I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 6

~ Chapter 6

After a few days of investigation, Wei Changcheng has roughly grasped the work and rest time of the orcs in the orc tribe, so he usually chooses to go down the cave when there is no one there, especially avoiding Gener. To be honest, his enthusiasm for Gener, Wei Changcheng really can’t bear it. Although it is possible for males and males to form partners in this world, for Wei Changcheng, it is still not acceptable for two big men to be together, no matter whether they are male or female.

Wei Changcheng had a piece of grass in his mouth, and looked around while humming in his mouth. He has no mission recently and he has no ability to hunt, so he hasn’t eaten meat for several days. Wei Changcheng said that meat Things are indispensable, thinking about how to catch prey and eat meat.

It’s a pity that I have been wandering around here for the past few days, but I haven’t been able to see any living things. Wei Changcheng thought it might be because the females in the tribe were too weak to protect themselves against wild beasts, so the wild beasts in the woods near the tribe had been slaughtered or driven away long ago.

Wei Changcheng’s idea is generally good. It is worth mentioning that when every orc tribe migrates to a new place and needs to find a new habitable mountain, the surrounding must be safe and there must be a river passing by. In the woods, there are only some weak beasts and drive them away, and some males in the hunting team have to be separated to patrol around the tribe to prevent animals from breaking in. If it is a large orc tribe , There will even be two or three patrol teams.

In the past few days, Wei Changcheng has also encountered several males on patrol in the woods. In most cases, he sneaked away when the patrol team didn’t find him. As for why Wei Changcheng was able to hide from many males Slipping away, Wei Changcheng felt that although he couldn’t transform, he was still a male after all, maybe a very powerful male! In this way, it is reasonable for Wei Changcheng to retreat completely, and what Wei Changcheng thought was right. The reason why Wei Changcheng was able to retreat completely after seeing the patrol team was naturally because of his beast body. Because of this, not only his eyesight is better than other orcs, but he can even leave without making a sound. This kind of beast body is most suitable for detectives.

But there was also one time when Wei Changcheng and the inspection team ran into each other face to face, both of them were taken aback for a moment, and then they left as if they hadn’t seen Wei Changcheng, and Wei Changcheng didn’t look sideways. keep going. Since then, Wei Changcheng didn’t hide when he met the patrol team, he just did what he wanted, and the people on the left and right would not stop him from “hanging out” when they saw him, so Wei Changcheng didn’t care anymore.

Wei Changcheng continued to search for edible food wholeheartedly. Now let’s put the meat problem aside for now. At least he must find something that can fill his stomach, isn’t it? The apple and pear trees are growing fast these days. Being eaten up by Wei Changcheng, Wei Changcheng had to find something else to eat.

Wei Changcheng’s eyes were mainly fixed on the tree. Of course, it does not mean that there is no food on the ground. Wei Changcheng knows that potatoes and sweet potatoes grow underground, but Wei Changcheng has never seen these things, so naturally he can’t rely on them. The leaves on the ground can tell whether it is easier to find the fruit on the tree to eat the food below.

Just looking up, Wei Changcheng finally suffered retribution. After the sound of “Ouch”, Wei Changcheng gloriously fell on the big horse. Chengcai smelled a pungent smell of blood around him, and Wei Changcheng subconsciously looked at the place where he tripped him just now. Well, the smell of blood came from this place, because it was a person who tripped him just now.

Wei Changcheng rubbed his chin, and circled twice around the person on the ground who didn’t know whether he was fainted or dead. This guy should be a male, as can be seen from his blood-stained broad chest and thick thighs. Looking at it this way, Wei Changcheng couldn’t help lamenting, he was indeed stunted, obviously he was also a male, but compared with the person in front of him, he was simply underage!

But why is this person lying here? Wei Changcheng poked the wound on the man’s chest, and the man on the ground trembled twice due to the pain, well, it’s good, it looks like he’s not dead yet.

I don’t know if it was Wei Changcheng’s two pokes, or the male who was in a coma was very alert. After moaning twice, the male who had his eyes closed opened his eyes.

Wei Changcheng stood up and took two steps back, he had better be careful in this unfamiliar world. Who knows whether this person on earth is good or evil, and whether he is hostile to himself.

Daniel is a male of the eastern tribe who has just grown up. He is tall and strong, and he can defeat the number one warrior of the eastern tribe before he is an adult. Every adult male will travel for a year, and Daniel is no exception. Daniel started from the eastern tribe and went north. He met many tribes, large and small, and finally arrived at the northern tribe, in the territory of the northern tribe. After traveling upstream for some time, Daniel went back, but the route he took was not the one he came from now. It is now the ninth month of Daniel’s travels, and it is just in time to go back to the eastern tribe.

In this land of orcs, there is a large tribe in the southeast and northwest, and they are named after the southeast and northwest respectively. There are many small tribes in the rest, and the names can be varied. Wei Changcheng’s tribe , is actually just a small tribe called the Karoo tribe.

Originally, with Daniel’s skill, the usual prey was no problem, but he was unlucky to meet a golden horned elephant. The Golden Horn Elephant is a herbivore, but it has a very violent temper. It is huge, about five meters high and four meters long. There is an extremely sharp golden horn on the long trunk, so it is called the Golden Horn Elephant. Males basically don’t mess with this animal, because it takes four or five males to kill it, and it is very dangerous. A single strong male once hunted a golden horned elephant, and since then, the male who can kill a golden horned elephant is considered the strongest male.

Daniel is not weak either, he is evenly matched with the Golden Horn Elephant, but it is a pity that Daniel is still too young and not calm enough, in the end both of them were injured and fled. Daniel originally wanted to find a safe place to recuperate, but unfortunately he passed out halfway.

In a coma, Daniel felt someone kicked him, and then someone poked his wound. Daniel struggled to open his eyes, and then froze.

What appeared in front of him was a very thin, pale, but not short female, who was three steps away from him, his face was full of vigilance, but his wide-open, round eyes were full of excitement. Curious, with black hair draped over his shoulders, and a kind of attractiveness exuding from his whole body, Daniel’s heart trembled suddenly, and an indescribable feeling spread from his heart to every corner of his body.

Daniel, who was in pain all over his body, coughed violently twice, stretched out his hand to Wei Changcheng, and said in a low and weak voice, “Help me.” After speaking, he passed out again.

Wei Changcheng stared blankly at Daniel waking up and then passed out. Daniel’s voice was low, but Wei Changcheng could hear him clearly. Wei Changcheng hesitated, save him?

[Ding! Task: save the male in front of you. Requirement: Bring the male in front of you back to the cave and heal the wound. Time limit: ten days. Task success reward: favorability of the male in front of you. Mission failure penalty: be expelled from the tribe. ]

…Wei Changcheng looked up at the sky, and said that this reward is not too unreliable, what do I want to do with this male favor? ! And the punishment for failure turned out to be driving yourself out of the tribe? please! Just because I didn’t save this person? Wei Changcheng took two heavy breaths, and he understood that the task given by the system can only succeed and not fail, no matter what the reward is, the punishment after failure is simply pain that he cannot bear!

Wei Changcheng gritted his teeth, stepped forward and poked the fainted Daniel again: “Hey, are you awake?”

Daniel didn’t respond.

Wei Changcheng’s face turned green. Do you want to carry such a big lump back by yourself? I am now a vulnerable group, okay!

Wei Changcheng thought for a while, dragged the unconscious Daniel to a relatively secluded place, and carefully observed Daniel’s wound. There was one wound on the chest, and several wounds on the legs, but none of them had the wound on the chest. Seriously, Wei Changcheng’s gaze was fixed on Daniel’s chest. It seems that the wound on the chest should be treated first, but how to deal with it? Wei Changcheng is in trouble again, there is no medicine here, even if there is medicine, he will not use it himself, after all, things in this world are not the same as those on earth.

[Ding! Task: Find golden aquatic plants. Requirements: Golden aquatic plants can stop bleeding and heal wounds, and speed up wound healing. After finding the golden aquatic plants, give the golden aquatic plants to the males in front of them to complete the task of saving the males in front of them. Tips: Golden aquatic plants live in river water, the whole body is yellow, and the height is about 30 cm. Finding Difficulty: Easy. Task success reward: how to use golden aquatic plants. Mission failure penalty: the male in front of you dies. ]

The corner of Wei Changcheng’s mouth twitched. Well, the failure of the task of finding the golden aquatic plants means the failure of the task of saving the male in front of him, which means that he will be kicked out of the tribe. Anyway, he will not be well, right? But Xiao Ke still has a conscience, otherwise he doesn’t know how to save this male.

Wei Changcheng threw Daniel where he was, and walked towards the river, didn’t he mean that he was in the river? You can’t go wrong if you go to the river to find it yourself. Wei Changcheng went to the river, stood by the river and looked into the river, it was very good, it was really easy to find, he didn’t pay attention to the river on weekdays, but this time he looked carefully and saw the whole body of yellow aquatic plants, look at that The river was only half a meter deep. Wei Changcheng went down the river and picked the golden aquatic plants carefully.

[Ding! The task of “Looking for Golden Waterweed” was successful. Get rewards for mission success: how to use golden aquatic plants. Does the host want to read it now? ]

Wei Changcheng ignored it and quickly walked back to where Daniel was.

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