I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 37

~ Chapter 37

He was speechless for a while, at first Wei Changcheng felt nothing, but after a long time, Wei Changcheng became a little uncomfortable, saying that he hadn’t replied to Daniel’s confession yet! It’s a bit difficult to spend time alone with Daniel now. Wei Changcheng glanced at Daniel secretly, and was relieved to find that Daniel was in a daze with his hair down.

Wei Changcheng stood up, Daniel also recovered from his daze, subconsciously followed Wei Changcheng and stood up, Wei Changcheng said: “Let’s go back and weave shoes with the females.”

Daniel let out a “hmm” and followed behind Wei Changcheng.

Halfway through, Wei Changcheng suddenly said, “Daniel, I think it’s better for you to go back to the hunting team.”

Daniel was taken aback, his heart sank suddenly, Xiaocheng hated him so much, could he not even be by his side?

Wei Changcheng, who was walking in front, didn’t notice Daniel’s abnormality, and continued: “I thought about it, although you are the number one warrior of the eastern tribe, but in addition to strength, you must need skills. This skill is great. Most of them are obtained from hunting, if you don’t hunt all the time, after a while, you will lose your title of number one warrior.”

Wei Changcheng’s words are very reasonable, but in Daniel’s ears, no matter how reasonable Wei Changcheng’s words are, Daniel feels that Xiao Cheng is driving him away: “…the title of the number one warrior is nothing, don’t worry about it .”

“But you have to protect me!” What Wei Changcheng blurted out made both of them startled.

“Xiao Cheng?”

Wei Changcheng’s heart was flustered, and he didn’t know why such a sentence suddenly appeared just now. In the current relationship between Wei Changcheng and Daniel, Wei Changcheng’s words had to be said to be ambiguous, but It is true that Wei Changcheng was a little embarrassed, but it is not true to say that he regrets it. In Wei Changcheng’s subconscious mind, it is normal to say such things to Daniel.

“Xiao Cheng, you are right.” After the initial shock, Daniel grinned wider and wider, and his tone became more relaxed, “How about this, I will stay with you for two days after I go out for three days, okay? “

Wei Changcheng coughed twice, and answered vaguely, but Daniel heard it clearly, and the smile on his face was even bigger.

When Wei Changcheng and Daniel arrived, basically all the females had learned how to weave shoes, and there were quite a few finished products. Some of the remaining males had partners, and now they were wearing shoes made by their own partners. , the males without a partner, some are made by the father, some are made by the elder brother or younger brother (female), in short, almost all the remaining males have shoes to wear.

Every male is very curious about this new thing, and after finally wearing it on his feet, all the males walked back and forth on the ground curiously, of course, they didn’t feel much other than discomfort. But after these changes brought about by Tianwei Changcheng, almost everyone trusts Wei Changcheng unconditionally. They firmly believe that since Wei Changcheng asked them to make this thing called shoes, then this shoe must be useful to them.

The females did not weave all the tough grass into shoes. Each female counted according to the population of her family. There were only a few pairs of shoes for the number of people in the family. Therefore, when the females put down their work, the weather was still Early, the males who went out have not returned.

Wei Changcheng wanted to keep the females from getting tired, so he didn’t let the females do anything else, and let the females do what they should do after saying a word to disband. Wei Changcheng didn’t go back to the cave either. After all, he didn’t have anything to do when he went back to the cave. It’s better to stay outside, at least he has someone to chat with.

Wei Changcheng, Daniel, and Boris were sitting in front of the haystack, and Wei Changcheng leaned against the haystack behind him in a rather disfigured manner.

Before he could say anything, Wei Changcheng found that the females who had just returned to the cave came out again, holding a bunch of things in their hands. The most important thing is animal skin.

The females went to the river with the animal skins in their hands. Wei Changcheng poked Boris next to him: “Uncle Boris, what are they doing?”

Boris knew what was going on at a glance, and said casually: “They are going to clean the animal skins. The scorching moon is coming, and it is not suitable to be around the current animal skins in hot weather. Of course, they need to change to thinner ones. On weekdays, the animal skins are kept in caves, and they will be cleaned and replaced when the season comes.”

Wei Changcheng glanced at his animal skin, well, yes, the weather is a bit hot recently, and he also feels a bit stuffy on weekdays, but he has been busy and didn’t pay much attention to it: “The animal in the cave Won’t the skin be bitten by bugs?” Wei Changcheng wondered.

Boris shook his head: “The females will pick spotted flowers, dry the picked spotted flowers, and put them in animal skins, so that there will be no insects to bite.”

Wei Changcheng suddenly realized that the spotted flower of emotion is similar to mothballs on the earth.

“Tomorrow, I will go hunting with my father, and I will catch some silver leopards for you.” Daniel interrupted suddenly, “The skin of silver leopards is most suitable for Yanyue to wear.”

Wei Changcheng paused and did not refuse.

There was the sound of someone talking not far away, and Wei Changcheng looked there, and it turned out that the males who had gone hunting had returned. Wei Changcheng stood up suddenly, but Daniel grabbed his arm: “Father wants to distribute food to the tribe first, let’s go to the cave and wait for father.”

Only then did Wei Changcheng realize that he was a little impatient, blushed with embarrassment, and followed Daniel to Jeffrey’s cave. Boris, who was left behind, shook his head in a funny way, patted his buttocks and stood up to get the food up.

Distributing food is something Jeffrey is used to. After Jeffrey easily completed the task of distributing food, and returned to the cave with his own food, he immediately saw Wei Changcheng waiting for him in the cave. and Daniel.

Jeffrey glared at Daniel without leaving a trace. For Daniel, I am afraid that this home is only used to come back to sleep at night. It is difficult to see him on weekdays. Now he is willing to sit at home obediently and wait. I, needless to say, specified that Xiao Wei came here and he followed him.

Jeffrey’s eyes stopped on Wei Changcheng again. Jeffrey knew that Daniel had confessed to Wei Changcheng, but seeing Wei Changcheng’s current appearance, he knew that Daniel must have not confessed to Wei Changcheng. He took it down. Thinking of this, Jeffrey wished he could catch Daniel and teach him a good lesson. I really don’t know who this kid learned from. Back then, he took Pei Ji down without any effort!

When Jeffrey entered the cave, Wei Changcheng and Daniel found him. Wei Changcheng watched Jeffrey’s face change, wondering what happened to the patriarch.

Daniel quickly stood up and greeted him with a guilty smile: “Father, you are back.”

Jeffrey said “En”, and gave Daniel a hard look where Wei Changcheng couldn’t see.

Daniel pretended not to see it: “Father, I will go hunting with you tomorrow.”

Jeffrey stared at him, brat, you want to hunt before you take Xiaowei down? Wait until Xiaowei is snatched away by others and see what you do!

Wei Changcheng didn’t know what Jeffrey was slandering. Seeing that Jeffrey’s face was a little ugly, he quickly explained to Jeffrey: “The patriarch, I suggested it. I thought that if Daniel didn’t go hunting for a long time, It’s not good if you don’t know how to do it.”

Daniel talked about hunting for three days and staying with Wei Changcheng for two days, and Jeffrey’s face looked better. He patted Daniel on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: “If that’s the case, then that’s it. Do it.” Jeffrey’s gaze stayed on Daniel’s sharp-edged face, and his heart was a little complicated. I am the patriarch first, and then Daniel’s father. Since Daniel was a child, I knew that I was very negligent towards Daniel, and I couldn’t help but feel very guilty towards Daniel. When Daniel grew up, Jeffrey wanted to find a good female for Daniel. Good partner, it can be regarded as a little bit to make up for the guilt towards Daniel.

However, when Jeffrey received the order from the Beast God and knew that there was such a person as Wei Changcheng, Jeffrey changed his mind again. After all, he is the patriarch first and then the father. When he knew Wei Changcheng, Jeffrey knew that he must keep this person, and besides letting this person have a bond in this tribe, how could he? Can nightmares stay? If this person has a partner here, I think I can definitely keep him.

As for the choice of a partner, after much deliberation, Jeffrey still felt that his son was the best. His son is the number one warrior of the eastern tribe, and when the tribe selects the number one warrior of the Orc Continent, Daniel is not without a chance. Thinking of such a Daniel, he is worthy enough of that person. Knowing that his starting point is for the good of the whole tribe, Jeffrey still feels guilty. After all, that person is his son. What if Daniel doesn’t like that person? What if Daniel fell in love with someone else? What should I do then?

But what made Jeffrey heave a sigh of relief was that he didn’t expect that this person was brought back by his son, let alone that his son fell in love with this person. From Jeffrey’s point of view, it’s not that Xiaowei doesn’t like Daniel. It won’t be long before the two of them will be together.

“Patriarch, I am here this time because I have something very important to ask you.” Wei Changcheng said to Jeffrey seriously.

Jeffrey withdrew his gaze from Daniel, looked at Wei Changcheng’s unusually serious face, and frowned: “Let’s go inside and talk.”

Wei Changcheng glanced at Daniel and nodded.

Wei Changcheng followed Jeffrey to the cave, while Daniel and Pei Ji stayed at the entrance of the cave. Pei Ji, who was cooking, looked at Daniel who was standing at the entrance of the cave with frowning eyes, pursed his lips and smiled, and waved to Daniel: “Daniel, come over to daddy, daddy hasn’t had a good time with you for a long time I’ve spoken.”

Daniel looked hesitantly into the depths of the cave, then walked up to Pei Ji and sat down.

Pei Ji didn’t look at Daniel who was sitting next to him. After a while, he felt that the broth in the stone pot was almost ready, so he took out a bowl and handed it to Daniel: “Xiao Wei is a smart boy.” He glanced at the man who was drinking the broth Daniel said again, “Don’t rush Daniel, take your time.”

Daniel, who was holding the stone bowl, froze for a moment, then nodded.

The author has something to say: I suddenly found out that I have been forgetting to mention a problem, and that is the problem of the little orcs! Alright, so the baby orcs have always stayed in the tribe to be cared for by the old females and males!

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