I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 454 The third wave of attacks

The atmosphere in the White House war room was depressing and heavy. The two waves of cruise missiles and high-altitude stealth bombers were in vain. While a lot of expensive equipment was lost, a group of excellent Air Force pilots also died. This is the largest Citizenship since the last world war. Military setbacks.

There is still a little time before the third wave of fighters will reach the target of the attack. Admiral Field is a little hesitant. Should we stop the operation in time and withdraw the plane? Who knows if the mysterious Star Empire has some unpredictable means waiting for these planes.

Pu Chuan also thought of this question in his mind, Felder, what is the success rate of fighter jets' air strikes?

If it was an hour ago, Field would have smiled lightly and replied that of course it was 100%, but now the situation is completely different, he wiped the sweat on his forehead, Mr. President, we can't predict this.

Maybe the enemy was just lucky and just happened to resolve the first two waves of attacks, and it would collapse in the face of such a large number of fighter attacks, but it is also possible that the opponent really has unpredictable means, and maybe these Citi fighters can also be destroyed. .

Pu Chuan's face is very ugly. If the third wave of fighter attacks is also cracked by the other party, then this defeat of the military operation will definitely make it difficult for him to explain to the people, and I am afraid that he will have to follow in the footsteps of the bully and resign from the presidency. But it would not be a good idea to give up halfway like this. The turbulent public opinion will spray him to death this year, and he may not be able to sit firmly on the presidency he just won.

In a dilemma, the Minister of Defense said: I think it is unlikely that the Star Empire has the ability to defeat so many fighters from us. The first two waves of attacks rely on high-tech equipment, whether it is cruise missiles or stealth bombers. If attacked, it is easy to be destroyed. But our fighters are not only large in number, but also very flexible, and their survivability in the face of attack is much higher than that of cruise missiles and stealth bombers. So I think we will continue to attack as planned.”

Everyone thought about it, and it was the same. Just now, it was just that the Star Domain Empire's methods of cruise missiles and stealth bombers were very mysterious. So easy to deal with the third wave of attacks, eliminating thousands of fighters.

Tell the front-line troops to be more vigilant and continue to attack! Pu Chuan made up his mind, By the way, let the NASA satellites increase their support for the battlefield troops, and we must detect any changes in the enemy in time!

The President’s request was immediately sent to the front-line troops of Citi. Monitor in real time.

More than a thousand carrier-based aircraft flew murderously to the territory of the Star Empire, and the Citizens were waiting for their proud fighters to knock down the enemy.

reverse the current unfavorable situation.

According to the intelligence, there is almost no air force in the Star Empire, and the only larger airports are those in the original Nanyang Kingdom and Kangaroo Kingdom. I believe that they will not have real fighter jets with the airport in Kiris Island. , at best a few helicopters would be nice.

However, the development of things is often unexpected. The fighter group dispatched from the strengthened battle group formed by the two aircraft carriers Washington and Stennis is responsible for attacking Kiris Island, the core area of ​​the Star Empire. Behind these fighter groups, a Taiwan E3 early warning aircraft hovering in the heavily protected high altitude.

The E3 early warning aircraft is another important piece of equipment of Citi that is ahead of other countries on the earth. It integrates air early warning, command, control, communication and electronic warfare functions. It is an air activity radar station and air command center, which can greatly improve the fighter fleet. combat capability.

A fighter group without early warning aircraft is a mob in front of a fighter group with advanced early warning aircraft.

In air combat, the early warning aircraft can detect enemy aircraft as early as possible, and can quickly formulate a combat plan and implement it to every soldier. The fighter pilot only needs to operate according to the prompts of the early warning aircraft, and even the launched missiles can be guided by the early warning aircraft. After firing the missile itself, you can do the next tactical action, which has a great advantage over fighter jets without early warning aircraft.

The reason why Citi's Air Force is leading in the world is not only that its fighter jets have excellent performance, but more importantly, Citi's early warning aircraft are much more advanced than other countries, and others can't compare with them.

However, this advantage does not work in front of the Star Empire. Shi Xuan did not make an early warning aircraft, but Penglai has already played this role, and it is countless times better than Citi. At present, all the combat units of the Star Empire are It is commanded, and Citi's early warning aircraft can only command a few hundred fighter jets.

At this moment, the Citi soldier in charge of radar monitoring on this Citi AWACS aircraft under the command of the USS Stennis aircraft carrier battle group suddenly noticed that many bright spots appeared on the screen. The voice said loudly: Report sir! Found that the Star Empire has dispatched a large number of fighter jets!

The AWACS commander was Lieutenant General Varus, a black general who had been in the Air Force for 32 years in Citiland. Although the situation was somewhat unexpected, he immediately responded calmly: How many? What is the model?

The number is 830, the model is unknown, the shape is similar to our F22, the size is slightly smaller, and it flew from the direction of Kiris Island...

A total of 1,105 fighter jets were dispatched in this wave of attacks by Citi. There were 530 fighter jets in the direction of the attack from the north to Kiris Island.

Originally thought that the Star Empire had no air force, but now suddenly the other party's air force fighters are more than their own, and they feel a little caught off guard.

Assign combat tasks immediately, let the fighters prepare to launch missiles beyond the visual range, and be guided by the early warning aircraft to carry out the first batch of attacks! Lieutenant General Varus only hesitated for a second, then immediately reacted, and said to the adjutant: Immediately report the dispatch of the Star Empire Air Force to your superiors!

At the same time, Citi AWACS attacking in other directions also found Star Empire’s Air Force fighter jets, which were more numerous than Citi’s fighter jets.

The news came back to the White House War Room, and Pu Chuan's faces suddenly turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

TMD! Don't you all say that the enemy has no air force! Pu Chuan roared at Admiral Field and the CIA Director in anger.

Admiral Field and the CIA director looked at each other, and they didn't know how this happened. In fact, the airport in Kiris is very limited. Where did so many fighter planes come from?

No matter how amazed and angry the top Citizens were, the air war inevitably began...

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