I have an Apocalypse City

Chapter 423 - 423: Slaves

Chapter 423: Chapter 423: Slaves

The Beastman warrior, who had let out a roar, suddenly felt a refreshing sensation spread throughout his body. But following that venting roar, the uncomfortable feeling rushed back into his heart.

The sound in his ears grew louder, making the Beastman warrior feel even more uncomfortable. In Song Jian’s eyes, the Beastman warrior at this moment seemed like a furious beast, instinctively releasing its ferocity.

Time passed by second by second, and the Beastman warrior roared and growled non-stop. Blood was slowly flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the two blood-red eyes showed no sign of rationality, like a wild beast driven by instinct to go berserk.

It used its head to ram repeatedly against the cage, its forehead covered in fresh blood. Much of the blood had even flowed down its cheeks, and the strong smell of blood filled the Beastman warrior’s nostrils. It felt as if it was back on the battlefield of the past, facing hordes of encroaching enemies. Despite being alone, it had no fear, charging towards thousands of soldiers and horses, and beginning a bloody carnage.

Ten seconds, fifteen seconds, twenty seconds, twenty-five seconds,…

As Song Jian finished the last syllable of Abyss Temptation, a sudden wave of weakness came over him, and 30% Spirit Points almost made him faint and fall to the ground.

However, Song Jian quickly recovered. This kind of feeling only occurred after releasing the “Eye Kill” technique. It was the aftereffect of a large amount of Spirit Points loss, and all he needed was a little rest.

At this moment, the Beastman warrior had completely degenerated into a wild beast, constantly ramming its body against the bars. Even though its body was covered in wounds from the impact, it didn’t feel any pain at all.

The Beastman warrior now stood on all fours and began gnawing at the iron bars with its tusks after it had grown tired of ramming. It seemed to have completely lost its sanity.

Just then, a black rune emerged from the Book of the Abyss, and with a “whoosh,” it shot toward the Beastman warrior’s forehead.

A burning sensation was felt as the Beastman warrior let out a heart­wrenching roar. The black rune had branded itself onto the warrior’s forehead, and black energy emanated from it, spreading like a large net and wrapping around the Beastman’s entire body.

In a short amount of time, numerous black lines, resembling a web, appeared on the Beastman’s skin. The black energy became increasingly denser, gradually covering the warrior and eventually transforming it into a cocoon over six feet tall, standing still in its place.

“This should be… successful, right?” Song Jian put away the Book of the Abyss, staring at the black cocoon in the cage and guessing to himself.

It wasn’t long before the Beastman warrior burst out of the black cocoon, tearing it apart from the inside. Upon seeing Song Jian, it showed an obedient expression, kneeling on one knee and touching its forehead to the ground, saying in a deep voice, “Master!”

At this point, the Beastman warrior had completely transformed. On its once green skin, it was now covered with fine black scales, looking as if it were wearing black fish scale armor.

Its scarlet eyes had turned silver-white, and a glowing black rune adorned its forehead.

Its cheeks became thinner, and the tusks had shrunk slightly. Its muscular body seemed even more robust than before, filled with explosive power.

Looking at the kneeling Beastman warrior, a rune was also flashing in Song Jian’s mind. With just a thought, the rune would shatter, and once that happened, this powerful Beastman warrior would lose its life in an instant.

“The skill has succeeded, and it has now become my slave!” Song Jian’s face revealed a joyful smile, feeling very satisfied with the Abyss Temptation skill. The only drawback was that if a slave died, it would genuinely die, unable to be resurrected like the Black Dragon cub.

“Get up,” Song Jian said, drawing his Crimson Fire Heart Ape Sword and beginning to chop the prison bars. It took over half an hour for him to break the prison and free the Beastman warrior with his attack power.

Once the Beastman warrior stood behind him, Song Jian realized that the warrior’s height had now exceeded two meters. Even without any weapons, the aura radiating from its body gave off an intense oppressive feeling.

“Wiry were you imprisoned in the first place?” Song Jian asked, looking the Beastman warrior up and down.

“I apologize, Master. I can’t remember anything. I only recognize you as my Master!” The Beastman warrior said respectfully.

Song Jian: “…”

Returning to his territory with the Beastman warrior, Song Jian was about to summon George and have him assign some work for the Beastman warrior. After all, he couldn’t let such a powerful combatant follow him around as a bodyguard every day.

Before he could summon George, the floor beneath Song Jian suddenly began to tremble. Looking out the window, the entire territory seemed to be shaking as well.

“What’s going on? An earthquake?” Song Jian’s face changed, and at that moment, he suddenly heard a loud system voice in his ear.

System: The war alliance “Hand of God” has declared war on the war alliance “City of Hope.” The war lasts 2 hours. If the “City of Hope” alliance core is destroyed or 2 hours pass, the war alliance conflict will end!

” What? An alliance dared to attack me?” Raising an eyebrow, Song Jian’s eyes filled with surprise, followed by a wave of anger emanating from his heart.

The trembling subsided, as this was simply a setup by the system. In actuality, it caused no damage to Song Jian’s territory but merely served as a reminder.

However, what caught Song Jian off guard was that these tremors happened one after another.

System: The war alliance “Survive” has declared war on the war alliance “City of Hope.” The war lasts 2 hours. If the “City of Hope” alliance core is destroyed or 2 hours pass, the war alliance conflict will end!

System: The war alliance “Little Bird Movement Team” has declared war on the war alliance “City of Hope.” The war lasts 2 hours. If the “City of Hope” alliance core is destroyed or 2 hours pass, the war alliance conflict will end!

In an instant, six war alliances declared war on Song Jian simultaneously!

A virtual map appeared before Song Jian, which clearly marked his territory’s position alongside the six war alliances.

These six alliance territories were practically distributed all around Song Jian’s territory. Their combined area was at least twice that of Song Jian’s. Moreover, any further expansion would result in a border with Song Jian’s territory, leading to a territorial expansion battle.

Thus, the six groups joined forces to strike first, intending to eliminate Song Jian and divide his territory among them.

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