I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 456

Just when Pu Chuan was still hesitating whether he should find a way to end this damn war, the war room received an urgent battle report.

Report! The USS Washington is under attack!

What! Everyone in the audience stood up in shock, and Ms. Secretary of State even dropped the coffee in her hand on the ground.

No one was in the mood to pay attention to the gaffe Secretary of State. Field almost roared into the microphone: Sheet! What the hell is going on?

On the other end of the call was the Captain of the USS Washington, who was reporting to Admiral Field, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the President's War Room on a special plane on the aircraft carrier, Sir! A submarine-launched missile attacked the USS Washington in the water, and we are doing our best...

Peng! A loud bang came, interrupting the other party's speech.

Shit! Shit! What's the matter?

After a while, the voice of the captain of the USS Washington came again, and this time it became very panic: Report, another missile hit the USS Washington, and the aircraft carrier has lost power.

Have you found the attacking submarine? Field asked hurriedly.

Not yet, the anti-submarine aircraft radar and shipborne anti-submarine radar have been turned on at full power, but still...

Peng! Another loud noise came.

This time everyone can guess that another missile must have hit the aircraft carrier, and this time the other party is no longer reporting. The situation looks very bad.

Check satellite monitoring now!

Soon, a Citi military satellite over Nanyang Kingdom was aimed at the location of the USS Washington, only to see that the butt of the Citi heavy aircraft carrier, which had been in service for more than ten years, was blown up, and half of the hull had sunk in the water. inside.

Obviously, the Washington is over!

If the aircraft carrier is destroyed, then the carrier-based fighters who are fighting will also be bad, because they have no base to return to. Unless they can find a suitable airfield around, when the fuel runs out, they have the only option to make a forced landing.

So not only was the aircraft carrier destroyed, but the group of carrier-based aircraft that were fighting were also in danger.

However, the most terrifying thing is that the enemy submarines attacking in the seawater have not yet been found, and if they continue to attack, the other ships of the aircraft carrier battle group will also suffer.

As if to respond to the idea of ​​Citizens,

With a sound of Peng, a destroyer near the aircraft carrier was also attacked. After the water column rose into the sky and fell, you could see a big hole in the destroyer's body!

The anti-submarine destroyers of the aircraft carrier battle group are launching anti-submarine weapons such as depth charges and anti-submarine torpedoes into the seabed frantically.

Looking at the messy sea, everyone in the White House War Room fell into a strange silence.

The first to react was Field, who said bitterly, Mr. President, we may lose this war...

The war has hit so far, and even the layman can see that it is not good. The enemy seems to have only lost some aircraft, while Citigroup's cruise missiles have been destroyed, high-altitude stealth bombers have been destroyed, and the fighter group has been in a bitter fight. All aircraft carriers were sunk, and what was even more terrifying was that it was not clear what other means the other party had not used.

Is there any other way? Pu Chuan asked subconsciously, his thoughts were a little messy.

Unless nuclear weapons are used, there is no hope of victory. Field shook his head, and another soldier present, the Minister of Defense nodded in agreement.

Pu Chuan took a deep breath and said to the Secretary of State, Sheila, who was in charge of diplomacy: Contact the Star Empire immediately, I want to talk to their leader!

This war is not a Great Patriotic War against aggression. At the current level, ending the war with dignity and as soon as possible is the right choice. As for how to explain the failure of the war to the people, we will talk about it later.

Shira nodded. Before the two sides tore their faces and went to war, Citi and Kiris, the predecessor of the Star Empire, still had cooperation projects, and it was not difficult to find a way to contact them.

Ten minutes later, the White House connected to Mbeki's office. After Mbeki asked Shi Xuan's opinion, he transferred the call directly to Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan put down the popcorn in his hand and connected the video call of the man with the most power on earth, the president of Citi.

President Puchuan? Why did you call me at this time? Shi Xuan was the first to speak, and he could probably guess what the Citizens were thinking. He must have been beaten, and then he thought of negotiating again.

In front of the screen, the overly young Chinese youth is actually the head of the Star Empire? Pu Chuan couldn't believe it: You are the head of the Star Empire?

Of course, I am the supreme head of the Star Empire. I think Mbeki must have explained it to you.

Pu Chuan just subconsciously did not believe it, not really questioning the identity of the other party, and said quickly: I was abrupt, please forgive me. It's like this, I made a video call this time because I felt that there was a relationship between our two countries. Misunderstanding, in order to avoid the deadweight loss of the nationals of both sides, it is better for everyone to stop military operations and sit down and talk slowly.

Shi Xuan smiled lightly, Haha, that's what you guys wanted to fight, Mr. President, it's only been less than ten hours since your televised speech, didn't you still say that our Star Empire is an evil rogue military group? Is it a regime that is about to be wiped out?

Pu Chuan's face turned red, and the degree of this slap in the face was unbearable even with the thick skin he had cultivated over the years as a politician, but he soon returned to normal and said embarrassingly: We were also misled by treacherous Nanyang people, thinking that It was you who unilaterally took military measures against them. But we just received information that what these Nanyang people did to Kiris and Huaxia people before the natural disaster was just beasts! So we will not treat them Support, but join your country in condemning and opposing this violence against humanity!

Shi Xuan sneered in his heart. Citigroup executives certainly didn't know about it, but now they are in a hurry to ask for peace and use it as an excuse. Otherwise, they would have no excuse to end the war. Although the truth is that Citi-Nation can no longer afford more heavy casualties.

Shi Xuan continued to ask, Then what do you mean, Mr. President?

We suggest that the two countries immediately stop the state of war, and we will send someone to send the prisoner Suksino to your country immediately to receive a legal and just trial!

Wonderful! Shi Xuan smiled and clapped his hands, applauding: The speed with which your country responds is simply amazing! I have to obey!

Pu Chuan was stunned for a moment, this sounded a bit awkward, but did the other party agree? Can only ask further: So you mean to agree to everyone's ceasefire?

You think beautifully! Shi Xuan's face became solemn, he shook his head and said, I haven't had enough fun!

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