I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1131 - Get connected, Hanjiang Forensic Medical School

Reliance has always been the culprit. Ma Feng’s trembling hands could hardly hold the death certificate.

A thin piece of paper, which was heavier than Mount Tai in his hand, directly crushed Ma Feng’s heart.

Obviously in order to escape death, he grabbed the arm of Death and ran all the way.

Obviously, to avoid ghosts, he followed Li Gui closely and never gave up.

This amazing reversal made it difficult for Ma Feng to even breathe. He looked at Xiao Sun, who was lying at the door looking out, and his spiritual pillar shattered into powder.

The blood in the whole body seemed to be frozen, and Ma Feng’s world collapsed.

Turning in a whirlwind, he fell heavily to the ground, and he could still hear the sound of Marco, Marco…

“Ma Ge! Ma Ge!” Xiao Sun desperately shakes Ma Feng’s body, but Ma Feng has no response, maybe Ma Ge has no longer nostalgia for this world.

“We are safe! Brother! We finally arrived in a safe room after a lot of hard work. Why did you faint at this time?”

Xiao Sun smiled bitterly. He could be sure that there was no haunted man in this room because it was the room where he lived.

“What can I do? It doesn’t feel like he’s a normal syncope, or should I take him to the underground corpse to see the doctors? But I’m not familiar with the doctor, the old gentleman looks fierce.” God, Xiao Sun didn’t dare to hesitate anymore, he helped Ma Feng to go out.

Before stepping out, the phone in Ma Feng’s pocket suddenly rang.

Xiaosun took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. The person who called was Qin Guang.

“I’m a little impressed. He seems to be a very powerful anchor. He came in with Ma Feng.” Xiao Sun was about to connect the phone, and hesitated again: “I answered the call with Ma Feng’s mobile phone, but Ma Feng is now in a coma and unable to send Voice, this is easily misunderstood. I made Ma Feng dizzy. Although I am also a haunted house actor, I can’t admit what I didn’t do.”

Not only did Xiaosun not stun Ma Feng, but he also rescued the comatose Ma Feng many times, so he didn’t want to carry this black pot anyway.

After thinking for a while, Xiaosun hung up the phone and sent a message to Qin Guang: “I’m hiding in a room. There is someone walking around the door, and it’s not convenient to speak now.”

A moment later, Qin Guang returned a message: “I am with the students of the forensic school, where are you? This haunted house is very unsafe, we feel like it is really haunted here.”

Seeing Qin Guang’s reply, Xiao Sun raised his eyebrows: “Exposed? Who exposed? In the end, if the tourists knew that the horror house was really haunted, who would dare to come here to play? Really troublesome! I want to think about it Way to remedy!”

He took the phone, thought hard and meditated, and finally sent Qin Guang a message: “My companion and I found a secret passage. We have entered the hidden scene, how about you?”

“We are also in the hidden scene! Medical students saved me. They found the secret passage in a sub-scenario with the theme of the heart. Now they and I are hiding in the residential building in the hidden scene.”

Xiao Sun stared at the words on the phone screen. He did not expect that Qin Guang and the rest of the tourists had entered the hidden scene: “Can you tell me more about the location? Is there a more distinctive building next to you?”

“The second building of Jiuhong Community is written outside the building. There are no tenants in the building, and all are wards, which is particularly scary.”

“Don’t run around, I’ll meet you.” Xiao Sun ran out of the room immediately after sending this message, but halfway back, he came back: “It’s not safe to just throw Ma Feng in the house. He is not the same as the coma symptoms of others. I’d better take him with me. After meeting other employees, I will give Ma Feng directly to them and let them take Ma Feng to see the doctor.”

Xiao Sun had a good idea. He helped Ma Feng out of his room, but the strange thing was that there were an exaggerated number of ghosts in the haunted house, but Xiao Sun couldn’t meet anyone here. Everyone seemed to be hiding from him.

“This Ma Feng is really a big trouble, no one wants to come too close to him.”

Hidden scene In Building 2 of Jiuhong Community, Heshan, Zuo Han and Teacher Wang stood together, and they surrounded Qin Guang holding a mobile phone in the middle.

“Look at Ma Feng’s message back carefully. Does this sound like Ma Feng’s tone of speech? Even the person who hasn’t been in contact with Ma Feng for a long time sees the problem. Are you still asking me silly why?” Zuo Hanyao He shook his head: “The phone has been replaced.”

“But this is Mr. Ma’s mobile phone number!” Qin Guang was still a little unconvinced.

“Why don’t you understand it? Then explain to me why he didn’t call you, but he wants to send you a message?”

“Maybe he is not convenient now?”

“Wrong, because the actor who is good at imitating the sound has not come over. When the actor appears, he will use Ma Feng’s voice to mislead you.” Zuo Han waved his hand: “Don’t have illusions anymore, a lot of haunted houses The actor already knows where we are. If you don’t want to be scared, you’d better leave with us immediately.”

“But in case it really is President Ma, he came over and found that we were not here…” Qin Guang was a little worried that Ma Feng was angry.

“I’ll tell you one last time, we kindly let you follow, now you are begging us, so don’t talk so much nonsense.” Zuo Han stuffed a rag doll’s head to Qin Guang: “Take it, don’t lose it .”

“Do you have to bring this stuff with you?” Qin Guang reluctantly held the ragdoll’s head in both hands.

“We took the effort of nine cows and two tigers to find the head of the ragdoll, and we must take it with us.” Heshan did not like Qin Guang. If Zuo Han did not find Qin Guang useful, he would never take Qin Guang.

“Not only to bring it, but also to maintain sufficient respect for it.” Zuo Han’s voice has always been cold, he thinks about issues rarely mixed with personal emotions, even if those tourists have sneered at him, but as long as he finds it useful , It will take into account the other party without considering it.

The core of the problem is that to be useful to him can help him improve the current situation.

After clearing the scene of the living coffin village, Zuo Han was deeply afraid of various quest items in the horror house. He knew that when the visit came to an end, all the ghosts in the scene would be crazy, giving priority to attacking with quest items People.

He took Qin Guang and put it plainly, just to make Qin Guang “dead” a little more valuable.

Going to the door of Building 2 in Jiuhong Community, Zuo Han motioned Qin Guang to walk in front: “The ragdoll head in your hand is an amulet. As long as you hold it, you will not be attacked by monsters in the dark mist.”

Whether Zuo Han will be attacked by monsters is unknown, but he has done experiments, and the ragdoll’s head can indeed disperse the black mist.

Qin Guang walked in doubt in front of the team. It was strange to say that those black mist automatically avoided him.

“Black Mist seems to be afraid of the ragdoll’s head. Why is this happening? This scene is called a fetal fetus. Is it a fetal fetus?” Zuo Han guessed based on his past experience: “The haunted house boss is proficient in psychology and treats people The fear in my heart is so fascinating, I can’t use the normal way of thinking to try to figure out the mind of boss Chen.”

Zuo Han touched the tip of his nose, his eyes kept looking at the ragdoll’s head: “The task is to find the body of the ragdoll. If the ragdoll is a dead tire, then looking for the body of the ragdoll is not equivalent to the tourists taking this initiative. Did the most terrifying guy in the scene come together?”

Thinking of this, Zuo Han felt cold in his back: “Boss Chen wants to let tourists release the devil himself!”

It is impossible to clear customs. Zuo Hanguang feels terrible when he thinks about it. Now this scene has brought him more horror than other scenes.

To make matters worse, he knew very well that this was not the most terrible time of the fetal scene.

“The difficulty of the four-star scene is really not ordinary. I came here as a way to explore. I already know the location of a secret road. The next challenge should be much easier.” Zuo Han and several other tourists walked out of Jiuhong Building No. 2 in the community is protected by rag dolls’ heads. They were not attacked by the strange guys in the black mist, and they came to the entrance of Building No. 1 smoothly.

“The second building is full of inexplicable wards. It seems that the residents in the building are crazy. Is this residential area a private psychiatric hospital?” The background of the nativity scene is very vague. Zuo Han can only proceed according to the clues he found. Speculate.

There are many clues hidden in the second building of Jiuhong Community, but what makes Zuo Han embarrassed is that these clues cannot form a complete chain.

In fact, this is not to blame Zuo Han. In order not to expose some of the secrets of the womb and the cursed hospital, Chen Ge took away some important clues that originally existed in the scene.

What tourists see is just what Chen Ge wants them to see.

But just relying on those fragmented clues, Zuo Han and Teacher Wang still infer something.

“Let’s treat Building 2 of Jiuhong Community as a psychiatric hospital. The patients in it are very special. What’s more weird is that doctors don’t seem to want to treat them at all. Instead, they continue to guide them in a perverted direction, aggravating them crazy. ‘S condition.”

“The hidden scene is the core scene. This private psychiatric hospital appears here, indicating that the private psychiatric hospital is very important for the fetal womb. Our scene’s protagonist may have completed the final transformation here.”

“If the rag doll symbolizes the fetal womb, then finding the rag doll’s incomplete body is to wake up the fetal womb. The difficulty of the scene will increase to an incredible point. This is definitely not the optimal solution!” Zuo Han glanced at the rag doll unconsciously. Suddenly, the eyes on the doll’s head seemed to be watching him.

Suddenly the heartbeat accelerated, and Zuo Han saw a trace of sadness and loneliness in the eyes of the doll.

“Find the body of the rag doll and bring it out of the scene. This may be a mortal task. The real way to clear the customs may be to influence the rag doll and release it.” Zuo Han’s brain turned fast, and countless thoughts were in his mind. collision.

“What are you thinking about?” Teacher Wang valued Zuo Han very much and asked in a low voice.

Zuo Han whispered his guess to Teacher Wang quietly. The other party did not answer the question for a long time, but only slowed down. Until he was far away from Qin Guang, Teacher Wang whispered: “Zuo Han, you know I visited What is your biggest feeling now?”

“What is it?”

“True.” Teacher Wang’s expression became very serious: “It’s too real. I participated in the detection of too many heavy cases. The feeling brought me here is the same as the murder scene.”

“Do you suspect that there have been murders here?” Zuo Han was very clever. As soon as Teacher Wang spoke, he guessed Teacher Wang’s thoughts.

“Yes, and more than one.” Teacher Wang took a deep breath: “The layout of this place, as well as the words left by those dying, all reveal a **** sense of reality. You may not have been to the front line. I don’t realize it yet.”

“But if so many murders have happened here, Chen’s haunted house cannot be opened at all. In my opinion, he should have copied the murders that he participated in the detection into the haunted house, plus a certain amount of artistic processing, just It has become what it is now.”

“Hopefully I think too much.” Teacher Wang walked at the end of the team, and he rarely walked with his students like this.

“Teacher, if you are really interested in this, we can come back next time.” Zuo Han wants to revitalize the atmosphere. He is afraid that Teacher Wang will remember those bad things in the past.

“I’m afraid there is no chance. I will go to Xinhai in a while.”

“You still can’t let go of that case?”

“Zuo Han, do you know what is most important for forensic medicine?”

“Pathologically judge the cause of death and provide the most effective support for the police to build an evidence chain.”

“You’re right, it’s not right.” Teacher Wang gently pointed to his heart, and he didn’t say anything anymore.

Zuo Han did not ask, he just remembered the word Xinhai firmly, if he could, he wanted to help Teacher Wang.

Only four remaining tourists entered the No. 1 building of Jiuhong Community, and the dark corridor exuded a faint smell~www.mtlnovel.com~ Every door was filled with a bowl of white rice, and a pair of chopsticks were inserted in the meal.

“Before exploring this scene, I must say to you first, now that the visit time has passed by two thirds, this scene will soon usher in the third stage, all ghosts will be crazy by the time, you better do it in advance Psychological preparation.”

After Zuo Han finished speaking, he led the others into the corridor.

Shortly after they left, the blood rain wetted the exterior walls of the building, and a red figure slowly emerged in the dark mist.

The tourists inside the building did not notice the abnormality. Qin Guang holding the rag doll’s head walked at the front. After discovering that the rag doll’s head could disperse the black mist, he treated it as a baby and kept it around his chest.

“I was lucky this time. I met some old players who were willing to take me, but I don’t know what happened to President Ma?”

Opening a door of the room, no accident happened, Qin Guang’s courage grew slowly.

Until he reached the third floor, there was a strange noise on the first floor, as if someone accidentally knocked over the rice at the door of the room.

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