura Civilization was founded twelve billion years ago. At that time, the first Asura King chanced upon a special opportunity that allowed him to become significantly stronger. Eventually, he led our people to establish the Asura Civilization. Under his leadership, we began conquering other civilizations. Our civilization's strength has been developing rapidly since then, but now..." Xin Yu glanced at Ye Guan and smiled. "We're focusing on becoming a Tier Four civilization."

Ye Guan was curious. "Becoming a Tier Four civilization?"

Xin Yu nodded. "Yes."

"How do you distinguish between Tier Three and Tier Four civilizations?"

Xin Yu thought for a moment and then explained, "There are two ways—the first straightforward way is if the civilization has top-tier elites with their own unique path."

"Is that so?" Ye Guan asked. "I heard the Forest Civilization's ancestor has opened his own unique path. Have you heard of him?"

"Are you talking about Yue Gushi, who reached that level through the inheritance of a Tier Four civilization?" Xin Yu asked, chuckling.

Ye Guan nodded.

Xin Yu shook her head. "He's a fraud."

Ye Guan was stunned.

Xin Yu explained, "Opening up one's own unique path doesn't just refer to opening that path within oneself. It actually means establishing a unique and perfect path. He can't even surpass the existing paths, so do you really expect him to create his own?"

Ye Guan was silent. A fraud?! Damn it! So that guy was a total fraud?! But I guess it's not really strange. That guy doesn't give me the same feeling as the Clan Leader of the Past Clan.

Even now, Ye Guan still felt powerless before that white-robed lady.

"Opening one's unique path... I did quite a bit of research on that. Cultivators of that realm go far beyond existing paths; they actually forge a brand-new path. Simply put, they have their own cultivation methods; they are no longer following the trajectory of the Great Dao. Opening one's unique path is actually divided into three realms—the first realm is opening a unique path that is on par with the existing paths. Since it is a path that is neither inferior nor superior to the existing paths; the realm is called Equal Path Realm.

"And what happens if one's unique path manages to surpass the existing paths? We can say that the cultivator in question has reached the Transcension Realm. Civilizations with such an elite are considered equivalent to a Tier Three civilization."

"What about the third realm?" Ye Guan was curious.

Xin Yu sounded solemn as she replied, "It's called the Path Creation Realm."

"The Path Creation Realm?"

"Once a cultivator in question has fully realized their unique path; it will become a Great Dao that others can follow and cultivate. A Path Creation Realm cultivator can kill anyone with just a word on their end," Xin Yu explained.

Ye Guan went silent. He was uncertain whether the Clan Leader of the Past Clan was a Path Creation Realm expert or not.

"Throughout the long history of our Asura Civilization, none of us has ever reached the Path Creation Realm. The strongest of our civilization's deceased ancestors was a half-step Path Creation Realm expert."

Ye Guan looked at Xin Yu. "Lady Xin Yu, you mentioned your civilization is striving to become a Tier Four civilization. Does that mean you guys have an expert close to reaching that realm?"

"Nope," Xin Yu said, shaking her head.

Ye Guan was taken aback.

Xin Yu smiled. "The second way of distinguishing between Tier Three and Tier Four civilizations comes into play here. It is none other than technology. If the level of our technology reaches the Material Universe level, then our civilization will be elevated to a Tier Four civilization."

Ye Guan was intrigued. "Material Universe level? What does that mean?"

"Have you heard of the Tianxing Civilization?"


"They use the so-called Tianxing Flame to eliminate a civilization, and the reason it's so terrifying is its ability to dematerialize what makes up the vast expanse itself. Everything that dares to stand in its way is reduced to its primordial state, a material dust. Even the Great Dao of that civilization is annihilated."

Ye Guan fell silent. Xin Yu had no idea that he had a Tianxing Flame inside of him.

However, the Tianxing Flame was dormant and unresponsive toward him, making him feel frustrated.

"We're just missing an opportunity," Xin Yu suddenly said, "With the right opportunity, our civilization's technology can reach a whole new level."

Ye Guan was curious. "What do you mean?"

"A few thousand years ago, we accidentally obtained a mysterious script from a powerful civilization, which I believe was at least a Tier Four civilization. I've been making steady progress deciphering it over the years, and I discovered an ancient cultivation method inside of it. Unfortunately, it’s incomplete, and it is quite problematic in some areas as well. I'm trying to resolve those issues at the moment."

Ye Guan suddenly asked, "Lady Xin Yu, is the Arcanist Civilization truly a Tier Four civilization?"


"I remember you rejected their offer." Ye Guan pointed out.

"The terms they proposed were unacceptable. Moreover, their so-called assistance in opening a new unique path is a false one; it wasn't really the 'true' way of opening up a unique path." Xin Yu stared at Ye Guan and said, "The Arcanist Civilization's motives are unclear; you'd best be cautious around them."

Ye Guan nodded. He had always been wary of the mysterious Arcanist Civilization.

A civilization of that level surely had grand ambitions.

Xin Yu was about to speak when a young man appeared and bowed slightly. "Supreme Scholar, the elders have invited you over. They have news."

Xin Yu stood up immediately and smiled at Ye Guan. "I have many books here. Feel free to read them. I'll come back once I'm done dealing with what I'm about to handle."


Xin Yu waved toward Ye Guan before turning around to leave.

Ye Guan turned to Yi Nian, who was licking a hawthorn candy.

Yi Nian grinned at Ye Guan upon sensing the latter's gaze.

Ye Guan smiled and ruffled her hair gently. "Do you like reading?"

Yi Nian shook her head.

Ye Guan chuckled. "Then I'll take you out to play."

Yi Nian hurriedly nodded; she truly loved to play!

Ye Guan left the Supreme Scholar Academy with Yi Nian in tow. They asked around for a bit until they arrived at a certain grand hall.

After handing over two strands of Ancestral Origins, they were allowed entry into the grand hall.

They were immediately greeted by a vast expanse of stars upon entering the hall.

The vast expanse of stars seemed like an endless expanse of stars instead; there were just too many of them to count.

They were in a scenic spot within the Asura Civilization called the Starry Sea. This place wasn't a part of the Asura Civilization's territory; it was actually a special secret realm that they had discovered somewhere.

A supreme elite of the Asura Civilization used their powers to relocate the secret realm here.

The stellar energy in the Starry Sky was dense, so it was an ideal place for cultivation. Additionally, its stunning beauty made it a popular spot for relaxation and leisure.

Ye Guan looked around and saw many men and women strolling together. They were cultivators, but it seemed that they had chosen to keep their emotions.

Ye Guan turned to Yi Nian beside him. When he saw her indifferent expression, he couldn't help but ask, "Don't you think this place is beautiful?"

Yi Nian blinked but said nothing.

Ye Guan smiled wryly and asked, "Are you not interested in this place?"

Yi Nian looked into the distance. Licking her hawthorn candy, she muttered, "I've seen prettier places."

"Prettier places?"

"There was a place with many stars in a variety of colors. It was a really beautiful place..."

Ye Guan asked, "Where is it?"

Yi Nian lowered her head slightly. "It's gone."



Ye Guan asked, "Destroyed?"

Yi Nian nodded again.

Ye Guan hesitated before asking, "You didn't destroy it, did you?"

Yi Nian licked her hawthorn candy. "Not exactly."

Ye Guan suddenly became serious. "Yi Nian, what were you doing before you came here? Can you tell me?"

Yi Nian lowered her head slightly and muttered, "I've been doing nothing but work."

Ye Guan. “…”

Yi Nian sighed deeply and added, "I've been working since I came of age, and I get only a year off every one hundred years. I often have to work overtime, too..."

Ye Guan had no idea what to say to that.

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