I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1192 - I\\\'ll be your shadow this time

Shun Nu’s eyes moved away from Chen Ge’s face and glanced at the back of his hand.

Just now when one person and one ghost approached, the wound on Singer Chen’s back that hadn’t healed began to ooze blood again, which seemed to be irritated.

“Did you leave the wound on the back of my hand?” Chen Ge raised his arm, but Shunv just nodded.

Ten minutes later, the third ward returned to normal, and all the black threads disappeared.

Lao Zhou and Tang Jun got up from the ground, and after making sure that everyone was fine, Men Nan also woke up from a coma.

“We miscalculated the strength of Curse Girl, she should be the strongest ghost in this city.” Men Nan took a breath: “It’s not ashamed to lose to her, but I’m afraid it will take her to help. Take a long-term view.”

“We’ve seen all the three most terrifying ghosts in this city. The rest of the ghosts will be handled by the tenants of the Ping An Apartment. Chen Ge, you just stay in the haunted house and don’t talk to us anymore. Relationship.” Zuo Han is sober-minded and has clear thinking: “After we are all ready, we will go to the haunted house to find you.”

After Zuo Han finished speaking, he found that Chen Ge had not responded. He patted Chen Ge’s shoulder lightly: “Don’t take the things that the curse girl said, don’t take it to your heart. If you don’t have your heart, is it still a complete person?”

“In fact, what she said makes sense.”

“Don’t think about it, you are the key to escape for all of us…” Before Zuo Han finished speaking, he saw Chen Ge’s red eyes.

To be honest, among all people, Zuo Han is the one who understands Chen Ge best.

He also thought about trading life with Cyclops. Only when he was forced to that point can he understand that feeling.

Zuo Han knew that Chen Ge, who was the focus of all chaos, must endure dozens of times more despair and pain than himself. He wanted to comfort Chen Ge, but all his words seemed pale and weak in the face of true despair.

“We will get back the memory.” Zuo Han did not disturb Chen Ge, who was meditating, and they left the third ward together.

After discussing the new contact information, Chen Gecai separated from the tenants of Ping An Apartment, and he spared a lot of time to return to the Paradise Haunted House.

He was lying on the bed in the staff lounge. Before, he only felt that the first sun of the world was very warm on him, but now he is a little afraid of the sun rising.

He doesn’t know what will happen tomorrow, but he knows that tomorrow will be worse than now.

As doom approached step by step, Chen Ge lay on the bed and did not fall asleep all night.

At 8 o’clock the next morning, Chen Ge habitually got up and started cleaning. Even if the haunted house has not been open, he would still check the scenes and props every day.

At eight ten ten, Zhang Ya appeared at the door of the haunted house. She looked tired and seemed to lose a lot in just a few days.

She had a nightmare again last night. She was frightened awake at two o’clock in the morning. When she closed her eyes, the tragedy of the dream appeared in her mind.

Her father’s condition was getting worse and her mother was taking care of her alone. Zhang Ya didn’t want to put more pressure on them. She didn’t dare to tell her parents, but instead treated Chen Ge as the object of confession.

“I couldn’t fall asleep after three o’clock in the morning. I woke up and wanted to drink some water. When I passed by the window, I found a person downstairs who was staring at my window and laughing.” Zhang Ya leaned against Chen Ge: ” The scenes in the nightmare are slowly becoming reality, and I can’t distinguish them now.”

Hearing this, Chen Ge knew that the hospital had already started targeting Zhang Ya.

This is the consistent style of the hospital, which drives normal people crazy first, and then intervenes and “treats” them.

Chen Ge is now very worried about Zhang Ya’s collapse, and was sent to Xinhai Central Hospital. Once he enters that hospital, he wants to get out again.

At a certain moment, he even had the idea of ​​taking Zhang Ya to escape, but where could he escape? This is a hopeless city, all memories and goodness are fictitious, even if you want to escape, you can’t find a way.

Looking at the haggard Zhang Ya, Chen Ge’s fingers slowly clenched: “Go to the house and sleep for a while, here is me.”

There is no way to say what he wants to say. The cruel truth is squeezed in the bottom of his heart. In the beautiful and gradually fragmented life, Chen Ge carefully takes care of Zhang Ya. This is the only thing he can do now.

Opening the door of the staff lounge, Chen Ge looked at Zhang Ya who was asleep, and remembered her appearance in his heart.

“I always feel I owe her a lot.”

Lie on the side of the bed, Chen Ge stayed on, because he knew it might be the last time.

When it was almost noon, the park management and a few security guards entered the haunted house. They broke in without even saying hello.

When Chen Ge arrived, the park management came up with the rectification plan they unilaterally decided.

The most popular midnight escape scene in the haunted house was demolished within three days. They believed that this scene frightened the tourists and caused very bad effects and must be demolished.

Several laymen walked around the scene, commenting on Chen Ge’s carefully designed props mechanism, and they must dismantle everything they dislike.

Without waking Zhang Ya, Chen Ge followed the managers with paper and pen, and carefully recorded all the changes that needed to be made.

This is not his haunted house, this is Zhang Ya’s haunted house. He wants to do his best to keep the haunted house so that it can reopen.

As long as they can open a business, they will have the opportunity to tide over the difficulties. This is already a very humble request.

There were more than 70 places that needed to be modified, and one scene was to be demolished. They only gave Chen Ge three days.

When the park management left, Chen Ge’s hand wringing the piece of paper had already wrinkled the white paper too hard.

“It’s good to be able to open a business, and there is a rush in life.”

After Zhang Ya woke up, Chen Ge found her with the piece of paper.

Seeing the content on the paper, Zhang Ya was also uncomfortable, while Chen Ge kept enlightening her next to her.

In the afternoon, the two began to modify the haunted house, shut down the midnight escape, and dismantled most of the scary props.

They had been busy until six o’clock in the evening. The two were planning to go to dinner together, but Zhang Ya suddenly received a call from her family.

Zhang Ya’s father was transferred to another ward, and her mother had to stay with him.

After receiving the call, Zhang Ya rushed to Xinhai Central Hospital, and Chen Ge drove her to the entrance of the hospital.

When the two were parting, Chen Ge grabbed Zhang Ya’s hand and told her that if she was afraid, she would go to the haunted house to find him at night, and try not to stay at home alone.

Seeing Zhang Ya entering the depths of Xinhai Central Hospital, Chen Ge’s heart slowly picked up. He was afraid that this would be the last time the two met.

Back in the haunted house, Chen Ge couldn’t calm down.

He kept walking around in the promenade, and by nine o’clock in the evening, he wanted to numb himself through work as usual.

But when he entered the haunted house scene with suggestions for rectification, the whole person became at a loss.

All his talents and abilities are for tourists to like haunted houses more and give everyone a better experience. He has never done any work that actively destroys haunted houses.

Grasping the tool hammer, Chen Ge silently entered the haunted house scene he had created by himself.

In one night, Chen Ge destroyed the midnight escape scene and rectified all the scary points.

The sun shines through the window into the gloomy haunted house, but Chen Ge can’t feel a trace of warmth. There seems to be a biting chill hidden in the light.

“Its daybreak.”

Sitting at the door of the haunted house, Chen Ge, who hadn’t closed his eyes all night, didn’t feel sleepy. He touched the head of the white cat, watching the distance quietly, waiting for Zhang Ya’s arrival.

At 10:30 in the morning, long after the park opened for business, Zhang Ya rushed to the haunted house.

Chen Ge breathed a sigh of relief when Zhang Ya appeared. He was really worried that last night would be a goodbye.

“Zhang Ya, you have a good rest. Just leave it to me in the haunted house.” Chen Ge, who hadn’t slept all night, hoped that Zhang Ya could have a good rest. He stood beside Zhang Ya with mixed emotions in his eyes.

The two entered the scene, and Zhang Ya was surprised to find that Chen Ge had completed the rectification according to the requirements of the park management: “Have you not slept last night?”

Zhang Ya remembered what Chen Ge had just said, and she felt a little distressed.

At twelve o’clock at noon, Chen Ge found the park management staff and asked the other party to check the haunted house. After he and Zhang Ya thought they could open the business normally, they did not expect that the other party just left a waiting notice.

There is no hope in the road ahead, but neither Chen Ge nor Zhang Ya gave up.

In the afternoon Zhang Ya went to the hospital. Chen Ge stayed alone in the haunted house. He looked at the unrecognizable scene that had been modified and pursed his chapped lips.

After 11 o’clock in the evening, the guard rail of the haunted house was knocked, and Chen Ge, who was staying in the scene, hurried out.

He saw Zhang Ya leaning on the fence, her face pale as paper, and she was a little erratic in walking.

“What’s the matter?” Chen Ge quickly helped Zhang Ya into the house.

“After eight o’clock in the evening, after I left the hospital and returned home, I always felt upset. The terrifying memories in the nightmare seemed to penetrate my brain.” Zhang Ya closed her eyes in pain: “The world in my eyes often changes. Bleeding inexplicably, the weird person downstairs is getting closer and closer to me, I can feel him waiting for me in the corridor!”

Zhang Ya’s mental state is extremely unstable, nightmares and reality constantly collide, distorting the world in her eyes.

Now her situation is very dangerous and she can’t be stimulated any more.

“Zhang Ya, you will sleep in the staff lounge tonight. I will be by your side and will not let anyone disturb you.” Chen Ge hit the floor and let Zhang Ya sleep on the bed.

The staff lounge is not big, and after turning off the lights, they can hear each other’s breathing.

The moonlight outside the window shone into the room along the gap in the window. Zhang Ya, who was lying on the bed with her back to Chen Ge, suddenly whispered, “Chen Ge, am I sick?”

“No, the world is sick.”

“But why is it me who is suffering?”

Pointing to the ground, Zhang Ya sat up from the bed, and the moonlight slid down her black hair.

Hearing the sound, Chen Ge glanced back, Zhang Ya lay beside him, like a wounded cat.

“It is the world who is sick, why are we the one who is suffering?”

She leaned her head lightly on Chen Ge’s back, hiding herself behind Chen Ge.

“It will be okay.” Chen Ge did not turn around, the despair in his eyes could not be hidden, and the natural acting skills seemed to lose its effect in front of Zhang Ya.

“It will be fine.”

Listening to each other’s heartbeat, neither of them fell asleep. They leaned on each other, waiting for the next daybreak.

At about four o’clock, Zhang Ya received a call from her mother. She hurried to the hospital. Chen Ge wanted to stop, but he had no suitable reason.

At eight o’clock in the morning, Chen Ge made the bed and began to clean the haunted house.

After everything was done, he sat at the door of the haunted house.

There is only one person and one cat in the whole haunted house. No tourists or other employees can be seen.

After the park opened for business, Chen Ge found the management of the park many times, hoping that the other party would be able to accommodate.

His efforts did not get any response, but others were persuading him not to be consumed in one place.

After bumping into the wall time and time again, Chen Ge still insisted on finding the relevant person in charge of the park, hoping that the other party could take a look at his haunted house. He had already revised it according to the rules.

But until the park closed at night, Chen Ge did not get the answer he wanted. The person in charge of the park left the park, and other managers turned a blind eye to Chen Ge.

After eating something casually, Chen Ge still sat at the door of the haunted house, taking a look at the big clock in the park from time to time.

He has been waiting for Zhang Ya, but this time, Zhang Ya did not return to the haunted house.

The bad premonition in his heart became stronger. Chen Ge left the haunted house in the early hours of midnight and dialed Zhang Ya’s phone number at the convenience store, but he called several times without anyone answering.

After one o’clock in the morning, Chen Ge went to the hospital.

He looked at the brightly lit Xinhai Central Hospital, but did not enter it after all.

One night tossing and turning, Chen Ge would wake up to check if he heard a little movement, but the door of the haunted house was empty and there was no one.

The next morning, Chen Ge finished cleaning and ran to the door of the haunted house anxiously.

But Zhang Ya didn’t come over until the park opened.

During the day, Zhang Ya didn’t show up.

“Why isn’t she coming back?”

When night comes, Chen Ge keeps walking around in the haunted house. He has never done this before.

On the third morning, Zhang Ya and her parents still had no news. Chen Ge and Haunted House seemed to have been forgotten by them.

The fourth day, the fifth day…

By the morning of the seventh day, Chen Ge, with bloodshot eyes, was cleaning the haunted house. Several staff members wearing security uniforms suddenly rushed into the haunted house.

“What do you want to do!” Chen Ge stood at the door holding the broom, not taking a step back.

“We are acting in accordance with the contract. This haunted house has been losing money all the year round, and several inspections have failed. The management has met and decided to push it down and prepare to build new entertainment facilities.”

“The owner of the haunted house is critically ill and is hospitalized. Isn’t it too cold-blooded for you to seal the haunted house now?” Chen Ge kept his eyes red, guarding the door of the haunted house.

“Before you think we are cold-blooded, let’s think about your own unsettled wages first, get out!” Several security guards rushed forward, and Chen Ge directly threw away the broom and took out the tool hammer from the prop room.


The tool covered with red paint smashed through the board, and Chen Ge’s terrible strength stopped everyone.

“This is my discharge certificate. I will leave immediately while I am still arguing with you!” Chen Ge threw the discharge certificate in his bag on the ground: “After the haunted house owner is cured, you can do whatever you want. , But only if you get his consent.”

Chen Ge had to protect the haunted house even if he had spared his life. Several security guards seemed to have received a notice from the management. Instead of being impulsive with Chen Ge, they found boards and nails to seal the front door of the haunted house. Even if Chen Ge had the key, he couldn’t open the door for business.

“let’s go!”

After the security guard left, Chen Ge with his tool hammer leaned back against the wall and slowly sat on the ground, leaving him alone in the entire haunted house.

While holding his head silently, Chen Ge gritted his teeth.

Without eating, he stayed until the afternoon. When the sun was about to set, Chen Ge came to the ghost roof level alone.

He vaguely remembered in his mind that he had found something here, and that thing changed his life.

Rummaging around, but found nothing, the tired Chen Ge sat at the window.

At the moment when fate meets, Chen Ge saw the most desperate picture in his life.

In the Xinhai Central Hospital across the road, in the third ward where he once lived, and at the window where he once stood, Chen Ge saw Zhang Ya in a hospital gown!

With hollow eyes, Zhang Ya was standing in the room in a hospital gown, looking down at the white pill in her palm.

“Zhang Ya!”

Holding the window frame with both hands, Chen Ge’s voice was loud, but Zhang Ya seemed to hear nothing.

The palm of his hand was scratched by the window glass, and blood dripped down his arm to the ground, but Chen Ge didn’t seem to feel the pain at all, his eyes kept staring at the distant ward.

The sun slowly sank into the horizon, and the night enveloped Xinhai.

The windows of the ward were closed by the doctor, and thick curtains blocked everything.

With bleeding palms, Chen Ge stood on the ghost roof, looking at the endless buildings in the distance.

“Are you not even willing to give me false beauty?”

Lifting his backpack, Chen Ge went downstairs and entered the haunted house bathroom.

He first glanced at the cubicle door that he didn’t know when it was closed, and then smashed the cubicle door and the bathroom window.

Turning out the haunted house, Chen Ge did not leave immediately, but looked back into the haunted house.

A white cat squatted in the window obediently. Seeing Chen Ge looking at him, it immediately ran over.

Rubbing the white cat’s head, Chen Ge said softly: “The calamity has come to me. The closer you get to me, the more dangerous it is, so don’t come back to find me.”

The white cat seemed to be unable to understand Chen Ge’s words, but Chen Ge took a few steps forward, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com, it just ran a few steps along.

When Chen Ge got in the taxi, it yelled anxiously…

When he arrived at the third ward, Chen Ge knocked on the cursed door.

The curse girl in red appeared quietly, she seemed to have known that Chen Ge would come.

“Heart can be given to you, but before that, I will give my left eye to another ghost.” Chen Ge’s tone calmed to a terrifying point: “I will use everything I have to help you find your memory, but I I hope you can promise me one thing.”

“Do you really want to use everything?” The dark black text appeared quietly, and Shunv didn’t intend to do that in the beginning.

“Yes, you can take everything from the left eye, heart, head, and body, I just hope you can leave my shadow so that I can guard behind her.”

When the voice fell, Chen Ge took out a sharp knife from his backpack, the sharp blade was reflected on his face, and the remaining memory quickly flashed through his mind.

“I will be her shadow this time.”

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