I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 182 - Dr. Chen

The long black hair hit the old man like a torrent. A slender white arm stretched out from the black hair, grabbed the old man’s shoulder, and seemed to want to drag him into the black hair.

Grabbed by that hand, the old man trembles. Obviously he has suffered a loss on that hand before: “I have sent you out, why should I come back?”

Answering the old man’s ruthless crash, his body hit the blood-red ground heavily, and even the red coat on his body became much darker.

“Zhang Ya is here!”

Hearing what the old man said just now, it seemed that he had sent Zhang Ya out, but Zhang Ya broke into the house again and found it again.

“She came back specifically to find me?” Chen Ge felt a trace of warmth in his heart. He was about to speak, and he saw Zhang Ya walked out of the black hair, without looking at him, and walked directly towards the old man.

In the quiet world behind the door, the cruel tears sounded, and Chen Ge ’s teeth were trembling: “Did Li Gui remember his revenge?”

The old man was not without power in the heyday, but he was frightened by the boy’s recovery, and then he was robbed by the boy of half of his blood, so he was completely crushed when he faced Zhang Ya.

“There should be strengths and weaknesses in the red clothes. This old man is probably the lowest red clothes.”

Seeing Zhang Ya, Chen Ge’s heart hanging down slowly, in this strange place, Zhang Ya is the only “person” who can bring him a sense of security.

The situation stabilized. He wanted to close his knife for a comfortable posture, but he looked down and saw a pair of strange eyes staring at himself.

The little boy in his arms didn’t know when the clothes were dyed red. His face was whitish, and his eyes were dark with no white eyes and no pupils.

Cold sweat slipped from his forehead, Chen Ge looked at the wound on the boy’s neck, and countless bloodshots were flowing there.

“I did this just to wake you up, I was forced to do it, and I never thought of hurting you from the beginning.”

The boy hung on him as if to climb up a little bit.

This kind of creeping on a child feels scary. Chen Ge wants to get rid of him, but he is afraid to cause him a deeper misunderstanding.

“Men Nan, I know your name. I came to save you. Your deputy personality was attacked by a monster. I helped him.” Chen Ge was not inviting merits. Just don’t give yourself the opportunity to speak.

The old man in red just called the boy the devil just now, and it can be called the devil in red, which shows that the boy has left a deep psychological shadow on the old man.

The boy didn’t stop his hand movements. He climbed in front of Chen Ge, almost sticking his two faces together.

Closer, Chen Ge could see clearly. The boy had no eyes in his eyes, only two holes.

Chen Ge didn’t know what the boy was looking at. Goose bumps on his neck came out. He quietly reached into his pocket and took out a photo of the door Nan and his mother and placed it between the two faces.

“I know your past, understand your pain, if you have no one to talk to, you can tell me.” Chen Ge will speak with Men Nan’s deputy personality, and then said to the host personality: “We have similar Experience, maybe we can be friends. “

To support the bold and hungry and timid, this sentence can’t be more suitable for Chen Ge. He tried to draw the boy with one tenth of the hope. There was even a hint of fantasy in his heart, hoping to develop it into Haunted house employees.

Seeing the mother’s picture, the boy’s attitude eased, and he released his hand and jumped to the ground: “Where did you find this picture?”

The boy’s question was also asked by his deputy personality. The two people’s thinking patterns are very similar.

“In the closet of the dean’s office.”

“He still has a picture of my mother.” The boy looked up. “Can you give me this picture?”

“No problem.” Chen Ge handed the photo to the boy, and he could clearly feel the boy’s hostility towards him weakened.

Crouching down, Chen Ge looked up at the boy, hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice: “The old man just said that this world is your nightmare. As long as you wake up, the passage to the outside world will be closed forever?”

“This world already exists, and it has nothing to do with me. I’m just the first person to discover this world.” The boy put the photo close to him and looked at Chen Ge with empty eyes: “Don’t ask me anything about this world, know The more you have, the harder it is for you to leave. “

The intelligence and appearance of the boy are not proportional, and Chen Ge just guessed the real purpose of Chen Ge.

“Can’t you reveal at all?”

“I can only tell you that this world is the deepest darkness in the human mind, reflecting fear and evil thoughts. It is similar to the normal world, but it is completely different, like day and night.” The boy walked out of the door Going, he was dazzling in red and bloody, looking scary.

“I still have the last two questions. Don’t go so fast.” Chen Ge moved forward, moving his soul, and his body was not abnormal. The bloodshots that had just penetrated into his arms and thighs just disappeared.

The boy stopped and looked back. He Gedong looked at Chen Ge seriously: “Aren’t you afraid of me?”

“I’m afraid, but I want to know the answer more.” The appearance of Men Nan’s personality is of great significance to Chen Ge: “I want to ask you a person, his name is Dr. Chen.”

“do not know.”

“Your deputy personality once told me that the reason why you will come to the third sick building to help the old dean close the door is because two people invited you in the past, one of them is the old dean and the other is Dr. Chen. “Chen Ge’s voice is very sincere:” This person is very important to me, he is probably my missing family. “

I wonder if the word family touched the boy. He removed his empty eyes: “This doctor Chen is ordinary, but has a special pair of eyes, similar to yours. They are all types I hate.”

“It’s gone?” Chen Ge was a little speechless and asked the second question: “What is the door that connects the two worlds, how can I close it completely?”

“It’s very simple ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The boy smiled:” Close a living person in the door and let him help you keep the door. “

“What kind of method is this?” Chen Ge also wanted to ask why the door appeared, but the boy ran out in a blink of an eye.

“Did he hide something important?”

Chen Ge was afraid that the boy would fight Zhang Ya and hurried out.

Leaving the room, Chen Ge found that the boy did not go far. The child frowned tightly, and his dark eyes stared forward.

The red clothes on the old dean’s body faded, he was no longer humanoid, his missing body was wrapped in Zhang Ya’s black hair, and disappeared after a few seconds.

“Give me the rest of the old man’s body. I will let you go.” The boy was short and he felt the pressure.

Fingers crossed the bright red **** lips, Zhang Ya didn’t even care about the boy’s words. She stepped on the half of the dean’s torso and stared at the boy with her eyes, as if she saw new ingredients.

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