I Have a System of Orcs

Chapter 8

~ Chapter 8

“You wait for me here, I’ll go find a cover, so as not to be discovered by others.” Wei Changcheng warned, and then left again.

Daniel was taken aback for a moment, and then his hands tightened a little. He felt a dull feeling and a sense of frustration in his heart. He was a male, and he was the one who should protect the female. But why has Wei Changcheng always been Wei Changcheng since he met Wei Changcheng? Are you taking care of yourself? —Daniel automatically forgot the fact that he was injured.

Moreover, Wei Changcheng is obviously not a doctor, but why does he know so many herbs? Daniel couldn’t help being puzzled. In every orc tribe, doctors are very important. More importantly, no doctor will casually hand over his medical skills to others. According to the doctors, medical skills are bestowed by the beast gods. Physicians, only physicians can master medical skills. Therefore, in the Beastman Continent, apart from doctors, only the heirs of doctors have some medical skills.

Once he fell into thinking, time passed quickly. When Daniel came back to his senses when he heard the voice, he found that Wei Changcheng had already returned with a handful of grass. Wei Changcheng gave Daniel the cover. Seeing that Daniel was in good condition, Wei Changcheng decided to take Daniel back to the cave.

Seeing that Daniel was able to walk on his own, Wei Changcheng explored the way ahead by himself first to make sure that there was no one in front, so Wei Changcheng went back and supported Daniel to walk a few steps with confidence. With Wei Changcheng’s footsteps, it would take about half an hour to walk back to the cave from here, but this time with Daniel’s sick number, the time for the two of them to move forward is naturally much slower, fortunately, it is at this time Before night, it means that those who go hunting will not come back now, and the females in the tribe will not come out of the cave unless necessary. Although there are very few live animals here, it is better to be careful. What’s more, females prefer to come out when the weather is cool, and most of the cleaning of animal skins and wild fruits is done in the early morning or when the sun is about to set, so Wei Changcheng and Daniel went to Wei Changcheng’s place smoothly. under the residence.

Daniel looked up at the cave on the mountain, and learned that Wei Changcheng’s cave was at the top, and he lived alone. Daniel frowned. Wei Changcheng was alone, and he was a female. Let a female live in such a high cave? Thinking of this, Daniel’s impression of this so-called Karui tribe became worse.

Wei Changcheng didn’t want the people of the tribe to see Daniel. Firstly, it was because his identity was really unpleasant in the tribe. Relatively speaking, Wei Changcheng was too lazy to deal with the people in the tribe. Secondly, what he did Everything I do is to be able to complete the task. If there is an accident in my task due to some reason, Wei Changcheng must have no place to cry at that time. As for Daniel, he doesn’t really want to get in touch with people from the Kalu tribe. Now that Daniel is looking at Wei Changcheng, he naturally doesn’t want others to disturb him and Wei Changcheng. Now, he doesn’t even want to see Kalu. People from the Lu tribe.

Wei Changcheng looked around and looked up carefully to make sure that there was no one there. Wei Changcheng hurriedly urged Daniel: “Daniel, you go up first, and I will follow behind you.”

Daniel didn’t talk nonsense, nodded and climbed up the mountain, followed by Wei Changcheng. Looking at Daniel who was moving swiftly and quickly in front of him, Wei Changxin felt a sense of emotion in his heart. People who didn’t know thought he was injured instead of Daniel!

Daniel, who climbed to the top first, waited at the door. When he saw Wei Changcheng coming up, Daniel stretched out his hand to Wei Changcheng, trying to pull Wei Changcheng up, but Wei Changcheng didn’t pull it up, and walked in by himself after a few steps “Don’t worry about me, you’re hurting your chest right now, it’s best not to use too much strength with your hands.” Wei Changcheng waved at Daniel as he walked in, “Come in.”

Feeling Wei Changcheng’s concern for him—of course this guy didn’t know that Wei Changcheng only cared about him because of system tasks—Daniel was very happy, but after seeing the cave clearly, Daniel couldn’t be happier. Wrinkled once, no matter what the reason, it cannot be denied that the Karu tribe treated Wei Changcheng badly. From the furnishings in the cave, it can be seen that Wei Changcheng’s life is not satisfactory.

Of course, Wei Changcheng didn’t know what Daniel was thinking. Seeing Daniel standing there frowning, he only thought that Daniel thought this place was too simple, and Wei Changcheng didn’t care at all. From Wei Changcheng’s point of view, this beastman continent No matter how luxurious it is, even though he has never seen what it looks like in other orc caves, it can’t be magnificent.

Wei Changcheng didn’t bother to greet Daniel, and what Wei Changcheng cared more about was how to sleep at night?

There is only one stone bed in this cave, and two big men can sleep there, but Wei Changcheng sleeps awkwardly with a big man, and more importantly, Xiongxiong can form a partner in this world. ! Wei Changcheng had to worry about this.

Perhaps Daniel understood Wei Changcheng’s embarrassment: “I’ll sleep on the floor.”

Wei Changcheng was taken aback for a moment, and then said: “You are still injured, it will be bad if you catch a cold when you sleep on the floor, so, you sleep on the bed, and I will sleep on the floor.”

Daniel shook his head: “It’s okay, I can turn into a beast shape, and I won’t catch a cold or catch a cold.” After saying that, the whole person turned into a beast shape.

Even before that, Wei Changcheng had seen Genna turn into a leopard, but once again saw a living person turn into a beast in front of him, Wei Changcheng was still amazed, how did the structure of the beastman come about? Woolen cloth?

Daniel’s animal form is not the same as Gurner’s leopard, but a tiger. According to Wei Changcheng’s words, this tiger is similar to the Siberian tiger, with the word “king” on its head, and its length can reach three meters without tail. Wei Changcheng fell in love with Daniel’s animal form at a glance, well, it’s because Wei Changcheng prefers tigers, so naturally Daniel’s animal form attracted Wei Changcheng’s love.

Wei Changcheng withdrew his gaze and coughed twice. He really didn’t know how that fur felt to the touch. He had never touched a tiger before—most people wouldn’t have touched a tiger either!

Daniel did not ignore Wei Changcheng’s fiery eyes looking at his animal shape, and he couldn’t help wagging his tail happily. It seems that Wei Changcheng likes his own animal shape, which proves that he is not far from success! — By the way, Daniel, where did you get your confidence from? !

“Okay then, you sleep on the floor and I sleep on the bed.” Wei Changcheng quickly agreed to Daniel’s proposal. Wei Changcheng believed in the warmth of the fur, so he didn’t force it anymore.

As soon as Wei Changcheng finished speaking, Daniel’s stomach made a “gurgling” sound. Wei Changcheng was taken aback, and subconsciously put his eyes on Daniel’s furry stomach. He was a little uncertain for a while. Is Daniel hungry? Daniel blushed.

This can’t be blamed on Daniel, he met the golden horned elephant early in the morning and had a fight with the golden horned elephant, then escaped and fell into a coma. From morning till now, he hasn’t eaten or drank anything. , and the orcs eat a lot, so it’s no surprise that Daniel’s stomach is growling now.

Wei Changcheng bit his lower lip with his upper teeth, and said, “I’ll get you something to eat, but I can’t hunt, and I can’t get the meat back.”

“I’d better go by myself.” Daniel stopped Wei Changcheng. As a male, how could he let a female find food for him? In Daniel’s view, this must never happen.

However, Wei Changcheng’s attitude is very firm, can he not be firm? If Daniel looks for food and drink by himself, what if the system decides that he got better on his own after ten days and has nothing to do with him? And if he keeps doing some strenuous exercise, what if he doesn’t get better after ten days?

“You just have a good rest here, and leave the food to me.” With a serious face, Wei Changcheng’s tone was unquestionable. Daniel was taken aback, and then there was a feeling in his heart that he couldn’t say no. Qing Dao didn’t know the feeling, and in the end he could only watch Wei Changcheng go down the cave.

Wei Changcheng, who had spoken well just now, came out of the cave, and his face immediately turned into a bitter face. Hey, it is easy to say it, but it is difficult to do it. Wei Changcheng looked around unconsciously, hunting is absolutely impossible, let alone he can’t find where to find the prey, even if he finds him, he has no ability, okay? But it might be possible after I become a beast, Wei Changcheng touched his chin, since he just saw Daniel’s beast shape, Wei Changcheng has been looking forward to his own beast shape.

Putting those messy thoughts away, Wei Changcheng patted his cheek, well, the most important thing now is to find food, not only for Daniel, but also for himself! I haven’t eaten for almost a day, okay?

“Wendel, how much food is there in the storage space?”

[Ding! There are 20 apples left, 35 pears left, and 56 chestnuts left, a total of 111. ]

Is that all there is left? Chestnuts are not counted. Guan pears and apples can eat more than a dozen in one meal, so Daniel has a bigger appetite than himself.

“Wendel, do you remember where the walnuts we saw last time?”

[Ding! From here turn right and go straight, turn left after one kilometer. ]

Wei Changcheng raised his leg and walked in that direction. I have discovered walnuts before, but I have never liked to eat walnuts. Wei Changcheng ignored this thing, but now I think of it. Now that it is getting dark, I can’t find anything else. Just make do with this dinner.

After successfully picking the walnuts, Wei Changcheng thought for a while, then went under the apple and pear trees, picked some more apples and pears, and then returned to the foot of the mountain. Looking up, Wei Changcheng felt a bit of stomach pain, which he didn’t usually feel, but now that he went back by himself, there was only one person at home, so how did he get the things out? You can’t go up empty-handed, and change the food out in a flash, right? At this moment, Wei Changcheng was extremely eager to know how other people got things into the cave.

Wei Changcheng scratched his head frantically below. Ten minutes later, Wei Changcheng ran into the woods again, and then came back to the cave. Looking at Daniel who was waiting for him in the cave, Wei Changcheng spoke confidently: “Follow me!” Go down and eat, I can’t come up with my food!”

Then, under Daniel’s uncontrollable laughter and Wei Changcheng’s slightly red cheeks, the two went down the cave and into the woods.

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