I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 23

~ Chapter 23

Daniel didn’t keep his question for too long. When the big troops came from behind, Daniel and Wei Changcheng focused on digging potatoes.

Hundreds of people surrounded Wei Changcheng. Unless Wei Changcheng had a loudspeaker on his body, no matter how loud the voice was, it would be impossible to explain the importance of potatoes to everyone. Wei Changcheng could only speak as loud as he could. Said the benefits of potatoes: “I found a new food here, called potatoes, which are round things buried under everyone’s feet. The most important thing is that potatoes can be stored for a long time, and not only Females and males can also eat potatoes, so stop picking those wild fruits, and take all the potatoes here for the rest of the time.”

The orcs surrounding Wei Changcheng understood Wei Changcheng’s words. What attracted them was not that potatoes were a new food, but that males could also be full after eating potatoes. Everyone’s eyes were shining with excitement. Now It’s Fengyue, so there is no need to worry about food. However, it is not easy for males to catch prey in the heavy rain when it is Yuyue. It is even more worrying when it is Xueyue. At that time, there is heavy snow and there are not many animals at all. They can be caught. Many orcs die in the Xueyue tribe every year, but Xiao Wei said that this kind of potatoes are easy to preserve and can feed the males. How could the orcs not be excited?

I didn’t hear anything from the back, but I got excited after asking the people who heard what they said, and the hundreds of people present all stared at Wei Changcheng expectantly, hoping that Wei Changcheng would immediately speak to let them Going to dig potatoes, Wei Changcheng was even more embarrassed when so many people looked at him with hot eyes. He quickly squatted on the ground and explained how to dig potatoes out. , Wei Changcheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Wei Changcheng frowned and looked at the basket weaving method in his mind. He felt that it was not difficult, but it was a little troublesome. When Wei Changcheng wanted to try weaving a basket, Wei Changcheng thought of more important things. One thing – raw materials.

Yes, I know how to weave baskets, but what if I don’t have the raw materials! It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Wei Changcheng stood on the spot and scratched his head. This time, he didn’t make any more demands on Xiao Ke, and asked Daniel, “Daniel, do you know about grass that is softer but not easy to break? The ones? The flat and long ones are best.”

Daniel thought for a while, and finally said uncertainly: “In the forest, there is indeed something similar to what you described. What are you going to do?”

“I want to weave a basket.” Wei Changcheng said bluntly, “With a basket, every time the females come out to pick wild fruits, they can pick more wild fruits and go back. It is very convenient. I want to see what you said Is that kind of grass far from here?”

Daniel hesitated for a while, and finally said: “It’s not too far, I’ll take you there.”

Wei Changcheng was very happy. When Daniel turned into a beast body, he climbed up without any psychological barriers. After all, from the Karu tribe to the eastern tribe, Wei Changcheng has always sat on Daniel’s body, and now he can’t sit on it anymore. It’s embarrassing, but I don’t know that my behavior has different meanings in the eyes of the females present.

Only his partner can sit on the male animal body. This kind of thing is recognized in the Beastman Continent. Today, in front of the females, Wei Changcheng sat on Daniel’s animal body, but Daniel did not object at all. Knowing these two people is a good thing is coming. Such a result broke the hearts of many females present. You must know that Daniel is the number one warrior of the eastern tribe, but there are many females without a partner who are eager to become Daniel’s partner. Who would have thought that Daniel would be with this newcomer? The eastern tribe, a male named Wei Changcheng, got together.

“It sounds like Xiao Wei was brought back by Daniel.”

“I’ve heard of it too, but it’s a pity for Daniel. If Daniel and a female form a partner, the offspring might be excellent.”

Hearing that the females around him were discussing about Daniel and Wei Changcheng one by one, Allen couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, and moved his gaze to Bowen’s face aside, seeing Bowen’s gloomy face, Allen couldn’t help but sneered, and continued Do the work in hand.

Daniel said it was not far away, but after sitting on Daniel’s beast for a full ten minutes, Wei Changcheng realized that the so-called not far away was far enough for a person like himself who needs to walk on two legs.

Wei Changcheng climbed down from Daniel’s beast, and saw plants that fit his imagination at a glance. They all looked like vines. At first glance, the little yellow flowers look pretty, but I don’t know if the talismans meet the requirements for weaving baskets. Thinking of this, Wei Changcheng stepped forward, and just as he stretched out his hand to touch the vine, he was caught by Daniel’s tail. to the side.

Such a tail made Wei Chang into a mess. After finally regaining his senses, Wei Changcheng became angry. Just as he was about to get angry, he saw Daniel stretching his tail near the vines, and then Wei Changcheng looked at it. The little yellow flowers that I thought were pretty just now opened their mouths one by one, with pairs of sharp teeth growing inside, and they were about to bite Daniel’s tail, but Daniel withdrew his tail first, and then pointed at those The vines are like a roar of tigers.

Wei Changcheng rubbed his eyes in disbelief, shit, these flowers can still understand the roar of the tiger? Looking at the little yellow flowers with their heads hanging tightly closed and almost trembling and begging for forgiveness, Wei Changcheng had to believe that these flowers were actually bullying masters. You don’t need your head now!

Daniel looked at Wei Changcheng who was stunned aside, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he dug left and right under the tree with his claws. It didn’t take long to dig out the vine from under the tree and threw it to Wei Changcheng. In front of him, he turned into a human body: “This is called Baihua vine. I thought about the requirements you said, and this is the only one that meets the requirements.” After speaking, he pulled out a section of Baihua vine, and pulled off the flowers on it. , and handed it to Wei Changcheng.

Wei Nier Chang Cheng rolled his eyes, angrily took the flower vine from Dan’s hand, tried the elasticity and tenacity of the flower vine, his eyes lit up, even Daniel didn’t say anything about the flower vine on purpose before. Forget about it, and said happily: “This one called Baihuateng is very suitable for weaving baskets, let’s take some back.”

Daniel had no objection, and dug up a lot of flower vines, until he couldn’t take any more, Daniel stopped, and then Daniel took Wei Changcheng back to the place where everyone was digging potatoes, so everyone present saw Daniel taking He came back with a bunch of hundred flower vines on his back, well, Wei Changcheng who was holding the hundred flower vines was actually drowned.

Seeing such a funny scene, everyone present couldn’t help laughing out loud, and even accepted Wei Changcheng in their hearts. Wei Changcheng broke away from the bunch of vines in embarrassment, which caused another meal from everyone Laughing, in the end it was Daniel’s glance that made the orcs present calm down a bit. After all, the number one warrior had to give face.

Wei Changcheng quickly returned to normal. He sat down on the ground and started to pick up the vines. He stopped and spoke to Daniel. Daniel understood and went down to find some people. It turned out that Wei Changcheng wanted to hand over the weaving of the baskets directly to the clansmen, so as to save trouble, so he asked Daniel to find some females.

Soon, about ten people sat down around Wei Changcheng, looking curiously at the flower vine in Wei Changcheng’s hand, and in the end Alan, who was also among the ten people, spoke first: “Xiaowei, you What are you doing with the Hundred Flower Vine?”

“Weaving baskets.” Wei Changcheng told the purpose of the baskets to the females present again, and all the females present were not blind. They knew that this kind of thing was a basket as soon as they heard Wei Changcheng’s description. How wonderful it is, it means that they can bring back more food every time they come out to pick, and for the orcs, there is no need to mention how important food is.

“Hurry up, hurry up, teach us quickly, stop the ink.” It was still Allen who spoke impatiently first, Wei Changcheng choked, and he didn’t know who kept asking him just now.

Because Wei Changcheng was also weaving baskets for the first time, the speed was naturally extremely slow, and the baskets he finally made were unexpectedly ugly, like a crooked gourd, Wei Changcheng twitched the corner of his mouth , to comfort myself and others are not much better, my eyes subconsciously glanced at the hands of the ten females, and then lividly found that everyone was much better than what I made up, especially the one in Allen’s hand. , can be sold directly in boutiques. Seeing that Wei Changcheng was staring at the basket in his hand, Allen rushed Wei Changcheng triumphantly and shook off the finished product.

Wei Changcheng, who looked away, suppressed the unwillingness in his heart, hum, he is a man, it’s normal to make it up badly, but it’s strange to make it up well! There is no need to compare with these females (=women) present! Thinking about it this way, Wei Changcheng’s mood improved a lot.

“Hey, that’s how the basket is made. Just put the food you picked in the basket.” Wei Changcheng tied a few vines of the flower vine to the back of the basket so that it can be carried on his back. Looking at the remaining vines on the ground, Wei Changcheng said again, “Let’s weave the remaining vines into baskets too, so that we can carry more food back.”

The females who had learned how to weave responded, and some females were called over, and they taught the new females how to weave baskets. In this way, the females of the whole tribe would be able to weave baskets in a short time. .

The vines that Wei Changcheng and Daniel brought back were limited, and in the end they only made sixty or seventy baskets, but it was beyond Wei Changcheng’s expectations. It seems that this hundred-flower vine is really good, and one hundred-flower vine will do Weaving seven or eight baskets, the abacus in Wei Changcheng’s heart was crackling, calculating the number of baskets needed in the tribe, at least every female must have one in her hand, if she has the ability It is also possible to make up two or three and put them at home. After all, these baskets will come in handy when storing food in winter.

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