I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 459

Two days passed quickly, and the time for the Star Empire to hold the nation-founding ceremony came in a blink of an eye. ??

At five o'clock in the morning, Shi Xuan was woken up by Guan Mo'er entering the room. Although the relationship between the two had been confirmed, they had not yet broken through the last layer of relationship, so they slept in separate rooms. According to Guan Moer, it is to save the best moments until the wedding day.

The well-dressed Guan Mo'er brought the ready-made head of state clothes and dressed Shi Xuan in person. Looking at the handsome and mighty crush, she nodded with satisfaction.

Shi Xuan looked in the mirror, and he looked even more handsome after wearing the costume of the head of state. With leather boots, he looked very energetic. The perfect combination of black, white and red was fully reflected in the clothes, showing a rigorous, Delicate and elegant aristocratic atmosphere, the pattern above is a five-clawed golden dragon swallowing clouds and mist, which shows its noble status.

Hehe, Mo'er, are you designing a dragon robe? I thought you would design a dress similar to a suit.

Previously, Guan Moer suggested to design Shi Xuan's costumes for the founding ceremony, but Shi Xuan let her do it and didn't have time to see the effect of her design. Now he seems quite satisfied.

Guan Mo'er smiled and said, This is a dragon robe that incorporates modern culture, how about it? Are you satisfied?

How can you think of a dragon robe?

Since you are going to establish an empire, you are naturally the emperor, so wearing a dragon robe is the right thing to do. Guan Moer said while sorting out the accessories for Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan nodded. Although he did not claim to be an emperor, he did have the same status as an emperor in the Star Empire, and even had more power, because the armed forces of the empire were all in his hands.

Moreover, in the future plan, Shi Xuan wants to lead the earth's human beings into the space age, and also uses the empire's regime model of absolute personal authority, so he also assumes the position of the head of state. ?? To read? Book W Book W? W ·y ·COM

The two chatted for a while, seeing that the time was about the same, they walked out of the villa together, took the ultra-luxurious car that Feifei changed into, and drove to the place where the founding ceremony was held.

There are already thousands of well-equipped biochemical warriors serving as guards, driving various chariots, and flanking the head of the empire to the presidential palace.

The location of the founding ceremony was on the seaside near the presidential palace. Shi Xuan had already bought construction seeds from the alien businessman Dadaxiu a few days ago and planted a palace.

The palace is adjacent to the mountains and the sea, and there is a large open space in front of it that was expanded by Shi Xuan into a large square, which is now arranged as a military parade venue for the ceremony.

At the main entrance of the palace where Shi Xuan came, Guan Mingde brought Long Yufei, Mbeki and other important people from the empire already waiting in costumes. When they saw Shi Xuan's arrival, they all greeted him.

After greeting everyone, Shi Xuan took the lead and led everyone into the palace.

A series of foreign dignitaries represented by the No. 2 figures of Huaxia and Beixiong came to participate in the grand ceremony of the Star Empire, and were also arranged to rest in the palace.

Shi Xuan naturally wanted to have a chat with these guests on behalf of the Star Region Empire and express the goodwill of the Star Region Empire.

Soon, it was 9:00 am, and the assistant reminded Shi Xuan that the ceremony was about to start.

Shi Xuan strode up to the palace tower first, facing the square that was already crowded with citizens, and on his right was the vast sea.

Others, including the foreign dignitaries who came to watch the ceremony, went up to the tower and sat down at the corresponding position. Shi Xuan walked to the most honorable rostrum in the middle and said loudly: Nationals,

The Star Empire was established today!

All along, Kiris Island has been small and weak, and our people are living in dire straits...

Our army fought bravely and bravely, overthrew the reactionary and decadent former regime, defeated the Nanyang Kingdom that blatantly invaded us and the world police Citiland that invaded us for no reason, and now has achieved an absolute victory...

From today, we are no longer the bottom country in the world, our voice will shake the world, no one can bully us, and no one can ignore our opinions...

Our goal is the sea of ​​stars. Human beings will rush out of the earth, out of the solar system and the Milky Way. Our Star Empire will definitely be a great country that will lead mankind into the space age!

Cheer! Citizens! Today is a good day!

Shi Xuan gave a passionate speech on the stage. The citizens who came to participate in the ceremony were full of pride because of the series of great victories of the Star Empire and the rapid development of society and economy. The people cheered enthusiastically.





After thirty-two solemn cannon salutes, the military parade, the important content of the ceremony, began.

Unlike other countries in the world, the main armed forces of the Star Empire are simple. The army now only has biochemical soldiers, they wear armor with exoskeleton system, everyone is a humanoid tank, and no other arms are needed.

Therefore, the military parade is not complicated. The murderous, neat and mighty biochemical soldiers passed by the road in front of the palace and the tower, and saluted the place where Shi Xuan was, and shouted long live.

At the same time, the main battleship of the navy appeared, and while slowly passing by, countless unmanned carrier-based aircraft took off from the battleship, and listed various formations slowly flying over the square, letting the world finally know that it is possible to harmonize with Where did the Starfield Imperial Air Force, which the Citizen Air Force compete with, fly out of?

As for the equipment such as aerospace planes and satellite rail guns, of course, it is not suitable to appear in the military parade, so although the parade is very grand, it is over in half an hour.

As the biochemical soldiers left, Shi Xuan came to the podium again.

Dear citizens, perhaps everyone knows that yesterday, our Star Empire encountered a major crisis!

Shi Xuan was naturally talking about the intrusion of five aircraft carrier battle groups from Citigroup into the Nanyang region. The dignitaries of Huaxia, Beixiong and other countries who were present at the ceremony were also strange. Why did the head of the Star Empire suddenly say this at the founding ceremony?

Not to mention them, even Shi Xuan's henchmen didn't know the boss's plans.

No matter what others thought, Shi Xuan continued: Yesterday, Citigroup saw the day when we were about to hold the founding ceremony and dispatched five huge battle groups led by the world's most advanced aircraft carriers to invade our territorial waters!

Yesterday, a group of high-altitude stealth strategic bombers from Citi, sneaked into the country at an altitude of 10,000 meters. They were loaded with powerful cluster bombs, and they were going to throw these weapons of mass destruction on our heads!

Yesterday, more than a thousand advanced fighter jets from Citigroup besieged us from all directions and were intercepted beyond land by our heroic carrier aircraft!

In the early hours of this morning, Citigroup used various platforms to launch a total of nearly 200 strategic nuclear missiles multiple times. They came at us with nuclear warheads and were intercepted in the atmosphere by our space weapons!

Ordinary people know that Star Empire and Citi Country fought a battle, but they never expected that nuclear weapons were actually dispatched, and more than 100 nuclear bombs were fired!

As soon as Shi Xuan's remarks came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the people. Nuclear weapons can't distinguish between military targets and civilian targets. When they explode, everyone will die. Citizens clearly want to kill everyone!

Everyone can't help but be full of resentment against Citizens.

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