I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 43

~ Chapter 43


“That’s right, it’s a house!” Wei Changcheng said loudly when he landed, “I pulled out the tough grass to leave an open space, and my purpose was to build a house one day. And a house is for living in.”

“Residence?” Boris asked. “Don’t we already have caves? Why are we still building that house?”

Wei Changcheng raised his head: “Nature is different. Uncle Boris, let me ask you, young males and females can climb caves, but what about old and weak orcs? What about young beasts? Where are the people?”

“Of course that won’t work, so our tribe will put the old orcs in the lower caves. Those young orcs usually come down after they grow up.”

“But if a house is built, everyone will live in the house, and this situation will not happen again. No matter it is day or night, no matter whether it is an old orc orc, they can come out at will.”

Wei Changcheng turned his head and asked Roy again: “Roy, when it’s Xueyue, even you young and strong males will feel cold?”

Roy nodded: “It’s cold from the beginning to the end. If we are kept outside, I’m afraid we will freeze to death within a few days!”

“Young and strong males are like this, not to mention those females who are not as good as young males, old orcs and little orcs.” Wei Changcheng paused, “The weather is cold for one thing, and the second is that the cave is full of stones after all. Even if we built a fire to gather together, I am afraid it would not be of much use in the cold snowy moon, but this will not be the case after we have a house. The house itself can withstand the severe cold. You won’t feel the cold.”

“Really? After we have a house, will we really not be cold in Xueyue? Also, what is a kang? How is it made? When can we build a house?” Allen was excited first, and couldn’t wait to ask One question after another, compared to males, Alan, a female, has more to say. Every time in the snowy moon, these females are too cold. Over the years, Alan is almost always on the stone bed during the snowy moon every year. Covered with thick and thick animal skins, and covered with a lot of animal skins, lying on the stone bed and refusing to get off, even the meal was brought by his father. In fact, not only Alan, but almost all females eat it every year. This is how they came here. Thinking about it this way, I know how hard the Xueyue males are every year. Not only do they have to go around looking for food, but they also have to take care of their partners and children when they return to the tribe.

And now that the house that Wei Changcheng mentioned can actually change the situation of Xueyue every year, how could Alan not be interested?

Seeing Ai Lu’s extraordinarily excited expression, Wei Changcheng swallowed, saying that there is only a small number of things about the house now, and Alan doesn’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing to be so excited.

“But will it be dangerous?” Roy asked suddenly, “The houses are built on open land, so if something dangerous happens, won’t it be very dangerous? We males are fine, but females are too dangerous. “

Wei Changcheng didn’t understand what Roy meant by “very dangerous”. What did this danger refer to?

“I think there are also advantages.” Boris continued, “Living in an open space is indeed more objective than living in a cave, but the advantages are also obvious. First, it is easier for everyone to gather together, and it is easier to release the females.” Protecting together, and all the males have to do is to surround the house to protect the females, which is much better than before. Besides, when it is dangerous, not only the orcs in the lower cave are in danger, but even the orcs living in the upper cave are in danger. The orcs in the cave are also very dangerous, and the scene will be chaotic and difficult to control. In my opinion, it is better to build a house to live in.”

Looking at the three people with serious faces in front of him, Wei Changcheng had no choice but to interrupt them: “Ahem, let me ask, what do you mean by danger?”

As soon as Wei Changcheng said this, the expressions of the three present turned from solemn to surprised and shocked.

“Xiao Wei, are you an orc from the Beastman Continent?” Allen spoke first, with a sneer on his face, “My God, how can the orcs living in the Beastman Continent not know this!”

Alan didn’t mean the speaker, and Wei Changcheng meant the listener. When he heard Alan say that he was not an orc from the Orc Continent, Wei Chang was shocked and even more guilty.

“It refers to the beast tide and wandering beasts.” Boris gave Wei Changcheng the answer, “Every snowy moon, not only the beastmen lack food, but even the beasts lack food. In some snowy moons, there will be Many carnivorous wild beasts attack the tribe in order to get food. We call this kind of thing that happens every year on the snowy moon as the beast tide. Our tribe is better. After all, our tribe has a lot of people and strength, and few wild beasts will Attack our tribe, but those small tribes are different. Almost every snow moon, a small tribe will be attacked by the beast tide, and the orcs in the tribe will not survive. Therefore, every year when the snow moon comes Sometimes, there will always be small tribes attached to the four major tribes, or countless small tribes will join together temporarily and wait until the snowy moon is over before separating.”

Although Boris didn’t say clearly what the beasts were attacking the tribe to get the food in the food, Wei Changcheng still knew that it was nothing more than the bodies of the orcs. The eastern tribes are rarely attacked by wild beasts. It is nothing more than that although wild beasts have low intelligence, they also know that persimmons are not picky.

“However, it’s not absolute. Sometimes the snow is heavy and the food is really scarce, and the beast hordes will attack large tribes.”

High risk means high income, Wei Changcheng also understands this, but thinking about that time, the beasts are really hungry.

“The beast tide, we can prevent it in advance, but the attack of the beasts is the most troublesome thing for us.” Roy took Boris’s words, “Although the number of beasts is not as large as the number of beasts during the beast tide, but the beasts Beasts are intelligent, they are more cunning and cruel, and sometimes they are simply impossible to guard against. Of course, they will not directly attack the four major tribes, but sometimes it is the ones who play tricks behind their backs that we hate the most.”

Roy is not very old, and he has only been an adult for five years. However, Wei Changcheng felt that he could see hatred and contempt on Roy’s face when he mentioned Youshou. Wei Changcheng suddenly felt a little scared. The people here know their identity as the son of the beast. That’s right, Wei Changcheng hasn’t forgotten that he is a child of Youshou. According to the people in the tribe’s aversion to Youshou, when they discover their identity, will they look at him like this?

Wei Changcheng can be regarded as an outsider in a sense. In his opinion, what’s wrong with the newborn male? Their animal bodies are not lions, tigers, etc., but cats, dogs, etc., so what? Even their ability advantages are more obvious, why can’t the orcs in the tribe tolerate them? If they never abandoned such a little male, how could there be any subsequent beasts? Because of this, You Beast hated them, and it was not without the fault of the orcs that they wanted to take revenge.

But the reason is such a reason, Wei Changcheng knows that he can’t say such a thing, there will be no reason for some hatred and resentment, if Wei Changcheng appeared at the beginning when the tribe abandoned the little males , maybe he can prevent such a tragedy now, but after such a long time, the relationship between orcs and wandering beasts is already endless.

Wei Changcheng is glad that although he is a male, he can’t turn into a beast. If he turns into a beast, I’m afraid he can’t hide his identity. What will I do when the time comes? By the way, I just found out what I love about Daniel. If Daniel knew who he was, wouldn’t he also hate and resent him instead of liking him? The more he thought about it, Wei Changcheng felt it was possible. Not only Daniel, but also Uncle Boris, Allen, and Roy in front of him, would they also look at him with eyes full of hatred?

Wei Changcheng’s sudden pale face frightened the three people present: “Xiao Wei, are you okay? Why did your face become so ugly?” Boris asked with concern.

Wei Changcheng woke up from his own thoughts. Although his heart was complicated and ups and downs, he still smiled: “I’m fine.”

It seemed that nothing was wrong, the three murmured in their hearts, but it was obvious that Xiao Wei didn’t want to talk about it, so the three of them stopped talking about it.

“In short, I think the benefits of building a house are obvious, and it is better to build a house.” Boris said.

“I also think it’s good.” Allen added, “Xueyue is really too cold, and there are not no females who die because of the cold every year. I think it is better to build the house as soon as possible, preferably this year’s Xueyue. You can live in there.”

Wei Changcheng went through the words of Allen and Boris in his mind, and it took him a long time to figure out what they meant. It seems that the current situation is really not suitable for further discussion. Wei Changcheng is just not in the mood. I was afraid that I would say something that I shouldn’t say in front of these three people.

“The matter of the house is not in a hurry now.” Wei Changcheng said in a low voice, “I have to think about the details of building the house carefully, and the materials for building the house are also very scarce. I will try my best to build the house before Xueyue Well, but it’s impossible to build enough housing for all the clansmen, and priority should be given to females, old orcs and little orcs.”

“It should be. We still need to settle down the first female, the old orcs and the little orcs. We males have survived the snowy moon for so many years, and this snowy moon is not bad.” Boris said.

Wei Changcheng nodded: “Putting aside the matter of the house, what I want to talk about is about cement. There are many uses for cement. Try to get the cement out today, not only for building a house, but also for building a house. It’s better to put cement on both sides of the water diversion channel first.”

“Okay, I’ll find out what you said you need to use.” Roy said straightforwardly.

Wei Changcheng did not refuse, and simply told Roy the materials he was looking for to make cement. Fortunately, Xiao Ke gave all the materials available in the Beastman Continent, and they all knew about them. People don’t find these things useful.

“Warm soil and hot soil?” Roy repeated. “These two kinds of soil are not difficult to find. I’ll take someone to find them now. How much do you need?”

“Don’t take too much, just get some back. I’ll try it first, and if it works, I’ll bring it back in large quantities.”

Roy agreed, and got up to find the males who were resting in the tribe that day.

The author has something to say: Thank you “So what” and “Box” for the mines~ Memoda. I’m not going to tell you that when you first read “So What” the pro’s name was “So What Love”! It seems that it is not corrupt enough~ In addition, the return of brother box is welcome ~ haha. .

I caught a cold this Monday, and I made a decisive decision to stick to it. The result is that not only has it not improved, but it has become more and more serious. I woke up this morning to order food, but when people asked me what I wanted, I was speechless! It took me a long time to get it right! I swear I heard the voice of laughing from the other side! Hmph… Then my head hurts, my teeth hurt, my eyes hurt, my nose hurts too… I’m so envious of the faceless monster…

I was in a daze in class that day, and then decisively figured out the ending of Wenwen and the future direction, and then realized, “Wow! I should speed up, hey!” Speaking of which, I really don’t think I have much ink marks. It’s also good to add some numbers, so as not to stretch the battle line too long.

Well, I admit that people who are sick always have a lot of nagging, well, let’s stop here today, well, our school has no water from this evening to the morning after tomorrow! My weekend!

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