I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 34

~ Chapter 34

Wei Changcheng looked at the method of planting potatoes several times in his mind, and felt that it was almost done, so he was relieved, and he was relieved to arrange what everyone would do. After all, I eat a lot of potatoes, and I don’t know how to grow them. Although I have the planting method given by Xiao Ke, it’s all just talk on paper, and it’s false to say I’m not nervous.

Just like what Wei Changcheng thought yesterday, he doesn’t need so much land anyway. It’s more important to plant potatoes first, so the matter of reclamation is put aside. Wei Changcheng first asked the females to cut potatoes, and the potatoes Cut into pieces, making sure that each potato piece contains a sprout, and with the efforts of more than three hundred females using stone axes, the potatoes are quickly cut. Wei Changcheng began to let the females germinate according to the method given by Xiao Ke.

I don’t know how the information given by Xiao Ke was obtained. According to Wei Changcheng’s thinking, it would take six or seven days for potatoes to germinate. It only takes one day, but whatever it is, it’s best to finish it sooner!

The females are all sprouting in the tribe, which means that there will be most males who don’t have to protect the females. After all, they are in the tribe, and there are patrols outside, so Wei Changcheng can easily take charge of protecting them. The males of the females call out about half to get water.

For farmland, water is really important. Water diversion is imminent. Although females have the strength of normal human men, females’ strength is really nothing to males, not to mention that females bear the responsibility of procreating offspring. Wei Changcheng tries to avoid letting females do heavy work. So let the males do the water transfer.

Facing Daniel, Wei Changcheng was very embarrassed, so even though Daniel was standing in front of him, Wei Changcheng pretended not to see him, which made Daniel very sad, and looked at Wei Changcheng sadly.

Wei Changcheng turned slightly, and said to Boris who was standing on the other side of him: “Uncle Boris, I’ll leave the water transfer to you, and make stone shovels before transferring the water.”

“Stone shovel? What is it for?”

“It’s used when digging tunnels.” Wei Changcheng gestured with a stone shovel, “That’s it, it’s similar to the usage of stone shovels.”

“We males don’t need that.” Boris shook his head and smiled mysteriously, “Look at me.” Then he turned into a lion, roared, and then Wei Changcheng was stunned and speechless. The males of the water all turned into animal shapes. At a glance, there are tigers, lions, bears, and leopards all over the place, and all of them are not small, and they all hold their heads high, looking very proud. —For males, being tall and strong when transformed into beast form is indeed something to be proud of.

Wei Changcheng turned to look at Daniel, well, although Daniel’s animal body is a very ordinary tiger, Wei Changcheng can still recognize it when thrown into a large group of wild animals. I don’t know if it is because Daniel is taller than other tigers. It is not known whether Wei Changcheng is so majestic or because he is very familiar with Daniel’s animal form.

Wei Changcheng turned his head back from Daniel who was showing off his beast shape, looked at all kinds of beasts, and coughed twice: “Then let’s start. Let’s start from the farmland and dig a straight passage. It doesn’t need to be too wide.”

Every beast below nodded seriously, and then—Wei Changcheng turned his face away, that’s enough! If you saw such a large group of beasts with serious expressions on their faces, and then lined up and stretched out their claws to dig holes, you would feel blinded!

For the first time, Wei Changcheng rejoiced that he was a male who couldn’t transform! Otherwise, wouldn’t I be one of the many pit-digging beasts!

Wei Changcheng turned around and walked into the field. Well, I’d better go and see the females germination. I don’t need to worry about water transfer.

Among the males digging pits, Daniel appeared to be more serious and hardworking. Due to Daniel’s great strength, his digging speed was much faster than other beasts. Why did Daniel work so hard? what! Of course it’s easy! He is doing it for Wei Changcheng to see! Seeing that he is so strong, Xiao Cheng will definitely fall in love with him! So when he saw Wei Changcheng turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia, Daniel complained and felt wronged, and even his hands moved a lot slower.

The hot eyes from behind made Wei Changcheng a little uneasy, until he walked out of Daniel’s line of sight, the discomfort disappeared, and Wei Changcheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hey, Daniel won’t be with you!”

Wei Changcheng, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly heard such a sentence, he couldn’t help being startled, and looked around, only to realize that he had walked a long way, and the place he arrived at was exactly where Bowen was sprouting.

Wei Changcheng frowned slightly. This blog post was the last time a female provoked him. Sure enough, he still hated him, no matter whether he liked Daniel or not!

“So what?” Wei Changcheng asked back.

“Daniel grew up with me. He is the number one warrior in the eastern tribe, and I am the most beautiful female in the eastern tribe. I like Daniel, and Daniel also likes me. We will be together in the end!”

Oh? Or childhood sweetheart? Wei Chang’s mood was even worse when he was not in a good mood: “What’s the point of saying this to me? You should go and talk to Daniel face to face. If he is willing to form a partner with you, I have no objection. “Wei Changcheng sneered.

“You!” Bowen’s eyes were full of anger, “Hmph! It’s you, a male who doesn’t know where he came from, who seduced my Daniel. Otherwise, we will form a partner when Daniel returns from his travels!”

“I didn’t stop Daniel!” Wei Changcheng’s face became more and more cold, “Bowen, let me say again, if you have any dissatisfaction, just go to Daniel and tell me what’s the use? Is it possible that I can still force him?” Can Daniel and you form a partner? If Daniel likes you, he will naturally be with you. If Daniel and I are in love,” Wei Changcheng raised his eyebrows, “Do you think you can provoke me with just a few words of yours? Relationship with Daniel?”

Bowen’s eyes became more angry, and he bit his lip with his upper teeth, as if he was about to bleed.

“Little Wei!”

Wei Changcheng withdrew the coldness on his face, and looked back at the person who called him: “Alan? Why are you here?”

“I have something to ask you about germination. I saw you walking this way just now, so I came here to find you.” Alan, who ran to Wei Changcheng, blushed a little, looked at Wei Changcheng One glance, and another glance at the blog post, “Come with me, I’m still waiting.”

Wei Changcheng nodded: “Okay.” Then he left with Alan without even looking at the blog post. Bowen, who was ignored by Wei Changcheng and Alan, turned red with anger, and his eyes were inexplicable.

“Xiao Wei, what did Bowen tell you?” Alan asked Wei Changcheng in a low voice after leaving Bowen.

Wei Changcheng was silent for a while, then shook his head: “I didn’t say anything.”

Alan obviously didn’t believe it, but he didn’t want to ask any more questions, so he just said: “Bowen is spoiled by people in the tribe, and he must get what he wants, and it must be even more inevitable for Daniel , Daniel is good friends with you, you have always been very close, if you think about it, Bowen will definitely target you, but don’t worry, Daniel will never be with him, and Bowen can’t do anything to you. “

Wei Changcheng gave Alan a meaningful look. Why did he think that Alan meant something? Could it be that Allen also knew that Daniel liked his own things? Wei Changcheng touched his chin, so there are not a few people who know Daniel’s mind? But why don’t you know it yourself? —Wei Changcheng lost because he knew too little about the Beastman Continent.

“Here, I’m in charge here.” Allen pointed to the potato cubes piled on the ground, “I just said I had something to ask you to lie to the blog post. I’m fine. You can go about your business.”

Wei Changcheng shook his head, knelt down and picked up a few potato cubes: “I don’t have anything to do now, so let’s accelerate germination with you.”

Allen nodded straightforwardly: “That’s fine, I wish more people could help me with my work.”

Wei Changcheng smiled, and the two began to get busy.

Because of Wei Changcheng’s joining, the place Allen was in charge of worked faster than others. When the two of them finished their work, the other females were still busy. Wei Changcheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky: “It seems that today’s tasks can be completed.”

“Well, these potatoes seem to be quite a lot, but there are quite a few of us, and there are not many evenly distributed to each person’s head. We can finish them all in one day.”

“By the way, I still have onions, ginger, and garlic in my cave to grow, but there are not many. You can go back with me to get them.”

“Scallion, **** and garlic?” Allen said, “Oh, I remembered, are they the three foods mentioned with the stone pot at the beginning? I haven’t eaten them yet. Back then, the patriarch had very little onion, **** and garlic. We can only see if that one can be planted too?”

“Yes, Daniel and I found the onion, **** and garlic on the way back. Only a small part was brought back to the tribe. The onion, **** and garlic in my cave was found near the tribe a few days ago, but the quantity is very small. I dug them all back, and this time I happened to plant them too.”

“That’s a good relationship. When it grows out, people in our entire tribe can eat that onion, ginger, and garlic.” As they spoke, the two had already walked into Wei Changcheng’s cave. Alan seemed to remember something and laughed. There was a sound.

“What’s the matter?” Wei Changcheng, who was walking in front, asked casually. He had put the green onions, **** and garlic in the cave by himself yesterday.

“I think of Daniel waiting outside your cave every morning.”

“What’s so ridiculous?” Wei Changcheng sniffled, “I, Daniel and Uncle Boris had dinner together in the morning. Daniel got up early and was embarrassed to go into Uncle Boris’ cave, so he waited outside. Follow me.”

Allen’s face suddenly became weird: “Why is Daniel embarrassed to go into Uncle Boris’ cave?”

“Then how do I know? Maybe it’s because I feel embarrassed to always ask Uncle Boris to cook breakfast for us.” Well, this is actually Wei Changcheng’s own idea, and he can barely understand it.

“Xiao Wei, you really don’t know or you’re still pretending to be confused!” Allen grabbed Wei Changcheng and almost dragged Wei Changcheng down, “You really don’t know what it means that Daniel is waiting for you outside every day ?”

“What do you mean?” Wei Changcheng was at a loss. Could there be something else to say?

Allen looked at Wei Changcheng carefully for a while, and finally had to admit that this guy didn’t pretend to be stupid anymore, and let go of Wei Changcheng resentfully, and stopped talking, that’s all, let Daniel speak out by himself in the future, I don’t want to bad thing.

The author has something to say: o(╯□╰)o

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