I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1123 - No wonder brothers are not human beings (four thousand)

“Why don’t you wait for me?” Qin Guang ran out of the side hall, catching up with Fu Bole and Wei Chaochao breathlessly.

   “Look at your guts, like someone who does outdoor horror live broadcasts?” Fu Bole’s mouth is hurting: “Are all the spooky events you encountered outdoors designed by yourself in advance?”

   “Some are arranged by the studio, but some are not.”

   “For example, were you scared into the hospital that time?” Fu Bole was very interested in Qin Guang’s experience, but Qin Guang obviously didn’t want to recall these things anymore. He directly ignored Fu Bole’s words and changed the subject.

   “I just saw a ball rolling in my side hall just now, and there seem to be a few children invisible in this place.”

“You’re such a layman.” Fu Bole shook his head: “I know that you are a big anchor valued by President Ma. I thought you had some skills, but now I look at it, but that’s the case. I know that I can play There are six ways to move by yourself. This is not a big deal. Sometimes we will use these technologies on the human head model to let the head roll by itself, which looks more visually impactful.”

   “Is it like that?” Qin Guang pointed to Fu Bole behind him.

   “What?” Fu Bole and Wei Chaochao turned their heads at the same time. They saw that the photo on the table turned back to them. The old man in the black and white photo turned around!

   “Isn’t this the old man who talked to us just now?” Wei Chaochao was a little surprised.

“The person who is going to die, give me a photo of himself, and I am not afraid of unlucky, which day the fake play was really done.” Fu Bole did not expect that the person in the photo would suddenly turn around. All his swear words were to cover up his own. He was guilty, and he didn’t know how the other party did it. That moment really scared him.

   “For the photo of the old man on the table, that is to say he died long ago, the information he provided may be misleading us.”

   “When I first came in, I saw a lot of pits digging in the yard. Those pits are too large for planting trees, and large and large for burying adults. Would you say it was for burying children?”

   “It is possible that this orphanage is definitely not as simple as it is in performance. It must be the most critical place in the entire fetal scene… the orphanage, the late guard, and the killing. This place may be the birthplace of the fetal fetus!”

  Wei Chaochao and Fu Bole discussed it, but they didn’t find Qin Guang’s eyes fixed on the table below.

   “The head of a child emerged from the back of the table just now, but there is no child’s body under the table. It feels as if he crawled out of the photo.”


   “Beside the table, it disappeared in a blink of an eye.”

  The three stared at the supply table. At this time, the whole scene had a new change. The gap in the ceiling began to bleed down, and the blood dripped, sliding down the black and white photo onto the table.

   “What’s going on? Is it because we found out the truth and triggered the haunted house plot?” Fu Bole looked around and waited for them to come back to God again, and something very surprised them.

  The old man in the black and white photo was gone. At this time, there was only one chair and a rod on the ground left in the photo. It felt as if he was walking in a hurry, as if he was running away.

“Have you ever played one, two or three woodmen? Every time you look back, the person behind you will be one step closer to you, from back to back, turning around, and then running out of the picture again. The haunted house boss is playing psychological warfare with us!” Wei Chaochao tried to analyze, but before he finished, a drop of blood fell on his forehead.

   “Sticky, smelling of fishy smell, this blood is so realistic.”

  Wei Chaochao rubbed the blood on his cheek with his fingers, and he found that this drop of blood was actually composed of countless bloodstains, each of which seemed to be still moving.

   “What a joke, spraying red paint directly from the ceiling of the haunted house. The boss of this haunted house is really bold. He is not afraid to stain tourists’ clothes?” Fu Bole was trying to say a few words, but was stopped by Wei Chaochao.

   “Fu, this blood is so weird! It will fall directly on the clothes, but if it falls on the skin, it will quickly solidify, and it feels as if it is being manipulated by some force. Someone is targeting the target through blood rain.”


   A loud noise came from the street outside the orphanage, it seems that the door of the room was broken by violence.

  Wei Chaochao and Fu Bole hadn’t reacted yet. They saw a little boy with anxious expression beckoning at them, as if they wanted to let them escape quickly.

   The little boy gestured, and then was picked up by the old man, and the grandson and grandson jumped off the wall and escaped.

“The ghost in the picture has appeared again? Is that child asking for help?” Fu Bole felt that he had found the key clue. He left and called Wei Chaochao: “Quick! Catch them! That child may be a dead tire! Old man It’s a ghost! We’re going to save the kid from the old man!”

   The three of them rushed to the entrance of the utility room, and before they stepped out of the door, they saw the little sun who was going here.

  If it wasn’t for Xiao Sun to hide, they might bump into it directly.

   “Give up! Don’t block the road!” Fu Bole shouted loudly.

   “What’s wrong?” Xiao Sun was startled.

   “We found that child! The most critical person in the fetal scene, we have found him!”

   “What child?”

   “The hope for customs clearance lies with that child! Don’t let him run away!”

  Little Sun hadn’t figured out yet, Fu Bole, Wei Chaochao, Qin Guang had left along the back door and ran out of the white orphanage.

“Even novices know not to act alone, why don’t they just listen?” Xiao Sun saw Fu Bole and they disappeared into his sight. He didn’t pursue it, but put his goal on Ma Feng: “Others In private, I call him President Ma, this should be a big fish, I have to seize the opportunity to see what they want to do.”

Touching his chin, Xiao Sun looked like Chen Ge and narrowed his eyes slightly: “I have been in the horror house for a few days now. It has been very calm here, like a family of ghosts. But since the appearance of their tourists, I feel that the atmosphere of the whole scene has changed, and my colleagues have become irritable. Hey, the visitors are not good, this group of tourists has a big problem.”

Opening the palm, the blood rain fell on the palm, and Xiao Sun could feel the emotion contained in the blood: “This rain with anger and killing intention made me feel cold, as if I was put on the neck by a knife, and I would be killed at any time. Like death, it’s terrible.”

   talked while Xiaosun walked forward, he noticed something was wrong as soon as he moved.

   Countless blood rain fell on his body, turned into a bloodshot strand and trapped him in place.

   turned his head slightly surprised, and Xiao Sun scared almost lost his soul.

   The red raincoat with his mouth sewn did not know when to appear behind him. His thin hands hovered over Xiao Sun’s neck. The murderous intention of the red clothing irritated Xiao Sun unscrupulously.

   “Sister, when did you come?”

   “Have you seen my kid?” A cold voice came from the mouth of the red raincoat. Xiao Sun sat on the ground with his ass. He really didn’t expect that even if he became a ghost, he would feel scared and frightened.

“Don’t tell me, they just said that they found the child.” Xiao Sun said almost straightforwardly: “Do you know Fu Bole? It’s the man with sunglasses in his pocket and a man wearing a floral dress. The name is Wei Chaochao, and they said! They just left the back door and left this way, sister! Or I will take you to find them!”

  Bloodshot slowly loosened Xiao Sun, the body of the red raincoat turned into blood rain, and disappeared directly.

  Little Sun was sitting at the same place, and his brain was still awake: “What did I just say?”

   patted his face, and Xiao Sun was still sitting on the ground. At this time, the black mist had wrapped the orphanage, and there was blood red rain in the fog.

   “Hey! What are you doing there alone?” The couple from Xinhai walked out of another room, and the man kept staring at the backyard door. He seemed to see something.

   “Don’t ask, I want to sit here now and be quiet.” Xiao Sun had an instinctive aversion to the man from Xinhai, and he didn’t know why.

   “What about Fu Bole? Aren’t he and Wei Chaochao just outside?” Ma Feng saw the key to the problem, regardless of what happened, the most important thing was that his teammates disappeared a few unclearly.

   “They said they found a child, and that child may be a fetus.”

   “Where are they going?” Ma Feng stared at Xiao Sun closely: “Get up, you take us to find them.”

   “I?” Xiao Sun Ben thought of leaving the big army directly. He first contacted Chen Ge and said, Ma Mafeng didn’t give him a chance at all.

   Ma Feng seems to have begun to doubt him, but Ma Feng is thinking with normal human thinking, suspecting that a person will stare at him so that he will not have the opportunity to do small moves.

   His approach is also correct, but he does not know how much it costs to bring Sun Xiaojun around.

   “Okay, I will take you there, but you must be mentally prepared.”

  Little Sun climbed from the ground and led the survivors out of the white orphanage through the back door.


   Fu Bole, Qin Guang and Wei Chaochao ran out of the back door of the white orphanage. They rushed out of the black mist and chased the figure in front of them on the street.

   “This old man’s legs and feet are so good?!”

  Fu Bole and Wei Chaochao felt that Chen Ge’s haunted house was hydrated, and they did not look at Chen Ge’s haunted house, so they were not afraid to act alone from the big troops. Qin Guang was completely pitted.

   After he ran out with the two of them, he dared not go back alone and had to keep his head sullen and keep following.

  Birthplace scenes are bigger than everyone imagined. The architectural styles on both sides of the street soon changed again. A slight odor was floating in the air. After running around the corner, Fu Bole appeared a staff cafeteria in front of them.

   The old man stayed at the entrance of the hall with the child, he seemed to hesitate to go in.

   “It can be considered stopped.” Fu Bole gasped, slowly approaching the old man.

The old man took the child’s hand, and the two of them didn’t react very much when they saw Fu Bole, but after only a few seconds, the grandfather and grandson were completely occupied by fear, and they stared at the street behind Fu Bole, Instantly got into the cafeteria.

   “What about me?” Fu Bole also got angry. He was walked by an old man for a long time, and the other party even stopped deliberately to wait for him.

   “Fu, this cafeteria seems to be a new scene. Let’s wait for others to come in and go in again.”

  As Wei Chaochao said, Fu Bole was not in a hurry to enter the cafeteria. After all, he was a top haunted house designer. He knew a lot of startling points and the setting of institutions.

   Probably checked, Fu Bole found no suspicious places, out of trust in his professional ability, he did not continue to stay, but directly entered the canteen.

  Forefoot stepped into the canteen, before Fu Bole had time to speak, he heard the sound of “Bang”, and the canteen door behind him was closed.

   was shocked, and Fu Bole was about to speak out Wei Chaochao’s name, and heard the screams of Wei Chaochao and Qin Guang outside the door.

  It’s heartbreaking, and the sound is like killing a pig, and Fu Bole’s back is cold.

   Bloodshot entered the house along the door panel, as if looking for someone, Fu Bole resolutely withdrew and left the cafeteria door.

“What happened outside?” He didn’t think that Wei Chaochao would scare him by cooperating with the haunted house, and could make Wei Chaochao scream like that, indicating that there was really something terrible outside the door: “Did the old man escape from the orphanage because We are followed by a’ghost’?”

It is a normal thing to have ghosts in a haunted house, but this “ghost” is not the same as the “ghost” in a haunted house in the normal sense.

  Fu Bole had what Zuo Han once said in his mind. When there were many people, he didn’t feel much. Now he is alone, and the brain can’t help thinking about the real ghost.

   “There should be other doors in this building.” Fu Bole crossed the dining table and came to the back kitchen of the cafeteria. The smell is very strong. There are three words written on the door of the back kitchen-Weiwei House.

   Pushed the wooden door open, and Fu Bole lay prone at the door and looked inside. There was a flesh mountain shaking in the back kitchen. It was a person fatter than Liang Er and Liang San combined.

   He wore an unfit chef’s uniform and smelled foul all over, constantly pouring things into the pot.

  Stir-fry and stir. The chef tasted the dishes in the pot, and it seems that he is still a little bit worse.

   He took out the kitchen knife, and after sharpening, he turned slowly, and the bloodless face of the dead man looked at Fu Bole at the door.

   The mouth was cracked, and the chef said a word in his blood-stained mouth: “The dishes are finally together.”

   Every step is taken, the whole cafeteria is shaking, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just when the meat-like chef is coming.

  Blood water slipped down the roof, the main entrance of the canteen was knocked open, and the unconscious Wei Chaochao collapsed to the ground, and a woman in a red raincoat came in.

   The smelly chef was a little puzzled. He waved a huge kitchen knife in his hand and tapped the cutting board gently with his fingers.

   Bloodshot rolled, and the murderous red raincoat dragged the half-dead Wei Chaochao to the door of the back kitchen. Her blood-red eyes looked at Fu Bole.

   was hit by two red clothes around, Fu Bole hugged the door frame, he couldn’t use any energy in his calf, and sat on his knees directly, he was about to be scared to pee.


   hummed songs, pinched the watch, and painted Chen Ge stayed at the entrance of the scene of the fetal scene.

   In order not to be hit by tourists, he specifically waited for a while to ensure that no tourists would be near the entrance before preparing to enter.

  Remove the thick chain, Chen Ge took the comic book and opened the black iron door.

  He was about to pull the iron gate hard, and suddenly a ray of black mist floated out.


  Opened the door completely, Chen Ge’s eyes slowly widened.

   The endless black mist spreads on the streets indiscriminately, and the blood rain pours over the silent town.


  The chain in his hand fell to the ground. Chen Ge’s first reaction was to relock the black iron door.

   “What’s going on? Did the cursed hospital invade?!”

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