I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 58

~ Chapter 58

After a while, the males who went hunting in the tribe came back with their prey. When they saw something that was obviously not in the tribe not far away, the males understood that it was a tribe that had also come here to rest. Sure enough, not long after, people from the Ram tribe also came back. In order to express their gratitude to the eastern tribe for helping them guard the items, the young male who had just talked to Daniel brought some prey to the eastern tribe.

“I haven’t had time to introduce myself just now. My name is Brett, and I am the person in charge of going to the rain collection on behalf of the tribe.” Bright laughed, and handed the prey to Daniel, “To express my gratitude, these prey are For you.”

Daniel did not refuse, and accepted the prey sent by Brett: “Daniel, he is the person in charge of the eastern tribe’s rain gathering.” Then he pulled Wei Changcheng, “This is Wei Changcheng, my partner.”

Brett looked at Wei Changcheng in surprise, and said with a smile, “So you are Daniel, I’ve heard of you, the number one warrior of the eastern tribe.”

Wei Changcheng keenly sensed Brett’s surprised gaze, curled his lips, does this mean that he feels that he is not good enough for Daniel?

Wei Changcheng thought well. The orcs in the tribe can easily accept the relationship between Daniel and Wei Changcheng. That is because Wei Changcheng has brought too much surprise and change to the tribe. The tribe will naturally think that only the first warrior In the eyes of other tribes, Daniel is the number one warrior of one of the four tribes. Naturally, he must be matched by the most beautiful female in the tribe. Females, as the first warriors, have an inescapable responsibility to reproduce.

But Daniel actually chose a male as his partner, Brett was of course surprised. And this male does not look strong, well, it can be said to be very thin, how can such a male be the partner of the first warrior? Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention, ever since Wei Changcheng could become a beast, his whole body has been full of masculinity, and he will no longer be recognized as a female, but will only be regarded as a female. It’s a thin male, well, of course, people in the eastern tribe don’t think so, after all, many males know the black cat’s agility, speed and explosive power.

Daniel soon felt Wei Changcheng’s displeasure, knowing that it was Brett’s attitude that made Wei Changcheng feel uncomfortable, so he stopped talking to Brett, sent Brett away politely, and returned to Make a fire and cook in your own tribe.

Since the onion, ginger, and garlic were harvested in the farmland, and the males went out hunting and saw that onion, ginger, and garlic would bring back food that they carried, the onion, ginger, and garlic in the tribe was enough, and the orcs would not force it Myself, so the tribesmen who are going to participate in the rain gathering in this line, everyone brought enough condiments, so as not to wrong themselves when eating, after all, they are used to eating barbecue with onion, ginger, garlic and other things , and eat barbecue with only salt, presumably not many people can bear it.

Today’s weather is a little bit cold, not to mention that we will spend the night in the wild tonight, so although the orcs did not bring out the stone pot, they still made a stone pot out of local materials, in order to drink a sip of hot soup to keep warm body, and at night the orcs have to take turns to watch the night, and the orcs on the night watch will also cook a pot of soup to warm their bodies.

The aroma of the cooking of the orcs from the eastern tribe soon spread to the Ram tribe. The orcs of the Ram tribe couldn’t help but look at the eastern tribe. They all looked very curious. I don’t know why. The same prey, how come the eastern tribes are more fragrant than them.

The orcs of the Ram tribe only saw that the orcs of the eastern tribe kept sprinkling some things on it while they were cooking. They didn’t know what it was, but the people of the Ram tribe were sure that it was these things that made the barbecue smell delicious. A burst of fragrance came, and when they saw the stone pot, the people of the Ram tribe became even more curious, what is this?

Wei Changcheng couldn’t bear the intense eyes of the orcs of the Ram tribe. Presumably, when you feel that someone is staring at you while eating, you will not feel happy, you will only feel a stick in your throat, super uncomfortable, and Wei Changcheng deliberately moved closer to Daniel to block the view over there, But obviously the effect is not very good.

In the end, Wei Changcheng had no choice but to poke Daniel helplessly: “You roasted the prey they just sent over and sent it to them. It doesn’t make sense if you look at it like this.”

The orcs of the eastern tribe, especially the orcs around Wei Changcheng and Daniel, nodded in agreement with Daniel. The people of the Ram tribe are really embarrassed by this!

Daniel had no choice but to obey, but before the prey in Daniel’s hand was roasted, Brett had already been pushed by all the orcs of the Ram tribe to Daniel’s side.

Brett squatted, with obvious embarrassment on his face: “Well, I, I want to ask you, why is your roast meat so delicious?” It was Daniel who asked, but his eyes were fixed on Daniel’s hand Wei Changcheng was amused watching the barbecue, pursing his lips and swallowing his saliva from time to time.

“It’s seasoning.” Daniel didn’t want to hide it, “Salt can be sprinkled on the barbecue, which is more delicious, and seasonings such as onion, ginger, and garlic can also be sprinkled on it, which will make the food more delicious.”

As he said that, the barbecue in Daniel’s hand was ready, he broke off a piece from the barbecue and handed it to Brett, and said with a smile, “How about the taste?”

Brett didn’t refuse at all, took the barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth, his eyes lit up, and before the meat in his mouth was swallowed, he said to Daniel: “Oh my god! This barbecue is really delicious, I have never eaten such a delicious barbecue!”

Wei Changcheng raised his eyebrows beside him, fished out a bowl of broth from the stone pot and handed it to Brett: “Try this.”

Without the slightest hesitation, Brett drank the broth in the stone bowl to the end, smacking his lips: “This is delicious too!”

Brett looked at Daniel and Wei Changcheng almost in admiration. Wei Changcheng touched his chin and said that he really understood Brett’s mood, just like you have been drinking porridge since you were young, and one day suddenly With more salt, coriander, and shredded pork, I’m afraid I’m even more exaggerated than Brett.

“Here, can you give us some of this condiment?” Brett said, “You can choose whatever we bring.”

Daniel’s eyes turned to Wei Changcheng. Wei Changcheng received Daniel’s gaze and said naturally: “We can give you some of these condiments, and we can also tell you what their bodies are. You can go to them yourself. Look for them. We have brought a lot of other things, you can also take a look, if there is something you want, we will exchange it with you.” Wei Changcheng added, “Let me see what you brought first, I will I think you will be happy to ask for our things.”

Brett hesitated for a moment, and then told Wei Changcheng firmly: “Okay, then it’s settled.”

Wei Changcheng nodded, seeing that Brett was about to take him there now, Wei Changcheng waved his hand quickly: “There is no hurry now, let’s eat dinner first.” He said again, “Daniel, we should take all the onions, ginger, and garlic. Bring some, you go get some for Brett.”

Daniel nodded and went to get the condiments.

Brett, who had regained his sanity a little from the excitement, gave Daniel a strange look, and then Wei Changcheng. He said that Daniel is the number one warrior of the eastern tribe. This time, Daniel is the leader of the eastern tribe. , but how do you look at it now, this thin male named Wei Changcheng is stronger than Daniel, so what’s the deal? And regarding this point, the orcs of the eastern tribe did not express any surprise. Brett secretly wondered in his heart. Even if he is a partner, Daniel should be stronger. It seems that Wei Changcheng is more likely to say man.

Daniel quickly brought back the onions, ginger, garlic, etc., and handed them to Brett: “Don’t sprinkle too much, just a little is enough, and I brought you these condiments as they are, you may be hunting I saw it during the process.” It turns out that in addition to the condiments used for food, the eastern tribes also brought unprocessed onion, ginger, garlic and other things as they are, so that it will be easier to explain to the orcs at the rain gathering. It’s easy to explain, “You must have salt cubes on you, so I won’t bring you any salt. Grind the salt cubes into fine powder, and don’t sprinkle too much.” Daniel opened the salt bag he carried with him and gave Brett looked.

Brett nodded gratefully, expressing that he knew, hesitated for a moment, and asked: “Well, can I ask what you put on your waist?” Brett scratched his head, “I saw it at the beginning. I’ve been curious since then, but never had the chance to ask.”

Daniel smiled and said: “It’s a water bag, which is used to hold water. When you go hunting in the scorching moon, you often don’t see the source of water, so you don’t have to look for water at noon, saving money.” A lot of time.” Although it’s not Yanyue now, the males are still used to carrying water bags around their waists, it doesn’t matter whether the weather is hot or not, and it’s not bad to drink a few sips when they are thirsty.

Brett looked envious: “That’s great, that, can we change some of this water bladder?”

“We don’t have many water bags.” Wei Changcheng said from the side, “They are all made according to the number of people. If you want it, I can give you the method of making the water bag, but correspondingly, you You have to exchange what you bring.”

Bright nodded: “No problem, no problem.”

Afterwards, Brett went back to his tribe and started cooking their dinner with the condiments that Wei Changcheng gave him. Wei Changcheng glanced over there, leaned over to Daniel and asked, “What will they bring?”

“The most common ones are animal skins.” Daniel handed over the prepared food to Wei Changcheng. “Others are not necessarily the same. They are usually special products around his tribe, and there are many strange things. Many people want You can exchange things for food, but it’s a pity that Xueyue’s food is in short supply, and there are hardly many people who will exchange food in Yuji.”

“Animal skins?” Wei Chang intentionally moved slightly, strange things, maybe he could find some good things in this pile of strange things.

Daniel thought for a while, and then said: “Although it is almost impossible to exchange food on a large scale on the Rain Collection, the Hundred Birds tribe is an exception.”

“What kind of exception?”

“The male beasts of the Hundred Birds tribe are all flying birds. They are huge in size, but their food intake is very small, but their hunting skills are very high, and they hunt a lot of food almost every year, so the Hundred Birds tribe is the only one in the snow. There are no hungry tribes in the month, but they are very afraid of the cold.” Daniel paused, “Every year in the rain collection, they will exchange a lot of food with other tribes for animal skins. It can be exchanged for more food, everyone takes the animal skins, and many people want to exchange with the Hundred Birds tribe.”

“There are so many tribes bringing animal skins. I think there will be a lot of animal skins. Can the Bainiao tribe exchange them?”

“There are a lot of people in the Hundred Birds tribe. Not only are the females, old orcs, and little orcs, but even the strongest males are afraid of the cold in the snowy moon. If they don’t wear enough animal skins, the males will be frozen alive. death, and they will not only accept animal skins, they will also pick them.” Daniel pondered for a while, “It should be said that they are very picky, some people from the bird tribe will get sick when they put on animal skins, and some people will get sick when they wear them. Starting from the little red dot, they still need to keep warm. In this way, no amount of animal skins is enough for them to choose. And one thing is also very strange, if you want to wait until next year to use the animal skins that have been used once, it will not work. “Daniel’s face was strange and tense, “I don’t know the details, I only know that the Bainiao tribe throws away a lot of animal skins every year during the wind and moon.”

Wei Changcheng sighed a few words in his heart, it seems that God is fair, he gave the Bainiao tribe a small amount of food, so that the Bainiao tribe would not go hungry in the snowy moon, and correspondingly gave the Bainiao tribe a feeling of being extremely afraid of the cold. constitution.

Dinner was spent chatting between Wei Changcheng and Daniel. Although it was completely dark, since Wei Changcheng could transform into a beast shape, he has the ability of night vision, so he went to see the video brought by the Ram tribe. Things, as Daniel said, most of the things brought by the Ram tribe are also animal skins, in addition to some special things, such as special colored threads, such as some decorations that can be worn on the body There is also a pointed object of unknown material. According to Brett, this is a kind of beast used to grind its teeth. This object can easily cut the hide of the animal, so that the females do not need the help of the male. The hide was torn apart.

Wei Changcheng is somewhat interested in this, and exchanged it with the Lamu tribe. Wei Changcheng has some ideas about animal skins, but he is not sure yet, and he has not exchanged animal skins. The colored thread must also be needed by females. Wei Changcheng Then he changed some, and there was nothing left. Seeing the disappointed and longing eyes of the orcs of the Ram tribe, Wei Changcheng hesitated for a while and gave them some things for free, and told them the source and purpose of these things. .

These were originally intended to be told to everyone in this rain collection, and it doesn’t matter if I told the Ram tribe in advance.

It was getting late at night, and Wei Changcheng was a little tired after driving for a day. The two parties decided how many people to watch the night. Wei Changcheng would not participate in these matters. After the two parties discussed it, Wei Changcheng became The black cat lay down on Daniel’s animal shape, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The author has something to say: 4000+ to the third bullet ~ Wow Kaka

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