I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 104 - Give me 1 minute

The room was very clean, with thick carpets, the corners of the tables and cabinets were wrapped in thick cloth, and the coffee table could see the fruit tray, but there were no knives and sharp objects.

“Dr. Gao, please come in.” A woman in a white shirt welcomed Dr. Gao and Chen Ge into her house. She looked around 40 years old and was well maintained.

“Is Wang Xin’s condition better?”

“An. Sleeping pills and the two anti-depressants you prescribed are all in use, but the effect is very poor.” The woman smiled bitterly: “The condition is not much improved, but the side effects are somewhat obvious, nausea, shaking hands , Trembling, when she was eating at lunch this afternoon, her chopsticks were not held firmly, and the clipped food fell to the ground. Doctor Gao, you said Wang Xin, is it still okay? “

“Trust me, she will get better.”

“Well.” The woman saw Chen Ge who was following him at this time: “This is this?”

“My name is Chen Ge.” Chen Ge did not want to spend time outside the door: “Can I see your daughter?”

“This …” The woman turned her head to look at Doctor Gao, as if seeking the other’s opinion.

“I will go with him.”

After Dr. Gao nodded, the woman reluctantly let Chen Ge in: “The child was in the bedroom, had a bite for lunch, and burst into tears again.”

The woman walked to the door of a room in the back room and tapped it lightly. After a long absence, she twisted the handle and pushed the door open.

Without speaking, the woman sighed and stepped back.

“Let’s go in.” Dr. Gao gazed at Chen Ge: “Don’t stimulate the patient, please consult with me before you plan to do anything.”

“Okay.” Chen Ge repeatedly assured that he entered Wang Xin’s room together with Doctor Gao.

The carpet was thickened, the corners of the wardrobe and table were smoothed out, no sharp objects were seen in the room, and the windows were also equipped with anti-theft.

There are no beds in the house, only two thick mattresses are stacked together, all the decorations are solid colors, without too many patterns.

Dr. Gao moved his body to the side, and Chen Ge only then saw the target he was looking for.

A slender girl lay on the mattress. She wore a loose round-neck white dress and a light blue shorts.

The skin is very pale, the limbs are unable to spread out, and it feels as if you accidentally break it.

When someone came in, the girl slowly sat up from the mattress, which was completely different from Chen Ge’s imagination. She looked normal, but just a little bit talkative.

“Wang Xin, do you still have a headache?” Dr. Gao, standing tall, squatted gently next to the mattress, keeping his body below the other person’s sight.

The girl shook her head, glanced at Chen Ge, and quickly returned her gaze.

“Can you fall asleep?” Dr. Gao continued to ask. The girl’s reaction was more intense this time. She reached out and grabbed her hair, very hard. When her hand was taken away again, all the fingers were pulled down. Long black hair.

“I still can’t fall asleep.” Standing up, Dr. Gao frowned. “Both drugs are useless?”

“Doctor Gao, can I say two words with her?”

“Wang Xin is still in a stable situation. What can I say?”

Chen Ge walked over, squatting in front of the girl like a doctor.

The girl may have regarded him as a doctor, not too resistant, but just pulled the sleeves and covered the red marks of her arms, as if she had grabbed them by herself.

The girl in front of her is very fragile. She feels like a kite made of paper, all **** by a thin line, and it will break apart with a little carelessness.

“Wang Xin.” Chen Ge took the ballpoint pen wrapped in scotch tape out of her pocket: “Your friend has always wanted to tell you that I brought her.”

Wang Xin glanced at the ballpoint pen and did not show too special emotions. She may want to smile hard in response to Chen Ge’s non-funny joke, but she found that she could not do it at all.

Doctor Gao next to her and the woman lying on the door eavesdropping were also confused, and really couldn’t understand what Chen Ge was doing.

Wang Xin did not respond, and Chen Ge was not in a hurry. He took a blank sheet of paper from the desk and placed it on the mattress. He held the pen vertically and took a posture to play the pen fairy game.

Chen Ge turned away from Doctor Gao and faced Wang Xin. He only opened his mouth without making a sound, and chanted the first few sentences of the pen fairy game through his mouth.

Pen fairy, pen fairy, you are mine …

With her mouth open, Wang Xin ’s attention was slowly attracted to Chen Ge. For the first time, she turned her head completely around and looked at Chen Ge ’s mouth. Suddenly she seemed to remember something very horrible. Squeeze into the corner.

“What did you do ?!” The woman outside rushed in to stop Chen Ge with Dr. Gao.

“I’m helping her to open her heart.” Chen Ge carefully guarded the ballpoint pen in his hand: “Wang Xin happened something we didn’t know, that was her cause! Give me a minute, I only need one minute time!”

He was firm in his attitude and stood beside the bed with his pen. Before he came, he was just to complete the mission of Penxian. But after seeing the girl’s painful appearance, Chen Ge suddenly felt that he should do something.

“Do you want him to give it a try.” After a stalemate, Dr. Gao chose to believe Chen Ge once: “During my treatment of Wang Xin, she has never had similar emotions, maybe this time there is really hope.”

The woman was finally persuaded by Dr. Gao, who was willing to give Chen Ge three minutes.

The two went outside the door. Chen Ge got up and pulled the curtains, closing the door tightly.

“Wang Xin, your friend always has something to tell you.” He hovered the pen over the white paper again and said in silence.

“Bixian, Bixian, you are my past life, I am your life …”

When Chen Ge meditation ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The girl hiding in the corner is more and more scared, and her memories that have been entangled with her for several years like a nightmare come to mind.

Chen Ge continued cruelly, and not long after, the pen hovering on the paper suddenly moved a bit, and then wrote Juanxiu’s handwriting on white paper, which was completely different from Chen Ge’s.

“Wang Xin, I didn’t expect a joke from me to do so much harm to you, must you hate me?”

Seeing the familiar fonts on white paper, Wang Xin froze. At that moment she felt her heart was empty, and she didn’t know why such emotions appeared.

“My death has nothing to do with you. I just saw you with other people that day. I wanted to scare you deliberately. After the rope was set, I didn’t expect the chair to suddenly slip.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong, this is just a mean selfish me, a little prank.”

“I’m sorry, Wang Xin. I don’t ask you to forgive me, I just hope you won’t be influenced by me, and work hard and live happily.”

/ bk

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