I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1174 - Brain maze

Chen Ge and the others just left the treatment room as if there were still seven people sitting, and the figures of these seven people were vaguely like Chen Ge and the others.

Rubbing his eyes, when Chen Ge took a closer look, Doctor Gao grabbed his arm and he was dragged to the other side of the corner.

“Is it dazzled?”

Five patients and two doctors have already walked out of the treatment room. How could there be seven people in the ward?

“Are we still in the ward? It’s our consciousness or soul that came out?” Chen Ge thought this was incredible, and he didn’t dare to go back alone now, so he had to follow everyone to walk forward.

The most urgent task is to send Zhang Jingjiu to the emergency room to stabilize his injury first.

Dr. Sun, Patient No. 1 and Patient No. 2 walked in front. They found the stretcher from the nurse’s station, and carried Zhang Jingjiu to move downstairs.

Patient No. 4 seemed to be very scared. She held the torn paper butterfly in her hand and kept hiding beside Patient No. 5.

At first glance, everyone is behaving normally. If you take off the hospital gown, no one will think that five of the seven people have serious mental illnesses.

“I’ve been to the fifth floor, and the patients in the critical ward are noisy one by one. Even in the early hours of the morning, this floor is very noisy, but now there is no abnormal noise in all the wards on the fifth floor. Could it be that the patients were moved away in advance? Yet?”

The only answer Chen Ge can think of is this. He doesn’t think anyone can kill all patients, nor does he think that the murderer can make all patients in the intensive care mental hospital silent.

“Unless the murderer is the doctor, he is feeding a lot of sleeping pills to all patients tonight.”

Looking to the side of Doctor Gao, Chen Ge felt that Doctor Gao was becoming more and more unfamiliar: “He is the one who wants to drive me crazy. He is the one who needs to feed me the medicine twice, but this is a doctor. Why do I feel so familiar? Isn’t the Doctor Gao in my memory the same person as the Doctor Gao in front of me?”

In order not to touch the memory of the past, Chen Ge carefully sorted out the clues in his mind: “There are seven chairs in the treatment room. This number should not be set randomly.”

Several patients and doctors brought Zhang Jingjiu to the first floor. There was no one in the nurse station and the duty room. The whole building was dark, as if the hospital had been abandoned for a long time.

“What’s the matter? If it’s just a blackout, so many patients should still be in the ward!” Patient No. 2 was a little anxious. He was worried about Zhang Jingjiu’s injury, and felt that the hospital tonight was strange everywhere.

“When I entered the treatment room, everything was still normal.” Dr. Sun walked in the forefront to lead the way. He walked fast, as if being chased by something.

“A total of only a few minutes, it is absolutely impossible for such a big change to happen!” Patient No. 2 is still more rational, although the hospital diagnosed him as delusional.

“Yeah! This is too strange!” Patient No. 5 was also very scared, but he was still standing next to Patient No. 4. If there was a real danger, he would flee with Patient No. 4.

Several patients kept talking, perhaps because they were annoyed by their questioning, Dr. Sun, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped. He looked back at Dr. Gao and made sure that Dr. Gao is now like a dead person with nothing on his face. After the expression, his eyes moved to Chen Ge.

“In fact, there is a strange story in this hospital. Legend has it that you can see the other side of this hospital by opening a door of a certain ward after midnight!” Dr. Sun kept his eyes on Chen Ge when he said this. , It seems that this passage is actually specifically for Chen Ge.

“Push the door? See the other side of the hospital?”

“What do you mean?”

“Doctor Sun, are you really a doctor in this hospital?”

The patients were chattering, but Dr. Sun did not speak any more, as if the words he just said took a great risk.

For the patient, it was the first time Dr. Sun and the others met, and the only Dr. Gao who knew Dr. Sun’s true identity was in a strange state.

He didn’t say a word, his body was cold, and to be precise, Doctor Gao was slowly becoming like a dead person.

The patients have many questions, but none of them can be answered. The doors and windows in the hospital are closed, and they have nowhere to escape now, so they can only follow the doctor.

Pushing the door of the safe passage in the third ward, two dark corridors appeared in front of Chen Ge’s eyes. He had visited this place with Zuo Han before, and that time he played his second personality.

“Hurry up, don’t stay in the passage for too long.”

Doctor Sun chose the corridor where Chen Ge did not go last time and walked in. He kept urging, and Chen Ge, who was walking at the end of the team, also began to accelerate.

When they walked out of the safe passage, the door at the other end of the passage behind them banged and closed by themselves.

“Someone is following?” Chen Ge is also a little confused now, there are too many questions.

First, he met Zhang Jingjiu who was seriously injured. Then after they left, Chen Ge found that there were seven people sitting in the treatment room. Now the door behind him closed by itself, indicating that someone was following them.

Chen Ge, who hadn’t fully recovered, felt his head hurt again.

“This is the fourth ward. All kinds of critically ill and terminally ill patients will be sent here.” Dr. Sun glanced at Chen Ge and inadvertently added: “Many people died here.”

No one knows what Dr. Sun’s last sentence means, and he is not ready to explain, but hastened his pace.

The electrical system of the entire hospital seemed to be paralyzed, and they could only move forward with the help of the brief light brought by lightning outside the window.

The internal structure of the fourth ward is completely different from that of the third ward. There are very few wards for patients to live in, and the ground floor is full of various departments.

“There is no one in the duty room in this ward.” Patient No. 2 was a little anxious: “We must stop the bleeding immediately, otherwise his life will be in danger!”

“Why are all the pictures on the wall in the duty room of the fourth ward are men?” Doctor Fang looked at the faces on the wall and took a step back subconsciously.

“Is it weird that it’s all men?” Patient 5 asked in a low voice.

“I used to be a surgeon. For a while, many patients in our hospital committed suicide and were panicked. In order to take care of female doctors, we temporarily only line up male doctors during the night shift.” After leaving the ward, Doctor Fang has not calmed down. He often He would look behind him inexplicably, as if he was worried that someone around would want to hurt him.

“You used to be a surgeon?” Patient No. 2 was stunned, and then immediately turned to Dr. Sun and said, “We have a surgeon in here. Does anyone in the duty room have little influence on us? Now as long as we have tools, we can Save this patient’s life.”

“I am an ENT department…”

“It doesn’t matter, I am a forensic doctor, and I have a little knowledge of surgery, which can assist you.” Patient No. 2 has a decisive personality. Although he is not much different from Patient No. 1, he is obviously better at handling various emergencies.

Dr. Sun looked at several patients, but said lightly: “Come with me.”

Walking through the dim hospital corridor, Dr. Sun stopped outside a certain department. He did not go in directly, but made a very strange move.

Raising his arm, Dr. Sun knocked on the door lightly.

No more, no less, he just hit six times.

When Dr. Sun knocked on the door, Chen Ge felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot. It seemed that the world had torn away its disguise and wanted to reveal his original appearance.

But soon, the ticking sound of the mechanical watch penetrated his ears again, and nothing changed around him.

After knocking on the door, Dr. Sun stood by the door, he did not speak or push the door.

“The door is locked?” Patient No. 2 was a little anxious, and went directly to push the door of the room hard, pushing the door of the department open: “Hurry up and bring him in!”

Patient No. 2 didn’t notice Dr. Sun’s abnormality, but Chen Ge kept an eye on it.

Several patients carried Zhang Jingjiu into the room, and when they were about to put Zhang Jingjiu on the bed in the emergency room, they saw a human-shaped shadow on the bed.

The light black and red, I don’t know if it was blood or something, just smeared out the outline of a person.

“It feels like there was a bleeding man who lay on this bed.” Chen Ge stared at the bed sheet. Before he had time to watch carefully, patient 1 and patient 2 had already placed Zhang Jingjiu on the bed. Hospital bed.

They rummaged through boxes and cabinets looking for various medical tools. After a long time of tossing, they finally helped Zhang Jingjiu stop the blood.

“The technique is so professional, they don’t look like mental patients.” Chen Ge silently observed beside him, he found that there were more and more weird places around him, especially after Dr. Sun appeared, this feeling became stronger. .

“The dead doctor Gao grabbed my hand and kept me away from him. Dr. Sun, who behaved abnormally, kept giving me hints, as if he wanted to tell me something?”

“The two doctors seem to be arguing because of me. It’s weird. How do I feel that this world was made specifically for me?”

Two former doctors were trying to treat Zhang Jingjiu, but the real doctors stood at the door and watched.

This scene gave Chen Ge a feeling of absurdity. In the hospital at midnight, who is the patient and who is the doctor?

Gradually, his arm was grasped, Chen Ge frowned and glanced at it, and he found that Doctor Gao’s nails were almost dug into his flesh.

“Doctor Gao?” Chen Ge shook his arm, but Doctor Gao did not respond. He just grabbed Chen Ge, as if he would not let Chen Ge escape anyway.

Why did he do this?

The dead doctor Gao beside Chen Ge seemed to perceive something, and his cold face gradually twisted.

When Zhang Jingjiu’s injury stabilized a bit, the sound of dragging heavy objects rang from outside the emergency room.

“There are other victims!” Chen Ge looked out the door, as if someone was looking at him in the dark corridor.

“Who is that?”

“The hospital wanted to drive me crazy. Their original plan was to let me kill people related to me, such as Zuo Han and Zhang Jingjiu. The patients treated with me tonight should also be people related to me.”

“But there is one detail that I cannot ignore. There are only five patients with seven chairs. Dr. Gao said that the other two patients are missing. If the other two patients are also my acquaintances, they are probably not missing, but killed. .”

“One of the victims was Zhang Jingjiu, and the other with a high probability was Zuo Han.”

Thinking of this, Chen Ge’s heart froze.

Coincidentally, when Chen Ge looked outside the corridor, a flash of lightning flashed across the night sky.

The pale light penetrated the glass windows with the guard rails, illuminating the corridor at that moment.

Chen Ge’s eyes slowly widened, and with the light of lightning he finally saw the figure at the end of the corridor.

“Doctor Sun?”

At the end of the promenade stood another Dr. Sun. His white coat was covered with blood, his hair was messy, his blood was bleeding, and he had an exaggerated smile on his face!

The light from the lightning lasted less than a second, and the corridor outside the emergency room plunged into darkness again.

“Dr. Sun is the murderer? Are there two Dr. Sun?”

Chen Ge felt his mind was messed up, he didn’t know if he was in a nightmare or in reality.

“Dr. Sun in the emergency room mentioned the door. After opening the door, you can see another hospital. Is there a Dr. Sun in the hospital inside and outside the door?”

The brain thought of this naturally, but when Chen Ge thought of this, the painful pain reappeared.

With a low growl in his throat, Chen Ge gritted his teeth. Originally, Doctor Gao was holding his arm tightly, but now he is holding Doctor Gao’s arm tightly.

The arm was deformed by Chen Ge, but the expression on Doctor Gao’s face remained unchanged, as if he was no longer Doctor Gao after he walked out of the ward, but a corpse without self-emotion.

“Never faint, it’s too dangerous here. The Dr. Sun in the dark is approaching and may come over at any time.” Chen Ge closed the door of the emergency room, but the enclosed space not only did not make him feel safe, but made him feel safe. More panic in my heart.

“What did you see just now?” Doctor Sun didn’t know when he walked to Chen Ge, and suddenly asked.

“When the lightning flashed across the sky, I saw a person standing in the corridor, he was covered in blood.” Chen Ge did not directly say that the other party and Dr. Sun had the same face.

“Blood all over?” Dr. Sun seemed to think of something: “Is he always laughing?”

Looking at Dr. Sun’s eyes, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Chen Ge didn’t know how to answer. If he said that the figure had been laughing, it would indirectly prove that he saw the murderer’s face and knew what the murderer looked like.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Ge still nodded: “He has a terrible smile, and I also found that he looks very similar to you.”

“I know what you are afraid of. That guy is not me, he is the ghost of this hospital.” The smile on Dr. Sun’s face slowly became the same as the smile on the face of the “ghost” outside: “You believe there are Ghost?”

“A lot of people have asked me this question.”

“Then do you know what kind of ghost is the most terrifying?” Doctor Sun seemed to be guiding Chen Ge, but his current appearance was indeed a little scary.

Hearing Dr. Sun’s voice, Chen Ge instinctively appeared in his mind wearing a red figure, and he subconsciously said: “The ghost in the red dress is the most terrifying.”

“No.” Dr. Sun’s voice slowly lowered. He pointed to Chen Ge’s eyes: “Ghosts with warm eyes are the most terrifying.”

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