I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 1203 - Song of Retribution

The appearance of the child makes the dean become contradictory and divided. He always explores issues related to death, but rarely thinks about what life is.

No matter where a person goes, he is going to death, so the dean thought that by measuring the length of death, he could figure out the meaning of life.

The special growth environment made him a monster. The curse has penetrated into every nerve and blood vessel of his. But even then, when he faced his child, the ugly heart full of scars still beat violently. Up.

Whenever he sees his child, there are always two voices in his mind.

A voice told him that the child was a gift from death.

Another voice is saying that children are the continuation of life.

The dean could not convince himself, the quarrel in his mind became louder and louder, which had seriously affected his disguise.

Having tasted the sweetness of putting on human skin, the dean never wanted to be treated as a monster anymore. He tried his best to hide his illness, and as a result, he became more divided.

He couldn’t reconcile, not just about his children, no matter what he thought, opposite thoughts began to appear in his mind.

For example, on the issue of how to treat himself, a voice tells him that he should be treated, admitting that he is a patient and a monster in the mouth of others.

Another voice was urging him to kill his own child and resolve the differences at the root.

The dean’s behavior became more and more weird. During the day, he wore a white coat to treat the painful and desperate people. At night, when he returned home, he would put on a hospital gown and lock himself in the room and talk to the mirror.

Gradually, his wife discovered the anomaly, and at this time the most contradictory point appeared.

The human voice in his mind told him that the best way to deal with it now is to confess with his family, admit that he is sick, and actively treat him, and the potential cost of doing so is to destroy the current home.

He knows his wife very well, and he knows that his wife likes that personable, well-known, promising doctor in the industry. Once you admit that you are sick, your career and family may all be ruined.

Another voice in the dean’s mind kept tempting him, telling him not to care about the views of those monsters. This is a sick world, he just needs to hide himself as before. If humanity makes him feel confused and painful, then it is better to wipe out the last trace of humanity.

If you want to be a human being, you may lose everything you get now.

Continue to be a monster, but you can have happiness and joy.

The dean did not make a choice, and his soul became more and more opposed, until one day, the seeds of the curse took root and a black flower blossomed in his heart.

He had a dream that night. He dreamed that he was lying on the bed in a hospital gown and that he was standing in front of the bedroom mirror in a white coat.

The same face, one is the patient and the other is the doctor.

The dean wearing a hospital gown represents the only remaining humanity and reason, and the dean standing in front of the mirror is completely cursed and swallowed up maliciously.

Good and evil have nothing to do with strength and weakness. In the dream, patients representing human nature are being treated by doctors full of malice and curses.

The most tragic thing is that as human nature is “cured” a little bit, malice will completely occupy the dean’s body.

The dean kept and repeated the same dream.

The division of spirit became more and more serious, and slowly, his soul was torn in half.

The dean began to be unable to distinguish between dreams and reality. He didn’t know whether he was lying on the bed in reality or on the bed in dreams. Anyway, he could always see himself in a white coat and full of malice.

Gradually, he began to wonder whether there was an extra himself in reality?

From thinking, realizing soul and body, the dean found that he seemed to have split into two people.

Both of them are him, but they are completely opposed.

One is evil and the other is good; one commits heinous crimes, one is constantly self-punishing with guilt; one is full of despair and believes that he is the **** of this sick world, one who longs for happiness and wants to be an ordinary person.

The dean of the white coat, who represents the curse, imprisoned the dean of the hospital gown, which represents humanity, in a nightmare. He did not destroy his humanity, but completely stripped it away.

Only the dean of the white coat with negative emotions and malice was left, completely transformed into a monster in human skin.

The evil thoughts in the body were no longer restrained, and the cursed flowers bloomed in the bottom of my heart, floating out a black mist.

The dean of the white coat didn’t know what the black mist represented, and it was the first time he saw the black mist full of despair and death in the world.

Without the shackles of humanity, the dean of the white coat has no flaws in his usual behavior. He is a demon pretending to be an adult.

He was obviously composed of malice and curse, but he made himself the embodiment of humanity and reason.

Patients who don’t know the truth think he is a benevolent doctor, colleagues think he is a good leader, and his wife thinks he is a perfect husband.

The dean of the white coat can only remove the disguise in front of his newborn child. The appearance of life is the root cause of the division of the dean. The dean of the white coat is also full of curiosity about the child.

He began to “treat” and “experiment” his child, and his biological son became his first true patient.

In constant attempts, the dean discovered the existence of black mist, which was born in the depths of the nightmare and drifted through the hearts of people. Its essence is the memory that people are most unwilling to face. It is composed of forgotten pain and despair. .

The discovery of the black mist made the dean of the white coat ecstatic, and he felt that he had touched the real world.

He thought this was the unique ability of the Cursed Seed, only he could see the black mist and become a bridge of the black mist.

But in the follow-up experiment, he put his child into the black mist, and his ignorant life became hideous and distorted under the attack of the black mist. The new born heart was also planted with the seeds of the curse, and it began to continue. Drifting black mist.

At this time, the dean slowly realized that there is more or less black fog in everyone’s heart. As long as the method is right, everyone can become a bridge of black fog.

The dean of the white coat began to collect black mist in the dark. He enjoyed the process of spreading doom and despair, and experienced the joy of being regarded as a savior.

He was the one who caused the pain, he was the one who relieved the pain, and he was still the one who sent the patient to a dead end.

This kind of life lasted for a long time, until his child grew up and turned into a deformed monster.

The child who didn’t know how to hide almost revealed the dean’s secrets. In order to continue hiding in the dark, the dean killed his own child by himself, but before killing the child, he sent his son’s consciousness into the dark mist in his heart. .

He has always wondered what the source of the black mist looks like?

Using the monsters he cultivated, the dean saw a sea of ​​black fog deep in the nightmare.

All the despairs in the world have gathered together, they are forgotten by people, but they will never disappear.

The sea of ​​fog is full of monsters that will only appear in nightmares, and besides that, there are also lost people.

The dean became more and more interested in this world. He felt that he was born here and he was desperate.

He was no longer satisfied with entering the Wuhai with his children’s will, and began to try to use different patients to enter the Wuhai through the bridge in their hearts.

About a year later, he met a patient from Hanjiang.

The young man named Chen Xiao fell into a severe coma after being hit by a car because of his rescue.

The man who was rescued by Chen Xiao was named Luo and his family was in business. In order to save Chen Xiao, he spent a lot of money to invite many doctors, and among those doctors was the director.

The head of the white lab coat wanted to enter the black mist through Chen Xiao’s heart, but when he succeeded, he was very surprised to find that the patient was standing on the edge of the black mist world.

On one side of him was a thick black mist of despair, and on the other side was a city built of flesh and blood.

If the black mist is pure despair and pain, then the blood city is the only one in the black mist world and cannot be called the hope of hope.

When a desperate memory was forgotten, the despair and pain in it turned into a black mist, and the remaining traces of desire and struggle melted into the blood city.

The black fog is full of hideous and terrifying monsters, and the blood city is full of wounded people.

The dean felt that this patient was special, and there must be some secret hidden in him.

He found Chen Xiao, and after making various attempts, he found that only his own consciousness could leave smoothly and could not take Chen Xiao away.

After thinking for a long time, the director of the white lab coat felt that the reason might be the director of the hospital gown.

He was the first person to split the consciousness of opposition. The white coat dean entered the edge of the blood city, but the hospital gown was also imprisoned in another place. There was a constant connection between the two.

The head of the white lab coat told Chen Xiao of his treatment plan. In order to split the consciousness of opposition, Chen Xiao endured unimaginable torture in the blood city and black fog.

In the end, this young patient had separated consciousness and retained his humanity as Chen Xiao, and the side that was bound by the blood city and filled with negative emotions named himself Chen Xiao.

At the moment of separation of consciousness, the dean of the white coat took Chen Xiao away from the blood city, and Chen Xiao, who could not be controlled and was cruel and tyrannical, was left in the blood city.

After returning to reality, the dean became very interested in Chen Xiao, and he was curious why Chen Xiao’s heart was connected to the edge of the blood city.

He observed and recorded everything in secret, no one knew that he was a demon in human skin.

A few years later, Chen Xiao’s child was born.

This child has a pair of blood-red pupils, and he seems to be able to see through people’s hearts and see many things that adults can’t see.

Other children like to cry, but he is always laughing, as if there is nothing in this world that can make him sad.

Chen Xiao knew why his children were so different. He had paid too much to escape from the blood city, including being hit by countless negative emotions and experiencing despair that was impossible to imagine in the world.

Looking at the newborn in his arms and his face with an innocent smile, Chen Xiao gave her child a name with special meaning-Chen Ge.

The world kissed me bitterly, but I replied with song.

As he grows older, Chen Ge shows more and more abnormalities. He will enter the world of black mist in his sleep and return to reality when he wakes up from his dream.

He saw all kinds of people and strange ghosts.

I don’t know if it is because of blood or his father. Even if his consciousness is not separated, Chen Ge can freely walk through the black fog, blood city and reality, and all of these are seen by the dean.

The dean of the white lab coat has a special medical record file. He lists Chen Ge as patient No. 1, Chen Xiao in Blood City as patient No. 2, and Chen Xiao in reality is patient No. 3.

Hidden in human skin for decades, but still undiscovered, the dean’s ambitions are getting more and more inflated, and he wants to cure this sick world.

He began to contact Chen Ge with Chen Ge’s parents behind his back. He wanted to use Chen Ge’s ability to bring back the despair and pain that had been forgotten by people.

As the seed of the curse, he firmly believes that the world of black mist is the real world, and the reality is only a sick cover.

The dean approached Chen Ge cautiously. He used decades of accumulated experience to help Chen Ge open a door in the blood city.

That door connected the blood city and reality. Although it only existed for a short time and disappeared, it gave the dean a hope.

His frequent contact with Chen Ge in Blood City and Dark Mist World ~www.mtlnovel.com~ finally aroused Chen Xiao’s alertness.

However, in order to complete his plan, the dean didn’t care about these at all. He had a crazy idea, he wanted to split Chen Ge’s consciousness into good and evil.

Leave the good to Chen Xiao, and he will take away the evil.

In order to generate a sense of opposition, he tortured Chen Ge madly in the world of black mist, but he was unable to succeed, and was eventually chased by Chen Xiao all the way.

Seeing that it had been exposed, he simply brought the monster he cultivated to Hanjiang and took Chen Ge away.

The dean did everything he could. He induced Chen Ge’s will and killed Chen Ge time and time again, but even so, he still couldn’t succeed.

No matter what he does to Chen Ge’s will, he can’t tear or kill Chen Ge’s will, when the sun rises, Chen Ge’s will will return again.

Chen Ge’s will was inseparable, so the dean had to think of another way. He was a top master of playing with people’s hearts. Coupled with decades of exploration in the dark mist, he knew that place better than anyone.

With careful layout, the dean drew the black mist and burst out a terrifying dark tide.

In order to save the bruised and forgotten memories in the Blood City, Chen Ge chose to merge with the Blood City, and he tried to influence the Blood City.

The dark tide passed, those forgotten memories did not dissipate, but Chen Ge’s will could no longer leave the blood city.

The dean stole part of Chen Ge’s flesh and blood and organs, and Chen Xiao took the rest…

In the cursed hospital, the memory of the sky was completely shattered at this moment, and the director’s past began to dissipate.

The man in blood, holding a blood-colored key with a terrifying killing intent, stared at the dean in the black mist.

He desperately pierced the key into the shrine, and the stench of black blood kept flowing out of the shrine.

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