I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 108 - The secret of the third sick building

“I must have seen her somewhere.”

It’s not that Chen Ge is very confident in her memory, but that the girl’s face is very characteristic and hard to forget.

He couldn’t remember it for a moment, and he didn’t want to let that person leave. He took the phone, grabbed the hammer and chased it out.

The white rice on the ground was kicked apart, and when Chen Ge went out of the employee lounge, the shadow had disappeared.

“Where did you go? The door is closed, the girl should still be in the haunted house.”

Turning on the light, Chen Ge walked to the kicked white rice, and walked slowly along the scattered grains of rice to the deepest corridor on the first floor.

The wooden board covering the ground was lifted, and the sound of the wind below could be heard.

Chen Ge pushed the board aside, turned on the mobile phone flashlight, and entered the scene of Muyang Middle School.

Rice grains were faintly seen on the stairs, which made Chen Ge more certain that the girl ran into the scene of Muyang Middle School.

“Her escape route was very clear, and it was in this direction.” The scene was large, but the grains of rice left on the ground gave him directions.

The horror scene was placed in the underground parking, but did not change the terrain of the parking lot. The white rice grains finally disappeared beside a load-bearing column.

“Did you hide in the column?” This load-bearing column is located directly under the haunted house and bears the weight of the entire haunted house.

After patting the post, Chen Ge remembered the story that the elders of his family had told when he was a child. Each family lives a spirit, mostly good spirits, but there are also evil spirits.

Good spirits shelter homes, stabilize people’s movement, and harmonize the neighbors; fierce spirits disturb the rule and destroy the feng shui.

Usually the spirits living in the family are deceased ancestors, but there are exceptions. For example, where Fan Yu and his aunt live, the group of ghosts dances wildly.

This is the same as described in the introduction of the black mobile phone mission. There is a guest at home who has never met before. It may be malicious or may have good intentions.

“The girl who was hiding behind me just now is the spirit sheltering the haunted house?” Chen Ge felt more and more likely. He walked around the pillar and found that a puppet was thrown behind the cement pillar, and this puppet was The first puppet he made.

“No! My puppet is always on my body.” Chen Ge touched the pocket of his clothes. The puppet that was originally in his arms had long disappeared: “You are the one who lives with me in a haunted house? “

Chen Ge reached out to pick up the puppet. When he removed the puppet, he saw that there was a hole made by a person under the puppet’s body.

He looked into the hole through the bright light of his mobile phone, and only a string of bracelets and a thousand paper cranes were placed in the hole where only four fingers extended.

Nothing is expensive, the bracelet is made of plastic, and it looks like a toy for a little girl. The thousand paper cranes have been seriously deformed at the bottom.

Taking out the thing, Chen Ge saw three crooked characters Luo Ruoyu at the end of the bracelet.

“Why are there girls’ toys in the underground parking lot?” Chen Ge took the bracelet to his eyes: “If this bracelet is just the figure, the three words on the bracelet should be her name.”

The last name is Luo, the guardian spirit of the haunted house, the girl toy in the underground parking lot …

All the clues were connected, Chen Ge slapped his head, and the face he saw in his trance just coincided with the other face in his memory.

“This girl is the daughter of Director Luo of New Century Paradise!”

When he went to talk with Director Luo about renting an underground parking lot, he had seen a picture of a girl. She had a flaw in her body but had the purest smile.

“The girl became the guardian spirit of the whole paradise? But why would she be attached to the puppets left by my parents?” Chen Ge faintly felt that the nightmare task had other meanings. He held the puppet, bracelet and paper crane I ran back to the employee lounge and took out an album from the locked drawer. The first page of the album was a group photo of Chen Ge’s family.

This was taken by Chen Ge’s parents on the first day of the horror house. The background of the photo is the door of the horror house.

In the photo, Chen Ge ’s father stood proudly in the middle, happy like a child, and Chen Ge, who was still in school at the time, was separated from his parents and looked at the camera with a little speechless.

His mother stood on the other side of her father and carefully looked at the photos. Chen Ge found that her mother’s hand was raised in the air and her fingers were bent, as if she was holding another person’s hand.

“There were four people in this picture?”

Looking through the album, there was another picture that was even more weird. The father pointed at the horror house and showed off to Chen Ge, while the mother squatted on the ground and reached out to gently touch the air.

There are still a lot of photos of life in the back, and Chen Ge looked cold for a while. He used to feel strange, why every time he takes a picture of himself, there is always a large space left next to him. Breathing background.

“The attitude of these old couples towards ghosts is too good? Take care of your heart and show your parents like this, why don’t you worry about Li Gui’s favor!”

He really didn’t expect Director Luo’s daughter to be attached to the rag doll left by his parents, and it seems that he has lived with them for a long time.

Director Luo’s daughter is the guardian spirit of Paradise. She cannot leave Paradise, so Chen Ge’s puppets are only useful in haunted houses and Paradise.

It is for this reason that when Wang Qi is preparing to attack Chen Ge in the hut behind the Ping An Apartment, the puppets will not respond. There are many similar situations.

Chen Ge closed the album and rubbed his temples lightly. He vaguely felt that the task was different.

Looking away from the puppet and bracelet, he held the thousand paper crane in his palm.

The material is ordinary, but it looks like it is stained with blood and looks dirty.

“This paper crane doesn’t seem to be stuffed in recently, it should have been left for a long time. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

Disassemble the paper crane, and the white paper stained with a small piece of blood is written with nine words on the third room of the third sick building!

“The third sick building?” Chen Ge couldn’t calm down when he saw these words. After completing three nightmare-level daily tasks, he can obtain a trial task of a horror scene. Before doing the task, he is ready to choose the task corresponding to the third sick building. After all, this horror scene is the only one that comes with the black mobile phone. Samsung horror scene.

“Looking at the handwriting is very similar to the words of my family, but why should they leave a place without a head? The third room in the third sick building is dangerous, or is there a secret that they are missing?” Chen Geshou Well, that piece of paper is thinking about another problem.

“The black phone says that after completing the third nightmare task, the future nightmare tasks will be changed to random refresh, which means that the three nightmare tasks I have completed are fixed.”

“The first mission opened the door to another world for me; the second mission told me that my parents were just missing and still alive; this third mission left me with a place. First gain my trust , And then give me hope, and finally leave me with a direction to explore. The three nightmare tasks are connected one by one, which seems very meaningful. “

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