I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 426

In front of Shi Xuan is a desperate situation with no choice. If you just run away by yourself, you only need to transfer your real person to the new home planet through the game alien development system. The problem is that many relatives and friends on earth can only be one. are not spared.

Gotta find a way!

Penglai, you try your best to find out more information about the invading aliens. Maybe there is no way out, and there is no way to deal with them.

Penglai agreed and planned to build several astronomical telescopes that could accurately detect information outside the solar system, and first find out those invading aliens.

Shi Xuan thought about it again, maybe those alien machine friends have a solution?

Log into the game, exit the alien development system, and let the intelligent core housekeeper fully arrange the colonial construction of the new home.

Go back to the long-lost galaxy construction and hegemony mode in the game, and say hello to the core members of the team.

Alpha they are also very happy.

Hey, boss, you're finally not addicted to the colonial development mode, let's sweep the Quartet with us!

Yes, we have now fully occupied the Aries galaxy, and we can play in nearby galaxies.

Boss, we haven't seen your superb skills for a long time. Those new teammates are looking forward to seeing the first person in the game with their own eyes.


Shi Xuan gave a wry smile to the enthusiastic core teammates. Now that the earth is facing life and death, how can he be in the mood to play with them.

After a few chats with them, Shi Xuan approached Jiama for a private chat.

Jiama is a rich second-generation alien in the alien society, and she is also a technical maniac. She is considered to be a well-informed member of the core teammates. Shi Xuan wants to inquire about him, if there is any way to deal with the alien invasion. .

Jama, what are you doing?

Oh, Lisa's team is busy conquering the Pegasus galaxy, and I'm helping. Boss, are you looking for me?

After this period of development, the relationship between Jiama and Lisa has become closer and closer. Now Jiama revolves around Lisa every day, rather like a member of the Phoenix of Fire team.

Shi Xuan knew about this.

Don't waste any more time, and ask directly: Do you know the Wakshiba people?

I know, this is one of the races that make up the federation. It has a sturdy style and average technology. Boss, why do you care about this all of a sudden?

Jiama really deserves to be a genius among aliens, and she knows all about these somewhat remote materials.

Shi Xuan thought about it and said, I just heard that they like to control planets to collide with target planets during colonization, is that true?

Well, I've heard of it too. The Waxibahs are a race that focuses on plundering mineral resources from newly discovered planets. They don't care about the quality of the planet's environment they get, as long as they collect minerals, so they like it. A rude and simple way, the famous barbarians of the Federation. Jiama casually informed Shi Xuan of what she knew, and asked strangely, Boss, why do you care about this, do you also want to use this method to colonize?

Of course not. It's just that a friend wants to know about the Waxieba, so I'll ask you by the way.

Oh, I'm not very clear about these. If the boss wants to know, I can help you find out through my dad's business affairs manager. He usually communicates with the Wakshiba on behalf of my dad. It should be There will be news you want.

Jiama's father is also a federal noble who controls and manages the entire galaxy. The entire faction also needs to consume a lot of resources and minerals on a daily basis. Naturally, there must be channels to deal with the Wexibah race, which mainly sells minerals.

Shi Xuan nodded again and again when he heard the words. Naturally, the more information he knew about the aliens that invaded the earth, the better. Well, you can help me find out.

No problem. There are not many people in the Wakshiba people, and they also have business dealings with our family. Their news is not difficult to find out.

Shi Xuan's heart was shocked. If there were not many Weikexiba people, maybe Jiama would be able to inquire about the aliens who invaded the earth, and said quickly: Okay! The sooner the better, it is best to help me find out now.

In such a hurry? Jiama was a little puzzled, but still said: Okay, since you ordered me, boss, I'll go now.

Jiama did what she said and talked to Lisa, and immediately went offline to find someone to inquire.

Alpha, Baita, and the others were also online. Taking advantage of Jiama to inquire about news, it was estimated that there would be no news for a while, so Shi Xuan chatted with these old players.

When Shi Xuan was concentrating on the alien colonization of the alien development system, the two vice-captains, Alpha and Baita, were mainly responsible for organizing and leading the team members to fight and opening maps, while the other was responsible for managing the logistics and business of the team base. Making money on the side, the champion team can continue to develop rapidly even when the captain Shi Xuan is absent for a long time.

Shi Xuan was very fortunate that the champion team had these two titles of vice-captains, and gave them the maximum authority that could be delegated.

This time, Alpha finally saw Shi Xuan leisurely, and quickly said: Boss, you rarely have time, why don't you take us to continue to sweep other galaxies outside the Aries galaxy, and push the championship team to a new height.

You can take these things with you. I have to manage the colony planet.

It was difficult for Alpha to understand Shi Xuan's interest, and continued to persuade him: Boss, you are true, there is nothing fun about the alien development system, it is all boring internal affairs construction, and occasionally there are some battles, how can it compare to our team in the universe. Fighting in the middle is exciting.

Shi Xuan smiled and changed the subject: What happened to the 'Dark Moon Starless' team that I asked you to pay attention to? When their special effect items disappear, we will declare war on them immediately, and I will rush over to participate. But I promised Maguire and the others that they would definitely hit Mascara's 'Dark Moon without Stars' team.

Don't worry, I have been paying attention according to the boss's request. The 'Dark Moon and No Stars' team seems to have continued to use the second special item and is still in a state where war cannot be declared.

Shi Xuan smiled coldly, Continue to pay attention to him, this item is very expensive, I don't believe that Mascara can use it like this forever!

Alpha nodded and said: Dark moon without stars seems to have a strange thing happening during this period of time. The team's strength ranking suddenly fell in an avalanche, from the second position in the game to the bottom all of a sudden. .

Oh? Could it be that Mascara disbanded the team?

Definitely not. If the team is disbanded, it will completely disappear from the team list. Although the strength ranking is very poor, it still exists.

So, the other members of the team left the power team on their own?

Alpha explained: On the surface, it looks like a large-scale departure of the team members. If this is the case, it is not surprising. The magic is that after the strength of the 'Dark Moon Wuxing' team fell to the lowest level, the overall combat power was very fast. Soaring, yesterday was outside the 300, and today it has risen to 111, which is really abnormal.

Shi Xuan couldn't believe it when he heard it. You must know that the competition between teams in the game is extremely fierce. Even if the members of the Dark Moon and No Stars team are all highly skilled talents, they can chase from 300 to 100 in one day. It is impossible for many people to do this step.

Shi Xuan and Alpha discussed it for a while, but they couldn't guess what happened to Dark Moon Without Stars.

At this time, Shi Xuan saw that Jiama was online again in the friend list. He was about to end the conversation with Alpha and the others, and immediately went to Jiama: How is it? Did you find any information?

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