I Have a Sword

Chapter 800: The Aunt in a Blood Red Skirt

My aunt is in a blood-red skirt. Ye Guan was stunned to see his aunt appear. Why is she in her blood-red skirt again? Who provoked her? No, who can even provoke her? There's something wrong here!

Ye Guan's mind was in a whirl.

Little Pagoda trembled and muttered, "A blood-red skirt! This is bad!"

The last time her skirt became blood red was when the Sword Master went into a deep slumber, and she tried to destroy the entire vast expanse as a result. The overwhelming killing intent inside her was the reason why her skirt was no longer plain but had become blood red in color.

What's the reason behind that? Little Pagoda immediately thought of the Young Master. The Sword Master! Did something happen to the Young Master?

The thought made Little Pagoda shiver. It was unthinkable. Moreover, the Young Master was already invincible and with Destiny by his side. How could something happen to him?

Could they have had a fight?

Little Pagoda was full of doubts.

When Destiny appeared, the elites of the Guyan Civilization frowned, and their expressions turned solemn.

They couldn't sense her presence at all. It was like she didn't exist even though she was standing right in front of them.

Yi Nian, standing next to Ye Guan, looked at Destiny with curiosity.

All of a sudden, Destiny stared at Yi Nian.

A shiver went down Yi Nian's spine, and she instinctively grabbed Ye Guan's hand, hiding behind him like a scared mouse.

Ye Guan grabbed Yi Nian and was about to speak when the lady in the distance chuckled. "So you are his backer..."

Destiny waved her sleeve.


The beautiful lady crumbled into ashes.

Spurt, spurt, spuuurt!

The heads of the Guyan Civilization's denizens on the battlefield took to the sky at the same time, and their blood spurted everywhere, dyeing the starry sky in a crimson hue.

Having completed a slaughter, Destiny turned around and disappeared into disappeared.

She left as quickly as she slaughtered.

Meanwhile, Ye Guan stared in shock at the torrential rain of blood and heads.

Yi Nian clung tightly to Ye Guan, no longer licking her hawthorn candy.

After a long time, Little Pagoda finally said, "She's gone."

Ye Guan looked up at the sky and whispered, "Aunt seems really angry."

Little Pagoda said, "It must have something to do with your father."

"Did something happen to my father?"

"No way. Your father is invincible as well. What could happen to him?"

Ye Guan was puzzled. "Then, why is Aunt's killing intent so strong?"

Little Pagoda said, "I don't know."

Ye Guan pondered for a long time, and then he shook his head and smiled. He decided not to dwell on it. His father and Destiny would be fine.

It was better not to worry about them.

Ye Guan refocused and opened his palm. Tens of thousands of storage rings flew into his hand at the same time.

He examined them briefly and instantly calculated the items inside of them. The storage rings contained a total of 380 Ancestral Veins, nearly a million strands of Ancestral Origin, and countless divine items.

Ye Guan was basically holding the Guyan Civilization's treasury in his hands.

Those who had perished just now couldn't possibly represent the Guyan Civilization, but they were undoubtedly the Guyan Civilization's strongest and richest supreme elites.

With the addition of these Ancestral Veins from the Guyan Civilization, he now had over four hundred Ancestral Veins.

He had become a god of wealth! At this point, Ye Guan reckoned that only Little White could match his wealth.

Thinking of Little White, Ye Guan suddenly said, "I suddenly miss Little White and Erya. I wonder if they're doing well and if they're being bullied."

Little Pagoda indifferently remarked, "You should worry more about yourself."

Ye Guan laughed heartily.

Sensing something, he turned to look at Yi Nian beside him. She had her head down and silent; she was looking pretty upset.

Ye Guan asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Yi Nian slowly raised her head to look at Ye Guan. She hesitated for a moment before muttering, That lady just now... was much, much, much, much, much stronger than you..."

Ye Guan's expression instantly froze.

Yi Nian took a deep breath, fear still evident in her eyes. "I've never seen anyone so powerful."

"Who's the strongest person you've seen before?"

Yi Nian thought for a moment before replying, "Someone much, much, much stronger than you."

Ye Guan's face darkened. "Can you not compare me to others?"

"But I don't know anyone else..." whispered Yi Nian nervously.

Ye Guan was taken aback, and then he chuckled. "Alright."

All of a sudden, Yi Nian grabbed Ye Guan's hand and said, "Let's get married."

"Huh?" Ye Guan was completely stunned, "Wh... what?"

Yi Nian looked at Ye Guan earnestly and suggested, "Let's get married."

Ye Guan. "..."

Yi Nian looked at Ye Guan, puzzled. "Is it not okay?"

Ye Guan swallowed hard and asked, "Why... why do you want to get married?"

"In your universe, married couples are one entity, right?"

Ye Guan nodded. "Yes."

"Once we're married, your aunt will become my aunt as well, right?" Yi Nian asked, giggling.

Ye Guan. "..."

Little Pagoda. "..."

Yi Nian blinked her big eyes in a hopeful manner. "Is that okay?"

"You want to marry me because of my aunt?"


"Let's talk about this later," Ye Guan said. He then looked around and noticed that the heads of those in the distance had already fallen to the ground. Tens of thousands of bloody heads were strewn haphazardly on the ground.

The weakest among them were Divine Dao Realm experts. There were some full divinity experts and some cultivators with unique paths.

Despite their strength, none of them could resist that sword.

Ye Guan suddenly whispered, "Master Pagoda, how strong do you think the Tianxing Civilization is?"

Little Pagoda asked, "What's up with the sudden question?"

"Tianxing Civilization is a Tier Five Civilization. I'm curious about the strength of the strongest in their civilization."

"Don't worry, you'll encounter them in the future."

Ye Guan nodded.

He looked around again and held Yi Nian's hand to leave.


The spacetime in front of him quivered, but the frequency of the quivering did not belong to a spacetime rift.

Soon, Ye Guan's face darkened. He had just received a message from Taia Nan. Apparently, something bad happened to the Asura Civilization.

Ye Guan hesitated briefly before he turned into a ray of sword light that took to the sky.

Although he had no good feelings for the Xuan Clan and the Asura Clan, he had good feelings for Taia Clan and Xin Yu.


Junlin Civilization...

Dai Zong was sitting in a star field somewhere, and he was surrounded by strange runes. Every single rune contained the powerful energy of a Great Dao.

The starry sky was filled with the power of a Great Dao.

Dai Zong's hands formed mysterious seals, and as his hand seals changed, the runes above his head began to tremble. Soon, all the runes turned into beams of light and entered Dai Zong's forehead.


A terrifying aura of the Great Dao burst out from Dai Zong's body, making the entire starry sky transparent and illusory.

Dai Zong slowly opened his palm, and an imprint of the Great Dao appeared between his eyebrows. He had opened a unique path.

At that moment, an old man suddenly appeared in front of Dai Zong. The old man respectfully bowed to Dai Zong and excitedly exclaimed, "Congratulations, Young Master, on opening a unique path and becoming the youngest in Junlin Civilization's history to do so."

Dai Zong slowly opened his eyes, a glimmer of light flashing in them. He lightly touched the imprint between his eyebrows and then laughed at himself, "Opening a path alone... this doesn't really count as opening a path alone... it's just an equal path..."

The old man was puzzled. "Equal path?"

Dai Zong didn't explain. Instead, he asked, "How is that young swordsman doing recently?"

The old man said solemnly, "He is in a bad situation."


Dai Zong looked at the old man and asked, "What do you mean?"

"As far as I know, many mysterious rogue cultivators are looking for him, and I just received news that the Guyan Civilization has sent ten thousand top elites to find him. He should be dead by now."

Dai Zong frowned.

The old man was about to elaborate further when the spacetime in front of him trembled slightly. Moments later, he looked up and exclaimed, "The elites of the Guyan Civilization are dead!"

“They're dead?”

The old man's face was extremely solemn as he explained, "Yes, this time, the ruler of the Guyan Civilization led the attack. They had two figures who had opened up a path, nine full divinity experts, while the rest were elites with sixty percent accumulated divinity at the very least. They are a formidable force, but I just received news that they are dead; their heads are in the desolate Bi’an World."

Dai Zong stood up slowly. "What about him from the Bi’an World?"

The old man said in a deep voice. "He has fallen as well."

Dai Zong was stupefied.

He wasn't particularly familiar with the strength of the Guyan Civilization, but he was very aware of the Bi’an World's strength. Even their Junlin Civilization was reluctant to provoke them.

Even he had fallen? After contemplating for a while, Dai Zong softly asked, "Do we know why they were killed?"

The old man shook his head, "We have no idea. However, Young Master Ye was in the Bi’an World, and he survived the destruction of Bi'an World for some reason. Now, he's heading to the Asura Civilization."

Dai Zong suddenly laughed, "I knew he was extraordinary, but I didn't expect him to be this extraordinary."

The old man hesitated, then asked, "Are you thinking that all of them were killed by someone behind Young Master Ye?"

"It seems so."

"Is it possible that Young Master Ye really comes from a Tier Four Civilization? But as far as we know, there's only the Arcanist Civilization that is a Tier Four Cosmic Civilization..."

Dai Zong glanced at the old man and then said, "How vast is this universe? Our Junlin Civilization has been exploring outward for tens of billions of years, yet have we reached the edge of the universe? The universe is still infinite. What's so surprising about encountering other powerful cosmic civilizations in this endless universe?"

"That's true."

Dai Zong suddenly asked, "You mentioned he's heading to the Asura Civilization..."

"I've just received news that there seems to be a change in the Asura Civilization."

"A change?"

"Not long ago, our informant in the Asura Civilization reported that Young Master Ye had visited the Asura Civilization. At that time, the Asura Civilization and the Xuan Clan robbed Young Master Ye of some of his divine items, including the blood-red coffin..."

Dai Zong's hands slowly clenched, and his expression was extremely grim as he muttered, "The schemes of the damned Arcanist Civilization..."

He closed his eyes and felt a bit regretful for making that deal with them.

Of course, his regret lasted only for a brief moment. After all, he had just obtained something he could only imagine at the time. In addition, he could feel that he had yet to exhaust his potential and could go even further beyond.

The old man solemnly asked, "Young Master, what should we do now?"

Dai Zong said calmly, "Let's wait and see."


Ye Guan's brows knitted tightly as soon as he arrived at the Asura Civilization.

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