I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 104

~ Chapter 104

“Maybe we can talk.” Wei Changcheng smiled, pointing to the side, indicating that he wanted to talk to Lawston in detail without being disturbed.

Lauston agreed without any hesitation. They were cornered on another continent, and had no choice but to escape to a completely unfamiliar place. They knew nothing about this place. If they want to survive on this continent, perhaps they can only choose a different path from the person in front of him who claims to be the next patriarch of the eastern tribe.

Wei Changcheng and Lauston walked aside, followed by Daniel, looking at Lauston’s vigilant expression, Wei Changcheng explained: “His name is Daniel, he is the number one warrior in our Orc Continent, and he is also my partner. .”

There was a surprised expression on Lauston’s face, followed by an even more apprehensive expression. Although he didn’t know the force value of this continent, but facing the strongest in a continent, Lauston thought that no one would take it lightly. What’s more, they are very tired now.

Wei Changcheng pretended not to see the fear on Lauston’s face, and said: “Our continent is called the Beastman Continent, and there are countless tribes, large and small, of which there are four major ones, namely the eastern tribe, the northern tribe The tribe, the southern tribe, and the western tribe are located in the four directions of the Beastman Continent.”

“Our continent is called the Orc Continent. The tribe we once belonged to was the Suotai tribe. Now the most powerful tribe in the Orc continent is the Subi tribe. The Subi tribe is a warlike and brutal tribe. On the Orc continent, almost no one Like them, our Suotai tribe was attacked by the Subi tribe.”

Wei Changcheng didn’t care about the hatred or sorrow shown on Lauston’s face. What he was more curious about was what Lauston called the Orc Continent: “The Orc Continent? Why is it called the Orc Continent?”

Lauston smiled wryly: “It’s a long story. According to legend, a long time ago, there were real orcs on the half-orc continent. They can transform between human and beast forms at will, and their power is extremely powerful. However, I don’t know Since when did the orcs lose their talent and gradually became the half-orcs they are today. Not only can they not turn into real orcs, but their strength has also decreased a lot. The only thing that can prove the existence of orcs is that we still have them. The vertical pupils and animal ears are left.”

Wei Changcheng blinked, oh, so, what did I hear? The orcs on the half-orc continent are no longer orcs, but so-called half-orcs? Not only can’t it turn into a real beast shape, but also lost most of its strength?

“Um, are the Subi tribe really powerful?” Wei Changcheng scratched his head.

Lauston’s face became serious: “Yes, the Subi tribe is warlike, and every year they provoke big wars to annex other tribes. On the half-orc continent, many tribes have been attacked by them. Poisonous hands.” Speaking of this, Lauston showed a self-deprecating face again, “We are lucky, not only escaped from these people, but also escaped to a new continent by chance, and finally we have a glimmer of life.”

Wei Changcheng suddenly asked: “I heard that you came here because of the Hai Clan?”

Lauston was puzzled at first, not knowing how Wei Changcheng knew about this, but after thinking about it, he knew that Wei Changcheng might have heard the clansman talking: “Yes, we and the sea whale clan The relationship is very good, this time I was able to escape from the half-orc continent, thanks to the sea whales.”

“The Sea Whale Clan?” Wei Changcheng showed a very interested look, “Can you tell me something? You know that in our Beastman Continent, we don’t know that there are Sea Clans.”

“The Sea Clan is a very wonderful race. They look like creatures in the ocean and cannot transform into human forms, but we can also speak the same language as us, have the same intelligence, and have tribes, oh, their tribes It is divided according to race, for example, the sea whale family is all sea whales.” Lauston said.

Wei Changcheng nodded. It seems that the so-called sea people are intelligent creatures living in the ocean, who can communicate with orcs and even help them do some things.

“There are many tribes in the sea tribe, and there are many who can carry orcs to sea, such as our sea whale tribe, and the sea shark tribe that has a good relationship with the Subi tribe.” Lauston continued, “Since we can With the help of the Whale Clan, they came to the Beastman Continent, and I think people from the Subi Clan can find it here too.”

“The Orc Continent has existed for a long time. Why haven’t you seen people from the Orc Continent before?” Wei Changcheng asked.

“It’s not that simple.” Lauston sighed, “There are many dangers at sea, and even the sea people don’t dare to ensure that they can travel safely on the sea. This time we are going out to sea and staying on the half-orc continent. It is also a death, maybe there is still a way to survive by going to sea.”

Wei Changcheng laughed “hehe” twice, and didn’t make any comments on it. Like Lauston and the others, they dared to rush into a completely unfamiliar continent without even knowing the language. The above is bold and reckless. At first, Wei Changcheng thought that they were brave because of their high skills, and they might be very powerful, but now that they heard about the so-called half-orcs, Wei Changcheng only thought that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, let alone encountering powerful fighters. Daniel and himself, even if they just met ordinary males, it would be difficult for them to survive just because of the lack of language.

“By the way, why is your continent called the Beastman Continent?” Lauston asked suddenly, looking up and down at Wei Changcheng, “Your appearance is completely human, and you shouldn’t be able to change even a bit of animal shape. , Is the name Beastman Land to commemorate that glorious era? Hey, if this is the case, I am afraid that when the people of the Subi tribe come, the tribes of the Beastman Land will be attacked one by one by their tribes, and then it will be bad.”

Wei Changcheng stared at Lauston with a strange gaze, then shook his head slowly, and said slowly: “No, the reason why we call this continent the Orc Continent is because we are orcs.”

“Because you are orcs?” Lauston repeated blankly, as if he didn’t know what Wei Changcheng meant.

“That’s what you understand.” Wei Changcheng said directly, patted Daniel on the side, and said a few words in the language of the Orc Continent, and then Lauston saw Daniel transform from a human into a Huge tiger.

Lauston froze, not only Lauston, but also the half-orcs not far away. I don’t know how long it took before the frozen atmosphere suddenly became noisy, and the half-orcs were in an uproar on the spot. stand up.

Wei Changcheng half-closed his eyes: “Are the sea whales still staying here in the Beastman Continent?”

Lauston hadn’t completely calmed down yet, when he heard Wei Changcheng’s question, he nodded subconsciously: “It’s still there, they said they like this place very much, and they won’t leave here in the short term.”

Wei Changcheng got the answer he wanted and nodded in satisfaction.

[Ding! The first ring of the ultimate mission was successfully completed. Mission Success Reward: Open the second ring of the ultimate mission. ]

[Ding! The second ring of the ultimate mission. Requirement: Let the half-orcs of the Sotai tribe join the eastern tribe, and inform the whole orc continent about the half-orc continent. Mission Success Reward: Open the third ring of the ultimate mission. Mission failure penalty: foreign continent invasion. ]

Wei Changcheng rolled his eyes without leaving a trace, and this is getting more and more exciting. The so-called success reward is something that makes people feel deeply pained. Otherwise, if the assignment fails, and there is no telephone network, it will be impossible to tell the whole Orc Continent about the Orc Continent in a short time, okay?

“I think you need a place where you can settle down now.” Wei Changcheng kept a smile on his face, “Why don’t you go back to the eastern tribe with me, I promise, you will definitely be able to live a good life there.”

Lauston is a little bit moved. They have nowhere to go now and are running around. In this strange and dangerous continent, death is only a matter of time, but if they can join another tribe, it will not happen like this something happened. Lauston frowned subconsciously. The person in front of him claimed to be the next patriarch of the eastern tribe, which meant that he was qualified to bring them back to the tribe, but they were from another continent after all…

Wei Changcheng seemed to see what Lauston was worried about, and added: “Don’t worry, the orcs in the Orc Continent are very hospitable and hospitable. Even if you are from another continent, I will teach you about this continent.” language, don’t worry about not being able to communicate with the orcs on the Beastman Continent.”

“But, in your opinion, we are very weak.” Lauston said suddenly.

Wei Changcheng blinked and choked. This is true. Their half-orcs cannot turn into orcs in the orc continent. Naturally, they are not as powerful as orcs. Compared with females, although they are stronger than females, they are not as powerful as them. Being able to have children is indeed a bit of a feeling that more than enough is more than enough: “Don’t worry about this, our eastern tribe now has farmland and a lot of work to do, even if you don’t participate in the hunting of the tribe, you still have food and shelter of.”

Lauston was even more moved, this time he only hesitated for a moment, and said, “Then I will trouble you.”

Wei Changcheng showed a brighter smile: “No trouble, no trouble.” He looked up at the sky, “I see that you are all very tired, and it won’t be long before dark, so stay here and rest .”

Lauston nodded. They were indeed exhausted. After drifting on the sea for a long time, and after arriving in the Orc Continent, they were constantly running around. Coupled with the fear in their hearts, they were exhausted enough.

Wei Changcheng and he prevented the orcs from hunting, but the two of them went to find food for them, and secretly took out the corn, sweet potatoes and other things in the space, saying that this is the food of the orc continent. A lot, they prevaricate the past.

After dinner, everyone went to bed early. After the half-orc left the half-orc continent until tonight, he was finally able to sleep relatively peacefully. With longing for the future, the half-orcs fell asleep.

The author has something to say: Thank you “Wen” for mine~

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