I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1165 - Exchanged identities

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Lying on the bed of the mental illness treatment center, Chen Ge was perfectly integrated into this environment, whether it was his expression or what he said.

“A person who was fine during the day, how could he be so sick at night?” Zuo Han sat back on his bed and was a long distance away from Chen Ge: “I am studying forensic medicine. I have been studying for so many years. I have never heard that frequent stimulation can activate memory.”

“You study forensic medicine by dealing with corpses. The situation of living people may be more complicated.”

“Do you know how low your body temperature was when you fell ill? The only difference between you and the dead at that time was that you still had a heartbeat.” Zuo Han wanted to cooperate with Chen Ge at first, and everyone escaped together. Now I gradually find that my roommate is very dangerous, and maybe I will kill myself sometime.

In Zuo Han’s view, Chen Ge is not just as simple as being sick, he also seems to have other secrets hidden in him.

“Could it be that this hospital has been conducting human experiments?” Zuo Han tried to use his knowledge to find the answer, but the more he thought about it, the more confused he became. It is difficult for science to explain Chen Ge’s state. This is already in the category of theology.

“Zuo Han, can you tell me some ghost stories? The most scary one.” Chen Ge lay on the bed, turned his head to look at Zuo Han, with a look of expectation.

“Are you sick? What kind of ghost story?” Zuo Han blurted out. He realized that he couldn’t see Chen Ge at all. “You want to hear ghost stories from patients in the early hours of midnight. You really want to know what kind of mentality you have Say something like this?”

“I just want to give it a try to see if the emotion of fear can stimulate me to restore my memory.”

Hearing Chen Ge’s words, Zuo Han also felt that there was a sense of truth. The corners of his eyes twitched lightly, and then he told Chen Ge some ghost stories he knew.

“Do you feel scared?”

“No, your story doesn’t make me excited at all.”

“Anyone who listens to ghost stories won’t get excited!” Zuo Han got up from the bed and dragged his hospital bed away from Chen Ge, until he stopped at the door.

At this distance, if Chen Ge is against him, he can open the door and run out immediately.

“Did anything terrible happen to you?”

“Yes, I was imprisoned in a mental hospital, and my patient asked me to tell him ghost stories at night.” Zuo Han could not understand Chen Ge’s behavior at all, and it was difficult to explain it from medical and occultism.

“Your ghost story is not scary at all, it’s better…” Chen Ge reluctantly raised his hand: “How about let’s play some psychic games? For example, pen fairy, disc fairy or something?”

There is no need to think, some things are already engraved in the body, and Chen Ge is very familiar with these words.

“Didn’t you lose your memory? How do you know so much about these weird things?” Zuo Han realized the problem.

“I have the impression that I was once the owner of a haunted house, but the doctor said that I took the identity of someone else and my story was fabricated.”

“The doctor may be deceiving you. Judging from your strange performance tonight, you are keen on seeking excitement, you like the feeling of panic, and you are also familiar with horror games like Pen Fairy and Die Fairy. You were probably opening a haunted house before. Yes!” Zuo Han touched his chin in thought.

“But why did the doctor lie to me?”

“how could I know?”

“Then let’s play the pen fairy game? I should be able to slowly remember something.”

“No play, no pen.”

“Where is Die Immortal? I also know that a horror game is called back-to-back, in which a person lies on a bed and a person hides under the bedboard…” Once he thought deeply, Chen Ge’s brain seemed to be torn, so no matter what he said, It is instinctive to do certain behaviors.

Zuo Han didn’t talk to Chen Ge anymore. He lay on the bed with a cold face and turned his back to Chen Ge and began to think about how to escape the hospital.

After lying in this position for a while, Zuo Han felt uneasy in his heart for some reason. Thinking back to Chen Ge’s words, he always felt something wrong: “Is it possible that he is pretending to be sick? With my back facing him, will he be now? Standing behind me?”

Goose bumps appeared on his neck, Zuo Han suddenly turned over and found that Chen Ge was asleep.

“Looking asleep looks pretty normal, I really didn’t expect him to say such terrible things.”

The ward became quiet. At around two o’clock in the morning, a strange noise suddenly came from somewhere in the hospital, as if something exploded.

Chen Ge and Zuo Han were all awakened. They hadn’t realized what was going on yet, suddenly there were footsteps outside the corridor.

“Someone is here!”

The door of the ward was lightly knocked twice. Before Chen Ge and Zuo Han approached, the sound of footsteps went away again.

When Zuo Han opened the door, there was no figure in the corridor outside: “Who knocked on the door?”

“By the way, when you went out to check last night, someone came and knocked on the door, but he only knocked.” Chen Ge found that when he recalled the memory after waking up in the hospital, his brain would not hurt, but if he recalled before the coma Memory, the brain will have a sense of tearing.

“I knocked it yesterday, and knocked it twice today? It seems that the other party came here specifically and was doing this in a targeted manner.” Zuo Han stared at Chen Ge: “Do you still know other patients in the hospital? ?”

“I don’t remember. From the time I was hospitalized until now, I seem to have been in a coma many times. Every time I wake up, the memory of the last time I went into a coma will become blurred.”

“Is it possible that this is the case? The hospital wants you to become a’normal person’ that meets their standards, but every treatment fails, so you can only’restart’ constantly?” The more you think about it, the more you think it is possible:” You may have experienced similar treatments many times, but you didn’t realize it.”

“But what does this have to do with the knocker?” Chen Ge was lying on the bed, he tried to control himself not to think, and hurry up to recover.

“Will the relationship between you and the knocker be the same as our relationship?” Zuo Han boldly speculated: “He should be your former patient. You were’restarted’ because of treatment failure, and he was hidden. After coming down, the knock on the door may be some kind of agreement between you, or maybe he is suggesting something to you?”

“It makes sense.” Chen Ge nodded.

“He may show up again tomorrow night. We will find a way to contact him then.”

“it is good.”

The hospital tonight was not peaceful, and there were always footsteps in the corridors. Chen Ge fell asleep when it was almost dawn.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Doctor Gao and Xu Wan entered the ward together.

“How was your rest last night?” Doctor Gao once again ignored Zuo Han who was lying on the bed, and walked directly to Chen Ge’s bed. He looked a little tired.

“It’s not great, something seemed to explode in the hospital last night, and a loud noise frightened me.” Chen Ge looked a little weak and spoke slowly.

“There is a problem in the boiler room of the hospital. It’s not a big deal.” Doctor Gao sat on the bed in the middle of the ward: “Did you dream last night?”

“No.” Chen Ge shook his head: “I feel as if I am forgetting something. Some vague memory fragments in my mind are being covered by new memories. I am very contradictory and I don’t know which one is the real me.”

“You can realize this, it means that your condition has improved significantly. Don’t force it, let’s take your time.” Doctor Gao is very patient: “You should not be anxious to treat mental illness. You must accept it and recognize it. Then defeat it.”

After speaking, Doctor Gao turned his head and looked at Zuo Han for the first time: “Chen Ge, I heard the nurse say that someone was walking around in the corridor last night. Didn’t you and your roommate leave the ward last night?”

Hearing what Doctor Gao said, Zuo Han opened his eyes, but he was lying on the bed with his back facing Doctor Gao, so neither Doctor Gao nor Chen Ge noticed.

“We have been in the room all the time, but I heard footsteps in the middle of the night. It was very messy, as if there were many people outside.” Chen Ge did not continue this topic, but grabbed the scared awakening and said. Get up: “Doctor Gao, I discovered something very strange last night.”

“You said.”

“When I was frightened by the explosion last night, the horror at that moment seemed to run through my body like an electric current. I really hated the feeling of horror, and my body kept trembling.” Chen Ge hit his chest with his hands and his face was very bad. .

Doctor Gao listened patiently, while Zuo Han, who was pretending to be asleep, curled his lips.

The lunatic who can stare at the mental patient inside the door with a perverted smile, now actually says he hates the feeling of panic?

“I seemed to be thrown into an endless nightmare. I had headaches, palpitations, cold sweats, I couldn’t breathe, and even a sense of weightlessness and dying.” Chen Ge held his head and said quickly: “I The memories of the past seem to be full of fear. When I was frightened again, the deep sense of powerlessness invaded my whole body. I hate the memories of the past and want to completely remove them from my mind! Doctor Gao, can you Help me?”

Before Doctor Gao sitting by the bed spoke, Zuo Han opened his eyes wide. He already knew what Chen Ge wanted to do.

“Fear makes you disgusted and afraid of past memories?” Doctor Gao nodded slowly: “I have communicated with you before. The story you imagined is really scary. It is definitely a bad memory.”

With a blank look, Chen Ge looked at the ceiling stupidly: “It’s really too painful. I hate myself falling into fear.”

“This is a normal reaction. You will feel this way. It means that you are gradually being cured.” Doctor Gao took out the medicine bottle from his pocket and poured out two pills. He watched Chen Ge take it, then turned and left: “I am going to revise the treatment plan, and you will follow Xu Wan for breakfast later.”

After Doctor Gao left, Xu Wan helped Chen Ge to help Chen Ge wash, and then took Chen Ge to the hospital cafeteria.

“This is the canteen in the third ward. When your condition becomes stable in the future, you can come here to eat by yourself.” Xu Wan prepared a meal for Chen Ge before leaving.

“I am very familiar with this scene. In my memory, she often brought meals for me.” Chen Ge said to himself. He had no friends and sat alone in the corner of the dining room, occasionally looking up at the patients around him.

“The third ward of Xinhai Central Hospital is a treatment center for mental patients, which is the same as the third ward in my memory.”

Memories are interspersed with reality, and are firmly intertwined. Chen Ge took a spoon and tapped on the tabletop.

He was expressionless, thinking of something in his mind.

“Doctor Gao said that self-insight is extremely important to mental patients. Some time ago, the word self-insight key appeared in my head. The memory that emerged with this word has a third ward, although I don’t remember that I was in the third ward. I’ve done something here, but one thing is certain, there is a certain connection between the key of insight and the third ward. If I imagined the third ward, the prototype in reality is the third ward, it’s Doesn’t it also indirectly indicate that the key to insight is hidden somewhere in the third ward?”

The deformation of the key in his hand was painful torturing Chen Ge’s nerves, but he supported it with a terrifying will.

“Doctor Gao said that my past memories are all fabricated stories, and the impressive things in the memory can find prototypes in reality. Then I have to see what the key to insight in my memory looks like in reality. “

When Chen Ge thought of the key to insight and the third ward, another memory fragment naturally emerged in his mind: “Insight is very important to mental patients, and the key to insight is related to the mental hospital. This arrangement It’s not accidental. It feels like someone behind the scenes has set all of this deliberately. He seems to predict that one day I will be locked up in a mental hospital and set up the key to insight in advance.”

Every time the brain moves, it is as if countless needles pass through it. This kind of pain is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

“The key to insight is like a node that triggers memory, pointing out a direction for my thinking.”

Twisting the key that was about to deform, Chen Ge endured the pain and ate the meal bit by bit.

He is slowly getting used to the pain, using this most stupid and cruel method to face his past.

After eating, Chen Ge came to the garden outside the hospital with axillary crutches: “No matter what, I can no longer be detained in the isolation ward. I will act as the kind of person the hospital wants me to be. Only then have the opportunity to investigate the truth.”

Sitting on the bench, Chen Ge looked at the pavilion in the distance, but Zhang Jingjiu did not come.

“Just say a word to me, will you be punished so severely?” The sun shone on Chen Ge’s face, UU reading www.uukanshu. com but he did not feel the slightest warmth.

“It seems that Zhang Jingjiu will not come.”

A few minutes later, the flowers were arched open, and a cat’s head appeared. The stray cat seemed to have been waiting for Chen Ge. Of course, Chen Ge might also be waiting for it.

Drilling out of the flowers, the white cat bit Chen Ge’s trousers and dragged him to the fence. Chen Ge did not resist either.

Only this time was different from the last time. After the white cat led Chen Ge to the fence, he yelled at Chen Ge a few times, and then it crawled out of the gap in the fence and ran to the paradise across the road.

“Is it making me wait for it here?” Chen Ge didn’t have any impression of the cat. There was no such cat in his past or present memory.

Ten minutes later, just when Chen Ge suspected that he was being put on a pigeon by a cat, the white cat appeared again, with a woman in red behind him.

“Zhang Ya?”

The woman put on ghost makeup, she was slightly taken aback when she heard Chen Ge call out her name.

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