I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1182 - When I have all the goodness (middle)

The middle-aged man didn’t believe what Chen Ge said at all. He stared at Chen Ge vigilantly, and then pulled Zhang Ya to his side: “Girl, is this person your friend?”

“Well, it’s my friend.” Zhang Ya smiled bitterly, the scene in front of her was very weird, the zombie pulled the scarlet ghost in red, carefully guarding against an ordinary person: “Dad, Chen Ge just left the hospital, should we enter the house to talk? Anyway, now No tourists came.”

“Why are you going to enter the house to chat? Are you cheated by him? He entered our haunted house as if he had returned to his own home. He knew where the location was before my organ was activated. This person must be a scheming man. Long time!” The middle-aged man was still nagging, Zhang Ya seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and forced the middle-aged man into the haunted house.

“I haven’t finished it yet!”

“Chen Ge, come in and chat.” Zhang Ya led Chen Ge into the haunted house again, and she asked Chen Ge to sit down where the tourists usually sign the exemption agreement: “There is mineral water on the table. You can sit here for a while, I will go Call my mother, if she agrees, you can work here in the future.”

“What does it mean that your mother agrees, so he can work here? I firmly disagree!” Zhang Ya’s father’s family status seems to be slightly low. He is talking here, Zhang Ya has already ran to the second floor* scene .

Chen Ge and the middle-aged man sat at both sides of the table. The middle-aged man felt a trace of embarrassment in the air, but Chen Ge was very comfortable.

More than a minute later, Zhang Ya and a woman slightly shorter than her walked over.

It might be the reason for the ghost makeup. The woman didn’t look like Zhang Ya’s mother, but more like Zhang Ya’s sister.

“Mom, he is Chen Ge who is here to apply.” Zhang Ya and the middle-aged woman sat in the middle of the table. The woman looked at Chen Ge carefully, and shook her head slightly after a moment.

“It’s not that I don’t want to hire him. This young man has a good face and looks so sunny. I’m afraid he can’t scare people by pretending to be a ghost.” Zhang Ya’s mother said earnestly.

After hearing what Zhang Ya’s mother said, Chen Ge smiled more shyly: “Auntie, I actually worked in a haunted house before. Or else, you try me for half a month, if I don’t bring big I will not ask for a salary for the change.”

“I’ve already seen that your drunkard doesn’t mean to drink, for half a month for nothing? No salary? Are you here to get close to Zhang Ya?” The middle-aged man wore a slightly bloated zombie suit and directly waved his hand. “I don’t agree. The industry of haunted house actors cannot be done by anyone. To scare tourists, you have to learn a lot.”

He stood up from his seat: “Boy, don’t look at our haunted house now that there are no tourists. A few years ago, we were the most famous haunted house in Xinhai, scaring tourists. We are professional.”


“Don’t call my uncle, I’m getting goose bumps.”

“Uncle, I have the same opinion as you. The industry of haunted houses does not mean that people simply think of scaring others. A good haunted house allows tourists to vent their negative emotions, and can also bring tourists immersively moved. I understand what you said. Words.” Chen Ge was very professional as soon as he opened his mouth, and he continued along with Zhang Ya’s father’s topic.

Just visiting one scene, Chen Ge explained all the problems in the haunted house at this stage. More importantly, he not only pointed out the problem, but also figured out a solution.

At first Zhang Ya’s parents didn’t care, but then they were fascinated by them.

After talking for half an hour before Chen Ge stopped, Zhang Ya’s parents had already changed him a lot.

“I think Xiao Chen is still very talented, or let him try for half a month first?” Zhang Ya’s mother looked at Zhang Ya’s father.

Zhang Ya’s father, who was originally against Chen Ge, also shook: “It’s not impossible.”

“That’s it.” Zhang Ya’s mother looked at Chen Ge with a smile: “Regardless of whether it is effective or not, we will send the salary according to it. You can do it without worry.”

“Thank you, uncle and auntie, but there is one more thing I want to tell you clearly in advance.” Chen Ge opened his backpack and took out the recovery certificate issued by the hospital and his identity certificate: “I don’t want to hide anything from you. Zhang Ya said before that I had just been discharged from the hospital. In fact, I had a car accident before and later suffered from a serious paranoia.”

In general corporate recruitment, people with a history of mental illness will not be considered. Many applicants will try their best to conceal their past, but Chen Ge does not want to do that.

“Delusia? This can’t work!” Zhang Ya’s father slapped the table: “The work place of the haunted house actors is depressive and exciting. Don’t relapse again when the time comes! I suggest you find a relatively easy job. .”

When Zhang Ya’s father was speaking, Zhang Ya’s mother was carefully reading Chen Ge’s recovery certificate. She also saw Chen Ge’s unhealed legs: “It says that you are suffering from delusions because of your parents?”

“Well, that car accident took away a lot of things from me.” Chen Ge’s eyes were filled with a trace of pain that could not be hidden.

“You will come to work with me from tomorrow. Before your legs are completely healed, let Zhang Ya take you first.” Zhang Ya’s mother made the decision directly, and she looked at Chen Ge distressedly.

“Wife? Don’t think about it anymore? What if he suddenly falls ill and hurts tourists? What if his condition deteriorates because of this job?” Zhang Ya’s father is more rational: “Your decision is too rash.”

“Whose child is not a child?”

“I don’t agree! What are you kidding? How can someone who has suffered from delusions be hired as actors in a haunted house?”

“Zhang Ya, take Chen Ge to familiarize yourself with our haunted house scene.” Zhang Ya’s mother ignored the middle-aged man.

“Okay.” Zhang Ya happily grabbed Chen Ge’s arm and walked towards the second floor. Behind them was the dissatisfaction and nagging of the middle-aged man.

“My dad is more verbose, but he is actually very nice. He has rescued children from falling into the water before, cooperated with the police in solving cases, and won a medal for righteousness and bravery from the city.” Zhang Ya grabbed Chen Ge by the arm because of the passage in the haunted house scene. The reason for the narrowness is that the two are very close.

“Your dad is quite amazing.” Chen Ge heard that Zhang Ya’s father had cooperated with the police to solve the case, he instinctively developed a feeling of admiration, as if anyone who had done this kind of thing deserves his admiration and learning. .

“He is the knife-mouthed tofu heart. At the beginning, he was the first white cat he found. He sneaked over to feed the cat, but was scratched.” Zhang Ya said and laughed involuntarily: “Your cat I feel so smart. I can’t let others get close or touch it, but I am very obedient to me and let it do whatever it takes.”

“Maybe that cat… remembers something we don’t remember.” Chen Ge whispered.

The interior of the haunted house is not big. It took half an hour for Chen Ge to visit all the scenes.

Almost immediately after he finished the tour, he already had a complete modification plan: “The first floor is the zombie resurrection night, the second floor is the scene, and the scene on the third floor is not open because of insufficient staff. I want to change the status quo of the haunted house. You can only start with these three scenes.”

Without Zhang Ya’s guidance, Chen Ge went to the staff lounge, found paper and pen, and began to write his own revision plan.

There seems to be endless scare points in his mind, and he writes like a god.

Zhang Ya, who was next to him, silently watched Chen Ge’s concentration and seriousness, and did not bother him.

It only took about ten minutes for Chen Ge to complete his design initially: “These scare points don’t need too many props, just add some small organs.”

“How did you think of this? That’s amazing!”

“They seem to be in my mind.” Chen Ge smiled embarrassedly: “The zombie resurrection night and * are still in charge of uncle and aunt. I decided to name the new scene Midnight Escape, and I will be responsible for this scene. “

“Can you?” Zhang Ya hugged the white cat, questioning Chen Ge’s ability: “Scary is a technical job, not too deliberate, nor too boring.”

“Don’t worry.” Chen Ge took the design plan and found Zhang Ya’s parents.

The other party was obviously a knowledgeable person. After Chen Ge only gave a brief explanation, they all understood.

“We still need our own hard work to strike the iron. Let’s rectify the haunted house first, and then find a way to promote it after all is completed.” Chen Ge found another exemption agreement and said after finishing the various clauses: “We need to add a few more items. If tourists are frightened in a haunted house, it has nothing to do with our haunted house.”

“It’s a bit difficult to be dizzy?”

“Be prepared.” Chen Ge still has a smile on his face: “After the interior of the haunted house is rectified, the next most important thing is publicity. First of all, we must try our best to attract tourists inside the amusement park. After protecting the basic disk, you can use short videos. The live broadcast has increased the popularity on the Internet. I have a lot of good video ideas. But this is not anxious. You have to do it slowly. The number of fans will gradually increase, and eventually the quantity will change into a qualitative change.”

“Just leave it to me for the shooting, and the scene will be on the third floor of the haunted house.” Chen Ge had actually thought about it before he said it.

“Will your shooting in the haunted house reveal the internal structure of the haunted house? Tourists know what’s in the scene, and their visit will definitely decrease.” Zhang Ya’s father didn’t agree too much.

“First of all, we have to make everyone interested. As for the fact that the internal structure of the haunted house will be exposed, you don’t have to worry about it. I know that there are many horror scene designs that do not need to be changed. As long as you continue to add on the original basis, you can bring it A completely different stimulating experience.” Chen Ge paused: “In other words, if tourists come in according to the video I shot, they will definitely get double happiness.”

Zhang Ya’s father didn’t understand Chen Ge’s words too much, and he was still not at ease with Chen Ge: “Are you sure you can be responsible for a scene alone? The injury on your leg is not healed.”

“It doesn’t matter, I just need to walk slowly in the haunted house. Sometimes playing a murderer doesn’t need to run too fast. Just let the tourists know that I am approaching and give them enough oppression.” Chen Gejiang All the plans I wrote were handed over to Zhang Ya’s father: “Shall we go to modify the haunted house scene now? The sooner we get it done, the sooner our business will get better.”

“You are too competent as an employee. I always feel that your kid is plotting.” Zhang Ya’s father’s eyes began to move between Chen Ge and Zhang Ya again, until he was forcibly dragged away by Zhang Ya’s mother.

Chen Ge is an activist. He didn’t talk nonsense. Accompanied by Zhang Ya, he went straight to the third floor and began to remodel the haunted house scene a little bit.

Although Zhang Ya’s father felt like he didn’t want to see Chen Ge, in fact, no matter what materials and props Chen Ge needed, he would get them as soon as possible.

Being immersed in his work, Chen Ge did not feel tired with Zhang Ya’s company.

This kind of peaceful life seems to be what he has been pursuing.

In three days, Chen Ge and Zhang Ya’s parents gradually became acquainted.

After the park closes, Zhang Ya and her parents will go back to their homes, while Chen Ge will live in the staff lounge, rushing to work at night and seldom rest.

Every morning, Zhang Ya will bring Chen Ge an extra breakfast. At noon, Chen Ge will eat with Zhang Ya’s family in a haunted house.

Although the time to get along was relatively short, Zhang Ya’s mother felt more pleasing to Chen Ge the more she looked at Chen Ge. She found that Chen Ge had almost no shortcomings. She was very diligent and had a strong hands-on ability. What about sewing, installing monitoring, and making dolls? , Even makeup techniques are a must.

Zhang Ya also liked staying with Chen Ge very much. Even if she didn’t talk, she wouldn’t be bored just watching Chen Ge work.

Although Zhang Ya’s father would still nag, he also accepted Chen Ge, only occasionally complaining that his family status seemed to be lowered again.

Life is like a stream in a mountain, gurgling, calm and beautiful. The smiles on Chen Ge’s face are getting more and more. He is so busy every day that he sleeps so hard that he rarely even dreams. He likes the hard-won everything.

After another two days, the interior of the haunted house was completely remodeled. Chen Ge persuaded Zhang Ya’s father and the park management to make an activity. They were able to clear three scenes at once and reward tourists with screams not exceeding 120 decibels Ten thousand yuan.

This 10,000 yuan is sponsored by Zhang Ya’s father, and the park is only responsible for repeated broadcasts.

With the help of this activity, Chen Ge and the others attracted a large number of tourists, and the western half of the originally deserted paradise instantly became lively.

Seeing so many people coming, Zhang Ya’s father immediately regretted it.

But the most exciting place later came. The first batch of tourists who entered were all “perished” in the midnight escape scene.

Chen Ge was also helpless. Ten thousand dollars is a huge sum of money for him now. In order to keep the bonus, this patient who even doctors can deceive him did his best.

Tourists visit the haunted house and play until they are unconscious and crying. The heat of the haunted house soars instantly, and more and more people know about it.

When the park closed, Chen Ge, Zhang Ya, and Zhang Ya’s father were all tired on the table, like three dried salted fish.

Zhang Ya’s mother stared at the computer display with full eyes. She calculated the ticket price for today, and she was happy from ear to ear. The more she looked at Chen Ge, the more she appreciated it.

“Get up all! Let’s go out to eat out together tonight!”

Several people changed their clothes ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to eat out.

Zhang Ya’s mother dragged Zhang Ya’s father to sit at the side of the dining table. She looked at Zhang Ya and Chen Ge who were sitting across the table with mysterious smiles on her face from time to time.

At the end of the dinner, Zhang Ya’s mother suddenly said that she had forgotten to lock the door at home. After checking out, she dragged Zhang Ya’s father away, leaving Chen Ge and Zhang Ya on the table.

“Uncle and Auntie are really nice, and they invited me to dinner.” Chen Ge has not experienced this kind of family feeling for a long time.

There is no picture of eating with relatives and friends in his memory. He feels that even if he has no amnesia, it is estimated that the white cat who accompanies him the most.

“You have worked so hard these days, eat more.” Zhang Ya seemed to guess the reason why her mother suddenly left. She lowered her head and her voice became much more delicate.

The two of them were eating and chatting, and they could always find a topic. They seemed to have a sharp heart, and they seemed to have a kind of resonance in the soul.

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