I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1186 - Back to the original starting point

“The nurses in the hospital also have their last names. There may be some connection between them. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.”

Chen Ge looked at the blood stains all over the floor. He couldn’t take care of food and left the restaurant.

Walking along the path for more than a hundred meters, when Chen Ge looked back, all the lights in the store had been turned off, and the surroundings were completely dark and there was nothing to see.

“In my opinion, it is a very beautiful city. He eats the dragon head but says that the city is used to punish patients. He also mentioned the word’door’, which has a special meaning in this city. ?”

Chen Ge thought of the door in the bathroom of Zhang Ya’s haunted house. Every time he opened the compartment door, the next time he entered the bathroom, he found that the compartment door would be closed.

In addition, when he was being treated in the hospital, when Doctor Gao pulled him into the brain maze, the key turning point was to push the door.

After pushing the door open, the hospital outside was gloomy, and the inside and outside of the door were like two worlds.

“Maybe the exit from this city is a door hidden in the city.”

According to the location provided by Zuo Han, Chen Ge finally found the safe apartment at 11:40 in the evening.

It was an almost abandoned old-fashioned apartment building, located behind a deserted village in the western suburbs of Xinhai, in an extremely remote location.

“Why did the writer and Zuo Han let me come here? Have they met in advance?”

The leaves rustled, and Chen Ge walked through the abandoned village without even a ghost.

“It always feels like I’ve been here.” Chen Ge looked at a tomb outside the village, and the old locust tree slanted at the entrance of the village, which looked like a ghost. Such a horrible scene did not cause any waves in his heart.

“What have I experienced before? Why do I not only not be afraid, but also a kind of intimacy when I see these things that normal people should be afraid of?”

Chen Ge didn’t feel that he was abnormal, but that there must be deep-seated reasons for the formation of this mentality.

Coming to the back of the village, Chen Ge was about to continue walking, when suddenly he saw a person squatting on the grave beside him.

He seemed to appear suddenly, and he seemed to be there all the time.

When Chen Ge saw the man, he also saw Chen Ge. The two sides looked at each other, and they didn’t even feel that there was anything wrong with it. No one said anything and just staggered.

The man continued to squat on the grave, and Chen Ge only realized after walking a few steps that the man squatting on the grave just now looked familiar.

When Chen Ge looked back, there was only a lone grave behind him.

“What about people?”

“In the middle of the night, there is a person squatting on the head of the grave. Why can I easily accept such an abnormal thing? The person squatting on the grave did not make me feel bad.”

Ever since he made up his mind to come to the safe apartment, Chen Ge gradually discovered that things he couldn’t understand began to increase.

To go to the safe apartment, one must pass through a deserted village. After Chen Ge passed a cemetery, a dirt road piled with branches and trash appeared in front of him.

There is also a sign beside the road with the words No Entry.

It’s just that it fell into disrepair for a long time, the brand was crooked, and the handwriting became very blurred.

“Then the apartment broke down like this, and who insisted on living in it?”

Walking on the bumpy dirt road, Chen Ge looked to both sides curiously. There were wreaths and soul flags hanging on both sides of the road, and a lot of paper money was scattered on the ground. Down.

White cloth is wrapped around the tree trunks, and tombstones can be vaguely seen in the woods, and the graves are looming, making people feel extremely uncomfortable.

If it were an ordinary resident of Xinhai City, he would have already turned around and left.

“The arrangement is so horrible, it feels like it is deliberately hiding something, not wanting people to get close.”

The path in front of him seemed to lead directly to the Yin Cao Netherworld. Chen Ge didn’t know how long he had walked, and finally came to the end of the road.

There is a dilapidated apartment building deep in the dense forest. It has three floors and is not too high. The windows on the third floor are all sealed with wooden boards, and traces of the fire can be seen on the walls.

There seems to have been a fire here, and the homeowner may have renovated only the lower two floors because of a lack of funds, and the third floor was almost left intact.

“Safe apartment?”

Walking through the small courtyard full of weeds, Chen Ge saw the sign at the entrance of the apartment building.

This building seems to have had many names before, and the fonts on the signs have been constantly revised, which seems messy.

“Is anyone here?” Chen Ge opened the zipper of the backpack, reached into the bag, and cautiously entered the corridor.

The interior of the apartment is extremely dilapidated, the floor tiles are cracked, there are gaps in the walls, and occasionally black bugs can be seen crawling in it.

“It feels quite small from outside. I didn’t expect that there are so many rooms inside.” Chen Ge didn’t dare to move around the corridor casually, his gaze swept across the doors, and finally walked to door 101.

Knocked on the door, Chen Ge stood at the door for a long time and no one opened the door. He lay on the door panel and listened.

The house was quiet, as if there were no people living at all.

“what are you doing?”

A man’s voice suddenly sounded from behind Chen Ge, shocking Chen Ge, he immediately turned and looked behind him.

“It’s you! The person who squatted on the grave before!” Chen Ge recognized the man behind him.

“This is not the place you should come to. Before you disturb other tenants, leave.” The man stood a few steps behind Chen Ge. He made no sound while walking. Chen Ge had no idea what the other party was. Come here at the time.

“It’s too late. I don’t have a car to leave now. Can I stay here for one night?” Chen Ge stared at the man, remembering everything he did.

“The room is full here.” The middle-aged man kept urging Chen Ge to leave: “Let’s go, even living outside is better than living here.”

“Full room? But how do I feel that all the rooms here are empty?”

“The absence of occupants does not mean that there are no tenants in the room…” The man hadn’t finished speaking, something seemed to fall on the third floor, like a ball rolling on the stairs.

Chen Ge turned to look, but the man first blocked his vision with his body.

“Did something fall off just now?”

“A tenant’s belongings have fallen. I’ll help her. Stand here and don’t move.” The man walked to the corner of the corridor. Chen Ge didn’t listen to him, but followed him directly.

Coming to the corner of the stairs, Chen Ge saw a middle-aged man put something on a woman.

“Thank you…” The woman stroked her neck with her hands, and gave Chen Ge a little curiously.

Strangely, when she saw Chen Ge’s face, she couldn’t look away. It wasn’t until the middle-aged man coughed several times that the woman realized something and turned and left.

Being watched by that weird woman, Chen Ge broke into a cold sweat on his back.

He clearly saw the middle-aged man put something on the woman’s body just now, but there was nothing in the woman’s hands and body that could make a collision of the ball.

Chen Ge stared at the back of the woman’s neck, her neck twisted unnaturally, and her head didn’t seem to fit the neck completely.

“You should go now.” The middle-aged man stood on the stairs, looking at Chen Ge condescendingly, his face showing an abnormal iron blue, like a corpse in a morgue.

“Actually, I came here to find my friends.” Chen Ge didn’t want to hide it. This place was too weird, so he thought it was better to tell the truth.

“Your friends can’t be here, and the tenants who live here can’t be your friends.” The middle-aged man walked up to Chen Ge: “This is the second time you and I have met tonight, my first time. Pretending not to see you, I can still pretend not to see you. Leave now, there will be no third time.”

“You have been pretending not to see me? What would happen if you saw me?”

“I will be a tenant here and it will be difficult to leave again.”

The middle-aged man and Chen Ge were deadlocked in the corridor. After a while, a door on the second floor near the corridor was opened. A woman wearing glasses walked out of the door. She happened to see Chen Ge and the middle-aged man.

The woman’s gaze also changed when she saw Chen Ge. She seemed to have a good relationship with the middle-aged man. She walked directly to the middle-aged man and asked in a low voice in her ear: “Old Zhou, this person has been here before. Apartment?”

The middle-aged man known as Lao Zhou shook his head: “I am driving him away.”

“If more tenants see it, he may not be able to leave.” The woman wearing glasses passed by as if she hadn’t seen Chen Ge at all, and walked towards the third floor.

Chen Ge also found that the people in the Ping An apartment had a strange attitude towards him. He guessed that it might be because of Zhang Wenyu and Zuo Han.

“Um… Brother Zhou, is there a person named Zuo Han among your tenants? He and I are sick friends.” Chen Ge said Zuo Han’s name. He intended to learn more, but who Knowing that when he finished saying this, the middle-aged man’s attitude toward him immediately changed.

“Patient? Are you from that hospital too?” Lao Zhou fixed his eyes on Chen Ge.

“We lived in the same ward, and he escaped from the hospital and it was also related to me.”

“Zuo Han hasn’t come back yet. If you are his friend, then go to his room and wait for him.” After Lao Zhou learned that Chen Ge was from the hospital, he changed his mind and he personally led Chen Ge. Going to the deepest part of the corridor on the second floor: “Zuo Han lives here. The lock of his room is just broken. You can enter the house and wait for him.”

Chen Ge was not polite, he pushed the door in, and saw the blood-stained bandage and gauze.

“These are all replaced by Zuo Han. He went out to meet a friend today, and he has not returned yet.”

“The friend he went to see was me.” Chen Ge pointed to himself.

“Oh? He went to see you, but he didn’t come back, but you came here to find him?” The man called Lao Zhou narrowed his eyes and smiled: “You’d better not run around until he comes back. The apartment building is quite lively after early morning, so don’t go out of the door no matter what you hear, just plug your ears to sleep.”

The middle-aged man turned and left after speaking. Chen Ge stayed in the room alone.

The layout of the house is simple, but Chen Ge finds it very familiar.

It felt like the first time I came to a strange place, but it seemed as if I had dreamed of it in a dream.

Sitting on the bed, Chen Ge always clutched his backpack: “I seem to have been to this place before. I don’t remember exactly what happened, but it was a very bad thing in my impression.”

Chen Ge waited in the room until midnight, but Zuo Han still did not return.

Feeling sleepy, Chen Ge rubbed his bloodshot eyes: “It is absolutely impossible for a normal apartment to be opened behind the graves in the deserted village. There must be a problem here.”

If according to the hospital’s original treatment plan, Chen Ge has eliminated the impact of past memories on him at this time, then his current state should be the same as an ordinary person who came to the apartment for the first time.

But it is a pity that the emergence of Dr. Sun caused a loophole in the hospital treatment. Chen Ge knew that he could not completely trust his eyes at any time. He had always maintained a calmness that exceeded the limit of human beings.

At about two o’clock in the morning, Chen Ge suddenly heard an abnormal noise from the building, as if someone was cutting something with a saw.

He remembered the words of the man surnamed Zhou, staying in the room honestly, the cutting noise gradually weakened, and the sound of wall peeling off and the screams of if there were no screams began to appear above his head. The faint Chen Ge also heard it. The name Zhang Wenyu.

“He wouldn’t let me go out. It definitely makes sense.” Chen Ge still sat on the bed, but a few minutes later, he overheard a familiar name-Zhang Jingjiu from the conversation upstairs.

Thinking back carefully, the scream just now was very similar to Zhang Jingjiu’s voice.

Chen Ge couldn’t sit still anymore. He carried his backpack, sneaked out of the room and came to the third floor of the apartment.

There are traces of incineration everywhere, and a lot of badly damaged furniture and all kinds of burnt garbage are piled on the ground.

The sound of dialogue and sawing things came from the depths of the corridor. Chen Ge slowly moved forward, a faint smell of blood drifted over the tip of his nose, and the world in front of him was gradually replaced by blood.

The scorched walls were covered with blood stains, and in the dark corridors, a few human figures could be seen shaking.

Chen Ge’s attention was highly concentrated, and there were a lot of debris on the ground, and he would make noises if he didn’t pay attention.

“What are they doing?” Chen Ge slowly approached, UU reading www.uukanshu.com When he walked to the middle of the corridor, he saw the wall at the end of the corridor.

His pupils shrank instantly, and Chen Ge found a doctor in a white coat nailed to the wall in the deepest part of the corridor.

The doctor’s coat was stained red with blood, and under his feet was a patient with twisted limbs.

“Zhang Jingjiu?”

Breathing became rapid, Chen Ge never expected that he would meet the doctor and Zhang Jingjiu from the hospital here.

“Someone in the apartment tied them out? Impossible!”

Chen Ge’s brain was spinning fast, and before he could think of the result, he suddenly heard a soft noise coming from behind him.

Looking back suddenly, Chen Ge found a child standing behind him.

The child is not tall and thin, but his face is cunning and mature that does not match his age.

“My name is Men Nan, big brother, what is your name?”

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