I Have a Sword

Chapter 835: Menial Job

When Ye Guan and Zhou Fan arrived on the twelfth floor of the black pagoda, they saw a mess. There were objects strewn across the floor.

Ye Guan glanced around and said, "They must have left in a hurry."

Zhou Fan also scanned the surroundings and nodded slightly. "That usually means that they had to flee from something. However, a civilization of their level can only be threatened by either the tribulation of their universe region or the Tianxing Civilization."

Ye Guan turned to look at Zhou Fan, curious. "Lady Zhou, have you ever fought the Tianxing Civilization?"

Zhou Fan shook her head. "No, and we don't dare to fight them. The Tianxing Civilization is invincible against civilizations below Tier Five."

"Your civilization is a Tier Four civilization, right?"

"Yes. However, there's something unique about our Great Zhou Imperial Family. Our emperor cultivates dragon energy and fortune, so our emperor's cultivation base is actually a realm higher than it actually is as long as he stays within the territories of our Great Zhou. In other words, our emperor can fight five people on the same cultivation base as him at the same time."

One against five?! Ye Guan was startled. "He's that strong?"

Zhou Fan smiled. "Yes. The heir can also mobilize the Great Zhou's fortune and faith power, which will increase their cultivation base by one realm."

Ye Guan murmured, "I see..."

"We should go and see what treasures the Shui Civilization has left behind for us."

"Sounds great," Ye Guan said with a nod.

With that, the two approached a pile of what looked like miscellaneous items.

Just then, a beam of golden light appeared and wrapped around a scroll.

Ye Guan glanced at the beam of golden light and saw a blurry figure inside of it. It was Zhou Fan's Spirit Progenitor.

Ye Guan was pretty about Spirit Progenitors, and it was all thanks to Little White.

Zhou Fan walked up to it and took the scroll. She opened the scroll and saw a sword painted in ink on it. That was it; there was nothing else on the scroll, not even a signature.

Zhou Fan was surprised. "What is this?"

Ye Guan walked over to her and took a closer look at the painting. He reached out to touch it, and the sword made out of ink quivered slightly.

The next moment, Ye Guan's Invincible Sword Intent surged out of him like a tidal wave and disappeared into the scroll.

Ye Guan's expression changed drastically, and he stepped backward to try and escape the reach of the scroll. However, the scroll continued to absorb his Invincible Sword Intent.


The Qingxuan Sword suddenly flew out from within Ye Guan and entered the scroll.


A resonant sword hum echoed, and the scroll calmed down.

The Qingxuan Sword then returned to Ye Guan.

Meanwhile, cracks had appeared in the sword painted in ink.

Zhou Fan's glimmered in astonishment. Her Spirit Progenitor had a discerning eye, and anything it valued was never ordinary. However, she knew that the scroll couldn't possibly compare to the sword in Ye Guan's hand.

Regardless of the difference, she didn't expect that the sword painted in ink would instantly be defeated by Ye Guan's sword.

Could the person who forged that sword be from a Tier Five civilization? Zhou Fan found the thought of it alone to be quite terrifying. A Tier Five civilization? The only known Tier Five civilization was the Tianxing Civilization, and Ye Guan was clearly not from the Tianxing Civilization. Could there be other Tier Five civilizations out there?

Zhou Fan could say for sure. She stared deeply at Ye Guan with a complex and curious light in her eyes. Young Master Ye surely was a mysterious character.

Ye Guan was astonished as well. He didn't expect the scroll to absorb his sword intent without his permission. He walked up to the scroll and examined it. It trembled slightly as if trying to convey something to him.

"Lady Zhou, may I have this scroll?" asked Ye Guan.

Zhou Fan replied, "You are a swordsman, so it suits you better than me."

"Thank you," Ye Guan said. Then, he took out the Qingxuan Sword and pointed it at the scroll, saying, "I'm not going to waste words with you. Either you recognise me as your master now, or I'll destroy you."

Zhou Fan was speechless, and then she realized that whether it was dealing with people or objects, Ye Guan's attitude would always be the same. He would be respectful to those respectful to him while the opposite to those disrespectful to him. The scroll had ambushed him, so he wouldn't be polite to it.

Submit or be destroyed.

The scroll did not react.

In the face of the scroll's silence, Ye Guan decisively raised the Qingxuan Sword and slashed down fiercely.


The scroll transformed into a beam of sword light that melted into Ye Guan's forehead.


Ink-like ripples appeared in the spacetime around him, and a scroll materialized in his sea of consciousness.

The scroll had acknowledged him as its master!

It turned out that it had no confidence at all against the Qingxuan Sword.

With a single thought, an ink sword flew out of Ye Guan's forehead. Then, a mysterious sword domain and sword intent pervaded these surroundings.

Ye Guan was stunned. Damn! This sword comes with its own sword domain and sword intent?! This is awesome!

Zhou Fan was astonished at the sight. "It is indeed quite special…"

Ye Guan nodded, staring at the ink sword in midair. He had to admit that he was shocked. The sword's sword intent and sword domain were extremely powerful.

He reached out and grasped the ink sword. The sword dissipated into ink upon contact, but it reappeared in Ye Guan's hand the next moment.

Ye Guan held the ink sword tightly and swung it.


A terrifying sword intent and sword aura enveloped the black pagoda, and the pagoda actually trembled beneath the ink sword's might.

Ye Guan's eyes gleamed with excitement. "I have to admit that it's a good sword, but it's still far inferior to my Qingxuan Sword."

The Qingxuan Sword trembled slightly and orbited Ye Guan, eliciting a hearty peal of laughter from him.

Looking at the ink sword in his hand, he suddenly came up with an idea and willed it to disappear.

Outside the black pagoda, a spacetime rift manifested, and a wave of sword intent and sword domain spread out as a sword burst out of the rift.

Ye Guan was thrilled. The sword could be used as a flying sword! It was far weaker than the Qingxuan Sword, but it was stronger than the swords made out of his Invincible Sword Intent.

Moreover, it was a growth-type sword. He just had to feed it with his sword intent, and it would grow stronger and stronger.

Its nutrition was a swordsman's sword intent!

Ye Guan willed the sword to return to his sea of consciousness. He then looked at Zhou Fan and was about to speak when the ancient character within him trembled all of a sudden.

The ancient character was trying to say something! Ye Guan closed his eyes and began walking to the right. The ancient character's trembling became more intense.

Ye Guan picked up the pace, and the ancient character suddenly stopped trembling.

He opened his eyes and saw a brush next to his feet. He picked it up and found that it was cool to the touch. Other than that, there didn't seem to be anything special with it.

Before Ye Guan could do anything, the brush suddenly disappeared and reappeared inside the tiny pagoda.

Ye Guan examined himself and saw the brush in front of the ancient character.

Under Ye Guan's gaze, the ancient character transformed into a beam of black light that melted into the brush.

However, nothing happened to the brush.

What's going on? Ye Guan transmitted, "Master Pagoda, can you tell me what's happening?"

Little Pagoda replied, "I have no idea."

Ye Guan was speechless.

Little Pagoda suggested, "Tell Yi Nian to take a look."

Ye Guan nodded and called out, "Yi Nian, can you help me examine this brush?"

Yi Nian stopped her studies and walked up to the brush. She picked it up and examined it briefly before saying, "Trash."

Then, she tossed it aside and continued her study of the spacetime in the tiny pagoda.

Yi Nian's goal was to understand the spacetime here to the point that she'd be able to explain it to her "husband" as if he were five.

Ye Guan asked, "Master Pagoda, what do you think? Did she say it's trash because she understands it, or was it her way of saying that she can't be bothered to try and understand it?"

Little Pagoda replied, "She's been studying the inscrutable spacetime here, so do you really think that she can't understand that thing?"

Ye Guan was silent. After a while, he remarked, "It seems that I need to find some time to visit her workplace and see if she really is a cleaner."

"I'm curious about that, too. I don't believe that she has a menial job. I'm the one truly working hard here; I've been at it for three generations," Little Pagoda remarked.

Ye Guan was speechless.

Just then, Zhou Fan walked up to Ye Guan and picked up a small banner. The banner was only the size of her arm and was blood-red in color.

"Young Master Ye, may I have this?" Zhou Fan asked.

Ye Guan smiled. "Lady Zhou, how about we split everything here equally?"

Zhou Fan shook her head. "I'll just take two items."

Ye Guan wanted to say something, but Zhou Fan said, "We're only here because of that deal between you and that senior. Everything here belongs to you. You're already doing me a great favor by allowing me to take away two items."

Ye Guan waved his sleeve, collecting about thirty items into two storage rings. He handed one of the rings to Zhou Fan and said, "We're going to split it equally, and stop refusing my offer."

Zhou Fan shook her head with a smile. "I guess I hit the jackpot, then."

"Didn't I hit the jackpot as well earlier?" Ye Guan pointed out.

Zhou Fan's face reddened upon recalling something.

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