I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 357 - 357: We Meet Again

Chapter 357: Chapter 357: We Meet Again

Translator: 549690339 |

Once Song Jian returned to the Safe House, he immediately opened the Alchemy Workbench and began to make the low-level Ice Resistance Potions. Due to the workbench’s effect bonus, each Ice Resistance Potion’s effect was significantly increased, with the minimum increase being two points of Ice Resistance, and some even reaching a five-point increase.

It took more than three full hours to use up all the Frost Crystal Cores, and placed before Song Jian were more than a hundred bottles of potions shimmering with a pale blue light.

Having made so many potions, Song Jian’s Alchemy skill directly increased to level three, with his success rate jumping to 15%. Paired with the effects of the Alchemy Workbench, Song Jian rarely encountered any failures in his potion­making now.

With the low-level Ice Resistance Potions completed, Song Jian prepared to batch them out to the auction house, when, at that moment, his steward George suddenly walked in and said, “Master, we can start the territory expansion campaign now. A ten-meter territory is very cramped, making it impossible to construct many buildings!”

“I can expand my territory again?” Song Jian raised an eyebrow, a smile beginning to form – he knew that the opportunity to expand territory was only available once a month, so he needed to make good use of it. The larger the territory, the more NPCs would be attracted.

For now, Song Jian only had a ten-meter territory, attracting just some ordinary construction workers and helpers, with no Followers worth recruiting. Once he expanded his territory to a certain extent, however, he might be able to find talents such as Dr. Ebsiting willing to follow him.

“Begin! Launch the territory expansion campaign!” Opening the territory interface, Song Jian started the campaign directly.

Quickly, a grand horn resounded in the sky above Song Jian’s territory, and a red light emanated from his Manor Castle, gradually spreading outward. All the NPCs touched by the red light became excited and agitated.

Even Alex opened his eyes, waving his branches and roaring angrily. He wished he could leave the Spirit Field and go straight to the front lines of expansion.

Watching the red light slowly expanding outward, Song Jian asked, “George, how much will our territory increase this time?”

“My Lord, our territory can expand an additional fifty meters outward this time!” George replied respectfully.

“Fifty meters?” Song Jian was surprised, having originally expected only another ten meters. He did not expect that the second expansion would already increase several times.

“Yes, my lord. If this expansion is successful, our territory will reach 300 meters during our next expansion!” George continued.

After estimating the pace of expansion, Song Jian realized that it wouldn’t take long for his territory to cover the entire Camel Square and the beginner areas. By that time, he would likely begin to encroach on other players’ Safe Houses, leading to inevitable conflicts between players.

“I must strengthen my power quickly!” Song Jian thought to himself.

Opening the Safe House’s attribute interface, Song Jian looked at the properties of the Blood Pool. The power of his level 3 Blood Pool has become pronounced, and the level 15 Blood Wolves were powerful enough to fight on par with Elite level monsters. He was eager to see what kind of Blood Slaves the pool could produce once it reached level 4.

Soon, the red light circle started to expand outward from Song Jian’s territory. Wherever it went, it seemed like a huge hand erasing all buildings on the ground, leaving behind only a stretch of lush green grass.

A few residential buildings suddenly disappeared, and new players who were searching within appeared on the grass with a confused expression. Some even held food and drinks they had just found.

When the red light circle had expanded to cover fifty meters, it disappeared entirely, and a resonant trumpet call echoed throughout the city.

“This is a glorious victory!” An excited and emotional voice echoed over Song Jian’s territory, low and majestic, seemingly belonging to a middle-aged man.

“Praise the God of War!” Steward George respectfully gestured a symbol on his chest and whispered.

Song Jian smiled faintly. In the game, everything related to war was governed by the God of War.

Opening the territory interface, Song Jian noticed several players’ Safe Houses less than ten meters away from the edge of his territory. It seemed the next expansion campaign would bring him into conflict with other players.

However, those Safe Houses were all level 2 and posed no real threat.

If they yielded willingly at that time, there would be no problem. But if they refused, Song Jian would not show mercy either and would completely destroy their Safe Houses.

Just then, a dragon’s roar suddenly resounded in Song Jian’s ears. Having opened his pet space, he found that the Black Dragon had indeed awakened, and its level had been raised to 15.

Immediately, Song Jian summoned the Black Dragon. Now over three meters long and more than 1.7 meters high, it held its head high enough to lick Song Jian’s cheek if it wanted to.

Heavier scales now covered the Black Dragon, and a bone spur similar to a mace coalesced at the end of its long tail. As it swung gently, sharp bursts of air followed, emitting a sense of oppressive power.

“Not bad, not bad. In a short time, I might be able to ride it in flight.” Song Jian chuckled. At that moment, he remembered he had one Pet equipment left in his inventory that required a level-15 pet to ride. Now that the Black Dragon was level 15, it could naturally wear the equipment.

Putting the Spider Spear Armor on the Black Dragon cub, it was immediately enveloped in silver light-emitting armor. White patterns on the armor’s surface appeared, looking like the gathered legs of eight spiders.

The awakening of the Black Dragon further boosted Song Jian’s strength. Now, even against a level 20 elite boss, he had the confidence to slay it.

Just then, an NPC guard walked in, saluted Song Jian, and said, “Great Lord, a lady wishes to see you. She says she comes concerning the Demon of the Abyss.”

“The Demon of the Abyss?” Song Jian was taken aback. The Demon of the Abyss had supposedly been sealed away. There was still more than a month left before it was unsealed. Could it be that something had gone wrong?

“Please let the lady in,” Song Jian nodded.

Shortly after, a female Priest holding a golden Codex in her left hand and a Magic Staff in her right walked in, giving Song Jian a slight smile. “God’s favored, we meet again.”

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