I Have Amnesia, Don’t Be Noisy!

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Snatch

The awards ceremony is not only an award, but also a show during the show. The two presenters must always be on the stage and connect all the links together.

In addition to the Chinese people, the Asian Festival, as well as the national and national teams of the country, the awards are also very complicated, the best music, the best costume, the best screenwriter, the best director, the best set…

The winners of the best newcomers are a man and a woman, one is the old actor in Hong Kong named Ye Xin, and the other is the director of the great country called Park Yin-hsun.

Ye Xin is actually a star of anger. It’s just that the seniority is old. I don’t know who’s going to be the awarding guest. Usually the awarding guests are to know the film materials in advance, so that the introduction will be smooth in a while. Ye Xin sat in the background makeup, the assistant put the film information at her hand: “Sister, you have a quick glance, this time I will arrange for you foreigners, he must not remember the words.”

“How is this!” Ye Xin exclaimed, some angry. “How can I arrange for a foreigner? I will remember half of the introduction. What can I do if I can’t take it?”

At the same time, outside the dressing room, Park Xianxun was also anxious to turn around: “Ms. Ye still hasn’t come out? I need to talk to her about the lines;”

However, the lady’s dressing room he could not enter, until he was about to come on stage, Ye Xin came out. The two rushed to the two words on the channel and went on stage.

“I am very fortunate to have a prize with Ms. Ye, I am very happy.” Park Xianxun screamed such a Chinese saying.

“Director Park, long-awaited for a long time.” Ye Xin was a little nervous, and slyly said the good words he had thought of before, but the style of the two people did not match, and the scene was a bit embarrassing.

“I have seen your movie, you are a very good actor.” Park Xian-hsun said dryly about his words.

“Haha,” Ye Xin smiled and wanted to say something awkward to make the atmosphere alive. “We have awarded this best newcomer award, which is small fresh meat and small flowers. It looks very fresh.”

As a foreigner, Park Hyun-hsun did not understand what “small fresh meat” was, and he stopped on the spot.

The scene suddenly fell into a deadlock, and Ayue was fangs on the side of the Taiwanese. This Ye Xin is really, don’t say a joke, don’t say it, it’s too embarrassing.

“Xin sister, I am also a small fresh meat. How do you tell me how to give it to me?” Chu Qin inserted his mouth without hesitation.

“You still have small meat! You have been mixing in the entertainment industry for many years.” Ye Xin said with a smile.

“Don’t say it, I can still hold it for two years.” Chu Qin turned his eyes in his heart, but it was not obvious on the surface. He simply took the right to speak. “I am particularly curious about this best newcomer award. Xin Jie will give us a nomination.” Then, let the guide start playing the leader.

On the big screen, the candidates who started to scroll in, the pre-recorded Hongliang introduction sounds sounded in the field, and each of the finalists and his performance in the movie were displayed on the big screen, and then introduced one by one.

Mo Shaoyang sat between the seats, nervous and sweating.

Miss etiquette took the envelope of the winner and took it to the front of the two. Ye Xin reached out and took it. She took a quick look and wanted to talk about the feelings of several movies.

“Which is the most favorite of Park Guide?” Ye Xin asked cleverly.

“These young people are very good.” Park Xianxun did not answer directly, joking, the awards have been fixed, what time is he saying? It’s just as good as the winners. If you guessed wrong, isn’t it against the jury?

Chu Qin looked at the time, this is a live broadcast, can not delay, then open to remind Ye Xin: “Xin sister is going to read it, several candidates are very nervous.”

The camera swept through the places where several candidates were, and some people waved generously, and some people smiled reluctantly. Coincidentally, the lens swept to Zhong Yibin sitting in the first row.

Zhong Yibin wore a haute couture suit similar to Chu Qin’s style, and his hair was combed to the back. His eyes were firm and full of spirits. However, there is still a box of sandwiches in the hands, which is incompatible with the atmosphere of the entire venue.

Because of the box of sandwiches, Zhong Yibin’s whole style of painting changed from the overbearing president to the takeaway brother, so the strange contrast, the audience screaming in front of the TV. Chu Qin naturally saw Zhong Yibin, who had swept through the big screen, and couldn’t help but pump his mouth.

Fortunately, Ye Xin did not make a demon again, and began to award the award directly.

“The best newcomer award is…” Ye Xin paused and sold a pass.

Park Hyun-hsun stretched his head to look at the card in her hand, and the atmosphere of the audience was tense.

“Mo Xiaoyang.” Ye Xin said loudly.

There was a moment of silence in the field, and Mo Shaoyang sat in the same place, and the awards even mistaken his name, which made him not a good start, nor could he afford it. It’s as if he knew it in advance, and he could react if he missed it. If he didn’t get up, the other four candidates would not have a surname.

A month was terrible and stunned. This Ye Xin was really a disaster at the scene. I couldn’t help but say: “Oh, Xin Jie, people called Mo Shaoyang!”

Chu Qin smiled and said: “Xin sister accidentally called out the nickname, is it Mo Xiaoyang?”

Mo Shaoyang smiled and stood up and took the microphone: “Yes, Chu Xiaoqin.”

The atmosphere at the scene was active again, and the audience in front of the TV set laughed.

After all, I was thrilled and thrilled. After Ye Xin stepped down, she was still excited and felt that she had completed the task perfectly. The organizer is a sigh of fire: “I will not ask Ye Xin in the future! If there is Chu Qin, the award will be lost!”

Other peers are also worried about it. It is better to award the prize to someone who can talk. Otherwise, if there is no wit host next time, it will be a shame.

Someone who has a good deed has also cut off the dialogue between Ye Xin and Park Yin-hsun’s lips, and put them on the Internet for everyone to laugh at.

After the best male starring performance, the award ceremony was successfully completed, the lights dimmed, and the organizer was very happy to rush to hug with Chu Qin and A Yue.

“Today is really thanks to both of you.” The person in charge said happily that it was wise to insist that Chu Qin came.

“You have won the prize, thank you to all the staff.” Chu Qin thanked the lighting engineer, the sound engineer, the guide, etc. If the team did not cooperate so well, it would not have such a great effect.

Zhong Yibin stayed with him. When the thank you ended, he put the sandwich in the hands of Chu Qin: “Eat two, go back and eat delicious.”

The fresh sandwich was only put in the hand for two hours, and the delicious did not lose too much. Chu Qin was hungry, and he took it when he picked it up. The soft toasted toast was sandwiched with salty tuna and a thick sauce. After three or two passes, he successfully calmed the hungry stomach.

Chu Qin went to the background to remove makeup, and Zhong Yibin turned and went to a remote corner. There, a small and thin staff member was being watched by two bodyguards, screaming in the corner.

“Young Master.” The bodyguard saw Zhong Yibin coming and bowed his head.

“Ask it?” Zhong Yibin glanced at the man far away, because he stood in the dark, and the man could not see his appearance.

The bodyguard whispered a few words in the ear of Zhong Yibin. Zhong Yibin frowned slightly, looking at the man wearing the “Golden Dragonfly” logo t-shirt, his heart was disgusted. This **** thing turned out to be a hallucinogen in the cup of Chu Qin. This kind of thing is a kind of drug, it will make people very excited, and then have hallucinations. If Chu Qin drank, not only will he be ugly on the stage, but he will also be found to be taking drugs. This means is really enough.

“Put this rest into his mouth and throw it on the street.” Zhong Yibin said coldly. Because the water was poured down by Chu Qin, there is not enough evidence to report the alarm, let him eat the evil fruit.

The next day, the news reported that a man wearing a “Golden Dragonfly” overalls ran around the street, forcibly cuddled a strong man, and was knocked out by two front teeth. After the police came, he found that the person was taking too much of the hallucinogenic drugs and was immediately arrested for the crime of taking drugs.

Chu Qin got up in the morning and saw the news on TV. He couldn’t help but laugh: “Is this man fantasizing the big man into a beautiful woman?”

“It’s hard to say,” Zhong Yibin took the person who sat down and slid back into his bed. “It may also be a fantasy to become a beautiful boy.”

After the award ceremony, Chu Qin became famous, and his ability to respond and adapt to the situation was highly sought after by thousands of viewers. A month, hot iron, pulling Chu Qin, Zhong Yibin and Mo Shaoyang went to her show.

“My show is notoriously large. Are you ready?” Ah Yue smirked and looked at the three people sitting on the couch.

“No!” Chu Qin raised his hand. “I am not yet an adult.”

“Ha ha ha ha …” There is no audience at the scene, the laughter of the staff will be recorded, as background music.

“Oh, that’s just right, I am underage, we can talk about a campus love!” A month went over and sat directly on Chu Qin’s lap.

“Oh…” Chu Qin blushes.

“You will be shy!” Ah Yue excitedly pointed at Chu Qin’s face.

“You are very heavy!” Chu Qin’s face is not as good as death.

A month stood up and blinked and glared at him: “What do you mean!”

Mo Shaoyang held a smile on his side with a fist, and Zhong Yibin sat on the side without saying a word.

“Hah, I know, your new love is here, so it’s not rare for me, is it?” Ayue squatted, his face cocky.

“What new love and old love, don’t talk about it.” Chu Qin yelled at her, but did not have any lethality.

This program has only a few words as a Taiwanese book. It marks a general direction and will play like it. It will look at everyone’s presence. A month is also thinking about where to say: “Don’t let me sit on the thigh, let’s play The game is alright.”

“I heard that we bought the copyright of “Hou Gong Shu Bi Zhuan” and will broadcast it soon. It is better to play a section of the plot. Let’s play the male and male two and fight for the injured female host.” A ringing finger, the plot in the TV series is played on the screen.

The weak female host fell unconscious in the arms of the male and the second, and the second man took the medicine bowl to give her medicine. If he couldn’t feed it, he took a drink and prepared to mouth to mouth. At this time, the man rushed over and pushed the male two to feed him.

Mo Shaoyang was sitting on the ground with Chu Qin. He felt a burning gaze behind him. He was about to burn him through, and he couldn’t help but swallow his mouth. The little man in his heart shouted: “Hey, let me be the clock.” The whole face embraces Qin Ge, will you be blocked when you go back! Ah! Ah!” On the face, you have to maintain the feelings in the play.

Mo Shaoyang read the lines of a large expression: “Jing Shu, you can’t just die, do you remember our vows when you were young? Obedient, drink medicine…” Then pretend to pick up the medicine bowl and take a drink, still Did not have time to make the action that wants to kiss, Zhong Yibin has already rushed over and took Chu Qin away.

“Hey! People don’t have to kiss yet!” Ah Yue shouted.

“Ah, haven’t you started yet?” Zhong Yibin blinked and looked innocent.

“Not yet…” Mo Shaoyang said with a twitching temper, with the eyes of Zhong Yibin, the pressure is great.

Once again, Mo Shaoyang re-sadly recited the lines: “Jing Shu, you…” Just said here, Zhong Yibin went up again and took the person into his arms and violently kissed him.

Mo Shaoshan’s words were half read and they looked at them in a stupid way. Chu Qin’s eyes widened and he did not respond to let him kiss. A month jumped on one side: “Oh no, it’s not! I haven’t finished the line yet! How come this time!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha…” The staff has already laughed.

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