I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 42 - Sixty seconds

In the dim bathroom, Chen Ge was sitting alone in the bathtub. He breathed repeatedly to expel the residual exhaust gas from his lungs.

3:44 in the morning is the intersection of night and dawn. He has only one chance and must be careful.

The house was quiet, there was no movement in the corridor, and the monster in the mirror didn’t seem to come.

Time passed by, Chen Ge set aside the electronic watch he had specially found. When the number representing time on the screen became 43, his concentration was highly concentrated, his mouth opened, and he began to inhale slowly.

The candlelight was beating, Chen Ge’s body slowly tilted down, his eyes were on the electronic watch from beginning to end, unprecedented concentration.

Wait until the number on the screen changed again, Chen Ge did not hesitate and lay his head back into the bathtub.

3:44 in the morning!

The cold water seemed to come from all directions, drowning him.

Sinking into the water late at night, this feeling is very strange.

Absolute darkness, as if the world is left alone, sinking; absolute silence, only the sound from his body can be heard in his ears, and his heart is beating.

The cold water stimulated every nerve. Chen Ge lay at the bottom of the bathtub, discarding all the distractions and silently counting his heartbeat.

“Sixty seconds, only need to stick to sixty seconds.”

He had never had such an experience. The night and the water seemed to merge into one body. Then, if there were no candlelight, it was like a lighthouse farther and farther away, and he seemed to be sinking into the deep sea.

“One, two …”

After the first ten seconds, the time seemed to slow down a lot.

The sound of the water rang in his ears, and the walls were full of darkness. Chen Ge meditated on the name of his parents and kept the initial movement. He held the kitchen knife handle in his hands and let his body be driven by the waves.

The oxygen in the lungs is slowly being consumed, and Chen Ge feels a slight discomfort, as if something heavy is pressing on his body.

“15th, 16th …”

Each time the heart beats, it consumes oxygen in the lungs. As the heartbeat slows down, the time seems to become slower, and every second is split into countless segments.

The feeling of discomfort gradually became stronger, as if a pair of hands was slowly pressed against the neck, pinching a little bit.

Lying in the water, Chen Ge opened his eyes and could not see anything across the water. He seemed to be locked into another world.

After another three or four seconds, his face became more ugly, not pale in the general sense.

“How long have I persisted? It should be getting better soon?”

The water flowed across the pinna, and a strange sound suddenly appeared in the silence.

Seemed to have been uploaded from the corridor outside the door. Chen Ge didn’t know why he could hear it so clearly. Perhaps the other party intentionally made a noise just to distract him.

“Footsteps? Someone is pacing back and forth in the hallway?”

His slowed heartbeat began to speed up again, and his body became nervous unconsciously: “It may be the monster in the mirror who came to me, I hope the dolls can hold it, and I can complete the task in up to thirty seconds!”

Thinking is running slower and slower, his ears begin to buzz, and Chen Ge ’s condition is not very good. The sound of footsteps in the corridor makes him highly nervous. He is hard to carry and is not distracted. Calculating heartbeat.

“28, 29 …”

Water poured into both ears, the sound was a little distorted, the footsteps gradually became sharper, and the other party seemed to be trying to come in.

After a few more seconds, Chen Ge felt that his chest was being pressed by a boulder, the blood vessels on his neck slowly emerged, his hands and feet were cold, and a feeling of weakness appeared in his body.

The brain’s reaction is getting slower and slower, Chen Ge is now insisting on his own will.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Without any warning, something hit the door.

Chen Ge’s heart was lifted at once, and the thing outside the house couldn’t help it!

Probably because a puppet was placed behind the door. After the other party smashed three times and found that the door could not be opened, the meaningless move was stopped and the room became quiet again.

It ’s still the same as before. The only difference is Chen Ge himself. Normally, he can completely hold his breath for a minute, but the sound of footsteps in the corridor and the door crash just made his heart beat faster, and he was in a nervous state. Lower oxygen consumption will increase significantly.

He felt that he was about to reach the limit, and the last trace of oxygen in his lungs was also squeezed out. Every second was a torment for him.

“Thirty-nine, forty …”

When counted to forty, Chen Ge’s brain produced a vertigo, and his physical condition had not allowed him to continue counting.

Couldn’t be distracted, the suffocation became stronger, Chen Ge’s consciousness began to blur, and many things could not be remembered, just instinctively recalling the memories of his parents.

The blood vessels appeared, protruding on the pale skin, and the big ribs on the neck were moving, and the fingers holding the kitchen knife gradually loosened.

He felt he was on the verge of dying, and at the same time he understood the sentence in the task.

When time comes to the gap between night and dawn, you can see people meeting on the edge of life and death.

The meaning of this sentence is clearly ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ At the moment of the day and night, people who are on the verge of death can see the sight of another world in advance!

Chen Ge looked at the water without blinking his eyes. His pupils were loosening, and the water seemed to be farther and farther away from him. No one saw him. There was only darkness in front of him, deep and desperate.

Lung seems to be squeezed, which is an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

“No, if you go on like this, you might really be drowned in the bathtub.”

Forty-fourth minutes past three o’clock in the morning, most of the time has passed, and the person Chen Ge wants to see has not yet appeared. He no longer has illusions, or he feels fortunate that his parents did not appear, at least it means they are still alive. .

Cold arms supported the bottom of the bathtub, he made the decision with only a trace of reason, and he should give up.

Using both hands hard, Chen Ge was about to get out of the water and suddenly felt wrong!

Something held his head, preventing him from leaving.

The loose pupils shrank suddenly, and Chen Ge looked at the top of his head, where there was nothing!

The puppet blocked the door and the bathtub. The monster in the mirror should not be able to enter. Who is doing the blame?

The blood vessels on the neck stretched, Chen Ge’s face was ugly and scary, life and death mattered, he tried his last bit of strength, holding the kitchen knife in his hand and waving it toward his head.

Long-term lack of oxygen, his body and will have reached the limit, like a spring pulled to the top, may break at any time.

The kitchen knife waved and the water was splashing. Chen Ge seemed to have cut something in a trance. Only a crackling sound was heard in his ear, and the power above his head disappeared instantly.

No more hindrance, Chen Ge sat up from the bathtub all at once, swallowing the air with a big mouth!

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