I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 100 - Fei Youliang


The phone slipped from the fingertips and fell to the ground, and the sound from the microphone could still be heard.

“Yuliang’s phone couldn’t be reached, what did you encounter inside?”

“Xiao Zhu? Can you hear me?”

“Zhu Jianing? Are you okay? Speak!”

Zhu Jianing, of course, heard his voice, but at this time he was already speechless.

Rolled his eyes, Zhu Jianing crashed into the partition, and his body twitched slightly, so he could not stand.

“I have warned you not to take pictures or videos in the haunted house, but you just don’t listen.” Chen Ge took off his mask and stuffed his pockets. He looked at Zhu Jianing, who was paralyzed on the ground, and felt that the exemption agreement was really a great invention. .

His scary method is not the same as other haunted houses. Normal haunted houses are all actors who play ghosts, hiding in the blind spot of tourists’ perspective, and suddenly screaming to scare others.

Chen Ge’s scary method is very special. He exaggerated the atmosphere to the extreme, and then waited for tourists to take the initiative to find a shock point. The whole shock process was silent and unpredictable.

Was scared when he had psychological expectations, it would be like Zhu Jianing now, unable to release his fear, as if there was a large piece of ice stuck in his throat, breathless and cold.

Chen Ge walked out of the third compartment, turned off the phone on the ground and put it in Zhu Jianing’s pocket, then dragged him out of the toilet and threw it in the corridor.

“Why are you still twitching? There is breathing, it should be okay.” Chen Ge pinched Zhu Jianing, and stopped after seeing his eyes return to normal: “Can you hear me? Do you come in with you? Alright? “

Didn’t respond for a long time, Chen Ge had to put him here first: “Don’t run around, be careful to meet real ghosts.”

He was afraid to scare another person later, so he took off the doctor’s coat and took it in his hand.

“This man ran out of the girls’ dormitory, and his companion should also be in that direction.” Chen Ge ran to the side of the bifurcation, but he didn’t see Fei Youliang in all the bedrooms.

“Where did you go?” He stopped in the pen fairy room, and the pen wrapped in Scotch tape cracked again and fell to the ground.

“There is no trace of fighting in the room, where can the guy with glasses go?” Chen Ge came out of the girls’ dormitory and stood in the middle of the fork: “Is it over there?”

The other side of the fork is where Shenjing and the school office are located. The ground is uneven. After passing several office compartments, Chen Ge finally found Fei Youliang.

This buddy’s situation is not as good as Zhu Jianing’s, with foam on the corners of his mouth, and his spectacles are broken. What’s even more weird is that the place where he fell was close to the deep well at the end of the corridor. Just dragged into the well.

“What happened to this guy? It seems that he didn’t just provoke Bixian!” There is no monitoring installed in the haunted house, and Chen Ge is not sure what happened to Fei Youliang.

Looking at his miserable appearance, Chen Ge very humanely helped him to do cardiopulmonary compression.

“This person’s symptoms are similar to those of Heshan at that time, get it out first and then talk about it.”

Took a lot of effort before Chen Ge dragged the two people to the exit.

Lifted the board, he just dragged the two people to the first floor of the haunted house, he heard someone arguing outside the haunted house, it seems that the Qin Guang studio people are going to force in.

“It’s really a lot of things.” Chen Ge dragged two visitors out of the haunted house one by one.

The sun shone on him, Chen Ge threw Fei Youliang and Zhu Jianing in front of the remaining people in Qin Guang’s studio, and glanced at them: “What’s the noise?”

Two big living people jumped in and out, half-dead came out, and there was foam on the corner of the mouth. Was it scared?

The onlookers all took a step back and made an empty space.

“Little Zhu! Youliang!” The person from Qin Guang’s studio came to support the two young people.

Fortunately, Zhu Jianing said that he has slowed down, but his legs are still a little soft.

The serious situation is that Fei Youliang said that he was comatose, and his eyes could still be opened, that he was sober, that he would not agree with his name, that his expression was dull, and there was still foam on the corner of his mouth.

“What’s wrong with you!” The short middle-aged man questioned Chen Ge with an angry expression.

“You ask me, who do I ask?” Chen Ge is indeed unclear. When he went in, the two people were scared and could not tell the difference between southeast and northwest.

“We have a phone call between us, Xiao Zhu said your employee stepped on You Liang’s shoulder! You dare to attack tourists in a haunted house, and do you have any professional ethics!”

“Which eye did you see my staff attacking him?” Chen Ge glanced at the two people paralyzed on the ground: “You can go to the police station to do fingerprint identification. I can guarantee that no one has touched the tourists except the hands. Anywhere. “

“Don’t be noisy, I’ll call the doctor in Paradise to save people.” Xu Shu’s head is big, and he called the paramedics staff.

“Everyone has become like this, you haven’t even admitted it? Fortunately, we have already prepared!” The short middle-aged man opened Fei Youliang’s backpack and took out the laptop inside ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Remove the wireless camera on the chest and the pickup attached to the strap of the backpack.

“There are a lot of things.” Chen Ge saw the camera while dragging the “corpse” in it, and he roughly guessed the thoughts of these people, but he didn’t take it seriously. It is strictly forbidden to shoot video in other haunted houses because they are afraid of leaking the scene design. Making a complete large-scale horror scene is very expensive, and the internal structure is a commercial secret. But this is nothing to Chen Ge. He only needs to complete the trial task to continuously unlock more terrifying scenes. No matter how fast the scenes update, no haunted house can match him.

In his opinion, these people go out and distribute haunted house videos, which can be regarded as a kind of alternative propaganda. After all, his haunted house now lacks exposure.

“You won’t be able to laugh later, and I will keep the video of your haunted house staff beating tourists. This is not the end!” The short middle-aged man was very loud and seemed to deliberately attract the attention of the surrounding tourists.

“We are professional, there is absolutely no such thing as beating tourists.” Chen Ge walked to the computer, he was actually curious about what Fei Youliang encountered in the haunted house, and finally why he collapsed beside the deep well.

The short middle-aged man straightened his computer and started playing the video he just recorded.

The screen is dark, but a buzzing noise can be heard.

At this time, Fei Youliang has not entered the haunted house, the pickup should be attached in advance, but the camera has not been taken out, so only the noise can be heard, and the picture cannot be seen.

After a few seconds, the voice of Chen Ge was heard from the computer.

“Do n’t blame me for not reminding you that the last person who said this was walking in and lying down.”

Following the dismissal of Fei Youliang’s dismissal from the computer, “I’d like to try it more because you said so.”

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