I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 149 - The most dangerous patient

“Xu Tong, who lives in ward 5, is suffering from a body transformation disorder, the full name is Fregoli delusional syndrome. He believes that everyone around him is actually disguised by the same person, and he lives in a controlled world.”

“The patient in Ward 6 is called Han Bao’er, a midnight show anchor, there are no photos in the file, but her attending physician wrote at the end of the case that the **** would like to destroy a person before giving her such beautiful?”

“Han Bao’er was taken out only after living in the closed ward for two and a half months. She suffers from a very rare disease, physical deformity and phobia.”

“She always exaggerates the defects of her appearance and strongly believes that some part of her body is not good-looking and cannot accept any minor defects. She even wanted to cut off her fingers because she couldn’t fix her nails symmetrically even during her hospitalization.”

“The patient in Ward 7 didn’t leave a name. He suffered from Kotar Syndrome. He believed that his body and internal organs had changed. He claimed that his internal organs had ulcerated. He thought he was actually dead. He claimed to have seen Live the real world, and the real world we live in actually does n’t exist. “

“Iron Gate 8 was specially reinforced, and the patient living in it was named Xiong Qing. This patient was the doctor of the third ward. He may have suffered from too many painful and distorted patients when he was 30 years old. Lateral space disorder. “

“The patient loses the ability to focus equal attention on both sides of a space. People with this disease often have one arm and leg left when he draws a person. When asked, they say it looks like very perfect.”

“This disease is strictly not serious, but Xiong Qing is a person who pursues perfection, so when he sees a patient with sound hands and feet, he can’t help but want to correct the changes.”

“The one living in Ward No. 9 is called Wu Fei. This patient stayed in the hospital until the hospital was closed, and his illness was not diagnosed.”

“Some doctors think that Wu Fei suffers from Asperger’s syndrome. In general, it is autism without intellectual disability. This person has excellent memory, and in some ways he has the ability to exceed ordinary people. Communication, it is estimated that he thinks that there are just a bunch of fools around, including the doctor who treated him. “

“When he was in treatment, he admitted that he had done many crazy things, and some even alarmed the police. Unfortunately, after the investigation, they found that most of those things were fictitious, few real things happened, the murderer has been found, and formed The complete chain of evidence should have nothing to do with Wu Fei. “

“Wu Fei hasn’t hurt anyone in the sick building, but the hospital still decided to shut him in Ward No. 9, which was the result of joint discussions between the hospital and the police.”

“According to the danger level, the most dangerous one should be Ward No. 10. The patient living in this room has no name. I checked all the cases. Only one number 10 was filled in the name column. The doctor never mentioned his name. , The devil is often used to refer to him in cases. “

“This patient suffers from Lesh-Nyhan syndrome, also known as self-destructive facial syndrome. When he gets sick, he uses various devices to make his face horribly scary. His cognition is completely different from normal people, and he has a strong desire to destroy. “

“Patient No. 10 is locked in bed most of the time. When going out, he will also be bound to a wheelchair and be guarded by a person.”

“In fact, people with Lesh-Nyhan syndrome rarely live past the age of twenty. This number 10 is probably no longer alive now.”

Dr. Gao gave all the information of the nine patients, and Chen Ge took a pen and wrote down all the information and names of the nine people on the paper.

He looked at the contents recorded on the paper and became more and more uncomfortable: “Dr. Gao, do you know where these nine people have been transferred to the hospital after leaving the third sick building?”

“Except for Wang Shenglong, Xu Tong, and Han Bao’er who have medical records in other places, the other few people seem to have disappeared, and there is no information related to them.”

“Then do you have the contact information of these people?” Chen Ge wanted to have a more comprehensive understanding of the third sick building before the live broadcast began.

“The contact information in the file is basically unavailable, and it is useless to tell you.” Dr. Gao politely rejected Chen Ge’s request: “I called so late, mainly to tell you that Wang Shenglong may be very Dangerous, many patients are the same when they are awake and the other after they are ill. You must not stimulate them. After all, if you are the first to stimulate them, even if they hurt you, the penalty will be very light. “

The meaning of Dr. Gao is very simple. To sum up is not to die. After Chen Ge fell, he found that the carpet was flat and not wrinkled. At that time, he suspected that Chen Ge was not knocked down by himself, but was knocked down by an external force, so he only called to remind him late at night.

“I understand, I will pay attention in the future.” Chen Ge thought for a while and then added: “Dr. Gao, if you find information about the third ward, remember to tell me that I am very interested in that hospital. “

“Your interest is really unique. Okay, let’s take a break soon. I will notify you as soon as I have any new progress.”

Hang up the phone, Chen Ge put away a few sheets of paper on the table, thinking about the nine patients.

“Why are there only nine patients in ten rooms. If the number of the room is related to the degree of danger, why did you vacate room 3? Has any patient ever lived in it? Or is the patient in room 3 killed in the ward? Alright? “

Chen Ge did not know when he fell asleep, he did not take off his clothes, and it was already dawn when he opened his eyes again.

Looking at the table below, just six o’clock, Chen Ge went out to wash his face, opened the door of the haunted house, and drove to the nearest farmer’s market on the shared bicycle outside the park ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It was just dawning, and the market was already vocal Dazzling, Chen Ge squeezed among a group of uncles and aunts, very conspicuous.

He first bought a live rooster, and then ran to the place where he sold pork, standing next to him with his eyes shut.

Finally, when the store was not busy, he hurried to the past.

The man who sells pork is a man in his forties. He also noticed Chen Ge: “What do you want?”

When really speaking, Chen Ge also felt very embarrassed: “I want to buy your pig-killing knife.”

“You ran me to buy a knife?” The man thought Chen Ge was amusing him, his face pulled down.

“I really want to buy it.” Chen Ge placed the money directly next to the chopping board: “Get a price.”

Explained for a long time, the person who sold pork only knew the reason why Chen Ge bought the knife. He could n’t help crying: “It ’s not that I do n’t sell you, now I use a special machine to electroporate the pigs. Besides, I only have bone chops, boning knives and ordinary Meat-cutting knives, you have to go to the slaughterhouse to find the pig-killing knife. “

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