I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 47

~ Chapter 47

Roy brought back the so-called straight knot tree, Wei Changcheng saw it, hey, isn’t this just bamboo! Thinking of bamboo, Wei Changcheng thought of giant pandas. Cough cough, back to the topic, with the bamboo, the mouth of the water bag is considered to be settled. During this period, Wei Changcheng and Boris also completed the water bag in their hands, and took the straight knot tree in Roy’s hand. Get a section off and block the mouth of the water bag. Wei Changcheng’s hole is a bit big, so he patched it up with a few more stitches and it’s done. Wei Changcheng looked at the water bag in his hand and frowned. , so ugly.

Roy sniffed the inside of the water sac through the opening: “It smells so strong of mint.”

Wei Changcheng also sniffed it: “It’s a bit thick. But it’s good, you don’t need to put mint in it, just pour water in it.”

“The males must like this water bladder very much. The females make it for the males, and the males bring the water bladders made by their partners. They must be very powerful when hunting outside.” Alan laughed.

“I’m afraid that some people don’t like the taste, but it doesn’t work if you don’t use water mint. After all, you can’t let the water bladder leak.”

“It’s good to have some uses, and males won’t be picky about these.” Allen rolled his eyes. It seems that Xiaowei still doesn’t have a deep understanding of what is called a partner, that is, one party who says salt is sweet, and the other party will definitely Said that the salt is too sweet to die. What’s more, it’s just a little peppermint flavor, why can’t a dignified male bear it!

Wei Changcheng touched his nose and didn’t answer Alan’s words.

Boris said: “Okay, Alan, you go and tell the females to come over, and Roy goes to find the males to go into the water and pick mint grass.”

Wei Changcheng thought for a while: “Uncle Boris, I will take the remaining mint grass. I have something to do with the doctor.”

Boris nodded, and didn’t ask Wei Changcheng what to do with a doctor when he was healthy and healthy.

Vaughan is still busy drying herbs. Well, it can be said that Vaughan really has nothing else to do except looking for herbs. Wei Changcheng leaned forward: “Doctor Vaughn, I found a The plant, called watermint, is also healing.”

“Can it cure a disease?” Vaughn’s eyes lit up, could it not be bright, the doctor heard the medicine, just like the cook heard the ingredients, so it’s strange, “What is it for?”

“It can relieve, treat colds and colds, dispel wind and heat, um, and… yes, it can also reduce swelling.”

Colds? Wind heat? Vaughn was taken aback when he heard that, you have to forgive a orc with only a thousand years of history for not being able to understand what these mean.

Looking at Vaughn’s expression, Wei Changcheng also knew where the problem was, and couldn’t help but feel a headache. How can we explain this? Wei Changcheng scratched his head: “Cold and cold means fever all over the body, as well as coughing and throat discomfort. It can dispel wind and heat. This is most suitable for summer. It is also good to drink in water on weekdays. It can play a preventive role.” .Ah, I don’t need to talk about the detumescence.”

Vaughan chewed Wei Changcheng’s words several times in his heart. The smart Vaughn quickly understood Wei Changcheng’s meaning and couldn’t help being a little excited. You must know that doctors are indeed loved and respected by all orcs, but they After all, it is a minority, and it is not impossible to find more herbs that can cure diseases with only one or two physicians in each tribe, but it is very difficult and it will take a long time. But now that Wei Changcheng has brought such a big surprise to Vaughan, how can Vaughn not be excited?

“Doctor Vaughan, in fact, there are many edible foods that can also be used as medicine.” Wei Changcheng said suddenly, “Their effects may not be as good as the herbs that specialize in treating diseases, but sometimes they can also play a big role.”

“Eat food can also be used as medicine?” Vaughan was really surprised. You must know that in Vaughn’s mind, herbs are herbs, and food is food. The two are fundamentally different things, and it is impossible to have the slightest difference connection.

“That’s right.” Wei Changcheng nodded, “It’s like onions, **** and garlic. In addition to being used as seasonings for cooking, they also have the functions of sweating and sterilizing.” With a blank expression on the sterilization, Wei Changcheng quickly said, “This is not important. The important thing is that I want to say that food does have a healing effect.”

Just like what Wei Changcheng said is not important, what Vaughan wants to know more is what Wei Changcheng said can cure diseases.

“But because there are too few types of food that we can eat now, but Dr. Vaughan, don’t worry, if I find any food that can be used as medicine in the future, I will definitely tell you.”

Vaughan hugged Wei Changcheng’s hands excitedly: “Xiaowei, let me be my apprentice.”


“Every doctor has to accept an apprentice, looking for the next doctor. I haven’t accepted an apprentice yet. Xiao Wei, since you know so much, I think you are the best doctor.”

Wei Changcheng simply refused: “Doctor Vaughn, forget it, I know I’m not the material, you should find someone else.” Seeing Vaughn’s disappointed face, Wei Changcheng hesitated to open the door. “Actually, Dr. Vaughan, I have a question that I don’t quite understand. Why don’t you hand over the medical skills to all the people in the tribe? You must know that no matter how good Dr. Vaughn is, if too many people are injured one day, You are too busy, but if everyone knows how to use healing skills, I think more injured people will be saved. Also, if the males are injured outside and cannot come back in time, they can use healing skills to at least delay their return what.”

Vaughan choked, and looked at Wei Changcheng with complicated eyes. Of course, Wei Changcheng didn’t know that there was a beast **** behind this incident. The patriarch and the doctor are the only orcs who can get orders from the beast god, and the doctor’s medical skills can only be passed on to his apprentices, and the rule can only be passed on to one person. This rule was issued by the orcs. How can any doctor resist? Maybe they will wonder why the Beast God doesn’t pass on the medical skills to more people in the Beastman Continent, but they will never go against the wishes of the Beast God. It’s just that you can’t tell Wei Changcheng about this kind of thing.

Wei Changcheng was frightened by Vaughn’s complicated eyes, touched the goose bumps on his arms, and took a few steps back: “Well, haha, if it’s okay, I’ll go first!” Then he ran away So, Vaughn’s complicated eyes also turned into exasperation.

When the females were processing in full swing again, when the males came back in the afterglow of dusk, the water sacs had been successfully completed, and the females had secretly hidden them, just waiting to give their males a surprise at night. What? What about males and males who form mates? What else can I do! Either daddy or brother or younger brother (female) did it.

Wei Changcheng hid in his cave and looked at the water sacs in each hand, he would never admit that one was for Daniel! Well, it’s just because my first water bladder was so poorly made, I couldn’t help but make a good one!

“Xiaocheng? It’s time to eat!” Daniel’s voice sounded outside.

Wei Changcheng was startled, his eyes became more and more struggling, and finally he gritted his teeth and hid the first water bag he made, leaving only the last one. As for why the second one was left, besides the fact that the second one looks better than the first one, and that the second one was completely made by Wei Changcheng, you must know that the mint juice in the first one is not Wei Changcheng painted!

“Daniel, come in!” Wei Changcheng shouted.

Daniel quickly entered the cave, with a puzzled look: “What’s wrong?”

Wei Changcheng waited until Daniel came to his side, and handed the things in his hand to Daniel’s eyes: “Hey, this is for you.”

“For me?” Daniel stared in astonishment, and took the thing from Wei Changcheng’s hand, “What is this?”

“It’s a water sac.” Wei Changcheng said, “You fill the water sac every day before you go hunting, and then you will have water to drink. There is also a mint flavor in it. I just discovered it. I don’t know if you like it or not. smell.”

“I like it, of course I like it.” Daniel nodded violently, mouthing so much that he didn’t know it, and looked over and over with the water bag in his hand, “I, I like it so much, I’m just a little happy, I really didn’t expect you to Give me this water bag, I’m so happy. Xiao Cheng, you,” Daniel blushed, a little embarrassed, “You, don’t you also like me a little bit?”

Wei Changcheng was taken aback, and looked up at Daniel. He has been waiting for Daniel to speak since he understood his intentions. Who knows that Daniel, a fool, has never said that he likes him since then, and Wei Changcheng is no longer looking forward to it. , I didn’t expect to hear Daniel say such words suddenly at this time. Looking at Daniel’s flushed face, Wei Changcheng didn’t know what to do, suddenly felt a little parched, and his ears were slowly stained red, and it took a long while before he said in an awkward and very low voice: “En .”

It was really a very small voice, and only said such a word, but Daniel really heard it. He could hardly believe his ears. What did Xiao Cheng say just now? He said “yes”? What did you ask yourself? By the way, what I asked myself was “You, do you also like me a little bit?” Then Xiao Cheng said “Yes”, said “Yes”, then no, doesn’t it mean that Xiao Cheng likes himself?

Daniel’s eyes widened suddenly, and he really couldn’t believe it. He held Wei Changcheng’s shoulders with both hands, and asked eagerly: “Xiao Cheng, what did you just say? Say it again.” – This time I don’t stutter anymore .

Wei Changcheng gave Daniel a hard look: “It’s fine if you don’t hear it.”

“I heard it.” At this time, Daniel would be really stupid to let Wei Changcheng run away again, so Daniel nodded frantically to show that he heard it.

“Why do you want me to repeat what you heard?” Wei Changcheng said in a rough voice, pushing Daniel’s strong chest, “Okay, okay, let’s go to eat.”

“Don’t be Xiaocheng.” Daniel grabbed Wei Changcheng, then pulled Wei Changcheng into his arms, hugged Wei Changcheng tightly, and murmured in a low voice, “Xiaocheng let me hug you.” Hug, I always feel that I have been waiting for this day for a long time, can you let me hug you?”

Wei Changcheng rolled his eyes in Daniel’s arms, you can’t struggle even if you hold me all this time, so you don’t need to ask for my opinion anymore, right?

Just feeling Daniel’s warm embrace, Wei Changcheng was not willing to let go.

The author has something to say: Thank you “Shouso how” Dear mine~~

Then I have been dawdling since 7 o’clock in the evening until now to finish writing these 3,000 words. It seems that the rhythm of shutting down the little black room is decisive!

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